Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 115 This is the Aoki Kenichi he wants (4200 words)

Chapter 115 This is the Aoki Kenichi he wanted! (4200 words)

Tamura Koji did not die suddenly because of working overtime all night.

According to the news from the AR child training center, it seems that he was tired from staying up late, had too much psychological pressure, and then his emotions fluctuated greatly, which caused a short period of drowsiness.

As long as he goes to the hospital to hang an IV for a while and then takes good care of his body, there will be no big problem.

Kita Sumire was also a little confused about this.

Why is it "overwork" and "too much psychological pressure"?

This is really a bit inexplicable.

Logically speaking, he should have shared a lot of Tamura Koji's work.

Could it be that the intensity of sharing the work is not strong enough?

I guess so.

Kita Sumire nodded.

It is normal for young people nowadays to have poor psychological endurance.

But forget it.

After all, it is the salted radish No. 2 that he grew himself, so I will share more work for him.

This time, he fainted while chatting.

Wouldn't he vomit several liters of blood in the workplace next time?

In addition, Tamura Koji had helped him before.

As a son-in-law, he really had to take good care of this big salted radish.

He made up his mind and decided to pay more attention to Tamura Koji in the future and share his work pressure from time to time.

Presumably, there would be no "fainting" incidents again.

He made a decision.

Similarly, he also turned his attention away from the currently popular "Kidnapped Natsuko".

After all, according to the current trend, the situation of "Kidnapped Natsuko" will not fluctuate for the time being.

Even if there is a fluctuation, at most it will be the ups and downs of the box office - that has nothing to do with Kita Sumire, at most it will make Honma Fuhiko's mood fluctuate.

Compared with "Kidnapped Natsuko", Kita Sumire is actually more concerned about "Kengouden".

After more than two months of fundraising, forming personnel, including renting venues, "Kengouden" is finally about to start filming.

It's just different from the filming of modern backgrounds such as "The Grudge" and "Natsuko Kidnapped".

Because it is set in the social background of the Edo period.

The actual filming location of "Kengouden" was chosen in the Kyoto area, which the Japanese call the "ancient capital of the country".

"Does that mean I have to go to Kyoto to shoot?"

A thoughtful look appeared on his handsome and cute face.

Kita Sumire turned his gaze to Tamura Koji: "Tamura-san, how should we coordinate the time specifically?"


Going to Kyoto to shoot. Kita Sumire didn't have much objection, after all, he could go on a tour and see what Kyoto, which is praised by the Japanese as a tourist destination, looks like.

But how to coordinate the time?

You must know that "Kengouden" is set in the Edo period, and most of the filming locations were arranged in Kyoto by director Tanaka Kenzo.

But Kita Sumire lives and goes to school in Tokyo.

This is different from the work of "The Grudge" and "Natsuko Kidnapped" that can be completed in Tokyo.

There is a space distance that cannot be ignored in the middle.

Not to mention taking a plane, it takes more than two hours to take the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto.

And Kita Sumimi's Nerima Daiichi Elementary School finishes classes at about 3:30 to 4:00 p.m.

Starting from 4:00 p.m., it takes two hours to take the Shinkansen to Kyoto, and then nearly half an hour to take a car to the filming location of "Kengouden".

During this period, he also needs to touch up his makeup and rehearse

In fact, he can only shoot for less than two hours, and then he has to take the Shinkansen home again - the working hours of Japanese yakuya are at most until 9 o'clock.

Even if the crew of "Kengouden" is rich and covers the round-trip fare for Kita Sumimi.

But this time is too tight.

No matter from which angle you think about it, it is unlikely to be accomplished.

"You don't have to worry about this, Kitasumi-kun."

Tamura Koji, who was packing his things, thought for a while:

"In fact, the filming crew of Kadokawa Pictures has considered everything. Apart from Monday to Thursday, Kitasumi-kun, don't you still have three days to use?"

As an agent, he is equivalent to Kitasumi's temporary guardian, so he naturally has to go to Kyoto with Kitasumi.

"Three days. That's it."

After hearing this, Kitasumi roughly understood how Tanaka Kenzo arranged it.

He went to school normally from Monday to Thursday, and when school was over on Friday, Tamura Koji took him to Kyoto for filming.

During this period, he did not return to Tokyo, but continued to stay in Kyoto for filming until Sunday afternoon when Tamura Koji sent him back to Tokyo.

This way, the round-trip fare can be saved, and Kitasumi's courses will not be delayed-children must receive preschool education according to Japanese law.

Occasionally, Kitasumi needs to reshoot and take extra shots, which can be made up by asking for leave from school.

After all, Kitasumi's attendance score is enough and will not affect his promotion to the fourth grade.

At the same time, Kita Sumire was taking classes.

The crew of "Kengouden" took advantage of this time to finish shooting the other supporting roles and villains.

It must be said that the Japanese industry is indeed very mature and even this method has been considered.


If this method is followed, the shooting progress will hardly be delayed, at most Kita Sumire's schedule will be tight.

After all, Kita Sumire and his crew will enter the winter vacation time in a while.

Then I can stay in Kyoto and shoot almost the ancient scenes in "Swordsman Den" in one go. Maybe I can also successfully capture the snow scenes.

Wait until I finish shooting all the ancient scenes in Kyoto.

The filming team of "Swordsman Den" returned to Tokyo to reshoot other scenes that did not require such large ancient scenes, and it was basically the same.

"Is this why Tamura-san asked me to prepare a change of clothes tomorrow?"

Thinking of this, Beicheng Shi suddenly realized.

No wonder that as soon as he got out of class today, Tamura Koji hurriedly picked him up and left.

It's Thursday after all.

The opening ceremony of "Swordsman Den" is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, which is Saturday.

If you are leaving tomorrow, you should really prepare everything you need to prepare today.

"Well, that's probably the case. Beicheng-kun, do you need me to call your aunt and explain?"

Tamura Koji has almost packed his things now.

He has already made preparations that as soon as Kitumi Minoru gets out of class tomorrow, he can pick him up and leave directly to Kyoto.

"No, I will go and talk to my aunt myself. Please ask Tamura-san to send me home first."

Beicheng Shi waved his hand and replied like this.

A change of clothes needs to be prepared.

Beicheng Youbo also needs to be notified in advance.

It seems that he does have a lot to do today.

"Going to Kyoto? Are Minoru-chan going to Kyoto?! Does this mean that from now on, I will never see Minoru-chan again?"

There was a snap.

The handle slipped to the ground.

Kitachi Ariha turned around with an incredulous expression.


She received a blow from the expressionless Kitazumi Minoru.

"it hurts!"

Covering his head, Beicheng Yuhao, who was wearing dark green sportswear, screamed in pain.

"What are you doing all of a sudden? Minoru-chan?"

She pursed her lips in dissatisfaction and her voice faltered.

On her side, she was sad that she couldn't see Kitumi Minoru.

Why did Beicheng Minoru not care about it and instead gave it to her?

The previous Kitaki Minoru was not like this.

She even says cute things like, "I can accept any request."

Why are you so cold all of a sudden, as if you don't care at all?

Is it possible?

"Is it possible that you have a girl you like outside? That's why you treat your aunt so indifferently?"

Kitazumi Ariha looked at Kitazumi Minoru with a shocked face.

‘Why are you thinking in that direction? ’

Kitaki Minoru wanted to ask a question at this moment.

But considering that Beicheng Yuha usually likes to think wildly.

Kitaki Minoru didn't bother to ask, and simply went along with what the other party said.

"If I really like a girl outside, what will my aunt do?"

"I-what will I do? Then I will definitely think about Minoru-chan's happiness!"


She will definitely think about the happiness of her little angel!

Think of this.

She puffed out her chest and spoke in a confident voice.

"First! I will leave the password of the bank card and all the money in it to Shijiang! Then! I will clean up and leave the house, so that Shijiang can take the girl he likes back home! How about it? Isn't it amazing? "

"Ah, yes, yes, it's amazing, it's amazing. What's the end?"

Beicheng Minoru was busy packing his things and answered without looking back.

"at last."

When he said this, Beicheng Yubo's voice paused.

Maybe he really thought of something.

Her original confident tone gradually became aggrieved.

"Finally, in the end, I will curl up and wrap myself up under the bridge that no one cares about, watching with envy the way Mi-chan and the other girls are making love to each other. Then I will die penniless and miserably."

"." Beicheng Shi.

"When you said it to the end, you clearly realized that you were hurting yourself. Why did you continue to say it?"

He was speechless and choked.

"Because, because that... is for Minoru-chan's happiness."

Beicheng Youbo lowered his head, almost burying his head in his chest, his voice murmuring.

Yeah, it doesn't matter what happens to me.

As long as Minoru can be happy.

She's going to start thinking wildly again.


"What if I say that my happiness is to be happy with my aunt?"


He was caught off guard by this sudden straight ball.

Beicheng Youbo raised his head in surprise.

But Kitumi Minoru's offensive was not over.

He just stepped forward, grabbed Beicheng Aruba's white palm, and looked at Beicheng Aruba with his big, pure and childlike eyes.

"Don't aunt want to be happy with me?"


This sudden move made Beicheng Youbo open his mouth.

"I like my aunt the most."


The brain is overloaded by too much information.

Cheeks are red.

There was an amazing amount of steam coming up.

Eyes wandering.

Her heart rate increased even more quickly, as if she could hear it.

at last--

He clearly knew that Beicheng was deliberately provoking him, and he had already been teased by him many times.

But Beicheng Youbo is willing to accept this trick.

She lost her strength and fell down, her white hands covering her blushing face.

Looking at her appearance, Beicheng Minoru nodded with satisfaction.

This is the method he discovered recently.

As long as Kitasumi Ariha shows signs of having wild thoughts, he will attack directly with a straight ball.

Beat her until she has no room for wild thoughts.

This trick is very effective.

Because Kitasumi Ariha is thin-skinned, even if she still remembers what he said, she will not ask him about what he said afterwards.

In short, there will be no problem on Kitasumi Ariha's side.


"It's indeed my first time to go to Kyoto, and I'm a little looking forward to it."

Kitasumi touched his chin.

After all, due to his age, Kitasumi can only stay in Tokyo for the time being.

Therefore, he is sincerely curious about the upcoming trip to Kyoto.

The straight-line distance from Tokyo to Kyoto is 370 kilometers.

It took Kitasumi about three hours to take the Tokyo Shinkansen to Kyoto and then take the vehicle specially prepared by "Kenghouden" to the filming site.

But Kitasumi didn't feel bored.

In his previous life, Tianchao had been to Japan several times for work, but he only stayed in Tokyo for a few days and had never been to Kyoto.

So he was still a little curious about the scenery here.

The filming location of "Kengaoden" is the Toei Uzuma Film Studio in Kyoto, which is praised by many people as the "Hengdian of Japan".

As mentioned above.

This is a film base specially used for filming Taiga dramas and period dramas.

There are many buildings imitating Edo and ancient Kyoto.

The white walls and eaves, the long stone streets, have a sense of antique flavor.

Kita Chengshi once heard from Qingshuishan and others.

It seems that renting this venue for filming a song for one or two days costs a lot of yen.

That is, the "Kengaoden" filming team is rich, and the results of the two adaptations can be said to be a big hit, so they received a lot of investment, which is why they can shoot inside.

From Kita Chengshi's perspective, you can also see the shadows of many tourists with backpacks inside.

This is also natural.

Toei Uzumasa Film Studio has always been open to tourists, and the ticket price is only around 2,000 yen.

It's just that this is the entrance to the theme park exhibition area that is specially provided for tourists to visit.

The entrance to the base that really belongs to the industry to shoot movies is on the other side, and it is still a distance away from there.

The vehicle drove forward for about ten minutes.

Kita Sumi saw the bald, particularly conspicuous bald head of Tanaka Kenzo standing in front of him.

As the director of the "Kengouden" filming team.

Tanaka Kenzo arrived at the filming site three days earlier than Kita Sumi.

After all, choosing a suitable venue, renting a venue, and setting up the scenery all take a lot of time.

"You're finally here, Minoru."

Seeing Kita Sumi get off the car, and looking pretty good.

Tanaka Kenzo's heart, which had been hanging before, finally let go at this moment.

He didn't forget that Kita Sumi had a lawsuit with her biological mother Miharu Yukako before.

At that time, his heart was almost scared to death.

You have to know that they had just chosen Kitasumi Minoru as the main character of Kenichi Aoki.

Such a thing happened at such a sensitive time.

At that time, Kenzo Tanaka felt that it was over, because there was a high possibility of changing the general at the last minute.

After all, the Japanese industry has always been aimed at stable profits, and general companies will not use actors who are deeply involved in public opinion storms.

Moreover, actors who are full of public opinion can't take care of themselves, so how can they talk about acting seriously?

At that time, a group of people really discussed whether "Kengouden" would change the main character at the last minute.

If it weren't for the original author of "Kengouden", the irritable old man Watanabe Mayuki, who stood up and said that he would rather not adapt it than give up Kitasumi Minoru.

He probably couldn't stand the pressure and chose other sub-characters instead.

At this moment, seeing the handsome and lovely Kitasumi Minoru appear in front of him.

He couldn't hold back his inner excitement anymore, and looked at the other person carefully, up and down, as if he was looking at a treasure.


Not bad!

That's the taste!

This is the Kenichi Aoki he wanted!

Chapter 2 - OK! Good night everyone!

Thanks to the book friend 20191123125709466 for the 500 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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