Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 116 How can a child understand the art of seduction? (4000 words)

Leave your luggage to the staff of "Swordsman Den".

Kitaki Minoru was taken to a restaurant by Tanaka Kenzo who said he had "work matters to discuss."

Originally, Tamura Koji was also going to come with him.

But it was tiring all the way, plus I had a history of 'fainting' some time ago.

Kitaki Minoru simply sent him back to rest.

After all, there is no need for children to listen in when adults talk. At worst, you can just tell them after you go back.

The topic is brought back to the present.

Although it is not as well decorated as the restaurant in Tokyo last time.

But judging from the quiet surroundings, the environment here is also very good. It is most likely the kind of place that will rob the wallets of the rich.

Kitaki Minoru didn't care much.

After all, it was Kenzo Tanaka who brought him here, and there was no way he, an eight-year-old kid, would pay for it.

Following the maid in Wu clothes in front, she turned into a corner, and then the patterned sliding door opened——

"Teacher Watanabe? Also, who is this?"

Kitazumi glanced inside the room and was a little surprised.

Watanabe Maysuki, the original author of "Swordsman Den", was sitting in a room talking with a middle-aged man.

At this moment, I saw Beicheng Minoru coming.

Watanabe Maysuki immediately became energetic.

"Ah, it's Kenichi Aoki, no, it's Minoru-chan. Come and sit, come and sit quickly."

He looked a little excited.

But this is actually quite normal.

You must know that after the audition for Kenichi Aoki ended that day.

Watanabe Maysuki added Kitami Minori’s LINE through various channels.

I would chat with him from time to time.

For the other person to be so intimate.

Beicheng Shi was a little confused.

He only passed the audition once.

Why are you still being 'entangled' by Watanabe Mayuki?

Is this national-level cartoonist who is rumored to have a bad temper so interested in a brat like him?

He even speaks softly.

Is it possible that besides deceiving little girls and boys, I also have the physique to attract middle-aged men? Take Kenzo Tanaka, for example.

But if this is the case.

That would be too much.

Being stared at by a middle-aged man will still make you feel a bit chilly.

So Beicheng Minoru made some subtle insinuations.

And then.

He knew the specific reason.

It turns out that Watanabe Maya has been longing for characters such as "swordsman" and "swordsman" since she was a child.

This is why the character Aoki Kenichi was created.

Ever since I saw Kitami Minori’s almost perfect audition performance that day.

Watanabe Maysuki, who was already interested in kendo, developed a strong love for Kitami Minoru and felt that this child was simply an actor born to play his Kenichi Aoki.

If it weren't for his age, he would have wanted to star Kitumi Minoru together with the adult version of Kenichi Aoki.

All I can say is that I really like myself.

Kitumi Minori nodded after hearing his specific reason, and immediately sent a cute emoticon saying, "How about we be friends?"

After all, it would be a good thing for him to be friends with an original author of the level of Watanabe Mayuki.

that's all.

Kitazumi's army of friends has grown by one more person.

The price is that sometimes Watanabe Maysuki, a middle-aged man, is too clingy and has to send a message from time to time.

how to say

Not quite like a middle-aged man.

On the contrary, she is like the kind of girlfriend who wants you to reply immediately after sending a message——

At this moment, looking at Watanabe Mayuki with a happy expression, she sat on the cushion next to him.

Kitazumi could only shrug.

no way.

The charisma is too strong.

Just likeable.

He took two steps forward, but he only took two steps when his hand was held by Tanaka Kenzo behind him.

"Mr. Watanabe, you are being a bit unkind. I was the one who picked up Minoru-chan, and I am the director of "Swordsman Den". From a work perspective, Minori-chan should be sitting next to me. right."

Tanaka Kenzo was a little unhappy.

He braved the cool autumn wind to pick up Beicheng Minoru. He had some selfish intentions and wanted Beicheng Minoru to sit with him.

After all, I haven't seen each other for a long time, and I want to get close to each other.

Why did he just bring someone back here?

Over there, Watanabe Mayumi wants to get there first?

This doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it, right?

"Director Tanaka, what you said is wrong. You must know that I am the original author of "Kenhao Den" and I am the person who knows the character of Aoki Kenichi best. From a work point of view, Minoru should also sit on the This is the right place for me.”

He also grabbed Kitumi Minoru's other hand and looked like he would not give in at all.

"Oh, it's true, Mr. Watanabe, Minoru is the subservient I introduced. Didn't you think highly of him at all before?"

Tanaka Kenzo was a little annoyed.

You must know that when Kitumi Minori auditioned, Watanabe Mayumi had a look of disgust on her face and wanted to eat him up. How come she is now arguing with him.

"That was just something that happened in the past. After that, I made a special apology to Shi-chan and even became friends with him!"

Watanabe Maysuki doesn't want to talk about the past at all.

He also wanted to discuss the knowledge of kendo with Kitami Minoru.

Both of them can be regarded as Kitazumi's "single recommenders".

At this moment, they are not giving in to each other.

This left Kitaki Minoru a little speechless - these two old kids are both middle-aged, can't they be more stable?

And it’s so troublesome——

Kitazumi felt like she was caught between her biological mother and stepmother.

The 'biological mother' Tanaka Kenzo over there shouted, 'Obviously I came first, this is my child.'

The 'stepmother' Watanabe Maysuki here said, 'You fart, this is obviously my child, he still has things I left for him! ’

The arguments went on endlessly.

If this continues, I haven’t even gotten to the topic of work yet.

Beicheng Minoru felt that he was going to be confused by the two people arguing first.

So Beicheng Shi's mouth narrowed.

One second her face was full of innocence and cuteness, and the next second it was filled with heartbreaking sadness.

"Don't quarrel! Why quarrel?"

He choked with sobs and raised his head half-way.

Under the light, he showed the tears in his eyes from the best angle.

His expression was about to cry.

The two grown men, Tanaka Kenzo and Watanabe Mayuki, who were still arguing, instantly panicked.

"Wait, um, Minoru-chan, Mr. Watanabe and I didn't quarrel. We were just talking about some work-related matters, right, Mr. Watanabe?"

Saying that, Tanaka Kenzo also winked at Watanabe Mayuki.

"Huh? Ah, yes, yes, Minoru, I just wanted to discuss some issues in the original work with Director Tanaka. I have a very good relationship with Director Tanaka."

Watanabe Mayumi was no fool either, nodding her head from the side.

"Since there is no quarrel, Director Tanaka and Mr. Watanabe should be friends, right?"

Kitazumi asked them.

"That's right! Friends! Of course friends!"

Watanabe Maysuki and Tanaka Kenzo smiled and nodded, and at the same time they put their arms around each other's shoulders, looking like they regretted meeting each other so late.

"Then since they are friends, let Director Tanaka and Mr. Watanabe sit together."

Beicheng Shi smiled through tears and spoke like this.


After hearing this, Tanaka Kenzo and Watanabe Mayuki opened their mouths and looked at me. When I looked at you, I suddenly felt like they were looking at each other.

They all want to sit with the cute, obedient, and heartless Kitazumi Minoru.

And what does it look like for two middle-aged men to sit next to each other?

They wanted to refuse Kitaki Minoru's request.

But looking at the other party's big eyes, tears started to accumulate again.

They still accepted the conversation helplessly.

"It's true, it's true. We're all friends, so it's a little weird not to sit together, right?"

There was no way the two of them were forced to come to a consensus.

And this also made the middle-aged man opposite him look stunned.

Mainly because he kept watching Kitumi Minoru's expression changes.

The other party's face changed from an innocent and lovely expression to a face stained with tears, and the process of being on the verge of tears probably didn't last more than a second.

Let’s look at Tanaka Kenzo and Watanabe Mayuki who were ‘forced to reconcile’.


The middle-aged man's mouth twitched, feeling a little scary.

Have all the people in the industry evolved to this version now?

Picking up other people's things?

I can't fall for it like Director Tanaka and Mr. Watanabe did.

He was secretly wary, and then heard Beicheng Minoru's curious inquiry.

"Speaking of which, who is the big brother over there?"

Big brother?

He looked at Beicheng Minoru leaning against the table, looking curiously at his expression with those big, pure eyes that seemed to contain no impurities.

That cute and innocent expression made even middle-aged men laugh.

After all, it's a bit strange to call him "eldest brother" at such a young age.


how to say?

The words coming out of Beicheng Minoru's mouth felt inexplicably pleasant to the ears.

A hint of goodwill emerged in his heart unconsciously, so he took the initiative and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, Kitachi-kun, my name is Tanigaki Shiken, but the title of 'big brother' is wrong. You should call me Uncle Tanigaki."

Tanigaki Shiken's voice paused and then added another sentence.

"I am the action director of the filming team of "Swordsman Den" this time."

Yes, Shitake Tanigaki is the action director of "Swordsman Den".

Unlike "Grudge" and "Kidnapped Natsuko", "Swordsman Den" is more of a period action movie.

Therefore, the actors' striking movements, knife swinging, and running movements need to be more beautiful, concise, and crisp.

For this reason, someone must design and guide the actors' movements to make them more "photogenic" in front of the camera. This is the meaning of action guidance.

"Oh? Action guide?!"

As soon as he heard this word, Kitazumi became interested.

He ran away from Tanaka Kenzo and Watanabe Mayuki and came to Tanigaki Shiken: "In other words, Director Tanigaki came here to specially design striking movements?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Tanigaki Shiken nodded subconsciously, and at the same time glanced at Kitumi Minoru in front of him.

Only then did he understand why Tanaka Kenzo and Watanabe Mayuki had a bloody fight over sharing the same table with Kitami Minoru.

The other party is indeed very good-looking.

The short black hair, with the tips slightly curled inwards, brings out a sense of delicacy in Kitazumi's handsome and beautiful face.

He has a childish face originally, but paired with his big, pure and innocent eyes, he looks inexplicably clean.

In addition, Beicheng Minoru gave him a very strange feeling.

He looks a little childish, but in terms of temperament he feels a little mature.

The combination of these two adds a lot of inexplicable magical charm to Kitasumi.

He was a little fascinated.

"I have worked with Tanigaki-san several times. His experience is quite legendary."

Tanaka Kenzo smiled and explained: "You may not know Kitasumi-kun, but Tanigaki-san studied action design in Hong Kong, China for a period of time. He is also a well-known action director in our industry."

In fact, Chinese action directors are relatively famous in Southeast Asia.

There are Japanese who studied action design in China.

But there are only a few who have returned after completing their studies and are famous.

Coincidentally, Tanigaki Shiken is one of the more famous ones.

The actions he designed are very clean in the camera.

There is a kind of "swift" and "decisive" beauty.

It is precisely because of his action design.

The first two parts of "Kenghouden" can be sold well in the industry.

"Action director who came back from Hong Kong, China?"

Hearing this, Kitasumi became more interested.

He is the type of person who will take the initiative to learn about areas he is not familiar with.

He also met a "Huagui" here, so of course he would be interested.

So he moved closer, took out his mobile phone, and asked for his contact information:

"I am actually quite interested in action design, and Uncle Taniguchi is also a very nice person. Can we be friends?"


To be honest, as a fairly famous action director in the industry, Taniguchi Zhijian rarely reveals his personal contact information to actors. He usually just gives a business card and does business in a businesslike manner.

But I don't know why.

Looking at Kita Sumi's innocent smile without any pretense, looking at his clear eyes with vague expectations.

Taniguchi Zhijian only felt a "buzz" in his mind, and he took out his mobile phone for some reason and added Kita Sumi's LINE friend.

After all this was done.

Taniguchi Zhijian came back to his senses and felt a little uneasy.

It's broken.

I've fallen into a trap!

You know, I had prepared myself mentally before, and I was prepared not to be manipulated by Bei Chengshi.

How did I listen to him unconsciously?

The key is that this is too hard to guard against, right?

It's just like the "great charm" in the game.

I was caught unexpectedly.

I couldn't even guard against it.

He was a little annoyed, thinking that a middle-aged man like Tanaka Kenzo was also caught like them.

But when he looked up again, he found that Bei Chengshi in front of him was staring at the screen of his mobile phone with great interest, looking at his contact information.

The annoyance in his heart began to fade slowly.

How to say it

Think about it carefully, it's just a contact information.

It's not a matter of being manipulated or not.

To put it bluntly, Bei Chengshi looks like a child and he is so cute.

Why do you have to be so serious with such a child?

Four thousand words! Finished! Take a bath! The next chapter starts!

Thanks to the book friend 20230308011525469 for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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