Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 117 Oh, the gold coins were stolen by mice (4800 words)

What Kenzo Tanaka said was "there are things to talk about work".

Actually, he was taking Kita Sumi to meet action director Tanigaki Shiken, so that Shiken would have a general impression of Kita Sumi.

After all, for an action director.

Only when he has a general impression of the actor who plays the main role.

Can he have a specific direction for the action design in his mind.

Now that they have talked face to face and eaten, Kenzo Tanaka called other staff members of "Kengouden" to send Kita Sumi back.

After all, Kita Sumi is a child, a main role, and just came from Tokyo by Shinkansen, so he should be very tired physically.

For tomorrow's shooting, we can't squeeze his rest time, so that he can have a better performance in front of the camera tomorrow.

For this reason, Kenzo Tanaka also specially called the staff of "Kengouden" and asked them to send Kita Sumi back to the hotel rented by their crew inside the film and television base.

After all, the "Kengouden" crew has made preparations to stay here for a long time to shoot outdoor scenes.

Naturally, accommodation must be prepared for the filming crew.

The name of the hotel is ‘Natsu no Ban Film and Television Hotel’.

As can be seen from the name, the flow of customers in this hotel is mainly filming crews in the industry - after all, period dramas and action-themed period movies are not the type of films that can be shot in a day or two.

Since ‘Natsu no Ban Film and Television Hotel’ is located near the film and television base, renting the entire hotel is actually cheaper than living outside.

It can only be said that this is also an industrial chain developed from the industry.

From the decoration point of view, this hotel is more inclined to the homely feeling of ordinary B\u0026Bs.

They are basically large rooms made of tatami mats, and the bedding is stacked together.

Almost one room can accommodate three to four staff members.

It’s just different from adults.

As a child servant, Kita Sumire has a room exclusively for child servants, and it seems that there will be two other male servants living with him.

After all, the identity of child servants is quite special in the industry, and living with adults is also more sensitive.

“Although for me, it doesn’t matter who lives with me.”

Kita Sumire yawned.

He took the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto, and then turned to the shooting site without stopping. Before he even landed, he was called by Kenzo Tanaka to get familiar with the action director Shiken Tani.

Anyone would feel tired after this process.

He just wanted to sit down and rest.

As for which company's shoujo company he lived with, these things had little to do with him.

Thinking of this, Kita Sumire kept walking and walked upstairs under the guidance of the staff of "Kengouden".

Although they were both shoujo, Takahashi Masato and Kobayashi Satoshi were not friendly.

The reason was very simple-they had snatched each other's roles.

Takahashi Masato had previously snatched the main supporting role originally scheduled for Kobayashi Satoshi in an audition for a period drama.

And Kobayashi Satoshi was not to be outdone and won the main supporting role of Takahashi Masato in a comedy movie.

Originally, in the industry, competition between shoujo and shoujo was very common.

But unfortunately, both Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi are the kind of strong-willed people who are unwilling to admit defeat.

This has led to a worsening relationship between the two of them.

Basically, in front of their agents or directors, both of them are smiling, obedient, and look friendly and kind.

But as soon as these adults look away.

The friendly disguise between the two will be torn off without hesitation.

The war between the children began - pulling ears and hair, no one was willing to give in to the other, for fear that if they gave in for a while, the other would become more arrogant and shit on their heads.

However, the situation today is different.

Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi, the two actors who dislike each other and even attack each other from time to time, chose to stand on the same front for the first time.

The reason is also very simple - that is Kita Sumire who will live with them next.

Unlike supporting roles like them.

This guy has been in the limelight recently - "The Kidnapped Natsuko" is a big hit, and he also got the main role of Kenichi Aoki in "Kengouden".

No matter from which aspect.

The other party has the momentum to suppress them.

This makes Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi not very happy.

Although the two of them usually dislike each other and don't want the other party to be arrogant.

But compared to the usual competitors, the two of them don't like to be suppressed by a sudden airborne child actor - isn't this just a head down for no reason?

So as early as before Kita Sumire came to the hotel.

Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi had already discussed the plan.

Their plan is very simple.

They must use their momentum to suppress Kita Sumire steadily - after all, the other party is only eight years old, and the two of them are already nine years old this year. As seniors, it should not be difficult to do this.

Wait until Kita Sumire, the "sky-dropped child actor", is suppressed.

Then the winner will be decided between the two of them to decide who is the big brother on the set of "Kengoden".

This idea is simple, but also very practical.

The two of them sat in the room, staring at the door of the room without blinking, waiting for Bei Chengshi to push the door in, so as to give him a "warning" and catch him off guard.

The two of them just sat there without saying a word.

He was afraid that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would lose his momentum and make the idiot opposite him look down on him.


This is too long, right?

Didn't the luggage of the submissive named Kitazumi Minoru have been sent here long ago?

Where are people?

Why did it disappear?

They secretly cursed.

I've been waiting for almost half an hour.

There is no sign of Kitaki Minoru yet.

If this continues.

Not to mention giving him a blow when he comes, their momentum is about to "wipe out again and again".

While the two of them were already thinking about what to do next.


The sliding door was pulled open.

finally come!

Let us wait!

Masato Takahashi and Satoshi Kobayashi are in good spirits.

Under their gaze.

A small figure walked in from the door.

"Are you Kitami Minoru?! This guy opposite me and I are deciding which of the three of us will be the boss on the set of "Swordsman Den". Do you want to join in too!"

Masato Takahashi and Satoshi Kobayashi stopped Kitumi Minori's footsteps.

Their voices were loud, and they were suddenly in front of each other, which was very oppressive.

If you are an ordinary child.

Under such a joint siege by the two of them, he would probably be affected by their 'pressure' and become timid and unable to say a word.


"Not interested, you two decide. I don't care who is the boss."

Kitaki glanced inexplicably at the two children who suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the way.

Who is the boss?

Is this still popular among prostitutes now?

You really can't tell.

After all, when he first met Hosokawa Shibaizumi, the other party said similar things and wanted to be his 'senpai'.

Is it possible that this kind of game has become particularly popular among prostitutes recently?

But forget it, he was tired too.

In addition, the few people in elementary school who were always willing to help him with his homework have recently begun to be absent, and now he has to do his own homework - which adds to his burden.

How can I have time to play some kind of 'boss game' with these two kids?

But um... wait, this seems pretty good.

Looking at the two servants in front of him, Beicheng Minoru's eyes flashed and he had an idea in his mind.

He looked up with a smile.

"Although I withdrew from the election, have you two figured out how to decide who is the boss? There should only be one boss, right? It must be difficult to choose, right?"


Kitaki Minoru in front of him didn't seem to be affected by their head start at all, and instead took the initiative to talk.

This actually made Takahashi Takahashi and Kobayashi Satoshi stunned for a moment with their "ferocious" expressions.

But they just stayed for a while.

Because what Beicheng said does make sense.

Although they had planned to steadily suppress Beicheng Minoru.

But there are still differences in terms of 'who will be the boss', and there is no way to decide the outcome.

They looked at each other and were about to speak.


"I have a way to decide who is the boss between the two of you."

Kitaki Minoru, who had been wondering what was written on the small piece of paper, suddenly raised his head, smiled and spoke.

"Do you have a method?"

Takahashi Masato and Kobayashi Satoshi looked at this newly arrived guy.


Kitazumi smiled and nodded, and at the same time showed the newly made paper sign:

"Look, I have these pieces of paper in my hand. One of them says 100 diamonds. Whoever draws 100 diamonds between you two will be the boss. How about that?"

"Yeah, that sounds fair."

Takahashi Masato nodded.

Xiao Linzhi next to him couldn't help but look at Beicheng Minoru again at this moment: "I didn't expect that a guy like you who just came here is quite smart, you can think of such a method."

If it's a draw, the probabilities are the same.

It's purely a matter of luck, so whoever draws 100 diamonds will have no complaints.

Both of them accepted this approach.

"Since you don't have any objections, then you two can just get started."

Neither of them had any objections.

Beicheng Minoru then spread his palms with a smile.

Takahashi Masato and Kobayashi Satoshi did not speak.

They just looked at each other fiercely, and then stretched out their hands towards the paper sign in Kitaki Minoru's hand.


"Huh? 99 diamonds?"

After seeing the numbers on the paper in his hand, Takahashi made a surprised sound.

Similarly, upon hearing his voice, Xiao Linzhi looked over in surprise.

"Are you also 99 diamonds?"

Same as Takahashi Masato.

Xiao Linzhi looked at the note with 99 diamonds in his hand and looked confused.

Both of them have 99 diamonds, so they are evenly matched. So what should we do next?

Master Takahashi looked dissatisfied and looked at Kitumi Minori angrily, feeling that the other party was completely playing tricks on him.

"It was promised that with 100 diamonds you can become the boss on the set of "Swordsman Den", but why are there only 99 now? How can we decide the winner?"

"Oh, don't worry, I don't want this either."

Kitazumi's face was full of regret: "What a pity. It's only a little bit away, just one diamond. Takahashi-kun, you can beat Xiaobayashi-kun, and the same is true for Kobayashi-kun, only one diamond is missing. Don’t you feel sorry?”

He sighed as he spoke, looking like he was regretting and felt sorry for the two.

Even Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi were somewhat moved.

He was just a new friend, but he was so concerned about their affairs.

Could this Kita Sumireshi be a good person?

For no reason, they felt ashamed for wanting to give the other party a blow.


Kita Sumireshi suddenly spoke.

“For this, I have a proposal. I think we can introduce a resurrection match mechanism.”

“Resurrection match?”

Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi looked over, a little curious.

“Not bad.”

Kita Sumireshi nodded, and at the same time took out two elementary school exercise books from his small schoolbag.

“I have two exercise books here, the left one is Chinese, and the right one is mathematics.”

He paused.

"Now, whether it's Kobayashi or Takahashi, they are still one diamond away from winning. So now, whoever can complete a page of my exercise book will have a chance to draw a diamond. I call this the 'revival match mechanism', how about it? Do you want to continue?"

"Why is it your homework?"

Takahashi Masato was a little dissatisfied.

He was not stupid, and he saw something wrong at a glance.

"I paid the price of voluntarily withdrawing from the 'boss election', so isn't it natural to use my homework?"

Kitasumi asked back.

"That's true."

Takahashi Masato had no objection.

If Kitasumi didn't withdraw, it would be a three-person competition.

Considering this, it's natural to do Kitasumi's homework.


"If Takahashi doesn't make a decision, Kobayashi's side will be over."

Looking at Takahashi Masato who was still hesitating, Kitasumi kindly reminded him.

Until then, Takahashi Masato saw that Kobayashi Satoshi, who had been silent all the time, secretly took over the homework from Kitasumi's hand and started to do it.

Damn it! This scabby! He actually started it while I wasn't paying attention!

"Give it to me! I'll do it!"

Takahashi Masato hurriedly snatched the exercise book from Kita Sumire's hand.

He didn't want to lose to Kobayashi Satoshi!

The amount of homework on a page of elementary school exercise books is not large.

Kobayashi Satoshi and Takahashi Masato finished it quickly and started the next round of lottery.

"9 gold coins?!"

Looking at the paper signs in their hands, Kobayashi Satoshi and Takahashi Masato said in surprise at the same time.


What does 9 gold coins mean?

Shouldn't it be diamonds?

At the same time, Kita Sumire's regretful voice of "Oh my, oh my" rang out.

"Oh, what a pity. 10 gold coins can be exchanged for 1 diamond. In other words, whether it is Kobayashi-kun or Takahashi-kun, the difference is only 1 gold coin. Oh, what a pity, do we continue the resurrection match?"


At this point, Kobayashi Satoshi and Takahashi Masato were already a little overwhelmed.

Just one gold coin away!

Just one gold coin away, he can defeat the idiot on the opposite side!

How could he give up here?

They don't want to lose!

So, the two of them continued to work hard.

After experiencing the storms of '0.9 gold coins', '9 fragments', and finally 'Oh no, the mouse stole all the gold coins'.

After going through untold hardships, the two finally drew the last diamond.

"Congratulations! Both of you have collected the last diamond!"

Beside him, Kita Sumire, who was eating snacks while watching Takahashi Masato and Kobayashi Tomo to help with homework, stood up.

He applauded the happy look on their faces.

Seeing this, Takahashi Masato and Kobayashi Tomo were both relieved--

Sure enough, Kita Sumire is really a good person, and he is actually happy for the two of them.


This. Damn, this last diamond is really not easy.

But fortunately, it was still in hand.

Looking at the paper with the word "1 diamond" in their hands, their palms even trembled a little.

Not easy.

It was really not easy.

After all, who could have known that a mouse would jump out in the end and steal all the gold coins they had worked so hard to save? What bad luck!

But it's okay.

They finally succeeded.

At this moment, they actually had a sense of achievement and joy of "success".


"Bei Cheng, we have got the last diamond, so who is the boss in the end?"

Kobayashi Chi touched his head, his face full of confusion.


They both collected 100 diamonds.

Who is the final winner? Who is the boss?

They looked up at Bei Chengshi.

And Bei Chengshi also gave his answer at this time.

"I think both of you have tried your best. There is no doubt that this is a wonderful duel of equal strength. I think both of you are winners. Why do we have to decide the winner?"

His tone was very serious, and his eyes were full of sincerity, without any falsehood.

When Takahashi Masatoshi and Kobayashi Satoshi heard this, they were also stunned.

They looked at each other subconsciously.

When they found that the other party was sweating and panting.

They snorted and turned their heads away.

That's right!

Take a closer look at this guy. He's pretty good - as an opponent!

Let's just count this one time!

It's not unacceptable to barely call it a draw! Let's just assume that there is no winner in this duel!

They both accepted this result.

And Kita Cheng is also a pretty good person.

He actually came up with this good way to decide the winner.

He's really a good person!

Takahashi Masato and Kobayashi Satoshi thought so.

Good! Rest! Good night everyone!

Thanks to Blackdown for the 761 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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