Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 118: Could it be that Bei Chengshi's knife has really killed someone? (4500 words)

The opening ceremony of "Kengoden" was much more luxurious than that of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

There were several layers of fruit baskets, and on the top was Yunzhong Juejianji, which would be burned later.

At the bottom was a camera for filming, with a plastic red flower tied on it.

This seemed to be a more metaphysical rule in the industry.

It was said that as long as the camera was offered, the camera would not have some inexplicable problems during filming.

Some superstitious directors even hugged the camera when they slept, saying that they would ask the camera god for protection.

In short, it was better to believe it than not to believe it.

In this regard, Bei Chengshi was speechless for a long time, but he didn't say much.

After all, every industry has its own rules, and he could understand it.

Just like that, he watched a bunch of middle-aged men working hard.

Finally, he waited for Yunzhong Juejianji in the brazier to burn quietly, and bowed with the adults.

The entire opening ceremony ended here.

There was almost no time wasted.

As soon as the opening ceremony was over, Kita Sumi was pulled to put on makeup.

After all, his time is precious, and he only has two days of free time a week. He must be in a state of racing against time at this moment.

It was just when it came to the shooting stage.

As the action director, Taniguchi Shiken and director Tanaka Kenzo were in trouble.

"The action is too difficult. Are you worried that he can't finish it?"

Seeing that Kita Sumi had already started to put on makeup, Kenzo Tanaka frowned and turned to look at Taniguchi Shiken.

Taniguchi Shiken learned action design in Hong Kong, which is very different from action movies in Japan.

In the traditional sense of action movies in the Japanese industry, there is always a certain distance before the fight.

When the two people fight in close combat, they will use special effects and slow motion close-ups as assistance.

Although the effect of this shot is very beautiful, it actually feels "very fake", and it is compared to fighting.

Because the actors' actions will be "retracted" at the end, it feels like "hitting the air" instead of hitting people.

Since Taniguchi had worked in Hong Kong before.

So he would subconsciously prefer those sets of moves with high practicality such as "fast", "ruthless" and "accurate" in action design, abandoning the short, flat and fast Japanese style, and also interspersed with some "hitting the air" moves.

But this caused problems.

Abandoning the assistance of slow motion close-ups and special effects.

This requires much higher physical fitness and skills of the actors.

So in order to take care of the physical strength of the actors, Taniguchi also made concessions and allowed some difficult shots to be assisted by props such as wires (hanging wires).

But even so, for these adult actors.

The moves designed by Taniguchi are still too difficult for actors in the Japanese industry.

Even for them, they have to practice for a long time, and a shot needs to be retaken many times to achieve an effect that satisfies the director.

This led to several actors who appeared in the previous "Kengouden" adapted movie to say that they couldn't bear it on the set and were sweating profusely.

Even these adult actors could not achieve the desired effect of Taniguchi Shiken.

What about Kitasumi Minoru?

This eight-year-old boy.

Not to mention whether he can achieve the desired effect, whether he can maintain his beauty in front of the camera.

Taniguchi Shiken even worried that Kitasumi Minoru would fall to the ground halfway through the action.

All the boys are porcelain dolls.

Don't let the key actor Kitasumi Minoru break when the scene is not filmed well.

That would be putting the cart before the horse.

Taniguchi Shiken was full of worries here, and at the same time he did not forget to look at Tanaka Kenzo, hoping to hear his opinion.


After listening to his story, Tanaka Kenzo was not worried at all, but encouraged him and told him to be bold.

"It's okay, Taniguchi-san, just do what you want to do, don't worry too much, Minoru should be able to meet all your requirements."


Can meet all my requirements?

When Taniguchi Shiken heard this, he did not doubt Tanaka Kenzo, but doubted whether there was something wrong with his ears.

Meet all his requirements?

You should know that the actions he designed are notoriously "difficult" in the industry.

There are not many professional action actors in the industry who dare to promise to meet all his requirements.

As a result, Kenzo Tanaka said that Kita Sumi can meet all his requirements?


Taniguchi Shiken couldn't help but look at Kenzo Tanaka more.

After confirming that he was not hallucinating, he couldn't help but touch his head, and he really had a headache.

It's a good thing that the director believes in the actor.

Because only by fully understanding the situation of the actor can you 100% tap the actor's talent.

But -

Tanaka-san. You don't trust Kita Sumi too much, right?

He is only eight years old.

Taniguchi Shiken really has a headache.

Originally wanted to ask Kenzo Tanaka if he had any specific suggestions.

In the end, he asked in vain.

You should know that children have always been a special group in the industry.

If he really made all kinds of excessive demands on Kita Sumire as Tanaka Kenzo said, causing the other party to be injured, he would probably be branded as "exploiting child labor" in a few days and be criticized by thousands of people.

Tanigaki Shiken couldn't help but sigh.

He had already made up his mind.

If Kitumi really can't complete the action standards he gave, then he can only use Wire and other props.

It's just that the actual effect of shooting it this way may be a bit poor.

But it's better than not being able to photograph it.

Thinking of this, Tanigaki Shiken did not continue to hesitate, but walked in the direction of Kitazumi.

Over there, Kitaki Minoru has already put on makeup.

The originally fair complexion was darkened by the makeup artist and turned into a light yellow color.

He wears a navy blue Wufu robe, a wig tied into a ponytail hanging down the back of his head, and a long knife that makes people feel cold at his waist.

It really feels like the heroism of a swordsman from the Edo period.

The shooting hasn't started yet, and it's not time for Tanigaki Shiken to appear as the action director.

He just stood patiently on the sidelines, wanting to see Kitumi Minoru's acting skills first.

The first scene to be shot today is that Aoki Kenichi accidentally entered the dragon vein and became smaller. After returning to Kyoto, his thoughts went astray because he kept thinking about the location of his enemy.

It led to the story of a small fight after accidentally touching the scabbard of another Ronin swordsman while walking on the road.

The main purpose of this battle is how the screenwriter wants to tell the audience.

After being absorbed by the dragon's veins, facing an adult, Aoki Kenichi discovers what his current strength is.

After all, only by fighting with others can we more intuitively reflect Aoki Kenichi's current situation.

Wait until everyone is ready.

next moment.

Field recorder.

The camera begins to pan continuously along the track——

Kyoto's long stone streets and busy shops under white walls appear in the shot and then quickly out of view.

Aoki sword comes into view

Aoki Kenichi walked with his head half lowered.

Absorbed power by dragon veins.

The enemy of him and his friend Qian Sheng Qingyi also disappeared.

Suddenly losing his goal, he was a little confused.

So, at this moment, he frowned and thought, folded his hands in front of his chest, and took a long step forward, walking very casually, basically not looking at the pedestrians.

However, it is precisely because he does not know how to restrain himself and is unruly as usual.

So his scabbard accidentally touched the scabbard of the Ronin in front of him.


The Ronin swordsman's expression suddenly became tense, and he stopped Aoki Kenichi who ignored him and continued to move forward.

"You just touched my scabbard, right?"

The voice was full of displeasure.

Conflicts are about to break out.

"So what?"

Under Tanigaki Shiken's surprised gaze, Kitumi raised his head that had been lowered.

The laziness and leisurely feeling just now disappeared instantly.

His voice was flat.

His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked straight ahead, as if he didn't pay attention to the other person at all.

What surprised Tanigaki Shiken the most was the way the other person raised his eyes at that moment.

That kind of calmness without any ripples, just like the eyes with an inexplicable coldness seeping out.

The clouds gradually moved away.

Under the sun.

Aoki Kenichi's sword.

A cold air is flowing outside

Although part of the power was taken away by the dragon vein.

As a result, he is now weak and not suitable for fighting with others.

But Aoki Kenichi had no intention of being timid at all.

Because even so, he is still Aoki Kenichi.

The one who always brings chaos and bloodshed is known as the strongest ronin swordsman in Kyoto.

His sword has never been afraid of any enemy.

The cold air emanated from the sword's light.

"Okay! Click! We're here for now! Sorry to trouble you, Guidance Tanigaki!"

The scene ends here.

It wasn't until he heard this sound that Tanigaki Shiken came back to his senses with a surprised expression - he had just been completely immersed in Kitumi Minoru's acting skills.

This acting is really eye-catching.

He was a little surprised.

As mentioned before, Tanigaki Shiken, as an action director, did not have a good impression of the profession of "sub-player".

After all, most of the movies he has collaborated with are action scenes.

And how does ‘Zi Yong’ perform in action scenes?

That was really the first time he knew what "a mess" meant.

These sub-boys who focus on cuteness and healing simply cannot show the photogenic effect he wants.

No matter from the standing or sitting posture, there is a feeling of "malicious and cute".


Do action scenes require you to act cute in a malicious way?

Just once or twice occasionally.

I am out of breath after running a few steps, and I feel aggrieved after saying a few words.

Although it will not delay the filming progress.

But it was enough to lower Tanigaki Shiken's good impression of Ziyi.

However, Kitaki Minoru is different.

Just judging from the scene just now, that kind of "tough" feeling is enough to stand out from other boys by a whole street.

At least in terms of acting.

There is really nothing about Beicheng that he can find fault with.


"The next step will be different."

Tanigaki Shiken walked forward, still not so optimistic.

After all.

After all, acting skills cannot be linked to physical fitness and kendo skills.

It was very difficult for him to design his movements.

And Beicheng was only eight years old.

If you want to pass it once, it can be said to be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

It's not like he didn't think about simplifying his movements.

But the biggest attraction of "Swordsman Den" lies in these crisp kendo and taijutsu movements.

If the action is simplified, it will affect the box office reputation of "Swordsman Den" - this is putting the cart before the horse.

In short, Shiken Tanigaki is ready for a protracted war.

If he can't pass it once, he can do it twice. If he can't pass it after two times, he can do it three times. If he can't pass it after three times, then he can only consider using the tools such as coercion.

Think of this.

He walked up to Minoru Kitaki and began to explain the next kendo action moves - they had actually communicated these with Minoru Kitumi in advance, but they still had to go through them again on the spot.

This ensures that the actors can find the feeling.

The first half of this fight scene is actually not complicated.

It's just a sword-to-knife encounter. The Ronin swordsman thrust forward, and Kitumi blocked sideways, and at the same time kicked him away (here will be assisted by props).

The really difficult part is the second half.

The Ronin swordsman struggled to get up from the ground.

Kitumi, on the other hand, needs to sprint forward, put both feet on the wall, and use the force of the forward motion to "sprint two steps" away from the wall, thereby avoiding the opponent and slashing head-on, and turning back twice when landing.

This shot is humanly possible.

Therefore, Tanigaki Shiken is not willing to go to Wi-A.

That looks more real, and also gives Kenichi Aoki's moves in front of the camera a sense of stability and ruthlessness.

"Anyway, Beicheng-kun, you have to remember that you must rush out quickly. Only like this can you run two steps sideways on the wall. This prop wall has been specially processed and has a slope. Do you understand that?"

As Tanigaki Shiken spoke, he did not forget to demonstrate the movements, and at the same time he did not forget to ask Kitumi Minoru.

"I see."

Beicheng Minoru listened to his words and nodded, looking like he didn't understand.


Looking at him, he looked like he didn't understand.

The image of Ziyue's porcelain doll came to Tanigaki Shiken's mind again.

Sure enough, there are still some difficulties?

He sighed inwardly.

This action is indeed a bit difficult.

Even if the wall is treated and has a certain slope, it is still difficult for an adult actor to hold a prop knife and step on it to perform movements similar to "running" on the wall.

Not to mention an eight-year-old child like Kitami Minoru - there is a high probability that his sprinting power is not enough.

Sure enough, Wia is still used here? Try to pass it in one pass?

Worried that Kitami Minori might be injured, Tanigaki Shiken was already thinking about how to use Wia to avoid being injured.


"How about I try it first, and Director Tanigaki can help me see if it feels like this?"

"Ah? Try...? What do you mean?"

When these words brought him back to his mind, Tanigaki Shiken, who had originally planned to give Kitaki Minoru a wire, was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party.


Then he understood what Beicheng Minoru meant by 'try'.

The other party started to ‘fly’.

It really ‘flyed’.

He is holding a long knife.

First, he shortened his stature and raised his hands to make a blocking movement.

This series of movements is very fast and looks indescribably clean and beautiful.

Then he stepped forward violently!


There was a muffled sound of porcelain on the ground.

This voice stunned Tanigaki Shiken for a moment.

How strong does it take to make such a dull sound when stepping on the ground?

Are you still just a child?

But it's not over yet.

Under the astonished gaze of Tanigaki Shiken.

Kitaki Minoru rushed up the wall with extremely fast momentum.

With this momentum of sprinting forward.

He actually started to make a "short stature and sprint with a knife" action against the wall with a certain slope.

Generally, adult actors can only take two steps on the wall, and after rushing out for two or three meters, they will fall down helplessly.

But Kitaki Minoru is completely different.

He actually rushed forward for almost five or six meters before turning around with a beautiful roll!

At the same time, the long knife in his hand emitted a cold light.

The body is in the air, returning to the right position at an incredible angle.

Then he landed on the ground and suddenly stepped backward and slashed forward!

The cold light overflows!

at the same time.

He was cold and unbecoming of a 'Zi Yi', and looked sideways with murderous eyes.


Tanigaki Shiken stopped talking.

Because this action is too beautiful.

Because Kitumi Minoru also included actions such as ‘jumping to block’ and ‘rolling back’ in the middle,

It was even cleaner and more beautiful than the set of moves he had conceived in his mind, and the shots were also very ruthless and highly practical.

The oncoming bloody smell and chill.

It felt like to him.

The long knife in the opponent's hand was not for filming.

But it's really about killing people.

He watched Beicheng Minori turning sideways and raising his arm, pointing the long knife directly at his throat.

Tanigaki Shiken couldn't help but swallowed.

Isn't this a bit too evil?

Did he really kill someone?

The first chapter is 4500 words! Take a Bath Chapter 2! ! !

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