Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 119 Actors trembling under the murderous aura of Beicheng Sword Master (4600 words)

Kitasumi is different from other actors.

Really different.

Just a while after the filming started, Taniguchi Shiken felt this problem.

What this means is not that Kitasumi can't do the actions he designed.

On the contrary.

The actions he imagined and considered in his mind.

Kitasumi can do them one by one.

Even complete them almost perfectly.

For example, there is a shot that requires Kitasumi to jump out from the eaves of the wall and climb on the carriage that is moving forward.

This shot must be suspended by wire.

Because the difficulty coefficient is too high, most people's running strength is not enough, and they can't reproduce this action at all.

And even if they are suspended by wires, it is still a bit dangerous.

After all, the carriage is still moving. If you are not careful, for example, if your feet are not firmly planted, you can easily get injured.

But Kitasumi seems to have no such worries.

Taniguchi Shiken said it was done last second.

The script supervisor hit the board and said start.

Kitasumi here is really as agile as Kenichi Aoki in the original work. He stepped on the ground and flew out.

It really seemed like he was flying in the sky.

His explosive power was so terrifying that he didn't look like a child at all.

With that kind of explosive power, and the light body of a child, the wire didn't play a traction role at all.

He quickly flew out from the eaves of the wall in his navy blue swordsman robe, and then climbed steadily on the top of the carriage.

The strong wind blew.

It made his wide sleeves flutter.

Under his bangs.

It was his eyes that didn't waver at all - the effect of this shot was simply too good.

From the perspective of the staff on the scene.

It was just that Kita Sumi stepped hard, and the whole person flew from the three-meter-high wall to the carriage.

It took less than two seconds.

There was an indescribable beauty.

Even Taniguchi Shiken was eager to try.

He wanted to see if Kita Sumi could really remove the wire like Kenichi Aoki in the original work, and let the other party try to "fly" out directly.

But——this is just a thought at best.

Even if Kitasumi agrees, he also approves, and director Tanaka Kenzo will not agree.

After all, this action is quite risky for adults, and they will fall off the carriage if they lose their balance.

Kitasumi is a child.

It is impossible to not consider safety measures on the scene, and let Kitasumi "fly" out without any safety measures.

If Kitasumi has an accident on the scene at that time.

Then Tanaka Kenzo and he will really "die to apologize".

At least they will be scolded on the Internet.

Maybe they will be asked to "get out" of this industry directly.

So, although there is such an eager idea in his heart.

Taniguchi Shiken finally chose to give up rationally.

The main reason is that Kitasumi is really easy to use.

To put it bluntly, he has been in the industry for so many years.

He has also met many Japanese actors.

There has never been anyone who makes him feel more "easy" than Kitasumi.

After all, in his eyes, Japanese action scenes have an indescribable sense of "fake" and inferior quality.

Fighting scenes that rely purely on slow motion close-ups and special effects are not as good as those with real swords and guns.

And every action and even every posture of Kitasumi met his expectations. No, it far exceeded his expectations-

He never thought that an eight-year-old boy could shoot such a good-looking action scene.

This was obviously beyond Taniguchi Shiken's cognition.

He looked at Kitasumi who was resting on a small recliner over there, and then took the initiative to come to Kenzo Tanaka and said apologetically.

"I thought that Director Tanaka trusted Kitasumi too much before, but now it seems that I thought too much. Director Tanaka really has a pair of wise eyes."

Now he finally understood why Kenzo Tanaka said that "Kitasumi can meet all his requirements."

From the current point of view, Kitasumi not only meets all his requirements.

It is even more perfect than what he requires! Any action he proposes, Kitasumi will understand it at once, and the kendo is impeccable.

That kind of ruthless and fierce swordplay, with a fatal strike as the main feature, even he, the action director, felt that he had no way to guide.

It was as if Kitasumi was really a murderous swordsman living in that era.

Taniguchi Shiken sighed here, praising Tanaka Kenzo for his "sharp eyes" who could see Kitasumi's potential at a glance.

But in fact, Tanaka Kenzo and Taniguchi Shiken were actually similar, and he was full of surprise.

He had auditioned Kitasumi before, and knew that Kitasumi's ability should not be so lame, so he praised Kitasumi in front of Taniguchi Shiken.

But who would have thought that Kitasumi's performance could be so good?

It was completely beyond his expectations!

Forget about the impeccable action scenes - he doesn't understand that aspect, he can only say that it's beautiful and exciting.

But Kitasumi's aura is very eye-catching even when acting normally.

You know, it's not photogenic for a child actor to shoot a movie about a swordsman of this era, and there will be a sense of disobedience.

Although Bei Chengshi performed perfectly during the audition.

But an audition is just an audition after all.

Actors only need to consider auditions, but on-site shooting is different. Camera positioning, weather, exposure, the actor's status that day, and other issues need to be considered.

But Beicheng Shi was not affected by these factors at all.

It seems that as long as he stands there, he is definitely the focus of the camera, and there is no problem of not being photogenic at all.

His face looked handsome and handsome under the makeup, and even a simple gesture of crossing his chest felt as sharp as a blade.

Coupled with the oncoming fierce and bloody sword light.

Even Tanaka Kenzo felt a chill on the back of his neck.

He always felt that the next second, his head would be casually taken off by the other party.

Hiss. Isn’t this too evil?

Tanaka Kenzo shrank his neck, feeling a little uncomfortable.

To be fair.

Kenzo Tanaka knows actors who act very much like their characters, and he knows many of them.

But he is an actor who can act like a character.

This is really the first time I have seen Tanaka Kenzo.

Kitumi Minori gave him the feeling of an ancient swordsman who was "carrying a sword to kill people in the world of mortals".

The main reason is that the bloody smell and the coldness of the sword that rush towards my face and can't be blocked don't seem to be "acted" at all.

No. It’s impossible no matter how you think about it, right?

Tanaka Kenzo shook his head to dispel the miscellaneous thoughts in his heart.

This must be the feeling that Kitumi Minoru performed in some way.

Just a simple illusion.

How could it be possible that a servant actually killed someone?

Think of this.

Kenzo Tanaka picked up the loudspeaker.

"The break is over, it's almost time to shoot the next shot."

This sound fell.

The filming crew, which was still taking a break, got busy again.

The props team began to provide props, the makeup team retouched the actors' makeup, and the camera team also began to adjust the camera positions.

Of course, the most important thing is——

"Mi-chan, how are you feeling? Have you rested?"

Seeing Kitami Minoru stand up again, Tanaka Kenzo and Tanigaki Shiken walked over and asked.

I want to say who had the hardest time in the filming crew today.

It can be said that Kitaki Minoru did his part.

Just for the action scenes that require great physical effort, Kitumi Minoru has already passed Sanjo.

Even Tanigaki Shiken was a little embarrassed - torturing a child who was no more than eight years old in this way was indeed suspected of "exploiting child labor".

They were even mentally prepared to let Kitumi take another rest if he didn't rest well.

Anyway, it will take some time to set up the scenery and prepare the props.

"I'm rested and ready to start any time."

Faced with the concern of the two people, Kitumi replied like this.


Tanaka Kenzo couldn't help but say more: "If you haven't had a good rest, it will be fine even if you lie down for a while."

After all, after three action scenes in a row, adults will be exhausted.

Could it be that Beicheng is really trying to show off his strength?

They just thought this way.

Beicheng Minoru over there smiled and said: "Really, I've rested. When will we start? I'm a little bored sitting here all the time."

All of his action scenes basically didn't drag out much, and it wasn't that tiring to say the least.

After all, the physical strength of an adult is coupled with the resilience of a child.

In terms of battery life, even adults who have exercised may not be better than him.

Here he urged to start quickly.

Over there, Tanaka Kenzo and Tanigaki Shiken twitched the corners of their mouths.

We are obviously here to let you rest.

It turned out to be good for you, and you still 'prompted' me?

Neither of them expected it.

Kitumi Minoru, who originally thought she was too tired, now urged the two of them to start quickly.

The two of them looked at each other, both speechless.

You must know that their director and action director are a little tired after the high-intensity work just now.

The result is as a ‘tortured’ subject.

But Kitaki Minoru couldn't tell any signs of fatigue.

He even urged them as adults to start quickly in a high-spirited manner.

This gave them an inexplicable feeling of frustration - even if they couldn't match Beicheng Minoru's physical strength, they were urged to turn on the machine quickly.

There is a feeling of rebelling against Tiangang.

how to say

It's like saying that they haven't worked hard enough to make progress and they still need children like Kitumi Minoru to keep them in check.

The contrast is quite strong.


"Forget it. Since Minori-chan is fine, let's get started."

Tanaka Kenzo patted his bald head and directed the prop team on the other side to move faster to start shooting the night scenes.

He was there directing with the groundsmen.

Beicheng here looked around curiously.

Because this was his first time filming a ‘night scene’ outdoors.

He had also filmed at night in "The Resentment" and "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

However, in order to save costs and also to produce better shots, "The Resentment" and "The Kidnapped Natsuko" are usually shot indoors.

It was indeed Kitamiumi's first time to shoot a night scene outdoors like "Swordsman Den".

Although night scenes are not difficult to shoot in the industry, they are definitely not easy either.

Especially night scenes like "Swordsman Den" that are mostly shot outdoors.

The first and most important point is the issue of ‘light’.

This is also the most difficult problem to solve in night scenes.

Most people may think that night scenes are not difficult at all, just set up the main lights and auxiliary lights, turn them on, and start shooting with sufficient light sources.

However, it is exactly this that seems to have no difficulty, but is actually the most difficult to achieve.

Lighting for night scenes is very particular.

First, it is necessary to pay attention to the light provided by the light source being natural enough to avoid piercing, and the audience cannot see at a glance that there is a big light behind the actor.

Secondly, the actor's position and the camera's position also need to be very particular. It is necessary to avoid the light hitting the face directly and being too bright, and to avoid not being able to give any light, causing the actor's face to be too 'dark'.

There are many ways to do this.

Even the location of the light source and the height of the light source are very particular.

Fortunately, Tanaka Kenzo's filming team is experienced.

It took about ten minutes to set up the light source.

The overall lighting of the venue is not that bright.

After all, this scene tells the story of Kenichi Aoki's story of going to the bottom of the ancient city of Kyoto alone to search for his enemies after his friend Sensei Kiyoshi died.

If we were given such a bright light, we would no longer have the cold and chilling feeling of being alone and searching for our enemies.

The waning moon rising early in autumn casts a cold light.

This is a deep, long street located under the ancient city of Kyoto.

There are stones piled under the white wall next to it.

The cold night wind blows on the long street.

There was a cry that was almost whimpering.

The way back has been cut off by darkness.

The road ahead could only be seen clearly through the thin moonlight.

The shadows of the leaves reflected on the ground.

There was an indescribable sense of chill in the air.

This effect can be said to be quite good.

It’s no wonder that Kenzo Tanaka chose this place as a shooting location.

Even the main light behind it is a bit too bright.

It makes the overall environment look a little unnatural.

But there is no way.

Tanaka Kenzo can't even control the moonlight above his head.

The overall effect is pretty good.

Think of this.

Tanaka Kenzo waved to Kitumi, motioning for him to come over.

"What's the matter? Director Tanaka?"

Kitaki Minoru, who had already touched up her makeup, walked over. Her makeup at night was different from that during the day.

The makeup artist brightened the makeup on her face a little.

After all, the environment color is a bit dark, so there is no need to suppress it here.

"Mi-chan, this plot is mainly to bring out the 'chilling feeling' in the air and make the audience nervous. Do you understand?"

Tanaka Kenzo spoke.

"So you have to bring out all the feeling of 'chiller' before, and don't have the feeling of 'holding back'. You have to let go and perform."


Kitaki Minoru's bloody scent and cold sword aura.

It's really good and makes people feel very immersed.

But how to say it.

As a director, Kenzo Tanaka still feels that something is not enough.

In this shot, he wanted to see Kitumi continue to let go.


"This time Shi-chan, you have to increase your intensity and release all that 'chilling' tension."

Tanaka Kenzo looked serious.

"." Beicheng Shi.

Beicheng Minoru was a little speechless.

You must know that he is actually very restrained during the day.

There are just a few actors who can't stand it anymore.

Now let him release all the murderous aura of the 'Beicheng Sword Master'?


Kitazumi couldn't help but glance at the actors standing opposite him, who would play opposite him later, playing the role of Aoki Kenichi's enemy.

"Is it really okay?"

He couldn't help but ask.

"no problem."

Tanaka Kenzo waved his hand indifferently, probably understanding what Beicheng was really worried about.

He is very confident.

"These actors are all hand-selected by me. They have strong psychological qualities and cannot be frightened by you, Shi-chan, so you can act with confidence and boldness. Understand."

Finally, he was worried that Beicheng Shi would not understand.

"You have to let go of the acting and really have the feeling of a murderous maniac with blood on his hands."

"." Beicheng Shi.

Would a normal director say to a sub-contractor, "You have to let go and feel like a murderer?"

He felt that his image seemed to have changed in Tanaka Kenzo's mind.

But he is obviously just an innocent and cute boy with no power to restrain a chicken, right?

Why do you have to bear the blame of being a 'murderer'?

And isn’t he playing Kenichi Aoki? Isn’t this thing a swordsman?

Kitami Minori didn't know how to evaluate Tanaka Kenzo's words for a while.

But forget it.

His dark and deep eyes stared intently at the actors standing opposite.

Kitaki held the long knife in his hand, an excited and bloodthirsty smile appeared on his handsome and lovely face, and his breathing began to become heavy.

how to say

On weekdays, there is no need for the terrifying, blade-like murderous aura of the 'Beicheng Sword Master'.

Now there just happened to be someone who could give it a try, so of course there was no reason why he shouldn't give it a try.

At this moment.

It seemed that he had noticed something.

In the crowd over there.

The young male actor in the lead couldn't help but shudder.



Why does something feel wrong?

Chapter 2 is 4600 words! Finished!

Thanks for the reward from YuanOsu! Thank you very much!

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