Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 127 I will make you cry! (4000 words!)

The filming process for one episode of "Passion and Love" takes about 4 days in total.

This shooting time is relatively tight for an online drama, and the time is just right.

Masao Nesu's original plan was to free up time to mainly shoot the three most critical scenes, and then simultaneously edit them in post-production, and then reshoot some less important scenes.

This can be regarded as a helpless method.

After all, the previous performances of Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika were there.

If you don’t make more time for them to shoot, the final effect will only be worse.

Nesu Masao is not a person with special fetishes. Of course he doesn't like to be scolded, so he took this unscheduled action.

But it's different now.

Ever since Kitami Minori joined, he was already in a state of despair, but now he feels like he is "resurrected".

He regained his energy, even if it was for the sake of his own reputation, he had to film the last episode well.

He also took up a megaphone for this purpose.

"Stop! Click! Mizuguchi! As the actor of Yuta, even if you have a small conflict with Sachiko, generally speaking, you still have to let her go. It can't be like a quarrel."

Masao Nesu said while gesturing.

"Just like the action just now, although there is no scene in the script where Sachiko falls, you can still reach out to give her a little cushion. This kind of 'little action' is a big plus."

"I understand! Director Gensu!"

"Okay! Everyone, please work harder! Take another shot!"


"Zhijia, do you feel it? The director seems to have much stricter requirements on us in the past two days?"

While sitting next to Oishi Chika to rest, Mizuguchi Shinji spoke in surprise.

You know, during the previous filming, Nesu Masao seemed a little impatient just looking at them.

He won't even pick up the loudspeaker and tell them how they should act.

But it was taken during the first half of today.

Masao Nesu called them to stop several times, mainly to correct them.

This kind of 'emperor'-like treatment is really flattering to people like them who are at the bottom of the industry's food chain.

As for Kitaki Minoru?

That creature is no longer an eight-year-old child.

He is like the ultimate creature. As soon as he is in the camera, he is in full swing. He makes very few mistakes, let alone stopping.

Mizuguchi Shinji said this, and Oishi Chika next to him also took up the topic.

"And what should I say? It seems that the atmosphere of our entire filming team has improved a lot?"

Although the filming team of "Passion and Love" was still operating normally.

But the overall feeling given to her was a bit 'lifeless'.

Everyone seems to be just following the work flow, and it feels like dawdling.

But something is different now.

There is a feeling of ‘passion and tension’ in it.

Every staff member is doing their job.

The shift is clear.

Oishi Zhijia felt it.

But let’s talk about the source of all these changes.

"That's probably after Master Beicheng came to the filming crew, right?"

Mizuguchi Shinji originally wanted to say ‘villain’ or ‘set bully’.

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into 'Master Beicheng' again.

One can imagine how much of a shadow Kitumi Minoru has cast on him in the past two days.

And even he had to admit it.

Ever since Minoru Kitami came to the filming team.

The atmosphere of their entire filming crew changed.

Seems more energetic.? Or something else?

Mizuguchi Shinji couldn't explain clearly, but there were changes anyway.

"Speaking of which, that."

Mizuguchi Shinji also wanted to continue talking about Kitami Minori's "bully on the set".

But as soon as the words reached his lips, he swallowed them again.

Because he saw it through the reflection of Oishi Chika's makeup mirror placed next to him.

Kitami Minoru, who was carrying a children's meal, was standing behind him at some point - looking at him with a smile.

"Huh?! Master Beicheng?!"

Sensing this, Mizuguchi Shinji stood up as if on a conditioned reflex, and at the same time gave up his plastic chair: "You, please sit down."


Kitaki Minoru glanced at Mizuguchi Nobuji. It was rare for a rebellious disciple to be so filial to his master.

He was not polite and simply sat down before speaking.

"What you just said does have something to do with me, but in fact it's because of the performance of the two of you that things got better, right?"


Hear this.

Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika both showed incredible expressions.

Kitaki Minoru. Are you praising them?

Is this going to be the end of the world soon? That's why Kitazumi came to comfort the two of them?

Otherwise, it would not be in line with their understanding of Kitaki Minoru.

You must know that it has been two days since they were introduced to Kitami Minori by Shimada Makoto for guidance.

The other person either said, ‘Are you really serious? Are you impersonating an actor? ’ To mentally attack, either go directly to the cane.

Their previous confidence in their acting skills was completely destroyed by Kitami Minoru.

This is really the first time for me to be praised like this.

"What's that expression on your face? I'm just telling the truth, Dashi, this is for you."

Kitami Minoru handed the fan to Oishi Chika comfortably, and explained while enjoying the help of the idol in service to fan herself.

There are some directors in the industry who don't care if they make rubbish films, as long as they can get paid, everything will be fine.

But most directors and filming staff are still more concerned about their feathers.

After all, the better the work you produce, the greater your reputation will be in the industry, and as a result, there will be more job opportunities and more opportunities to make money.

Previously, the staff of the "Passion and Love" filming crew were just hanging around.

It's because the performance of these models and idols who were forced into the filming crew was too terrifying.

In the eyes of the staff in the industry who are accustomed to excellent acting skills, it is simply bullshit.

With their horrific performance, it is the crime of murder in modern society.

Otherwise, Kitumi suspected that Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika would have been 'assassinated' before he came over.

Since there is no way to 'assassinate' the source, there is no way to change the status quo.

It is normal for the filming crew to be unmotivated.

"In other words, I felt that there was still hope for "Passion and Love", so the atmosphere changed."

Kitazumi made a summary and looked at Mizuguchi Shinji and Oishi Chika: "You two have indeed made great progress in the past two days."

"Master Beicheng."

I felt the heartfelt praise in Beicheng's words.

Mizuguchi Shinji opened his mouth.

A feeling of 'recognition' emerged from my heart.

Before, he thought Beicheng was a bit disgusting - so he caught him and whipped him hard.

But now it seems.

That's terrible. Why do you feel like Minoru Kitazumi is so good?

At least the other party is really teaching her acting skills seriously.

He was a little embarrassed, coughed dryly and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master Beicheng."

Next to him, Oishi Zhijia also smiled and nodded.

"As expected of Master Beicheng."

She never had much of an opinion against Kitumi Minoru.

After all, the other party teaches them acting skills and also corrects their mistakes in body expression.

She was able to thank Kitumi for taking so much trouble to help before it was too late.

Of course, the most important thing is——

Master Beicheng looks so cute!

I really want to touch Master Beicheng’s soft little hands!

And Kitumi Minoru’s particularly disgusting look at times is simply awesome!

If not for the fact that it has been involved in a crime.

Oishi Chika sometimes even wants to pick him up and take him home to support him!

Coupled with the other party's solid acting skills, there is also a sense of maturity that is not like a child.

As a result, although Oishi Chika has been slapped by Kitacumi a lot in the past two days, she has really become a fan of Kitacumi.

After returning home from filming, she made a special trip to the theater to watch "Kidnapped Natsuko" starring Kitami Minori.

And let’s be honest.

Although it hurts to be slapped by Minoru Kitaki, there is no doubt that the improvement he has brought to his acting skills.

The feeling of pain and progress is really addictive.

There were even times when Oishi Chika felt uncomfortable without being whipped twice by Beicheng with the cane.

"What do you think I'm doing? Dashi?"

Kitazumi noticed Oishi Chika's overly enthusiastic eyes, and there was a hint of disgust on her handsome and lovely face: "What are you thinking about?"

"Hehe. It's nothing. I just thought that Master Beicheng is so cute——"

Oishi Zhijia laughed "hehe" and took the initiative to approach.

"." Beicheng Shi.

Looking at the other person's extremely intimate expression as he approaches.

Even he couldn't help but shake his head at this moment.

Has this child been beaten stupid by him in the past two days?

He stepped aside and displayed the cane in his hand as a deterrent.

But what he didn't expect was.

After seeing the cane in his hand.

Oishi Zhika's eyes brightened and she got closer.

"." Beicheng Shi.

He seems to know the reason why those people who follow him on the Internet always want to be trampled on and scolded.


Kitaki Minoru stretched out his hand to push Oishi Chika's face aside, and said at the same time:

"There are still two days of shooting. Although the shooting atmosphere is much better now, you still should not take it lightly. I don't care about the first 6 episodes of "Passion and Love", but there is one more person in the last episode and I will appear. You two can You have to give me some excuse!"

The threat in his words was obvious - if you get scolded along with your master, you two will be whipped.

"Yes! Master Beicheng!"

This time, there was no playful intention as before when the company called him.

Chika Oishi and Shinji Mizuguchi both nodded their heads.

They were specially trained by Kitami Minoru for two consecutive days. Naturally, they also worked hard and wanted to film the final episode of this online unit drama.

that's all.

Follow Minoru Kitazumi's training.

As well as Masao Nesu's guidance from time to time during filming.

Finally, the last scene of episode 7 of "Passion and Love" has arrived.

This scene is the key shot mentioned earlier.

In order to give his children and Sachiko a better life, Yuta took on a high-risk job on a high-altitude floor, but something unexpected happened.

The sky at the funeral was dark gray.

The gloomy weather made the already depressing funeral scene even more depressing.

Many people present cried.

But Sachiko, who was holding Yusuke's hand, couldn't shed a single tear.

She was just like an ignorant child, staring blankly at the friends who came to express condolences.

But if you look closely, you will find that her hands and feet seem to be shaking.

The sudden bad news left her at a loss as to what to do.

Can't even cry.

She just bowed numbly to everyone who came to express condolences.

I could hear sighs such as 'It's such a pity', 'He's still so young', 'He's obviously a good person'.

She bit her lip.

In the distance, the funeral sky seemed darker.

After nightfall.

It started to rain lightly outside the window.

Sachiko sat alone in the room, packing her husband's belongings.

She cleaned up very slowly.

It's like trying to store all the memories deep in your mind.

"There are so many people here this morning, Mom. Where is Dad?"

Yusuke, who was playing outside just now, ran up to Sachiko.

He didn't understand the meaning of 'death', nor did he know why so many strangers came to his home today.

He was simply curious.

Curious about where his father went.

Why couldn't I see him for several days?

When can I see him again?

The rain pattered outside the window.

Sachiko was stunned for a moment when she heard what the child said.


The emotions that had been suppressed finally couldn't be stopped at this moment.

She stretched out her hands, hugged Yusuke tightly and cried.

Under the dim light.

Her weak and lonely profile looked so helpless.

But this was also the last time she showed her helpless side in front of her children.

Because her husband has passed away.

She can only be strong and must be strong in the future.

"Okay! Click! This is passed! Thank you for your hard work!"

He almost yelled this sentence with all his strength.

Masao Nesu stood up.

Using the adjective "roaring" is definitely not an exaggeration.

You know, Kitumi Minoru was already exhausted just from filming one episode.

He filmed continuously for seven weeks, nearly a quarter!

The actor failed to live up to his expectations, and when the audience pointed at him and scolded him, he had to pinch his nose and continue filming. He was even jokingly said that he should become a comedian——

You only need to think about the bitterness of this to understand how difficult it is.

But this time it's different.

Over the past four days, with the help of Minoru Kitazumi, he can clearly feel that the quality of the finished film is not low.

The quality of the seventh episode can simply be compared with the previous six episodes by a whole street.

This son-in-law is really something.

You must know that at the age of 8, he can coordinate the relationship between actors and his acting skills, and he can even take care of his own roles perfectly.

Wouldn’t it be even more important to grow up a little?

Even Masao Nesu said it bluntly.

Even though the levels of Mizuguchi Nobuji and Oishi Chika have improved in the past two days.

But Kitumi Minoru's acting skills are still a cliff-edge lead for them.

Similarly, it is this cliff-like lead, coupled with the excellent foundation of our own shooting team.

It actually made the last episode filmed feel commendable.

Masao Nesu looked at the actual quality of the shot and couldn't help but nodded.

Tears, healing, all of these things are there.

Aren't you scolding them very hard?

Relying on the strength of Kitami Minoru and his own filming team.

This time I have to make you cry!

good! The second chapter of 4,000 words has been written!

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