Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 128 The treasure that I don’t want to let go (Good luck in the college entrance examination!

Chapter 128 The treasure that I don't want to let go of - (Good luck on the college entrance examination!)

"Oh? Precocious also made a cameo appearance in a network drama?"

Honma Fuhiko, who was checking the box office of "Kidnapped Natsuko" today, raised his head and took a closer look at the staff who were reporting to him.

The current situation of "Kidnapped Natsuko" can be said to be very good.

Although the box office has gradually stabilized.

But it has accumulated more than 500 million yen so far.

Not only has it made a big profit.

According to this momentum, it will break through 1 billion yen box office and take the first place in the box office of art films in the second half of the year.

So for the situation of his "general" Kita Sumire, Honma Fuhiko is still a little concerned.

"The network drama is okay, and he can only go to "Kenghaoden" three days a week. He must find some other work."

Famous sub-actors in the industry are basically like this.

Finish the shooting here in the morning and go to the interview in the afternoon. He is busy all the time.

Kita Sumire is also vaguely showing a trend of becoming popular.

It's normal to receive work other than "Kenghouden".

Thinking of this, Honma Feiyan put down the statistics of today's box office, and asked casually while drinking water: "Which network drama is it?"

""Passion and Love."

"Cough cough cough cough-ah?"

Having almost coughed out a mouthful of water without swallowing it, Honma Feiyan asked again with a little disbelief: "Which network drama?"

"It's "Passion and Love" under a company called Miki Media."


Confirming that he didn't hear it wrong, Honma Feiyan couldn't help but touch his chin.

Recently, "Passion and Love" is still quite popular in their circle-it's just "notorious".

After all, it's rare for an online drama to be scolded by the audience like that.

"How could the cunning character of Precocious Child mix up this mess?"

Rubbing his fingers on the wall of the cup, Honma Feiyan was a little confused.

Despite the "child" immunity card, the audience is basically unlikely to put pressure on a child.

But Kita Sumire understands.

Looking at the innocent and ignorant appearance, in fact, the heart of the mainland is more "dirty" than anyone else, just like an alien in the skin of a child actor.

Even if there is a "golden card of immunity", Kita Sumire should still avoid the muddy water of "Passion and Love".

It's not that the filming crew offered this guy a high salary to invite him to come, right?

If this kind of money power, Honma Feiyan would think that Kita Sumire would agree to it immediately.

However, using money power to invite a child actor who has just become popular in the industry?

This is unlikely, isn't it?

Honma Feiyan was a little confused, and at the same time turned his head to ask the staff around him: "When will the latest episode of "Passion and Love" be online?"

"It's today, and it should be available in more than 30 minutes."

More than 30 minutes?

Looking at the clock, Honma Feiyan stretched.

After filming "Kidnapped Natsuko", he was temporarily in a window period. Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he might as well watch this online drama called "Passion and Love".

However, he didn't have any hope for the quality of "Passion and Love".

After all, the cast of this drama is too exaggerated.

The famous characters who appeared were basically the idols and models of the investor Miki Media Company.

The dirty and stinky smell inside the industry was simply overwhelming.

It was a stinking pit. Even if you didn't jump in, you could smell it standing next to it.

Honma Feiyan had great trust in Kita Sumire's ability.

He also knew that his acting skills were excellent, and he also knew that he could lead the actors on the same stage, such as Shimada Makoto.

But this time was different.

The acting skills of the actors on the same stage were really bad - what kind of demons and monsters were they?

The lines were poorly read, there was basically no facial expression, and the body movements were stiff.

In this situation, Kitasumi is too weak to handle it alone.

Do we have to rely on him to lead all these ‘evil spirits’?

That would be too omnipotent, and it’s impossible to even think about it.

And besides——

“The precocious kid always looks great, even when he talks to me.”

Honma Feiyan thought of Kitasumi’s bad character of calling him ‘Director Honma’ when there’s something going on, and ‘Uncle Honma’ when there’s nothing going on.

It’s rare to see Kitasumi about to ‘capsize in the gutter’, and maybe this is the only time he’ll capsize, so Honma Feiyan certainly doesn’t want to miss it—he’ll laugh at Kitasumi afterwards.

Let this little guy who always looks great also know that ‘the world is dangerous’.

Thinking of this.

Honma Feiyan became more and more interested.

He wished he could witness the moment when Kitasumi ‘capsizes’ with his own eyes right now.

Originally, it should have been a relatively short thirty minutes.

With this mood, it became very long.

Honma Feiyan sat and waited for thirty minutes.

When the time was almost up, he could not wait to open the computer and search for "Passion and Love".

The short and melodious music at the beginning came out.

There was a feeling of relaxation.

Honma Feiyan could not help but nod his head.

As a director, he knew that the foundation of the "Passion and Love" filming team was actually very solid.

It's just that this solid foundation cannot withstand the destruction of a lot of 'idols' and 'models', and there is no way to reverse the criticism.

In fact, the theme of "Passion and Love" is similar to "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

The main focus is the track of healing and literature.

In short, it is actually to make the audience cry.

However, due to the poor performance of "Passion and Love".

Many people now watch this online drama no longer for the plot of "earning tears".

Most of them go for fun and jokes.

It's like following a comic, not because you want to see the author's wonderful plot, but because you want to see what kind of tricks the author can come up with.


Um? This acting skill? It doesn't seem to be as bad as imagined.

Looking at the happy clip of Yuta and Sachiko smiling and communicating on the screen, Honma Hihiko was a little surprised.

He found that the acting skills of the hero and heroine were not as exaggerated as what was said on the Internet.

Still a little rough though.

But it also interprets the heart-warming feeling of 'little happiness' in this scene.

The camera continues to move down.

It’s still a heart-warming scene.

In the bubble economy era, Yuta and Sachiko were short of money, so even if they went on a date, they could only go to an open-air yatai (street food truck) to eat cheap, tasteless food like oden.

It can be mixed with the steaming heat of oden.

The happy smiles of Yuta and Sachiko were not fake.

Their hearts are also in the camera, slowly and step by step getting closer.

to be honest.

The scene where the two cuddle up is also very heartwarming.

The heat of the oden seemed to be transmitted through the screen to Honma Feiyan's chest, making him feel warm.


This is wrong! This is really wrong!

Honma Feiyan opened his mouth.

He made a special trip to see Beicheng in trouble.

How come you were ‘touched’ by the plot instead?

Something's wrong! Something is really wrong!

Aren't the acting skills of the actors in "Passion and Love" terrible?

Why are you acting so normal this time? Are they all on the passing line?

This shouldn't be the case!

I'm here to see what you're doing wrong! The fun is waiting to be seen!

So you just showed me this?

Mainly because the contrast is just a bit too big.

Whether it’s Yuta’s actor Mizuguchi Shinji or Sachiko’s actor Oishi Chika.

Both men were acting too normal.

Could it be that he is a precocious child?

Honma Feiyan thought of Kitazumi Minoru.

You must know that before Beicheng Min went to "Passion and Love", the quality of this network drama was simply a mess.

But today’s episode.

Can a precocious child really lead these pig teammates?

"But it's okay. It's still normal now."

Honma Feiyan, who was vaguely aware of something bad, comforted himself.

We must know that the most critical point of an excellent literary and pure love film is whether it can move the audience and whether it can 'cheat' a wave of tears from the audience.

The best he could do at the moment was to 'warm his heart', and he had not yet reached the stage of being 'cheated' into tears.

It’s not enough, you’re a precocious child, how can this be possible?

If you have the ability, you can 'cheat' my tears out?

He continued to look down.


"The precocious child is really a little liar."

The tears couldn't stop and started pouring out.

Honma Feiyan finally understands the feeling of others watching his movies.

It’s that feeling of ‘I know I’m trying to trick the audience into crying, but I just can’t help but cry’.

Watching "Passion and Love", Kitazumi took faltering steps and stumbled towards Sachiko.

The joy of the birth of a newborn, coupled with Kitazumi's very deceptive 'innocent' smile.

He finally couldn't hold it any longer and tears burst out.

damn it--

Is it possible that the reputation of "Passion and Love" is really going to be reversed by Precocious?


I'm a little reluctant.

But the quality is really excellent for an online drama.

Inexplicably, Honma Feiyan felt a little aggrieved - he obviously came to see Kitazumi's "capsize".

In the end, this little liar deceived me into tears and even my underwear.

How could this prevent him from feeling 'suffocated'?

Kase Mizuki is seventeen years old and is an ordinary female high school student in Tokyo.

But she is just such an ordinary female high school student.

Recently, I have always been depressed, always sullen, and looked angry.

And the reason for her anger is also very simple——

"Grandma Kawamoto! This week's "Passion and Love" is about to begin."

Calling upstairs, Kase Mizuki carefully adjusted the angle of the laptop, and at the same time looked worriedly at Granny Kawamoto who came down from upstairs.

"Grandma Kawamoto, otherwise forget this week's "Passion and Love" and let's not watch it, okay?"

She advised with concern.

"Why do you say that suddenly?"

Granny Kawamoto asked with a kind smile on her face as she sat down next to her.

"Because those guys...didn't those guys make a messy adaptation of Uncle Kawamoto's works? Can that kind of thing really be called a 'unit drama'?!"

Kase Mizuki gritted his teeth.

She knew it.

The mother-in-law Kawamoto in front of me is Sachiko Kawamoto.

She is the mother of Yosuke Kawamoto, the original author of "Passion and Love" who died of bone cancer.

Since Yosuke Kawamoto passed away.

Sachiko Kawamoto has been watching "Passion and Love" adapted from her son's original work.

However, every time she watched it.

She was disappointed every time.

The acting was messy!

The stiff camera performance!

Today is the last episode.

Let a sixty-year-old woman watch such a work again.

Watching the adaptation of her deceased son and accepting the overwhelming criticism on the Internet.

This is too cruel.

She wanted to continue.

But the words came to her lips and she couldn't say it anymore.

Because she saw Sachiko Kawamoto looking at her with a smile.

That was the smile of a mother who wanted to understand her son.


Mizuki Kase sighed in her heart.

Or she followed the other party's wishes and clicked on the last episode of "Passion and Love".

Accompanied by the familiar opening music.

The picture on the screen also became concrete.

But Mizuki Kase was not willing to concentrate on the screen at all, just glancing at it from time to time.

After all, compared to the already terrible "Passion and Love", Kawamoto Sachiko's condition is what she cares about most.

The other party is already over 60 years old.

As a junior, she has to take good care of her. Eh?

Mizuki Kase's eyes were unconsciously attracted by the plot of "Passion and Love" on the screen.

Eh.? The performance of the actors doesn't seem so bad? It's a bit interesting.

The narrative rhythm is also orderly, which is completely different from the previous six episodes.

Is this director so strong?

Mizuki Kase stared at the screen in disbelief.

This week's "Passion and Love" is so strange.

Not only the plot rhythm.

Even the performance of the actors is very eye-catching, completely different from before.

"Grandma Kawamoto, this time"

Mizuki Kase was a little excited.

The performance of "Passion and Love" this week was beyond her expectations, and Kawamoto Sachiko would definitely be very happy.

Mizuki Kase turned her head subconsciously, and then she was stunned.

Under her gaze, Sachiko Kawamoto had burst into tears without knowing when.

The reason was very simple.

Because the story of the last episode of "Passion and Love" is actually about their family.

Yuta and Sachiko in it were created by Yosuke Kawamoto based on their family.

Losing her husband in middle age and losing her son in old age

This is a tragic reality that no one can accept.

However, Sachiko Kawamoto survived.

She hid her sadness in her heart and did not shed a single tear.

But when she saw the little boy in the camera stumbling towards Sachiko.

Her tears could not stop falling.

Because this shot was the same as that year -

It was a sunny day.

Probably sunny weather.

Because she remembered that the sky was as clear as an inverted mirror.

The wind blowing on her body was very comfortable.

Her husband smiled and stayed by her side.

She chatted with her husband.

Her son, who had never learned to walk, suddenly stood up clumsily and stumbled.

He ran towards her with his hands outstretched in a baby voice.

It was just such a simple action.

But at that moment.

Her heart trembled suddenly.

At that moment.

Her world was illuminated.

She opened her arms.

In the sunshine.

She picked up his small body.

She stroked his head lovingly.

She didn't want to let go for a long time.

Because she knew.

She hugged her treasure - a treasure that she would never let go of in her life.

In a trance of tears.

On the screen, the figure of the little boy seemed to have turned into the appearance of Yosuke when he was a child.

And she stretched out her hands and hugged Yosuke tightly. Just like back then.

"It's a great performance"

Kawamoto Sachiko whispered.

Her eyes were full of tears.


It's a great performance.

After watching this week's "Passion and Love".

Sachiko Kawamoto went upstairs alone.

She took out the photo of Yosuke Kawamoto that she had treasured.

Her son had passed away.

She knew this.

"But. Mommy has understood your world a little bit, Yosuke"

You have become a gentle person, just as Mommy has always taught you.

That's why you can create such a gentle work as "Passion and Love"?


But Mommy still misses you so much, Yosuke

Gently stroked the black and white photo frame of Yosuke Kawamoto.

Looking at the smiling son on it.

Tears filled Sachiko Kawamoto's old eyes.

The tears were filled with the mother's longing.

And this longing seemed to cross the boundary between life and death

Chapter 1 4400 words! Good luck to everyone in the college entrance examination! Pass the exam! Although I think the candidates will not read my book for the time being!

But I still have to work hard!

Thanks to JGreenwich for the 100 starting coins reward, thanks to Lockluther for the 100 starting coins reward, and thanks to the time saint for the 100 starting coins reward!

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