Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 129 Are there any normal people who pay attention to Bei Chengshi? (4000 words)

"This week's "Passion and Love" is really good, and it has the flavor of the original."

After making such a comment again, Takami Tomomi lay down on the bed, using her white fingers to recall the scenes of "Passion and Love" over and over again, savoring them over and over again.

Unlike most viewers on the Internet who already watch "Passion and Love" for fun.

She really likes this work - not the adapted unit drama, but the original novel "Passion and Love".

Life in Tokyo is very stressful.

The pace is fast.

Tomomi Takami enjoys the soothing rhythm of "Passion and Love", which allows her, a "social animal" who is tired of life and busy with life, to relax and enjoy the slow-paced "little happiness" feeling.

So when Tomomi Takami heard that "Passion and Love" was picked, she started adapting it.

She was so happy that she couldn't sleep all night, and she was so excited that she couldn't help herself.

But when she actually saw the adaptation of "Passion and Love".

The original expectation disappeared.

At the same time, disappointment welled up in my heart.

There's no problem using 'outrageous' to describe the actor's performance.

The quality and reputation of the series are therefore unbearable.

‘Tragic adaptation’, Tomomi Takami finally understood what it meant.

Even the original novel "Passion and Love" that Takami Tomomi likes was caught by some people and scolded together.

Tomomi Takami also helps maintain her favorite original novels on the Internet.

However, all that was provoked was a lot of people venting their curses.

Criticisms such as 'the original work is written by a rubbish author' and 'I have read the original work, but the quality is only average' began to spread.

Takami Tomomi is clear.

These people were simply disgusted by the unit drama "Passion and Love" and were just venting their anger on the completely innocent original work.

But she had no choice but to hold her breath and continue to defend her favorite original novel.

until today--

"What happened to "Passion and Love" this week? I came here to watch it for fun, why did you make me cry while watching it?"

"The acting was really good. Did they change the filming crew or the actors?"


If things were going as usual, the comment section of "Passion and Love" would have been in trouble by now.

No one will discuss the plot, and all kinds of scoldings have already filled up the page.

However, today all the audience's reviews are rarely the same - it looks good! The quality is very high! It’s a drama worth watching!


"Obviously the photo was so good from the beginning, why didn't it work well before?"

Takami Tomomi was surprised and relieved, but mostly she was blaming and complaining about the filming team.


Since you have the ability to shoot well from the beginning.

Why not make Passion and Love right from the start?

Do you have to be scolded and know it hurts before you are willing to take a good picture?

Tomomi Takami really can't understand the brain circuit of the "Passion and Love" filming crew.

But no matter what, the previous twists and turns have been experienced.

This concludes "Passion and Love."

Logically speaking, Takami Tomomi will no longer pay attention to anything in this network drama.


"The character named Minoru Kitazumi in it acted really well."

Takami Tomomi murmured to herself.


The character named Kitazumi Minori was really the most eye-catching highlight in the last episode.

He just made an appearance.

Takami Tomomi felt that her sight was completely caught.

The almost perfect acting skills vividly conveyed Yusuke's feeling of being "unacquainted with the world" and "ignorant" in the original work of "Passion and Love".

Especially when he called ‘Mom’ and stumbled towards Sachiko.

Takami Tomomi felt that her heart, which was exhausted from working overtime all night, was about to melt - how could there be such a cute and innocent creature in this world?

In fact, half of the comments page is discussing this week's "Passion and Love", and the other half is discussing the sub-contractor.

After all, she is already so cute in the plot.

It must be cuter in reality, right?

Thinking of this, Takami Tomomi couldn't help it.

Lying on his side, he picked up his phone and started searching for 'Miu Kitazumi's personal homepage.

She couldn't wait to find out how much this servant named Kitami Minoru could 'heal people' in private.



The fingers paused.

His face was obviously dull for a moment.


What did she see?

[Detailed explanation of Japan’s common university entrance test! Learning these things from me will help big brothers and sisters pass the college entrance examination easily! 】

[The questions at Dongda are not that difficult! Follow Minoru and learn these three steps, so that big brothers and sisters can also be admitted to Tokyo University! 】

[Today, "Passion and Love", which I starred in, has been logged into the Miki Animation website! Brothers and sisters who have become friends with me, please remember to pay this month’s friend fee! Otherwise we wouldn't even be friends. If I couldn't be friends with my big brothers and sisters, I would be sad. 】

"." Takami Tomomi opened her mouth.

She couldn't help but pop up the pop-up window to confirm whether she had searched for the wrong keywords or entered the correct characters.


This is correct?

It’s indeed ‘Hokusumi Minoru’.

And the news below his personal homepage also says - Starring in "Passion and Love".

It must be me, right?

But this.?

Looking at the densely packed "detailed explanation of the college entrance examination" and the three-line "making friends" dynamics.


Takami Tomomi took a breath.

how to say

This does not look like a personal page owned by a child - more like the website of a suspicious private school that promotes its own courses.

But if these updates were not posted by Kitami Minoru himself, then who did?

It’s not like he’s an agent, right?

If it is really an agent, then it would be too exaggerated, right?

Post a 'Promotion Course' update on Ziyi's personal page? Isn't this too irresponsible?

Do you really want to make money? !

The thought of this.

Takami Tomomi felt angry.

Because she thought about "Passion and Love". Wasn't this work ruined by the dirty adult trade in the industry?

If idol models hadn't been forced into it, this work wouldn't be bad!

Kitaki Minoru must be like this too!

It's so pathetic.

Forget it if you are squeezed by an unscrupulous brokerage company.

You don’t even have the right to control your own dynamics!

Is this what the industry calls the dark side? !

It's so dark!

Even children can do it!


"It's okay, Minoru. Although I know it's a scam by your agency, my sister will still pay attention to you, and you will also pay the friend fee."

I looked at Kitami Minori’s latest post, ‘I really want to hang out with all the big brothers and sisters who are already friends with me’.

And the photo that the other party attached is handsome and cute, smiling at the camera.

Takami Tomomi clicked the follow button without hesitation.

At the same time, he looked at the reminder that popped up in front of him, "Whether you want to join the artist's "Mi-chan's Best Friend" club, the monthly payment is 500 yen."

"500 yen per month?"

Takami Tomomi was stunned for a moment.

I don't think it's too expensive.

But I think it's too cheap.

This is an opportunity to be friends with such a cute and innocent Minoru—how can you be embarrassed to say that you paid the friend fee even if you don’t have 5,000 yen?

She was already prepared for heavy bleeding.

When I saw such a small amount, I clicked Agree without any hesitation.

You only need to pay 500 yen every month, which is really profitable!

There is also the club called AR Ziyue Training Center, and Minoru’s manager!

What a bastard!

Takami Tomomi gritted her teeth.

She gritted her teeth here, feeling that people in the industry had no conscience and actually used children to make money.

At the same time, Tamura Koji, who was looking at his mobile phone on the other side, shivered.

Um? Have you stayed up too late recently? Got a cold from exertion?

Tamura Koji was stunned for a moment.

But he didn't continue to care. Instead, he looked at the enthusiastic Kitaki Minoru and continued to persuade him earnestly.

"Shijiang, although the number of followers on your personal homepage has exceeded 100,000, we can't be so anxious to use followers to make money. We must at least pay attention to priorities."

The popularity of "Kidnapped Natsuko" has just exceeded 100,000 followers, and my son-in-law was able to establish a personal fan club.

As a result, the 100,000 followers are not yet enthusiastic.

On the back hand, there was a "500 yen entrance fee" posted on it.

This is too thoughtless and a bit too hasty.

It's not that we can't charge, but we can't charge in such a hurry - it looks a bit ugly.

You must know that most of the members who set up the association will not charge any fees at the beginning, but try to adopt the strategy of "free membership".

Not only will this operation not reduce the favorability of followers.

You can also use the gimmick of ‘free membership’ to attract a large number of followers to join the club.

"By this time, when the number of people who have joined the membership is almost the same, then we will set up the monthly friend fee. No, it is the membership fee. This is the correct process. This is what other servants do."

Being led astray by Kitazumi, Tamura Koji accidentally said "friend fee", but he quickly corrected it.

like he said.

Other subordinates, such as Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi, all operate in this way.

There will be no charge at the beginning. Once the number of members is almost there, the membership fee will be set as a threshold.

Because setting an ‘entry fee’ from the beginning will hurt your followers’ favorability.

In more serious cases, it may even cause the number of followers to decrease instead of increase.

Moreover, the number of followers of Minoru Kitazumi has just exceeded 100,000, and she is preparing to reach 110,000 followers.

If you do this, the number of followers may drop from 100,000 to 90,000 again.

If that were the case.

On the contrary, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Really? I don't think there's much of a problem, right? Tamura-san is making a bit of a fuss."

Kitaki responded casually.

"Am I making a fuss?"

It sounded like Kitumi Minoru didn't care at all.

Tamura Koji really felt out of breath at this moment.


He couldn't help but take two steps forward and came to Beicheng Minoru.

"This time it's different from the previous posts where I just said 'friend fee'."

That's right.

Before, Kitasumi mentioned the friend fee, but it was just a casual mention in the dynamic, which was equivalent to a child's joke. People who like him would not care at all.

But this time is different.

Kitasumi is really "charging" this time.

How could there be such a person in the world who would rush over with a friendly face and stuff all the money in his wallet into Kitasumi's pocket when Kitasumi said "I want to be friends with you, but can you give me money first?"


Even if his own servant has more potential for "succubus" than ordinary servants, it can be said that it is difficult to do this.

"Let's do it like other servants, first "free" and then "charge", step by step, how about it, Kitasumi-kun?"

Tamura Koji approached with concern.


"I think there should be no problem."

"."Tamura Koji.

He was a little speechless.

Why is his own servant so confident in his own charm?

There is obviously a more stable way.

I have to take a risky move.

You know, if you make a wrong move, you may lose a lot of followers.

But since that's the case

"Let's use facts to speak, Bei Chengjun, come and see, your current number of followers must have dropped."

While calling Bei Chengshi over, Tamura Koji took out his mobile phone.

Since the logic doesn't make sense.

Let Bei Chengshi see the cruelty of reality.

As he said, he stretched out his finger to open Bei Chengshi's personal page.

While waiting for the page to load, he did not forget to speak.

"Bei Chengjun, I remember that your number of followers was around 120,000 before? Then let's take a look at your current number of followers. Now it is 106,300 people?"


The confident expression gradually disappeared from his face, and Tamura Koji rubbed his eyes a little unbelievingly.

Didn't drop?

Not only did the number of followers not drop, but it even rose a little?

What's going on?

There really is such a thing in the world as "I want to be friends with you, but can you give me money first? 'The one who stuffed the money in his wallet into Kita Sumire's pocket?

Although he knew that the people who followed Kita Sumire were not normal, and they kept saying that they wanted to hold Kita Sumire's hand all day long--

But Tamura Koji didn't expect that they could be so abnormal.

Kita Sumire just said "I want money".

They immediately took out money and gave it to him.

Without hesitation?

He was a little confused at this moment.

You know, he had already conceived three plans to persuade Kita Sumire in his mind just now.

Now he really can't say any of them.

The main thing is. Really

Isn't the number of followers of his own son too abstract?

"It's just as I expected."

Looking at the number of followers on the screen that did not decrease but increased, Kita Sumire couldn't help shaking his head.

Although he had expected the degree to which his followers liked him.

But it was still a bit scary to this extent.


I'd better post a sentence [Big brothers and sisters are so disgusting] on the dynamic later.

Otherwise, even he can't hold it back.

Chapter 2, 4000 words——

Thanks to Xing Lian Zou for the 5000 starting coins reward! Thank you to the second dimension Yi Feng Yu Ye for the 1500 starting coins reward! Thank you to Yi Li Yan Yu☆ Ren Ping Sheng for the 1000 starting coins reward! Thank you to Hei Ding Xiang and Zi Ri Gou for the 100 starting coins reward! Thank you to You Xian Di Xian Yu for the 100 starting coins reward! Thank you to Shi Jian Sheng Xian for the 100 starting coins reward! Thank you very much!

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