Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 130 It’s over! Don’t be fooled by a bad man! (4000 words)

The reputation of "Passion and Love" could not be reversed in the end.

After all, the overall quality is too low, and the first six episodes are simply unbearable to watch.

Even if Kita Chengshi helped in the last episode, it could not change the overall reputation.

However, apart from this point.

The last episode of "Passion and Love" received a lot of praise from the audience.

The full score is 5 points.

The last episode of "Passion and Love" received a high score of 4.5 points, and the number of online reproductions (clicks) was also higher - it reached 560,000 reproductions in just three days.

You should know that before this, the first six episodes of "Passion and Love" were generally rated between 1.5 and 2.0, and the number of reproductions was only about 150,000 to 200,000.

If there were no some people who maliciously gave low scores, the score would be higher.

Although it did not reverse the reputation, it was enough to stir up waves in the small circle of online dramas.

After all, no one expected that "Passion and Love", which had been lagging from the beginning to the penultimate episode, would win a big victory in the last episode.

Similarly, the name of the boy character Kita Sumimi has once again entered the vision of some people with this little popularity.

His number of followers has increased again.

From the original 100,000 followers, it has now risen to about 118,000.

This result naturally made Kita Sumimi very satisfied.

Although the number of followers did not increase much.

But being able to get out of the industry cesspool like "Passion and Love" and also gaining corresponding popularity and remuneration - this is enough.

His eyes also temporarily moved away from "Passion and Love" and counted his gains at the same time.

First of all, the salary and remuneration he received from Shimada Makoto, a total of 800,000 yen, of which there was a commission on the salary, so overall it was about 600,000 yen.

This can be considered a big gain.

You have to know that hiring Yamada Yuko to handle Miharu Yukako's affairs requires a certain amount of money - unscrupulous lawyers will not give him a discount just because he is a friend of Kitamura Yubo.

In addition, Kitamura Shi also plans to skip a grade to go to high school - the tuition and fees related to skipping grades add up to a considerable amount of money.

After deducting these necessary expenses, Kitamura Shi will have very little money left.

As for the monthly payment of the friend fee for the personal homepage - it has just been opened, and the day of entering the account has not yet arrived, so it cannot be counted on for the time being.

So in general -

"There is still a long way to go."

Kitamura Shi held his small purse tightly, shook his head after some calculations.

I envy some of the Chinese time travelers in online articles.

It's always hundreds of millions of RMB.

And I have to worry about holding one million yen.

The gap is indeed a bit big.

But forget it.

When his popularity accumulates enough, he can take on external advertisements, and then the money will come in large amounts.

As for now——

Bei Chengshi looked up and could only shift his attention to his most important work at present——"Kenghaoden".

Kyoto, Taiqin Film Base.

"Hey! Brother Aoki! I didn't expect that you really lost your power because of the dragon vein."

More than 20 ronin swordsmen were staring at Aoki Kenichi in the dojo.

Their faces were full of mocking expressions.

"We defeated us before and made us suffer humiliation. Now we have to get revenge!"

The knife in their hands flashed, exuding a terrible chill.

They walked slowly forward.

The ferocious faces were also full of terrifying murderous intent.

The eyes were wide open, showing a sense of anger.


They were indeed very angry.

They were obviously both ronin swordsmen who drifted to Kyoto.

Why could a young man like Aoki Kenichi become famous and be called the first killer swordsman in Kyoto by people at that time.

And they became the stepping stones of each other?

Anger brings impulse.

They saw that Kenichi Aoki was weak, and Chisei Kiyoyoshi and Yukishiro Kaoru went to investigate their enemy Kitaoka Ichiro and came to visit him.


Why didn't this guy speak?

Why did this guy still look calm!

His body had shrunk to the size of a child, and his combat power was weakened by more than half, but why didn't he panic at all?

It was as if the more than 20 of them were all weeds on the roadside.

They couldn't attract his attention at all.

Finally, the leading ronin swordsman could no longer tolerate the other party's contempt and made an angry voice.

"Speak to me! Aoki Kenichi!"

He shouted the other party's name almost word by word.

And it was with this voice.

Kenichi Aoki, who had been in a meditative state, finally opened his eyes.

"Speak.? Yes. I should speak."

He came out of the meditative state and raised his eyes.

He looked like a child from the outside.

But he raised his black eyes.

But all the ronin swordsmen present subconsciously took a step back.

Because in the morning light.

The depth in his eyes made all the swordsmen present feel inexplicably horrified.

Under their gaze.

Aoki Kenichi dusted off the dark blue robe on his body and spoke with an almost contemptuous attitude.

"Hurry up and do it."

The white palms that shook off the dust dropped and were placed on the wooden knife beside him.

He is not willing to draw his sword against anyone.

"Any later, Qingyi and Xun will be back."

His tone was genuinely contemptuous.

The leading Ronin swordsman could no longer bear it.

He breathed out of his nostrils like an enraged hyena.

"Still pretending to be a ghost!"

The long knife is launched!

The sword energy is scattered in all directions!

The ferocious murderous aura instantly filled the entire swordsmanship dojo!

"Okay! Click! This shot has passed! Go to the practice room to practice for another hour and prepare for the next shot!"

Accompanied by the sound of the recorder hitting the board.

The sense of chilling disappears.

At the same time, there was the voice of Minoru Kitazumi, who played ‘Kenichi Aoki’, smiling and greeting each actor.

The filming cycle of "Swordsman Den" is actually quite fast.

After all, as the main protagonist, Kitami Minoru can only film three days a week.

In addition, "Swordsman Den" is an ancient action movie, and there are actually a lot of fighting moves that need to be practiced - really a lot.

The fighting moves here don’t just refer to Kitumi Minoru’s fighting moves.

There are also fighting moves that the supporting actors and supporting actors need to practice.

These fighting scenes are not only useful for Kitumi Minoru to practice alone, but the supporting actors and supporting actors also need to practice "taking beatings".

After all, as supporting roles and supporting roles, they need to perfectly set off the protagonist Kenichi Aoki.

From which angle to sneak attack, from which angle to be knocked down cleanly and beautifully by Kitami Minoru, how to be killed, can bring out the strong swordsmanship of Kenichi Aoki - these all require a lot of practice and consideration from a deeper level. .

It can't be said that he just went on the field. After listening to Tanigaki Shiken's explanation, he just started playing blindly.

In that case, the picture inside the lens will be messy without any sense of hierarchy.

For example, Beicheng Shi's "Swordsman Den" has more than a dozen scenes in one scene.

As the body becomes smaller, the strength decreases.

A lot of Ronin swordsmen who had been defeated by him before came to seek revenge.

This scene is a big melee, but the camera must not be chaotic and must always follow Kitumi Minoru.

Kitami Minori also needs to complete the actions designed by Tanigaki Shiken, and at the same time, he also needs to knock down all the surrounding 'enemies'.

To be honest, this is really difficult.

Because the movements designed by Shiken Tanigaki are notoriously difficult, and he is also famous for not allowing the use of auxiliary props such as Wire.

Therefore, if you want to complete the above actions, you need a lot of time to practice.

Originally, Tanigaki Shiken thought that Kitumi Minori would be under a lot of pressure. After all, it was difficult to complete these actions while shooting the scenes three days a week.

But what he didn't expect was——

"I didn't expect that after just listening to my normal explanation and then demonstrating it on the spot, Beicheng-kun basically learned it."

Tanigaki Shiken looked at Kitami Minoru who was holding a sword in the practice room, completing all the movements he designed with a clean and neat feel, and knocking down all the surrounding 'enemies'.

His expression was somewhat sighing.

The situation before him was indeed beyond his expectation.

Because even if you are an action actor with a certain foundation.

It is also very difficult to practice the movements he designed in such a short period of time.

Many actors need to practice seven or eight times, or even more than ten times, before they can barely meet the requirements of being on camera.

But Kitaki Minoru is different.

Those supporting characters and extras just need to stand in front of him.

He only needed a few dodges to knock them all down.

It was as if what he was hitting was not people, but moving sandbags one after another.

Kitaki Minoru can master the exercises taught by Tanigaki Shiken in general in two or three times.

On the contrary, the "beating" movements that the supporting actors and supporting characters need to practice are somewhat unable to keep up with Kitami Minori's learning progress.

Moreover, Kitumi Minoru's actions are also extremely ruthless.

There is an action designed by Shiken Tanigaki. Kenichi Aoki does not have much strength due to his reduced body.

So he flew up, did a forward somersault to avoid the enemy's horizontal slash, and at the same time grabbed the opponent's head with both hands, used his reduced body weight to give him a hard knee strike, and then turned over and landed.

As a result, after being improved by Kitaki Minori, he could do a forward somersault to avoid the enemy's attack, and at the same time reach out, with huge inertia, smash the enemy's head towards the sharp corner of the stone platform in front, and at the same time, with the help of this smash With enough strength, Beicheng Shi turned over and landed on the stone platform.

Not to mention that the difficulty of the movements has become higher, and this move is really aimed at killing people, killing them in one blow without any pain.

There is no feeling of being sloppy at all.

Even when Tanigaki Shiken met him, he felt like, 'This kid has probably killed someone before.'

Originally, he planned to hire a boxing and Sanda coach for Kitami Minori together with Kenzo Tanaka.

After all, Aoki Kenichi would not draw his sword on anyone he met.

When he encounters some ordinary enemies who don't need to draw his sword, he mostly uses fists, kicks and physical skills to fight against them.

But after seeing the actual boxing and kicking skills demonstrated by Kitami Minori mentioned above.

Tanigaki Shiken and Tanaka Kenzo gave up on this idea.

This son-in-law is obviously only 8 years old, but not only in terms of swordsmanship, but also in terms of fists and kicks, he is also very ruthless and terrifying, and all his moves are aimed at the vital points.

This is actually quite normal.

After all, in the life experience game, Beicheng Sword Master is not limited to swordsmanship.

When his sword is not with him, he will also use fists and kicks to fight against the enemy.

By the time he reaches that level, he has long been able to integrate the ancient swordsmanship he has been studying into his fists and feet.

And this caused many actors who were invited to be extras or supporting roles to complain endlessly.

They have reported to director Kenzo Tanaka more than once that the movements practiced by Kitumi Minoru are too dangerous - not only dangerous for Kitumi Minoru, but more importantly, too dangerous for them.

Kitaki is the one who 'beats', and they are the one who is 'beaten'.

So they could clearly feel how lethal those small combos were when Kitumi Minoru rushed over.

Although it was just a performance, Kitumi Minami always deliberately kept her hands on her hands, and no one was hurt every time.

But there is that sense of crisis floating on the tip of the knife, as if you will be bruised and swollen in the next second, or even die.

The actors in these bit parts or supporting roles are really unable to adapt.

The key point is that Beicheng Shimi moves very quickly, and often they, who are the supporting players, have not yet reacted.

Beicheng Minoru over there had already rushed over and knocked them to the ground.

They could only see the hint of navy blue swordsman's robe on Kitumi Minoru's body.

——This is simply incredible.

You must know that movies are movies and reality is reality.

How could they, as adults, be knocked to the ground by an 8-year-old child?

But it is what it is.

They were just thrown off.

It's hard to react.

They reflected this many times.

This made Tanaka Kenzo a little speechless - after all, this was the first time he saw an adult actor who was beaten by a slave boy.

However, some of Kitumi Minoru's actions were indeed a bit excessive.

Even if there is a prop team to take care of it, there is still a certain danger in trying to restore it - especially for the supporting actors and supporting actors.

Therefore, Tanaka Kenzo also made a special trip to find Minoru Kitami and asked him to restrain himself a little, just to perform killing, not to actually kill.

To this, Beicheng Minoru happily agreed.

Whether he listened or not is another matter.

In short, under such intense shooting.

The entire "Swordsman Den" is taking shape at an unimaginable speed.

This also makes Tanaka Kenzo extremely satisfied.

It was indeed the Aoki Kenichi he had chosen personally, but it was different!

But compared to Tanaka Kenzo's contentment.

On the other side, the manager of Daidai Theater Company, Shoko Sugi, was a little strange.

Because she found out.

Recently, his signature servant Akiyama Shion has been acting strangely.

It's really weird.

Not only is he inexplicably obsessed with buying sweets such as bread and cake rolls, but he also asks her questions about cooking from time to time.

This made her, Sugi Shoko, a little confused.

You must know that Akiyama Shiyin has always given her an extremely stable and reliable feeling.

Have a sweet tooth? Making food?

There is no way any of these things could be connected to her.

Compared with other sub-girlfriends, she is also very well-behaved and sensible - even if you don't care about her on the set, she will stay put.

But now?

Sometimes after Shoko Sugiki finished communicating with the director and producer, she couldn't even find Akiyama Shion on the set.

He only took out his cell phone and called Akiyama Shion.

The other party will come out of nowhere, with a dignified and elegant face full of cute expressions.

Looking carefully, the snow-white cheeks still have a small blush of satisfaction.

There's something wrong with that expression.

Something is really wrong.

It's the kind of expression a stupid woman would show after being deceived by a bad man without realizing it.

Thinking back to the recent filming of "Swordsman Den", Akiyama Shion seems to be a bit happy and reluctant to think about Shu.

A bad feeling suddenly appeared in Sugi Xiangzi's heart.

Who can be so charming? A succubus?

You must know that in the past, Akiyama Shion would finish her work as soon as the time came and leave the shooting location, looking businesslike.

But now I don’t even want to go back home! This is really wrong, right? !

She also made many innuendoes about Akiyama Shiyin.

I hope I can get the answer to the question from her mouth.

But basically every question.

The other party will use a particularly flattering way to get rid of the problem - after working in the industry for so long, the other party already has his own understanding of how to deal with adults.

This also made Sugi Xiangzi feel more and more that something was not right.

Although Akiyama Shiyin has become a lot more lively recently.

But she always felt that if this situation continued, the servant she had cultivated would be deceived by some unknown bad man.

This is not possible!

Thinking of this, Sugi Shoko, who was driving the vehicle, turned his head and glanced at Akiyama Shion, who was holding a small box next to her and seemed to be humming a song.

No matter what.

Today she must find out the bad man who kidnapped her servant!

The other party must be the kind of bad man who is obviously already ten or twenty years old and still likes to coax little girls.

Chapter 1: 4,500 words——!

Thanks for the reward of 1234 starting coins, which will eventually be lost if you don’t fight for it! Thanks for the 100 starting coin reward of Luxury Salt Soda! Thanks to Chunjun for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to Minmin’s pastor for the 100 starting coin reward, thanks to the Time Sage for the 700 starting coin reward, and thanks to Aor4611 for the 500 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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