Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 160 It is natural to have a surprise after winning the award (4000 words)

Chapter 160 It is natural to have a surprise after winning the prize! (4000 words)

According to the concept given by the life experience game.

The probability of Nanase Karin's existence in real life is only 10%.

Converted to the card drawing game.

That means you may win only once in ten draws.

This probability is really terribly low.

So Kita Sumi gave up early.

He did not go out of his way to find Nanase Karin.

What he did not expect was that he really won this 10% probability, and Nanase Karin actually existed in this world.

And what he did not expect was that Nanase Karin actually worked so hard for him.

You know.

Calculated according to real life.

It has been ten years since he passed away in the life experience game.

According to general logic.

When a person dies, it is like a light going out.

Even if there is nostalgia, it is the most beautiful memory left in the mind.

No one will be willing to connect it with things in reality.

After all, memories are just memories.

Most people cannot believe in the "reincarnation" thing.

However, Nanase Karin overcame this hurdle, believed in the theory of "reincarnation", and took action to come and find him.

This execution ability really amazed Kita Sumire.

He didn't expect it.

Ten years have not changed the little girl's admiration and longing for him like a brother.


This "admiration" is a bit too "strong", making Kita Sumire feel a little overwhelmed.

Kita Sumire in the back seat of the car tried to stretch his arms, but it didn't work, so he raised his head helplessly and spoke.

"Kari, can you loosen up a little? You're holding me a little tight."


A little tight.

Kita Sumire is now sitting in the back seat of the car with Nanase Karin.

Kita Sumire is sitting in Nanase Karin's arms, hugged tightly by her.

The reason why it has become like this.

In fact, it's Kita Sumire's own fault.

After all, it's already past nine o'clock.

It was not safe for a girl like Nanase Karin to take a taxi home alone.

So he simply asked for a ride.

The result was like this.

Although he knew that the other party had not seen him for ten years and he really missed him.

But the posture was too tight.

Kita Sumire's hands were a little hard to free.

And it was probably the scent of shampoo.

From time to time, the scent of laurel came from Nanase Karin.

He could even feel the softness coming from Nanase Karin's chest behind his head.

This surprised him inexplicably - he didn't know what this little girl had eaten in the past ten years.

It was completely different from the image of a child who was skinny and dry, except for the round face.

White jade skin, healthy blush, it seemed that water would come out if you pinched her body casually.

From the way she moved her hands and feet and the way she spoke, you can see that she was well-educated.

In addition, her facial features and temperament were soft and gentle like a pool of spring water.

All I can say is that the grandfather in Hokkaido really cultivated Nanase Karin seriously.

She has grown so well at such a young age.

The two lumps of meat on her chest are particularly heavy on his head.

But apart from this feeling.

Kitasumi Mi has no other thoughts.

After all, when he was in the life experience game, he treated Nanase Karin as a brother treated his sister.

Even when she was young, Kitasumi Mi took a bath with her in the same bathroom.

Would a brother have that kind of private affair with his sister?

You don't even need to think about it to know that it is unlikely.

And Kitasumi Mi often sees Kitasumi Ariha in a disrespectful manner at home.

Either she doesn't wear pajamas when she sleeps, causing half of her butt to be exposed.

Or she doesn't care about her image after taking a bath, doesn't even wipe her hair, and just puts on a loose sportswear and comes out.

Even a woman like Kitasumi Ariha, who has no problems with her appearance and figure.

Kitasumi Mi just treats her as a salted carrot.

Not to mention Nanase Karin, who is a well-developed girl in high school.

But he is a boy after all.

Nanase Karin has reached this age.

The most basic difference between men and women should still exist.

He reminded Nanase Karin a little.

But there was no response from the other party for a long time.

This made Kita Sumire raise his eyebrows.

"Karin, you are a little close, please..."

"I don't want it."

Before he finished speaking.

Nanase Karin said in a muffled voice.

"You are also a high school student now. If others know that you still can't leave a child like me, what will Mr. Tamura think?"

He guided Nanase Karin earnestly.

The words he said can also be said to be reasonable and convincing.

Now he and Nanase Karin are sitting in the car on the way back.

Tamura Koji is driving in front.

Such an intimate posture is a bit inappropriate.

If ordinary girls notice this.

I guess I would feel a little embarrassed at this moment.


"What do other people's opinions have to do with me? I just can't leave Big Brother Beicheng."

The soft eyes blinked.

Nanase Karin looked at Kitumi Minoru strangely.

"." Beicheng Shi.

Nanase Karin looks like she doesn't care about other people's eyes and wants to stick to her.

He was also speechless for a while.

However, he quickly regained his composure and started from a different angle.

"Huali, you are already this age now. If you stay with a grown man like me, you will only be taken advantage of by me. Haven't you realized this?"


Kitazumi still struggled a bit.

His head accidentally hit her chest.

"It doesn't matter. I took advantage of being able to hold Brother Beicheng in my arms. Brother Beicheng doesn't have to worry about it."

Although there was a hint of blush on the fair skin.

But Nanase Karin's arms hugged him and she didn't mean to let go.

Even the strength is still increasing, which means that the hug is getting tighter and tighter.

"." Beicheng Shi.

This logic really doesn't make sense.

He has a headache.

The main reason is that he never expected to educate Nanase Karin into such a girl with a bit of 'brother control'.

Since good words are useless

"Huali, let go. If you don't let go, I will be angry."

His handsome and lovely face was straight.

At the same time, his eyes narrowed, and he seemed to feel really unhappy.

And this trick is really useful against Nanase Karin.

Although the other party pouted unhappily, he finally let go of his hands.

Finally free.

Kitazumi sat on the other side.

Breathing in the air except the scent of laurel flowers.

At the same time, he did not forget to ask Nanase Kari about the other party's situation in the past ten years.

To this, Nanase Karin also gave answers one by one.

In the past ten years, she has been educated in Hokkaido and has never been to Tokyo.

Her irresponsible mother also asked her and her grandfather for money.

Nanase Karin's grandfather was never an easy partner, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to build such a large family business in Hokkaido.

After listening to Huali's mother's request.

He immediately had her kicked out of the house and sternly warned her that if she was dissatisfied with anything, she would meet in court.

This is a small set of operations.

Nanase Karin never saw her biological mother again.

Her grandfather also spent a lot of money and energy cultivating her.

Things like flower arranging, calligraphy, and tea ceremonies are almost from elementary school to high school.

She worked hard to learn all these skills, overcame all difficulties, and became the leader among her peers.

This is because Tokyo has rich and outstanding teaching resources.

When she entered junior high school last year, Nanase Karin's grandfather asked her to come to Tokyo to study.

Through high school studies, students can adapt to the living environment of university in advance.

Hearing this, Beicheng Shi suddenly realized.

So that's it.

No wonder Nanase Karin is not in Hokkaido, but appears in Tokyo.

"You have grown up, Huali, and you have become an outstanding person as promised."

Kitaki Minoru looked at her as before.

It is full of pampering and pampering.

But Nanase Karin didn't feel any sense of disobedience at all.

She was just stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled.

"Well! Huali has grown up! She has grown into the outstanding person that Big Brother Beicheng asked for."

The innocent and cute smile is still the same as before.

The swaying long black hair.

Take her into memories of the past.

All along, she kept in mind Kitumi's dying instructions.

——Work hard to become an excellent person.

She worked really hard for this.

The flower arrangement, calligraphy, and tea ceremony proposed by my grandfather also had to take into account the difficult requirements of academic studies.

At a young age, she gritted her teeth and persisted, and relied on her promise to Kitumi Minoru to survive.

But after hard work.

Be free again.

Looking at Kitumi Minoru's photos and the objects he left behind.

Nanase Karin still felt an uncontrollable feeling of emptiness in her heart.

she knows.

She was just using the act of 'working hard' to fill the vacancy in her heart, and she was just numbing herself with hard work.

She still missed Kitumi Minoru.

But it's different now.

Nanase Karin can feel it.

I have always had a void in my heart.

I was truly filled with a sense of fulfillment.

This time.

She couldn't let go as easily as before.



Kitaki Minoru, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong? Brother Beicheng?"

Nanase Karin was confused.

"I remember, I should have told you to stay away from me, right?"

"Yes, I did say that."

".Then do you want to see what you are doing?"

Kitazumi sighed and asked.

"what are you doing.?"

His gentle, watery eyes blinked strangely.

Nanase Karin's face was full of confusion: "I was just hugging Brother Beicheng, and I didn't do anything strange."

"." Beicheng Shi.

He really wanted to ask, 'Do you want to hear what you just said? ’

But when the words came to his lips, he shook his head and did not continue.

never mind.

Ten years of reunion.

It makes sense that Nanase Karin is a bit clingy.

As long as she doesn't develop into the kind of 'brother-controlled' girl who relies too much on him, that's fine.

He did not pursue the topic further.

Instead, while being held by Nanase Kari, he asked her about other trivial matters.

For example, your home address, and your contact information.

It was during this conversation.

Kitazumi also found out that the follower on the Internet called "Never been in the Air Force" was actually her.

This made Kitazumi sigh a little.

It seems that there is indeed a fate between him and Nanase Kari.

There are some indescribable feelings that can be felt across the screen.


Kitazumi did not forget to ask what high school Nanase Karin attended now and how her academic performance was.

This is considered a parent’s perspective.

After not seeing each other for ten years, of course he wanted to know how Nanase Karin was doing.


"You mean, you are currently studying at Tokyo Metropolitan Jingwen High School? Is it one of the top three universities in terms of admission rate and a very famous high school in Tokyo?"

His face started to look weird.

His eyebrows also moved.

Kitazumi asked in disbelief.

"Huh? Yeah. Any questions?"

Although I don’t know why Kitumi Minoru suddenly showed this expression.

But Nanase Karin still answered honestly.

"It's not a problem."

Beicheng Shi shook his head, secretly surprised in his heart.

Mainly because he really didn't expect such a coincidence.

Said it before.

Kitazumi has always submitted applications to the school to skip a grade.

And the person chosen by Kitazumi to skip a grade in high school.

It is Tokyo Metropolitan Seifumi High School.

But think about it carefully.

There are only a few famous high schools in Tokyo.

Among them, there are very few with such a high admission rate as Jingwen High School.

It is reasonable to choose Jingwen High School like Nanase Karin.

However, Kitumi Minoru has no intention of telling Nanase Kari the news yet.

After all, the application for skipping a grade has not been approved until now.

Instead of letting her have more expectations for no reason, she would be disappointed after failure.

It would be better to wait until the application is successful before telling her about it.

that's all.

During the communication with Nanase Karin.

The vehicle continues to move forward.

About ten minutes later.

The vehicle stops.

Finally, Nanase Karin was sent to the place.

Beicheng Minoru watched her leave.

Then he breathed out slowly.

Nanase Karin's performance just now was indeed a bit too enthusiastic.

Just now I hugged you and wouldn’t let go.

He almost choked.

It made him think that the other party was going to murder him.

But forget it.

Watching her look back three times with a bit of reluctance.

Beicheng Minoru also smiled and shook his head.

After all, they haven’t seen each other for ten years.

It is reasonable for the other party to be a little more enthusiastic.

He didn't continue to care.

Just waved goodbye to Nanase Karin.

Things here have come to an end for now.

Then next——

Kitami Minoru set her sights again on her 'Best New Actor Award' trophy.

Under the lights inside the car.

The artificial crystal is glowing with color.

"It is said that actors in the industry after receiving awards will be treated completely differently from actors outside of receiving awards, and job opportunities will also skyrocket due to this."

Although the Tokyo Film Newcomer Award is not a huge film award.

But today he also appeared in front of many people in the industry.

I don’t know if this award will bring him more surprises in the future.

Kitazumi was vaguely looking forward to tomorrow.

Thanks to Salted Egg Yellow for the 588 points reward! Thanks for the 100 starting coin reward for those who are determined to be bad guys! Thank you so much!

OK – write chapter two!

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