Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 161 Invitation to the Food Drama

It’s natural to be surprised after winning an award.

After all, after winning the award, his popularity in the industry will increase, plus Ziyi has a special status in the industry.

Naturally, it can gain a lot of people's attention.

But I thought I would be surprised after winning the prize.

But Kitumi Minoru never thought that this surprise would be so big.

I just came to AR Ziyue Training Center.

Five job offers were piled up in front of him by Tamura Koji at the same time.

"Is this the treatment you get after winning an award? It is indeed different."

Tamura Koji sighed while sorting out the information.

Five job opportunities.

And they were discussed at the same time.

This number is not a small amount.

You know, most of the job opportunities he and Kitachi Minoru obtained were obtained by relying on Kitachi Minoru's own strength.

This is definitely the first time that I have been treated like this.

The contrast is really too great.

While Tamura Koji was surprised, he couldn't help but sigh.

A sigh for my own agent.

Kitazumi also expressed his approval.

The day before, he was still thinking about how to get job opportunities from other filming crews because "Night Walk" was finished filming and there were no other job opportunities except "Swordsman Den".

The result was that he hadn't finished 'thinking' yet.

When I came to the AR Ziyuan Training Center today, I was hit in the head by five job offers in front of me.

Is this the benefit of winning a prize?

This benefit is too great.

You must know that in this industry, the biggest fear is that there are no job opportunities.

And if there are no job opportunities, the popularity and popularity that you finally gained will continue to decline, and fans will be lost. Then because of the decline in popularity, job opportunities will become more difficult to find - falling into such a vicious cycle.

Kitami Minori just won a small award in the Tokyo Film Newcomer Award.

It brought him such great benefits.

It’s hard to imagine how popular actors who have actually won famous film awards will become.

Aren’t job opportunities, fame, and popularity coming like a tidal wave?

No wonder actors like to win awards.

Even if it is a simple small award, everyone is eager to win it.

The benefits of this are indeed great.

Even Tamura Koji was a little excited.

"Beicheng-kun, this is just a small award. If there is another chance to win those big awards in the future,"

"Tamura-san, you are too proud. I don't remember raising you to be such a complacent manager."


Tamura Koji touched the place where he was 'knocked', feeling a little confused.

If it were the usual Kitazumi Minoru.

Shouldn't you stand up confidently at this moment and express your intention to win the Japan Film Academy Award, known as the 'Japanese Oscar'?

Why have you become calm at this time?

He really didn't understand.

"I'm just confident, not unconscious."

Listen to Tamura Koji's words.

Beicheng Minoru felt it was funny and hit him on the head again.

And a ‘big prize’?

How can it be that easy?

Award-winning literary and artistic films like "Kidnapped Natsuko" have always been rare in an industry where bad films are endless.

Not to mention the rather special profession of 'sub-serviceman'.

That's even rarer.

Moreover, most companies and producers in the industry actually prefer to invest in commercial films than in artistic films that are easy to win awards and have profound ideas.

After all, literary and artistic films only earn word-of-mouth, and it means little if they don’t win awards.

But commercial films are different, and they earn a lot of money.

It's like "Swordsman Den" is a very standard commercial movie.

Large-scale investment, large-scale publicity, coupled with the high popularity of the original work.

Even if it’s not released yet.

Its discussion level is already very high on major forums in Japan.

As long as "Swordsman Den" is released, the box office is expected to exceed one billion yen within a week.

It is not easy to get rid of the box office of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

Although Kitazumi is confident, he has always been relatively sober.

Things like winning awards for filming.

But it’s not just about the actor’s acting skills being good.

Excellent script (script).

Solid filming and production team.

Plus the acting skills of the actors.

This can be considered a winning lineup.

But it is not too difficult to satisfy these three conditions at the same time.


"Tamura-san, you are still too young. You still have to be as calm as a person of my age when you speak and act, do you understand?"

Kitazumi explained the reason clearly.

At the same time, he did not forget to continue to hit Tamura Koji on the head with the wooden sword.

I feel that Beicheng's "pampering" for the younger generation is true and outward.

Tamura Koji secretly said something bad.

Although Kitumi Minoru felt like he was being fed like a salty carrot before.

But come over these days.

The situation seems to be getting more serious.

The other party is treating him more and more like a big salty carrot.

And he is still the kind of big salty carrot who has no ability to take care of himself.

But is he a salty carrot?

Otherwise, he would be fed by Kitaki Minoru.

Moreover, Kitami Minori was also rushing to do the work.

Do you sometimes ask Kitumi Minoru to take him to meet some producers, directors and screenwriters?

Apart from these, he seemed, probably, seemed.

Does it really look like salty radish?


Realizing this bloody fact.

Tamura Koji seemed to have received a heavy blow and suddenly covered his chest.

This change of his also attracted Kita Sumire's attention.

"What's wrong with you, Tamura-san?"

He asked in a somewhat strange tone.

"No, nothing. Please don't mind Kita Sumire, I'm just lamenting my immaturity and incompetence as an adult."


Looking at Tamura Koji's unwilling look and inexplicable lines.

Kita Sumire looked at him strangely.

Aren't children of 11 or 12 years old in Japan the second-year syndrome?

How come a young man like Tamura Koji also has this kind of trouble?

He was a little puzzled, but he didn't say much.

He just stretched out his hand and spoke while flipping through the job invitations at hand.

"Tamura-san, let me take a look at these job invitations first, and then we'll discuss the specific choices."

"Oh, okay, I understand."

Tamura Koji nodded.

After all, these are job offers that were sent at the same time.

There may be schedule conflicts.

At that time, you will need to make some choices.

And this is the treatment of "selecting jobs" that only first-rate actors in the industry can have.

Although Kita Sumi is still known as a second-rate actor in the outside world.

But within the industry, his qualifications as a first-rate actor have gradually emerged.

I have to improve with him.

Tamura Koji took a deep breath, looked at Kita Sumi, and made up his mind.

On the other side.

Kita Sumi didn't have the ability to read minds, and didn't know what Tamura Koji was thinking now.

He just lowered his head and simply glanced at the five job offers in his hand.

The first job offer came from Fuji TV.

The general idea was that they hoped Kita Sumi could play the role of a mascot child in their own love TV series "Please Find Life", which has already aired eight episodes.

The remuneration is about 150,000 yen per episode, and they hope Kita Sumi will appear in two episodes, a total of 300,000 yen.

The second job offer came from Nichi-Cho TV.

It was similar to the previous one from Fuji TV.

It also hoped that Kitasumi could play the role of Tatsuya, the friend of the protagonist Yuta in their TV series "Shonen Yuta".

Maybe they valued Kitasumi more.

The treatment offered by Nichi-Cho TV was much better than that of Fuji TV.

Not only did they offer a salary of 180,000 yen per episode.

They also guaranteed that Kitasumi would have at least four episodes of appearances, and the number of lines could be negotiated.

But they said that they needed to see Kitasumi's acting skills on the spot before making a specific judgment.

The third and fourth job offers were similar.

They both hoped that Kitasumi could appear in a TV series on the Internet and make a cameo appearance in one or two episodes.

Finally, there was the fifth job offer.

It was different from the offers from large TV stations such as Nichi-Cho TV and Fuji TV, which have a deep foundation and can stand firm in the industry.

The negotiation for this job offer was quite special.

It came from Dongguan TV.

The reason why Dongguan TV was said to be special.

It was because Kitasumi herself had some impression of it.

Dongguan TV, this is a very magical TV station.

It is magical because Dongguan TV is a large TV station in the Kanto region, but there are only a few TV programs that can be produced in a quarter.

Whenever Kita Chengshi turns on the TV and jumps to their TV station, they are basically broadcasting TV commercials.

From rice cookers to massage chairs.

As long as it can be sold.

You can basically see it on Dongguan TV.

So when Kita Chengshi saw their job invitation for negotiation among his five jobs.

Kita Chengshi really felt surprised, "This TV station actually also has TV programs? ”

It seems that he saw Kita Chengshi's thoughts.

Tamura Koji next to him gave an appropriate explanation.

"Of course Dongguan TV is producing TV programs. After all, it is also a relatively large TV station, but——"

When he said this.

Tamura Koji's expression became a little strange, and he couldn't help but cough dryly.

"Compared to the five major private TV stations, such as Nichijo, Fuji, Sakura, Tokyo and Nippon TV, the performance of Dongguan's programs is a little... not so ideal."

He couldn't continue here, but found out the statistical chart of the ratings of popular TV series on major TV stations last quarter for Kita Chengshi.

Kita Chengshi understood it just by looking at the chart.

Wow, how can this result be "not so ideal"?

It can be said to be terrible.

Dongguan TV had only three TV series to show last quarter.

But that's just these three TV series.

Don't even think about competing with "Night Walk", the TV series with the highest ratings in the quarter.

It's even hard to enter the top ten - only one TV series entered the top ten in terms of ratings, and this was because the finale was good, and it took a lot of effort to "squeeze" in.

The other two TV series were defeated, hovering between 20th and 21st, and completely became a bubble in the industry, and disappeared with a "pop".

This result is indeed a bit eye-catching.

Even though Kita Chengshi has always been well-informed, he couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

It turns out that there are such talented people in the Japanese industry.

Of course.

Even if Dongguan TV Station falls into the category of "crouching dragon and phoenix chick", it has little to do with Beicheng Minoru.

After all, he is just a boy.

Naturally, he would treat all the job opportunities in front of him equally.

A cursory glance at Dongguan TV's invitation to negotiate.

Kitazumi put it back on the table and raised his head.

"Tamura-san, what do you think of these jobs?"

"Well if it were me"

Tamura Koji thought for a while.

First, I took out the job offers for the two online dramas and put them aside.

This also made Kitumi nod.

Tamura Koji thought the same thing.

Compared with the invitations from the two established private TV stations, Nippon TV and Fuji TV.

The weight of invitations to online TV series is actually not that high.

And the most important treatment was mediocre. He was only allowed to guest star in two episodes with only a few lines. It would be better to kick him off the candidate list.

Then the next ones are Japan, Fuji and Dongguan TV.

Kitami Minori first put aside the job offer from Fuji TV.

Although it is an old private TV station.

But Kitami Minori only acted as a ‘mascot’ in two episodes to act cute.

The amount of lines is even less than the previous web drama.

Of course Kitumi Minoru would not consider it.

At this point, there are only two choices left between Kitami Minoru and Tamura Koji.

On one side is an invitation for a supporting role from Japanese TV station.

On the other side is a job invitation from Dongguan TV Station.

If you follow the general selection.

Most actors will probably choose Japan and Korea TV.

After all, it belongs to an established private TV station, and the conditions offered are also very generous.

Appearance in four episodes, number of lines can be negotiated.

This sincerity can be said to be slapped directly in Bei Chengmi's face, just waiting for him to nod in agreement.


"Dongguan TV station can't give up."

Beicheng was really in trouble.

The conditions offered by Japan and North Korea TV stations are indeed generous.

But the conditions here at Dongguan TV Station feel like they are better than others.

They are willing to give Minoru Kitami a starring role.

Main character.

That is what the protagonist means.

For an actor, especially a younger actor.

Protagonist roles are quite rare.

Just like the five invitations in front of me.

Richa, Fuji, and the other two online dramas are only willing to give Minoru Kitumi roles such as 'mascot' and 'supporting role'.

But as said before.

All TV series on Dongguan TV are below the standard.

The ratings cannot be said to be 'horrible', but can also be called 'unrecognizable'.

Compared with the two old TV stations of Japan and Fuji, which are as stable as old dogs.

Participating in the TV series of Dongguan TV is more like a big gamble.

If you win the bet, you really win.

For the first time, he won the leading role in a TV series and was on his way to success.

If you lose the bet, you really lose.

Not like Japan and Japan or Fujitai.

As long as she accepts the main role invitation from Dongguan TV, Kitumi will have to be on the shooting team for a whole season of filming.

If it fails in the end.

Kitami Minoru will waste all his 'golden time' after winning the award.

This risk is not small.

"What do you think, Tamura-san? It's better over there?"

Kitaki Minoru touched his chin and asked Tamura Koji.

"If I had to choose, I would definitely choose "Shounen Yuta" by Nichao TV. After all, TV series produced by established TV stations are definitely relatively stable."

Act as the firm's broker.

Koji Tamura definitely prefers artists to develop more stably.


"Beicheng-kun should have his own ideas, right?"

This is not the first time that Tamura Koji has worked with Kitami Minoru.

I heard Beicheng Minoru ask this question.

He also probably knew in his heart that Beicheng Min should have a solid foundation.

Just as Tamura Koji said.

Is it more stable or more radical?

Beicheng Minoru was indeed confident.

He groaned and picked up the job offer from Dongguan TV Station on the right.

This is a particularly rare protagonist role for Ziyu, and it is also an opportunity in a TV series.

Even the ratings of Dongguan TV’s TV series were eye-catching last quarter.

There is no reason for him to give up the main role and not play it.

Instead, he went to Japan, Korea and Fuji TV to play "mascot" and "supporting roles".

As long as the script is not too bad, Kitumi is confident that she can carry the entire TV series with her acting skills.

Besides, it doesn't matter even if you really lose the bet.

He also has "Swordsman Den" scheduled for release.

There won't be much waning in popularity.

Look at the words "Little Canteen" filming crew on the job offer.

Kitazumi became a little more energetic.

Is it a food drama?

I hope Dongguan TV will not disappoint him.

Good Night - Chapter 2!

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