Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 166 Cooking (Happiness) (4000 words)

This is a small restaurant.

The restaurant is lit with pale yellow lights.

The navy blue door curtain exudes a sense of home.

The wall, which has been somewhat yellowed by the smoke, and the wooden menu nailed on it are enough to explain the history of this small restaurant.

Kita Sumimi put down the clean kitchen knife.

He was wrapped in a clean navy blue checkered headscarf, and his rolled-up sleeves exuded a sense of cleanliness and neatness.

At this time, he was standing behind the kitchen counter.

He stared at the white-haired old man at the bar table without blinking.

More accurately, he looked at the pork ginger set meal placed in front of the other party.

The so-called "pork ginger" sounds very special.

But to put it bluntly, it is just a simple stir-fried ginger pork.

In Japan, almost anyone who can cook can make this simple dish.

Ginger and garlic are pureed and marinated with sake, mirin, salt and MSG.

Add pork and stir-fry with chopped onions over high heat.

The neatly cut cabbage next to the takeaway is used as a side dish, and the whole dish is ready.

The marinated pork is mixed with onions with the aroma of ginger and garlic.

The dark brown gravy overflows from the bottom of the plate.

It exudes an indescribable burnt aroma.

Generally speaking, most chefs squeeze mayonnaise or sprinkle some shichimi powder on the dish after making this dish.

This can also enrich the overall flavor.

But Kita Chengshi did not do so.

He just completed the most basic cooking steps.

Then he served this extremely simple and plain dish and placed it in front of the old man, without even serving him a bowl of rice.

As the chef of a restaurant, the way he handles the food is so rough.

Any customer would probably frown secretly at this moment.

And silently said in his heart that he would not patronize this restaurant again next time.


Smelling the aroma of pork and ginger in front of him.

The old man was stunned at first.

Then he lowered his head, as if he was a little excited, and as if he was a little nostalgic.

He picked up the chopsticks and tremblingly put the meat slices wrapped in sauce into his mouth.

Because he was too old, he chewed very slowly.

But even though he chewed very slowly.

He had no intention of stopping at all.

One bite.

Another bite.

Another bite.

A big bite!

Crystal clear tears slid down his old and shriveled cheeks involuntarily.

He put down the chopsticks.

In front of him were empty rice bowls and plates.

"I enjoyed the meal very much, thank you, General (chef)."

He stood up.

He bowed to Bei Chengshi in front of him.

He lowered his body very low.

The old face was also full of satisfaction.

In response, Bei Chengshi did not say anything, but just nodded to him.

Then he stood behind the kitchen counter and watched the other party leave.

At the same time.

The prompt sound rang in Bei Chengshi's ears.

[The user has completed the practice requirement of "cooking food that brings happiness to people." ]

The next second.

Everything in the restaurant in front of Bei Chengshi began to fade away.

The chef's uniform and headscarf on his body also changed.

Even the kitchen knife he had just wiped clean disappeared directly into the air.

"It's finally over!"

Bei Chengshi covered his head and exhaled heavily.

He was now gritting his teeth and even a little furious.

He wanted to tear down this pitfall life experience game right now.

This thing is really weird!

To be honest.

The eight basic cooking exercises in front of Bei Chengshi are actually nothing to him.

After all, he also has a certain cooking foundation, plus his own learning ability is very strong.

Even though the system's judgment is very strict.

But he still completed these eight basic exercises at a very fast speed.

But what Bei Chengshi didn't expect was.

Practicing the basics is just where the nightmare begins.

Next is the "real practice".

As the chef, Bei Chengshi needs to follow the system prompts.

In this restaurant, make a dish that makes the diners happy and satisfied.

And it was this "happy dish" that almost broke Bei Chengshi's defense on the spot.

Mainly because it was too amazing.

These diners were randomly generated by the life experience game.

At first, Bei Chengshi didn't care.

After all, his skills were trained through basic practice and could be comparable to first-class chefs.

Isn't it easy to make dishes that satisfy these random NPCs?

With this idea in mind.

Bei Chengshi began his journey to jail - a real jail.

Because you can never imagine what kind of psychopath the person who comes to eat is.

The reasons they gave Bei Chengshi a bad review include but are not limited to-

"The food made by the general tastes so good that it's a bit disgusting to be honest."

"It tastes really good, the best food I've ever eaten, but it's not what I imagined."

"It tastes good, but I always feel that the general didn't put the element of 'love' into it, and the delicious food seems cold."

"." Bei Chengshi.

No? Brothers?

Do you want to hear what you are saying?

The food tastes so good that it's a bit disgusting?

Why do I feel sick when it tastes good? ! Are you a maggot? Only eat rotten meat?

Not what you imagined?

But didn’t you say it tastes good?

And the one at the bottom.

You are the most outrageous!

What does it mean not to pour into the element of ‘love’? And the food is cold? I served you sukiyaki!

Okay, next time you come over for dinner, I'll give you the devil's spiciness, and I'll make sure you're warm all over.

Beicheng Shi really almost couldn't hold his nerve.

Several times I wanted to throw my kitchen knife directly at the heads of these inexplicably picky diners.

Let them know what the craftsmanship of the older generation of cooks is!

It’s really outrageous.

The key is that these random diners are generated by the evil thing called the Life Experience Game.

Kitazumi has every reason to regard these so-called diners' opinions as the opinions of the life experience game for him.

I wanted to dismantle this evil game on the spot and let him go and harm the next heavenly traveler.


After experiencing the confusion at the beginning, breaking the defense, and finally adjusting my mentality, I started the challenge again.

Kitaki Minoru has indeed gone through a journey that is painful to watch.

But he finally cheered up and began to analyze seriously - mainly because if he didn't cheer up, he couldn't be locked in the consciousness space for the rest of his life, right?

In this way, Kitumi Minori began to summarize the thoughts and experiences given by these incredible diners.

One of the comments caught Kitazumi's attention.

That comment was very simple, it was called ‘No temperature like home. ’

Take a quick look.

This evaluation is also without beginning and end, and has an unpredictable feeling.

But Kitumi touched her chin and had an idea.

Perhaps the ‘happy’ cuisine required by the life experience game does not just require good taste.

But on a deeper level, to understand the needs of these diners and to understand the warm and beautiful taste hidden in their memories.

With this idea.

Kitaki Minoru immediately put it into practice.

It’s not just the dishes that stop on the kitchen counter.

He also began to listen to the chatter of the diners who came to the door.

Although the office man named Yasuhiro likes Tamagoyaki, he doesn't like the sweet taste of Tamagoyaki.

The woman in the clothing store known as Satomi likes to eat Tianchao's Mapo Tofu, but she doesn't like the spiciness.

In addition, there are also Hayho and Ryoichi

Everyone has their own hobbies and ideas.

Kitazumi began to pay attention to the thoughts of these diners, and finally focused on the old man named Kawakami.

He often talked about the time when he lived with his wife in Kitazumi's shop.

His wife's favorite dish is pork and ginger roast.

Charred pork mixed with onions.

The wife’s voice and appearance.

Children ran back and forth at their feet.

Hanging under the eaves.

Wind chimes tinkled.

That was Kawakami's best memory when he was young.

I figured out what the old man Kawakami was thinking.

Kitazumi immediately made a pork and ginger roast for the old man Kawakami.

I feel like I'm finally stable this time.

But the pork and ginger roast he made was not praised by Mr. Kawakami.

The other party was a little disappointed.

This made Beicheng slightly surprised.

Because the pork and ginger roast he made should have no problems at all.

Why did it fail in the end?

He began to think and explore.

Finally I figured it out.

In the era when Mr. Kawakami and his wife got along, there were no condiments such as mayonnaise and shichimi powder.

His wife only uses pure cooking skills.

Cooked meal after meal for him.

Figured this out.

Kitazumi took action again.

This time it was not like before.

Add lots of extra material.

He just used the most unpretentious craftsmanship to make the most simple pork and ginger roast for the other party.

But this time, the old man Kawakami did not show any disappointment.

He is just in his purest form.

The simplest form of eating.

Go enjoy the food he made.

After it was over, I gave the first 'good review' to Kitazumi's shop.

And this is what is called——

"Cooking that brings happiness to people."

Beicheng Shi shook his head and sighed.

how to say.

There are some things that you really need to be a chef to know.

It's not cooking that makes people happy.

It’s the beautiful memories deep in people’s hearts.

This evil life experience game probably wants to express this meaning.


"Even if you say it so beautifully, it won't change my mind about tearing you down!"

The sigh dissipated.

Kitazumi held the sharp-edged kitchen knife that had not disappeared directly in her hand and threw it towards the system's line "Let users achieve a happy life" subtitles.

He spent a total of 3,607 hours in the 'practice space' this time.

That translates into a full one hundred and fifty days.

Among them, Kitaki Minoru had already mastered the eight basic exercises at about 2000 hours.

The next 1607 hours are simply pure garbage time.

This evil thing is truly outrageous.

Something that can be clearly explained in just one sentence.

Do you like being the Riddler so much?

Let him stay here for 1607 hours in vain.

He now seriously suspected that this "practice space" was a life experience game designed to torture people - real torture.

After being in a daze for a while, the AFK penalty came.

If it weren't for the weird game to help maintain his spirit.

If it were any normal person who came in, he would probably go "crazy".

After all, when he saw the "happy food" before, Bei Chengshi really almost felt that he couldn't get out.

But no matter how much Bei Chengshi complained.

The practice course of "Little Canteen" has ended here.

This point can be clearly understood from the game prompt that popped up next to it.

[The user has completed all the practice courses of the chef of "Little Canteen" and will exit the practice space in half a minute. ]

[Congratulations to the user for completing the special scenario "Little Canteen" practice mode experience. ]

[Life experience game rating in progress. ]

[System evaluation: 98 points - food is something that brings happiness to people, and you are already a chef who can bring happiness to others. 】

【You have obtained the talent 'Cooking (Happiness)'】

"98 points?"

Bei Chengshi, who had just finished the life experience game, blinked his eyes, a little surprised.

I have to say.

This time the score is really high.

But there is a reason for it.

When I think about how long I have been 'jailed' in the life experience game.

I don't think it's strange that the score is high at all.


"Cooking (Happiness)? What is this?"

I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains after entering the practice mode.

Bei Chengshi became excited.

While there was still some time before exiting the practice space.

He raised his finger and clicked on the detailed explanation of 'Cooking (Happiness)'.

【Cooking (Happiness): Countless attempts, countless failures, countless bad reviews from diners, but you didn't give up. For the happiness of diners, you actively listened to opinions, seriously reflected on your skills, and finally became a chef who can bring happiness to others-the food you cook can now bring people a sense of happiness. 】

"." Bei Chengshi.

He was a little silent.

The main thing is that this cooking skill (happiness) is a bit confusing.

He wanted to give up.

But if he gave up, he couldn't get out.

There was no other way, he could only work hard.

As for the happiness of the diners?

He almost took out the knife several times.


He was speechless for a while.

Bei Chengshi looked at the last line of the note.

"The food I cook can bring people a sense of happiness?"

What is this?

Drugged food?

Bei Chengshi frowned, not quite understanding what the life experience game meant.

But forget it.

Bei Chengshi raised his head.

The half-minute countdown was quite fast.

When he almost finished reading the notes, it was over.

His consciousness fell into darkness again.

This time, Bei Chengshi felt like he was taking an elevator up.

By the time he reacted.

He had returned to his room.

He patted his head slightly and got up from the bed.

Bei Chengshi looked at his palm with satisfaction.

Very good.

He also got the cooking skills needed for "Little Canteen".

Next, he just had to wait for the official start of filming of "Little Canteen".

But before that.

"I kind of want to try what this cooking skill (happiness) does."

Kitasumi Mi walked out of the room.

Looking at Kitasumi Yubo, who was sitting by the stove and watching the TV, supporting her delicate side face with her white palms.

Kitasumi Mi touched her chin and had a bold idea.

Chapter 1!

Go take a shower! Slip!

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