Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 167 But all I made was red bean soup? (4400 words)

The beginning of the new year.

On this day when all Japanese people are resting.

It's rare that Kitachi Ariha didn't shrink into his room and write a novel.

Instead, sit in the living room and turn on the TV—not watching it, but keeping it on.

At the same time, pick up the phone, Mikan.

I was scrolling through my phone while eating a satsuma mandarin orange.

From time to time I put my feet deep into the furnace.

"It's so comfortable."

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Beicheng Youbo moved his body and wanted to turn over.



Blinking his clear eyes strangely, Beicheng Youbo looked at his stuck body in astonishment.

Is it possible that I look fat because I eat too much?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

In the past, when Beicheng was away, I had no regular meals.

At that time, except for my chest, I was fatter.

Everything else could be described as thin.

But since Kitumi came to her home.

I make delicious food for her every day.

Let her eat on time.

Desserts are also brought from time to time.

She had felt like she was fat before.

But now I can't even turn my body over


"The feeling just now was that your butt was stuck? Could it be that your butt is getting fat?"

Beicheng Youbo couldn't sit still.

You must know that appearance is the only thing she can show in front of the little angel.

What if I become a fat butt in the future?

It would be embarrassing for him to stand next to the little angel, right?

By the time.

"Aunt Youbo, are you a pig? Are you so fat? I don't need such a fat aunt."

A voice full of disgust.

A look of disgust on his face.

Then he was kicked to the ground by Beicheng with the same expression on his face.


When he thought of this, Beicheng Yuha tried his best to get up from the heater.

At the same time, he glanced at his white belly and lifted up his sportswear.

Maybe it's psychological.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that her seemingly flat belly had become chubby and even bulging.


This will never work!

Gotta go on a diet! We can no longer eat and drink as much as we did before!

At least maintain your weight!

Beicheng Youhao looked panicked and determined.

I even put down the mandarin oranges in front of me and stopped eating.


"Aunt Youbo."

"Hey? What's the matter? Minoru-chan?"

Beicheng Yubo turned his head and hurriedly put down his lifted sportswear.

She was afraid that Beicheng Minoru would discover the fact that she had gained weight.

His voice was stammering.


Kitaki Minoru obviously noticed something unusual about Kitachi Ariha.

He gave the other party a strange look.

When I found Beicheng Yuhao holding his stomach, his eyes were shrinking.

His eyebrows rose.

What is this fuss about?

But forget it.

After all, Beicheng Yuha has always liked to think wildly.

I probably don’t know what I was thinking about this time.

Kitaki shook his head. Wearing heat-insulating gloves, he smoothly put the pot with a layer of heat-insulating film on the table.

A sweet and soft smell overflowed along the edge of the pot.

"Mi-chan, what is this?"

Beicheng Youha looked over curiously.

"Red bean soup, I remember Aunt Youbo likes to eat sweets, right? Come on, come on, please feel free to eat, you're welcome."


Beicheng Youbo swallowed.

Dark ashe-colored soup.

The red beans were cooked to the bottom and were extremely soft.

The aroma hits your nose.

Don't even have to taste it.

Kitachi Ariha knew that the red bean soup in front of him was a treasure among treasures!

Any girl who likes desserts will not refuse such a red bean soup on a cold day.



Be patient! There are waves in Beicheng!

Kitazumi Yuha pressed the hand that he stretched out, trying to catch Kitazumi's hand that handed him the porcelain bowl.


You have to resist it! There are waves in Beicheng! Can't lose to temptation!

You just made up your mind to lose weight.

How could you give up at this time? !

She gritted her teeth and grabbed her palm so hard that even Beicheng Minoru next to her was stunned.

What on earth is Homemade Salted Carrot No. 1 doing?

Who are you competing with?

He couldn't help but get closer and asked Beicheng Yuba a few words.


"Aunt Youbo thinks she's fat?"

Kitaki Minoru showed an expression of astonishment.

He couldn't help but glanced up and down at Beicheng Yubo.

After discovering that the other party's waistline had not changed at all, his face was full of confusion.

"Aunt Youbo, where have you gained weight?"

"Maybe it's because I've eaten too much recently, and my chest and butt have gained weight."

Kitazumi Ariha held up her breasts and buttocks, which Yamada Yuko called "Japan's second peak" with both hands, and her delicate and fair face was full of mourning.

"It's over, Minori-chan, aunt is going to turn into an ugly monster with big butt and big breasts. You don't hate aunt, do you?"

"." Beicheng Shi.

An ugly guy with a big butt and big breasts?

If you say this.

It is estimated that a considerable number of women who are sensitive to the topic of body shape will reach out and want to strangle Kitazumi Aruba to death.

He shook his head speechlessly, but spoke frankly.

"No, Aunt Youbo, not only will I not hate you, but I might like you more."

"Huh? Really?"

"Really, instead of talking about breasts and butts, come and try the red bean soup I specially prepared for you, aunt."

Kitazumi did not continue the topic and simply pulled her to sit down.

"Huh? Okay"

Although Kitazumi Minoru said that she would not hate herself, Kitazumi Ariha was a little happy.

But while he was happy, Beicheng Yuha was also a little strange.

Why does Shijiang look so impatient?

She was a little confused, but she sat down and picked up a full bowl of red bean soup.

The sweetness lingers on the tip of the nose.

There may also be some laurel flowers in it. In addition to the sweetness of rock sugar and red beans, there is also an indescribable and fragrant aroma.

Shijiang's cooking skills are really getting better and better.

Beicheng Youbo sighed in his heart.

Then pick up the spoon, blow it to cool down and put it in your mouth.

The refreshing sweetness is mixed with the soft and glutinous feeling of red beans.

Beicheng Yuhao's delicate eyes suddenly widened.


Kitazumi Ariha really didn't expect Kitazumi Minoru's cooking skills to improve again.

She originally wanted to praise Beicheng Minoru's craftsmanship.

But the action is only half done.

She suddenly got stuck and couldn't move.

Because she suddenly thought of the things she had been doing with Kitumi Minoru.

When Beicheng Minoru didn't come to her side.

I live a dark life of self-destruction every day.

He had three random meals and was in poor health.

Being criticized, ignored, and ridiculed by relatives at home.

Sometimes I even have to stay at home alone when I catch a cold, breathing in and out loudly to hold on.

Because she never had any friends come to her door.

But since Kitumi arrived.

Infected by him.

He gradually came out of the darkness.

I even started to be able to communicate with others.

Every day with him made her happy.

Just looking at the little angel being able to accompany me.

Beicheng Youbo can feel the incomparable happiness.

Think of this.

Tears of emotion could not help but burst out of my eyes.

She simply hugged the astonished Kitazumi beside her and cried loudly.

"Mi-chan! Mi-chan! It's my aunt who is sorry for you!"


Beicheng Minoru's eyes were blank for a moment.

Mainly because he had no idea what was going on.

He just watched Kitazumi Ariha take a sip of the red bean soup that he had made.

The other party suddenly started crying.

And you're still holding yourself and crying?

He looked like he had eaten a fungus and been drugged?

But all he makes is red bean soup?

Apart from the ingredients for making red bean soup, there is nothing shady in it at all?

Evil game, what on earth did you give me?

Beicheng Minoru looked puzzled.

But before he could figure it out.

On the other side, Kitachi Yuha, who had tears in his eyes, continued to speak with regret on his face.

"Obviously Minori-chan has already made my aunt feel so happy."

"But my aunt has only saved 20 to 30 million so far, and she can't even leave a legacy of 1 to 20 million to Shijiang! Don't worry! Shijiang! Auntie will definitely work harder for you in the future! Even if you don't work in the future, You can also grow up happily!”

"." Beicheng Shi.

Staring at the talent of ‘cooking (happiness)’.

Listening to Beicheng Youbo's cries.

Kitazumi was silent.

He suddenly felt that this thing should not be called 'Cooking Skills (Happiness)', but 'Cooking Skills (Pharming)'.

It's really like being drugged.

Even an introverted person like Beicheng Yuha has become like this.

It’s hard to imagine what other people would feel like after eating what he cooked.

He shook his head speechlessly.

At the same time, he looked at the prepared red bean soup.

Then look at Beicheng Youbo, who is still holding himself and crying, and seems to be not getting better for a while.

I originally thought that it would be colder in winter, so I would have a bowl of something to warm my stomach after seeing Kitazumi Yuha's reaction.

The result now seems

"It's probably not necessary."

Kitazumi sighed.

For Ziyi.

The New Year period actually doesn’t last long.

But just after the two-day free period on January 1st and January 2nd, it was time for the servants to work again.

This is also true for Tamura Koji of the AR sub-training institute.

He had already been on vacation for three days, and now he couldn't hold himself back anymore and wanted to start showing off his talents.

You must know that Beicheng Shi is still on the rise.

As long as this "Little Cafeteria" can be filmed successfully, Kitami Minoru's popularity will definitely increase further!

Such a rare opportunity.

How could Tamura Koji lie in the stove all this time?

And it’s a new year!

In this new year.

He had to let Kitazumi know.

I am not a large salty carrot that can only follow behind him and wait to be fed!

Now he has grown into an outstanding agent that even he can admire with admiration!

So Tamura Koji took action.

I drove downstairs to Kitaki Minoru's house early in the morning to wait.


"Uh, what are you doing? Beicheng-kun?"

Opening his mouth, Tamura Koji stared blankly at the envelope handed over by Kitaki Minoru.

"Huh? This is lucky money."

"New Year's Eve. Isn't it Mr. Beicheng?"

Koji Tamura tried to argue.


"As an elder, isn't it right for me to give Tamura-san lucky money? Just accept it quickly."

Tamura Koji originally wanted to resist.

At least we can't let our eight-year-old son treat him like a big salty carrot all the time!


I just feel the doting on the 'junior' in Kitaki Minoru's eyes.

Listen to his urging voice.

Tamura Koji's open mouth returned to silence.

At the same time, he accepted the new year's money he received from Kitumi Minoru with complicated eyes.

An eight-year-old son.

Give him, an adult, lucky money

What's going on.?

Obviously you should be happy when you receive the money.

But why?

What is the situation with this complicated emotion in my heart?

Tamura Koji suddenly felt so empty.

But Kitumi Minoru ignored his complicated mood and got into the car directly.

At the same time, he took off his hat and gloves, sat down, and asked.

"How are the preparations going at "Little Canteen"?"

"The sets and scenery are almost ready, and the main actors have basically arrived. Shooting should start soon."

Listening to Kitami Minoru's voice, Tamura Koji, who came back to his senses a little, explained.

"Main actor? Oh - is it the actor who plays the diner?"

Kitumi showed an expression of understanding.

As described in the script of "Little Canteen".

As the main protagonist, Kitami Minoru plays more of a role as a cook and listening to the stories of diners.

And in this.

The acting skills of the diners are undoubtedly very important.

How to show that you are very happy and happy after eating.

What expressions do you use to tell your past stories?

These are very particular.

Thinking of this, Kitaki asked curiously.

"Who plays the diner in the first episode of "Little Canteen"? Do I know him?"

Because I have been studying the script, plus I am in jail.

Kitami Minori did not pay too much attention to the casting issue of "Little Cafeteria".

If it is the kind of "pig teammate" similar to Shimada Makoto in the past.

Then he must prepare himself mentally in advance.

But what surprised Kitazumi slightly.

Tamura Koji became obviously excited when he heard himself mention this topic.

"Beicheng-kun, you will never think about who the person you are playing opposite is."

Tamura Koji's voice paused and gave up.

"That's the 74-year-old legendary Japanese actor Takeo Mikawa!"

"Mikawa Takeo?"

Kitaki was indeed a little surprised when he heard this name.

He can be regarded as having been in the Japanese industry for more than half a year.

Naturally, we understand the value of the name ‘Mikawa Takeo’.

To describe it in one sentence - Takeo Mikawa is a true legend in the industry.

Just seeing that he is still active in the industry at the age of 74 is enough to prove everything.

Not only did he star in the movie "Hero" which sparked a wave of "samurai craze" among Japanese people when he was young.

He also won the Best Actor Award at the Japan Film Academy Awards, which is known as Japan's Oscar, and even won the Best Actor Award several times abroad.

He was said to be ‘a famous actor among famous actors. ’

It is estimated that no one in the industry dares to refute.

I really didn’t expect that Takefumi Kawamura could actually hire actors of this caliber to film a late-night Japanese drama.

The appearance fee alone is quite a lot, right?

Probably seeing what Kitumi Minoru was thinking.

Tamura Koji, who was sitting in the front row, explained.

"Mikawa Takeo's appearance fee is 4 million yen per episode, and I heard that this was the price Director Kawamura paid when he begged Mikawa Takeo to come over to film."

Four million yen?

Kitaki Minoru was stunned for a moment.

This price is not a small amount.

You know he has worked hard until now.

The appearance fee for filming an episode of "Little Cafeteria" is only 350,000 yen.

The total of the ten episodes is only 3.5 million yen.

This episode alone earned him more than his appearance fee for ten episodes.

Sure enough, comparing people to each other will really make people angry.

He couldn't help but sigh.

But he was not in a jealous mood.

After all, the Japanese industry has always followed the "annual merit sequence" system to distribute remuneration and profits.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple.

In the industry, the older you are and the more famous you are, the higher the salary you get.

In other words, the salary of other actors can also be very high, but the maximum salary cannot be higher than Mikawa Takeo's four million yen, so as to highlight the seniority and inferiority among actors.

Takeo Mikawa is 74 years old this year. He belongs to a position that even director Takefumi Kawamura calls him "Mikawa-senpai", and his salary must be the highest among all actors.

In addition, Takeo Mikawa himself is the kind of actor who only plays one episode less.

The high salary of four million yen is actually reasonable.

And that's a good sign.

The influence of a famous actor is very great.

The ratings of the first episode of "Little Canteen" should not be too low.

It's a good start.

And can compete with each other on the same stage.

This is also very beneficial for Kitazumi, who is in the rising stage of his career.

It’s not in vain that he spent so long in jail practicing his cooking skills in the practice space!

Kitazumi's expression was a bit expectant.

Sure enough!

All efforts are rewarded!

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