Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 181 Stage Play (4100 words)

The day after the second episode of "Little Diner" was broadcast.

Countless eyes in Dongguan TV station were watching the ratings of "Little Diner".

Especially the director of Dongguan TV station's noon drama "Kamakura, Love".

Because of the ratings of "Little Diner", he even didn't sleep all night, waiting to get the first-hand ratings statistics from the data statistics department.

The main thing is that you can't not pay attention!

It's acceptable for the noon slot to be defeated by the prime time. Even if it is defeated by the morning slot.

But being defeated by the ratings of the late-night "Little Diner" - if this happened in the TV station, others will really laugh at it for the rest of their lives.

In fact, some colleagues in the industry have talked about the fact that the ratings of Oishi Junren's "Kamakura, Love" are not as good as the late-night "Little Diner" at the party.

Although there was no ridicule in the words, it was enough to make Oishi Junren's face black.

But because everyone is a colleague in the industry, and it's just a topic, there is no malice.

Shunto Oishi didn't say much.

He just held his breath on the filming of "Kamakura, Love" after returning from the party, raised the requirements for the actors' acting skills, and increased the number of reshoots.

This sudden increase in workload naturally made the crew members under him quite complain.

But the result did not disappoint him.

After the quality of "Kamakura, Love" improved, the ratings this week were 7.91%, almost breaking 8%, and even surpassing "You Choose Your Life", which ranked fourth in the ratings of Dongguan TV last week.

For today's noon dramas, this result is indeed considered to be relatively excellent.

This also made Shunto Oishi instantly full of confidence, thinking that this is definitely a result that "Little Shokudo" will not be able to surpass.

After all, the second episode of "Little Shokudo" does not have a strong actor like Takeo Mikawa to help out.

As a late-night slot, the limitations should also be shown, and the ratings will definitely drop as a result.

This is also an important reason why he is eager to know the ratings of the second episode of "Little Shokudo" - after all, one failure is enough! What if it happens a second or third time?

Then he would be so ashamed that he would commit suicide.

He was full of confidence, thinking like this, and at the same time, he forced himself to sleep and called the statistics department to inquire.


"What did you say just now?"

Oishi Shunren was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but confirm it again.

"Didn't you hear clearly? Director Oishi, "Little Canteen" had a rating of 8.11% this week, ranking third in our Dongguan TV station's ratings this week."

Ratings of 8.11%?

When he heard this data, Oishi Shunren felt that his breathing was rapid and his brain was a little slow to keep up.

Why? !

How can you get 8.11% in a late-night slot that is not loved by parents?

You put a lot of pressure on me!

7.91% ratings is definitely quite good in today's noontime slot.

It is a result that Oishi Shunren would nod with satisfaction when he saw it.

But looking at the results of "Little Canteen"

Shunto Oishi really couldn't laugh anymore.

The only thing that made Shunto Oishi feel more comfortable was.

He wasn't the only one who was unlucky this time.

"You Choose Your Life", which ranked fourth last week, was also knocked down by "Little Canteen".

I guess the director of "You Choose Your Life" is also cursing now?

I'm not afraid of my brothers' hard life, I'm afraid of my brothers driving a Land Rover.

I have a brother in distress to accompany me.

This made Shunto Oishi feel a lot more balanced psychologically.

He shook his head.

"Little Canteen" is definitely a freak among freaks!

He decided that he would not even look at the ratings of "Little Canteen" in the future, and he would give up resistance directly, out of sight, out of mind.

There was no other way except this.

You can't really let him "commit suicide", right?

He simply gave up resistance - he was too lazy to get angry with the freak late-night drama "Little Canteen".

Instead of caring about "Little Canteen", it's better to keep the ratings in his hands.

In fact, it is not just Oishi Junto who has been paying attention to "Little Shokudo".

Several other large TV stations, such as Nichijo, Tokyo, and Fuji TV, are secretly observing the ratings of "Little Shokudo".

When the ratings of the second episode of "Little Shokudo" were exposed.

Many TV stations were silent.

8.11% ratings.

If it continues to develop at this rate, "Little Shokudo" will be able to touch the 10% line in the final season - it can be called a hot drama.

When the winter season just started.

All TV stations were not optimistic about the late-night show "Little Shokudo" on Dongguan TV.

But after it was actually broadcast, only "Little Shokudo" was the most competitive.

It fought its way out and squeezed into the top ten of the winter season hit list.

Even if it failed in the competition in the end.

It can definitely be regarded as a glorious defeat.

This also made Nichijo, Tokyo, Fuji, and Sakura TV study the drama "Little Shokudo" again.

Before, they thought that the ratings of "Little Shokudo" were brought up by Takeo Mikawa.

After the second episode, Takeo Mikawa, the powerful "hit man", was no longer there.

Even if they did not intervene, the ratings of "Little Shokudo" would naturally plummet, and it was an opponent that did not need to be particularly concerned about.

But who knows?

The second episode without Mikawa Takeo actually had a higher rating.

This made the major TV stations a little nervous. Their TV stations spent a lot of money on a big-budget TV series. It would not be overtaken by a small-budget, low-cost late-night drama, right?

They began to study "Little Canteen" seriously, and then they found the real problem.

Mikawa Takeo is indeed a strong fighter.

But the performance of Kita Sumire, the main character, should not be underestimated.

He is obviously just a sub-character.

But as long as he appears in the camera, people feel that it is difficult to look away.

His acting skills are even more stable.

His mature appearance in front of the camera makes people subconsciously ignore that he is only nine years old this year.

That mature temperament and childish appearance perfectly interpret the role of "boss".

It also brings a "contrast" to "Little Canteen".

This also makes the production departments of major TV stations a little bit of a pain.

I thought that this winter season would still be a competition between the big productions of several TV stations, but I didn't expect a dark horse to come out halfway!

But it's not too late to make up for the loss.

Although Kita Sumire will never play the leading role in their TV series again.

But variety shows or supporting roles can still be fought for a little.


"Work again?"

Sitting on the sofa next to him, Kita Sumire put down the "College Test Collection" in his hand and glanced at Tamura Koji who was walking over with a smile.

To be honest, he was a little surprised.

But since it was about work.

Kita Sumire didn't hesitate, put down the book in his hand very simply, and glanced at the job negotiation in front of him.

Sun, Fuji, Tokyo, Sakura.


Before he finished flipping through the pages, Kita Sumire showed a surprised look, and couldn't help but glanced at Tamura Koji: "Tamura-san, are you sure these jobs are not given to the wrong people?"

Although he just flipped through it roughly.

But Kita Sumire still keenly noticed-aren't these all job negotiations for famous Japanese TV stations?

Although he has gained some fame in the industry now.

But the number of works he has is still much less than that of the first-class actors of the same generation who have taken on countless jobs.

Famous TV stations such as Nichijo, Fuji, and Tokyo do invite him to shoot.

But the roles that Kita Sumire can get are basically minor supporting roles.

Even for Kita Sumire's minor supporting roles, they have to consider whether to agree to Kita Sumire's request to "add two lines".

There are even more work negotiations, which are even more excessive.

Just let Kita Sumire play a small role in front of the camera - without even a line.

Kita Sumire can understand this.

After all, they are all old private TV stations.

The director and producer are willing to "take the risk" to choose a "new face" among the first-class actors like him, which is actually a great courage.

However, look at the work negotiations in front of them?

Main supporting roles?

A lot of lines?

Is the pay negotiable?

The attitude change of these old private TV stations is too big.

Even Kitasumi felt that it was not real.

He wondered if Koji Tamura, who had a history of staying up late and even "fainted" himself, accidentally confused the work negotiations of other sub-actors with his own.


"Who do you think I am? Kitasumi-kun?"

Koji Tamura was helpless.

Then the helpless expression disappeared, replaced by a face full of excitement: "I am not mistaken, these are all your work negotiations!"

Even if Koji Tamura saw this scene for the first time.

The old private TV station actually started to "rob" people directly.

The key is that the roles given are quite good.

The worst is also a minor supporting role - there are also lines and faces.

If this is said, Koji Tamura has the capital to brag.

Although he also knows that Kitasumi is in the "rising period".

But this is too much "rising", isn't it?

"How is it?"

Koji Tamura moved a little closer to Kitasumi, excited.

"Kitamura-kun, do you have any job you're interested in?"

No actor would give up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - if there is such an actor, then he would be a real fool.

Then -

". I don't have any other ideas for now, Tamura-san, please help me reject all of them."


Tamura Koji was stunned - really stunned.

His eyes were wide open.

What did he just hear?

'Reject all? '

Kitamura-kun. Has his actor really become a 'fool'?

He can even reject this?

Although he knew that his actor has always been quite independent.

But Tamura Koji never thought that Kitamura-kun would be so independent.

And -

"Kitamura-kun, this is not like your usual style. These are all invitations from established TV stations, opportunities that other actors can't even dream of."

His eyebrows wrinkled, Tamura Koji always remembered Kitamura-kun's style of never letting go of opportunities.

Sakura, Tokyo, Nichijo, Fuji and other TV stations are all famous TV stations in Japan.

Acting in their TV series.

This is exactly the opportunity that Kita Sumi has been pursuing.

He couldn't understand why Kita Sumi refused.

Or did the other party have a reason to refuse?


"Calm down a little, Tamura-san, I don't remember teaching you to be such an unstable child."

Kitasumi pushed Tamura Koji's head away and then explained.

"The reason for my refusal is simple-I don't have time."


As soon as this sentence came out.

Tamura Koji's mind, which was just overwhelmed by the surprise, also reacted instantly.



Kitasumi's schedule is now full to the point where it can't be fuller.

"Little Shokudo" is filmed from Monday to Thursday.

"Kengouden" is filmed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Generally, a sub-actor can only take care of one movie or one TV series in one schedule.

In addition, he will take on some variety shows and audio radio programs to expand his fame.

But Kitasumi is different from them.

This winter, he needs to complete the filming of "Little Shokudo" and "Kengouden" at the same time.

These two tasks alone are enough to overwhelm the average servant.

Although some time can be squeezed out from Kitasumi's schedule.

But the other party is just a child after all, not an "iron man", and he must need a rest.

Thinking of this.

Tamura Koji apologized to Kitasumi very straightforwardly.

"I'm sorry, Kitasumi-kun, I didn't consider it."

He was full of guilt: "It's indeed my problem. I didn't consider Kitasumi-kun's schedule."

"It's okay."

Looking at Tamura Koji's guilty face, Kitasumi smiled and waved his hand.

It's actually good for young people to be passionate and motivated.

He won't get angry because of such things.

And more importantly -

"Actually, it's not impossible for me to squeeze out time."

Kitasumi put down the information in his hand.

Because of the help of the weird life game.

He now has the physical strength of an adult and the recovery ability of a child.

He rarely feels tired.

So it is not unrealistic to squeeze out time to shoot for several major TV stations.


"But that will inevitably affect the filming of "Little Canteen". Giving up the very good "Little Canteen" for the supporting roles of other TV stations is the most unprofitable thing."

Yes, this is what Bei Chengshi really thinks.

Temporary concession is for better development.

"Little Canteen" is currently very good, and there is even a high probability that these old private TV stations are willing to invite him to participate because of his acting skills in "Little Canteen".

So it makes no sense for him to go to other studios to play supporting roles and affect the filming progress of "Little Canteen".

As long as the ratings of "Little Canteen" can be maintained at the end of his performance, or even go up all the way.

These old TV stations will still send him work discussions.


"Although I can't take on the participation in TV dramas, there is another job that I am more interested in."

Bei Chengshi picked up a job invitation at hand.

"I would rather participate in the invitation from the Nichijo TV station, called "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" stage play."

As a child actor who has just entered the public eye.

Kitai Chengshi is not arrogant enough to directly reject all invitations from old private TV stations.

Although the schedule of the TV series is full.

But it is not a big problem for him to just take a stage play.

Thanks to Yuhuo for the 500 starting coins reward! Thank you very much! Thank you to the book friend 20220729175113406 for the 100 starting coins reward! Thank you very much!

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