Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 182: Transformed into a perverted killer? Then you have found the right person.

A stage play is a drama performed by real people on the stage.

Its biggest feature is that the body movements and emotional expressions of the actors on the stage are much more exaggerated than those in TV dramas and movies.

Because only in this way can the audience empathize with the actors of the stage play to the greatest extent and understand the plot.

And this naturally requires a very high level of acting skills from the actors of the stage play.

In Japan, stage plays are even called "the performance that tests the emotions and body movements of the actors the most".

And in the Japanese industry, there are naturally quite a few powerful actors who come from stage plays.

And the acting skills of actors who can come from stage plays will not be too weak.

For example, Takeo Mikawa came from the large Japanese stage drama troupe "Takehime Troupe".

Even as the signature role of the Daisy Troupe, Shion Akiyama originally performed in the Taiga-style stage play. She was chosen by a director to play the role of a young princess in a Taiga drama.

This made her a hit.

In addition, the Japanese Kabuki, which was quite popular in Japan in the early days, is a type of performance in the huge drama genre of stage play.

This also leads to a very strong culture of Japanese stage plays. To be frank, the audience of stage plays in Japan is quite large.

This can be seen from the scale of the theaters of the New National Theater and Tokyo Takarazuka Theater.


Tamura Koji frowned, a little confused.

"Kitamura-kun, doesn't stage play require more time? It takes more time to run in and rehearse acting skills."


Because it is to be performed on stage, stage plays cannot be like TV dramas and movies. Even if the effect of the shot is not good, it can be reshot. If it is not shot well, it can be reshot several times.

You must know that on the stage, as long as there is a mistake, the audience in the entire theater can see it.

And in order to avoid mistakes.

Stage plays require a considerable amount of time to rehearse and perform.

Isn't this the opposite of what Kitamura said before?

And for questions like Tamura Koji

Kitasumi gave the answer with a smile.



"Look at the specific opening time of "Tokyo Curse Sword Master."

".Hmm.? February 15th.? One month later?"

Tamura Koji raised his head. He seemed to understand why Kitasumi chose "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" which took more time.

"Yes, one month later."

Kitasumi nodded.

Unlike Sakura, Fuji, and Tokyo, which were in a hurry and wanted Kitasumi to participate immediately.

The specific opening time of the stage play "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" is one month later.

A full month of buffer preparation time.

If Kitasumi still can't practice well, it's really his own problem.

"But it's a bit strange to say."

Kitasumi held his chin and was a little confused: "Why would a stage play specifically contact me as a sub-actor? And specifically ask me to perform?"

To be honest.

Except for the "Kenghouden" that Kitasumi is currently filming.

He has never been exposed to comics in this world.

However, "Tokyo Curse Sword Master", just by hearing the name, Kita Sumire knew that it should be a type of stage play adaptation of a two-dimensional comic work.

But Kita Sumire knew himself very well.

Since his debut, he has only had some fame in TV dramas and movies, and has no experience in stage play performances at all.

For a stage play like this.

Shouldn't he find a more suitable actor from a stage drama troupe?

"That's true."

Tamura Koji also frowned.

The Japanese industry is not too big, but it is definitely not small.

As long as you want to find one, it is still easy to find an actor with stage play experience.

There is no need to find an actor like Kita Sumire who has no stage play experience at all.

In the end, the invitation of Sakura TV for "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" had a wrong feeling from the beginning.

Other TV stations' invitations are at most "main supporting roles" and "minor supporting roles".

But the condition offered by Sakura TV is that they hope Kita Sumire will play the "villain" in the stage play "Tokyo Curse Sword Master".


Translated from Japanese, it means an unwelcome person, a hated person.

It is also known as a villain.


Tamura Koji touched his head.

Would a normal person ask a child actor to play a ‘villain’?

In short, the invitation to the stage play of “Tokyo Curse Sword Master” is indeed full of a wrong feeling.

This wrong feeling filled the hearts of Kita Sumi and Tamura Koji.

Until a week later.

The third episode of “Little Shokudo” was officially broadcast and achieved a good result of 8.64% viewership rating.

Kita Sumi and Tamura Koji, who got the script of “Tokyo Curse Sword Master”, officially went to the stage play planning group.

The doubts in their hearts were finally solved.

The audition venue prepared by the stage play planning group of “Tokyo Curse Sword Master” is quite large.

According to the staff.

It seems that Sakura Terrace vacated a studio specifically for the actors of “Tokyo Curse Sword Master” to audition.


Kita Sumi took a rough look inside the studio.

I saw that many actors had already started to act.

Judging from their performance and body language.

It is estimated that most of them have experience in stage play performances.

Kitasumi shook his head and looked away.

The only regret is that I didn't see any familiar people for the time being.

But it's normal.

The industry is not big, but not small either.

It's impossible that there are really "friends" of his Kitasumi everywhere.

Thinking of this, Kitasumi shook his head, and just when he was about to take two more steps inside-

"Kitasumi, this way, come here!"

An extremely familiar voice came from the other side.

"Teacher Watanabe?"

Looking at Watanabe Mayu who was waving excitedly at him, Kitasumi was stunned for a moment.

Because he really didn't expect that Watanabe Mayu, the author of the manga "Kenghouden", would appear in this unexpected place.

Probably because he had used "charm" on Watanabe Mayu twice.

Kitasumi and Watanabe Mayu actually have a pretty good relationship.

Watanabe Mayu would call him from time to time to contact him.

Even during the Chinese New Year, Mayu Watanabe, who received a New Year's card from Kitasumi Minoru, specially posted a dynamic on his personal homepage.

However, the content is a bit disgusting.

[Minoru, who plays Kenichi Aoki, sent me a New Year's card! That's great! From now on, I will treasure it for the rest of my life! ]

The accompanying picture also included a "heart" gesture of his.

Kitasumi Minoru couldn't help shaking his head.

After all, he is a national-level cartoonist, how can he post such a dynamic that makes people "unbearable to look at"?

However, seeing that Mayu Watanabe has also joined his army of friends.

Every month, he pays the "friend fee" of the monthly installment.

Kitasumi Minoru didn't say much.

Seeing Mayu Watanabe here at this time.

Kitasumi Minoru seems to understand something.

This time, "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" named him and there is a high probability that he is related to this national-level cartoonist.

Thinking of this.

Kitasumi Minoru simply walked over.

"Teacher Watanabe, why are you here?"

Looking up, Kitasumi's words were quite impolite.


"I came here mainly to see how your audition went."

She pinched Kitasumi's face with a smile.

Watanabe Mayu didn't seem angry at all, but she smiled when she saw Kitasumi.

And this surprised the author of "Tokyo Curse Sword Master", Akagi Otome.

They are both cartoonists from the same publishing house.

She is the one who knows Watanabe Mayu the best, and has a good relationship with him.

After all, the genres of "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" and "Kenghouden" are similar, and they are serialized in the same publishing house.

If it were usual, Watanabe Mayu, a national cartoonist known for his "violent temper".

After hearing the impolite words of the child actor in front of him, he would probably immediately frown and scold him.

But this time, let alone frowning, Watanabe Mayu didn't even frown, but smiled at the other party.

Of course, these surprises don't really matter.

More importantly.

When she saw Kitasumi for the first time.

There was only one adjective in Akebab's mind, that is - disappointment.

Really disappointed.

Kitasumi looks handsome, cute, and innocent.

Logically speaking, this look should be very attractive to women.

In fact, Akebab did have some good feelings for her.

But good feelings are good feelings, and disappointment is disappointment.

The reason for this is also very simple - Kitasumi does not fit the appearance of a villain.

You should know that this stage play of "Tokyo Curse Sword Master" is mainly adapted from the sixth volume of her manga "Shinjuku Magic Realm".

It tells the final chapter of the decisive battle between the protagonist team and the biggest villain Hida.

Because I don't want to fall into the clichés of traditional comics - at the end, I have to whitewash the villain.

So when Akebab was shaping the biggest villain Hida (tuó), I actually always shaped him in the extreme "evil" direction.

Taking over the body of a child.

He is cruel and cold-blooded, and loves to kill.

He especially likes to kill women and children, and enjoys listening to their wailing when they die.

He even cut off the teacher in the protagonist team.

But look at Kita Sumire again?

She looks cute, with big eyes that twinkle.

This look, don't even call her "evil".

It's not an exaggeration to describe her as "pure", right?

Let Kita Sumire, who has a pure face, is handsome and cute, and doesn't show any murderous or cruel intentions, play the biggest villain in his comics?

This is impossible, right?

But the Hida Naka in his comics is indeed shown in the body of a child - the setting is that he has not yet regained the power of his heyday, and his body can only remain young.

What should he do?

Seeing that Aku Otome couldn't help shaking her head, she pulled Watanabe Mayu aside at the same time, and there was some dissatisfaction in her voice.

"Teacher Watanabe, is this role really okay?"

The reason why Kitasumi was chosen was actually because she was recommended by Watanabe Mayu.

But now her voice was full of doubt.

It's not her fault that she judges people by appearance.

After all, Kitasumi looked like a "cute" role.

It's not reliable to let her play a role like a "murderer" villain with some psychological distortion.

Her voice was kept low because she was worried that Beicheng Minoru would hear her.


"Teacher Aji, why don't you just tell me directly that you are not satisfied with Beicheng-kun?"


Seeing Akuotome blushing.

Although she knew that Watanabe Maysuki was a straight-tempered person with a clear distinction between love and hate, how could she have expected that he would be so straightforward?

It doesn't suppress the sound at all.

You know, Beicheng Minoru is still around.

She didn't want to irritate the child if she could help it.

She wanted to say something else, and then she heard Kitumi Minoru's voice.

"Are you not satisfied with me, Mr. Mianji?"

"..." See Akuotome.

Look what you have done!

Seeing that Akuotome was a good-tempered person, she lost her composure and glared at Watanabe Mayuki.

Originally she wanted to 'conspire' to discuss it.

Now it's fine, it's all over.

But... forget it.

Now that it’s all said and done.

Then it would be better to explain it more clearly and let Beicheng retreat in spite of the difficulties.

I am also a creator after all.

It's no big deal to persuade a servant to quit.

Think of this.

Mitsumi Otome spoke simply.

"To be honest, I don't think Kitami-kun is suitable for the role of Hida at all."

She knocked lightly on the table next to her and continued.

"Kitasumi-kun actually feels that way, right? A hateful character like Hida who is so homicidal and capable of killing babies and women is definitely not suitable for you, right?"

Her voice was serious and solemn.

It’s as if starring in Hida is some kind of heinous crime.

Children are easy to fool.

Even if you are a subordinate, you definitely prefer decent characters to villains and villains.

Therefore, Mitsumi Otome decided to start by persuading Kitazumi Minoru, who has common interests and hobbies for children.


"No, I think Hida is pretty good. He has very strong fighting power. He almost wiped out the entire protagonist group."

Beicheng Minoru answered with an unmoved expression.

He told the truth.

Compared to the weak and helpless protagonists who took turns using wheel tactics and were knocked down one by one, he was quite curious about the situation on Hida's side.

This unexpected answer stunned even Akuta Otome.


Generally speaking, shouldn’t everyone be on the side of justice?

Why are you so special?

Instead, do you think directly on the side of the villain?

What kind of holy body is the innate evil person?

The other party's way of thinking was too fresh and refined, making Mitsuko Otome not sure how to deal with it.

She hesitated for a moment and chose to continue to worsen the impression of Hida's character.

"B-but Hida will still be defeated in the end, right? Even if you have high combat power, you will still lose to the righteous side in the end, Kitacumi-kun, you don't want to lose, right?"

"Isn't that a natural thing? He is a villain after all."

"But, but, what I'm talking about is a murderous, cold-blooded and ruthless villain who can even kill babies and women. Now that he's like this, if he wants to take on such a hateful role, Beicheng-kun must not be interested, right? Moreover, right? It’s also very difficult, so you must not be able to perform well, right?”

When I see Aji Otome, I am moved by emotion and reason.

That's right.

The performance of a perverted murderer is extremely difficult, and ordinary people simply cannot control it.

Even if you are a top performer, you have to think twice before going on stage, let alone a stage play.


"Thank you, Teacher Mianji, for being willing to tell me this. To be honest, I feel more confident."

Not only did Beicheng Minoru have no intention of giving up, but the more he listened, the brighter his eyes became.

He has the acting experience of Kuroda Uchiichi, and the talent of eyes (intimidation) has not been used for a long time, so he can just try the effect.


not like this! ! !

This is not what I want to see!

Seeing Akuotome is a little crazy.

It’s over, it doesn’t make sense at all.

Generally speaking, shouldn’t you be disgusted with this character after hearing what I say?

Why are you getting more and more energetic?

Mitsumi Otome thought about it at first.

At that time, Kitazumi still looked uninterested.

But after listening to her, the author's persuasion, I became more and more excited and felt like, 'This role must be mine.'"

The corners of Kakuotome's mouth twitched.

You must know that she is here to 'discourage' Kitaki Minoru, not to cheer him up!

She simply used the most extreme adjective.

"What I'm looking for is an actor who can play a perverted murderer who can do whatever he wants and an extremely psychopathic actor. Do you think Beicheng-kun still thinks he can meet these conditions?"

As soon as this sentence is said.

On the other side, Kitaki Minoru had no voice as expected.

This also reassured Mikaku Otome.

Sure enough, even the not-so-normal subcontractor Kitazumi Minoru.

I guess it’s not appropriate, right?


Which servant would be willing to play the role of a perverted murderer?

Seeing Akuotome was slightly relieved.

I just planned to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.


"Thank you, Mr. Kazuo."

A smile appeared on his face, and Kitumi nodded towards her.

"Ah? Why do you want to thank me?"

The sudden thank you made Mitsuru Otome stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Because I want to thank Mr. Miaki for giving me a tailor-made role."

Kitazumi spoke with great gratitude.


Originally, he had no interest in stage plays, but he came here because he had rejected the invitations from the five major private TV stations.

But after listening to Akebab’s description, his interest was aroused.

This character called Hida, coupled with his underworld skills, is not a role tailor-made for him?

And Akebab is really a good person.

At first, he thought that the other party disliked him. It turned out that the other party was considering him in every way, specially designed a role, and was afraid that he would make a fool of himself on stage, and was thinking about him in every way.

But it doesn’t matter!

Transform into a perverted killer?

Then you have found the right person!

Kita Sumire became interested.

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