Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 183 Are you there? (4200 words)

Kitazumi Minoru is not a blind person.

Seeing that Akuotome had said so much just now, she might indeed have some reasons to worry about herself.

But to put it bluntly, I am still a little worried that I will screw up "Tokyo Cursed Sword Master".

In addition, she is silent now, as if she is a little autistic.

Beicheng Shi was also a little strange.

Since Akuotome is so reluctant, wouldn't it be enough to just report her thoughts to Sakuradai and just replace her?

Beicheng Shi didn't quite understand.

Watanabe Maysuki next to him seemed to notice his confusion and took the initiative to explain.

"Mizu-chan, Mikaku-sensei and I are different."

That's right.

Mitsuki Otome and Watanabe Maya are different.

To be more precise, the influence and background are different.

Watanabe Maysuki is the author of the national work "Swordsman Den".

Regardless of the production team or the filming party, his ideas will be taken into consideration when producing works related to "Swordsman Den".

This is the influence of national-level works that have been serialized for 22 years.

But seeing Akuotome is different.

"Tokyo Cursed Sword Master" has only been serialized for three years.

Even though it is currently the most popular work of the next generation in Japan, its serialization time and author's background are too far behind Watanabe Mayuki.

When I was auditioning for "Swordsman Den".

This is the reason why Tanaka Kenzo, as a director, is vaguely overshadowed by Watanabe Maysuki - Watanabe Maysuki's influence is too great.

Watanabe Maysuki only needs to express her dissatisfaction with this audition on her personal homepage or in magazines and media.

It will cause a public opinion on the Internet - what? Damn the filming crew, how dare you not listen to the original author's opinions? ! Wait to die! None of us will buy it when the movie comes out!

It can be seen that Akuotome is different.

Although "Tokyo Cursed Swordsman" is popular, in the final analysis it is not a national-level work like "Swordsman Den".

The production team of the stage play may use her opinions as a reference.

But she will never be given the right to change actors at will.

This is the so-called gap in authorship - you are not the original author at the level of Watanabe Mayuki. We respect your opinion at most, but we cannot completely listen to you.

Not to mention that Kitami Minori was originally selected by the production team based on Mitsuki Otome's opinions (Watanabe Maya recommended her).

As a result, on the day of the audition, he thought of making substitutions on the spot, which was indeed a bit too willful.

"I see."

When he heard this, Kitumi Minoru also showed an expression of sudden realization.

"If that's the case, let me quit on my own initiative. Anyway, I just got the script and haven't signed the contract yet."

Kitazumi put forward his own ideas.

He was indeed quite interested in the role of Hida.

But I saw that Akuotome was worried, fearing that she would fail in her performance.

Then there is no need for him to press his hot face against the other person's cold ass.

to be honest.

Although "Tokyo Cursed Sword Master" is quite popular, it can be regarded as a particularly outstanding work among Japan's new generation.

But even if Kitumi Minoru didn't get an invitation from "Tokyo Cursed Swordsman", she still had the filming of "Little Cafeteria" and "Swordsman Den", so there was no need to be particularly obsessed with stage dramas.

He put forward his own idea and planned to call Tamura Koji over.

An ordinary agent would probably not allow Kitumi Minoru to make such an unauthorized decision.

After all, this is a trial scene.

But Tamura Koji is different.

Kitazumi has a very good relationship with him, plus he educates her from time to time

Although it may take some words, Tamura Koji will definitely agree with his idea in the end - this is the most important reason why Kitazumi has been working hard to raise salty radish, to be able to do his own thing freely to a certain extent without being restricted by the office. That set of constraints.

Just when Kitazumi was about to call Tamura Koji over.

"Huh? Mr. Watanabe? What's wrong?"

Beicheng Minoru turned around strangely.

His outstretched hand was held by Watanabe Mayuki.

"Um...what should I say, Minoru-chan, what follows is my personal request."

Watanabe Mayuki coughed twice.

".What request?"

Kitazumi looked over.

He was a bit baffled.

The main reason is that Watanabe Mayuki's expression is very strange at the moment.

He looks coy and coy, not like a middle-aged man at all, but a bit like a little girl who is embarrassed to express her feelings.

"That's the one"

Probably because he felt too coy.

Watanabe Mayuki gritted her teeth and expressed her thoughts.

"I'm quite confident in Minori-chan's acting skills! Just like Mikakuji-sensei, can you continue to participate in the "Tokyo Cursed Sword Master" stage play?"

That's right.

Watanabe Mayaki knows best how outstanding Kitumi Minoru's acting skills are.

That's definitely a level of acting that other actors can't achieve.

He believes that Kitumi Minoru is fully capable of giving the most perfect stage performance!

"Huh? I don't care."

Beicheng Minoru was stunned for a moment, but still agreed.

He has not forgotten the favor that Watanabe Mayuki left for him before.

It's the time when "Swordsman Den" is about to be filmed.

Kitazumi almost lost the role of Aoki Kenichi because of Miharu Yukako's online public opinion.

At that time, it was Watanabe Maysuki who overcame all opinions and forcibly saved him.

This kind of kindness is not unimportant.

It is precisely because he received the main protagonist position in "Swordsman Den" that his sub-hero career has been so smooth sailing.

Since Watanabe Maysuki, who had helped him, requested this.

He certainly wouldn't refuse.


"Why do Watanabe-sensei worry so much about Mitaki-sensei's works?"

Beicheng Shi didn't quite understand.

After all, even if "Tokyo Cursed Swordsman" is really a failure, it has nothing to do with Watanabe Mayumi's "Swordsman Den".

How come Watanabe Maya, a national-level author, is willing to bow to a brat like him for the sake of "Tokyo Cursed Sword Master"?

Combined with the other party's coy expression just now, Beicheng Minoru actually had a guess in his mind.

But it still needs to be verified by Watanabe Mayuki.

Seeing that it was really impossible to hide Beicheng Minoru.

Only then did Watanabe Mayun embarrassedly cough to cover up her embarrassment, and revealed all her thoughts.

"Swordsman Den" has been serialized for twenty-two years.

In the past twenty-two years, Watanabe Maysuke rarely took a break from publishing, and mostly spent time painting at his desk.

And his age has also changed from 17 years old when the series officially started to 39 years old now.

It's like this when spring comes and autumn comes.

And this also led to a very embarrassing thing happening.

Now middle-aged, he has dedicated everything to "Swordsman Den", let alone his wife, he has never even touched a woman's hand.

He is not young anymore either.

But I don’t want to decide my future life partner through dating agencies or blind date introductions from acquaintances.

It is also this time.

A year ago, he met Mitsuru Otome.

They are both authors from the same publishing house, and both work on the genre of ‘swords’.


Watanabe Mayuki had a crush on Mitsuki Otome.

When it comes to this.

Even Watanabe Mayumi couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected of you, I'm the best in the industry. I hide it so deeply that I can directly see what's wrong."

"." Beicheng Shi.

This has nothing to do with being first-rate or not.

As long as you have some emotional intelligence and see your appearance just now, you can probably tell it, right?


Kitazumi couldn't help but glance at Mitsuru Otome on the other side.

As a comic book author.

The other party is indeed pretty good-looking, with fair complexion, and the softness between his brows, which naturally arouses Watanabe Mayuki's protective desire.

No wonder Watanabe Maysuki begged him for help.

It turned out that I wanted to escape from the sea of ​​singles.


Since we have known each other for a year, I have no objection to communicating with Watanabe Mayuki when I see Akuotome.

According to this progress.

Shouldn't the two of them have become lovers long ago?

Why are you still putting it off until today?

With the mentality of sending Buddha to the West.

Kitazumi asked more: "What do Watanabe-sensei and Mitsuke-sensei talk about on a daily basis?"

"Ha, Minoru-chan, you're still young, so you definitely don't understand."

Listening to Beicheng Minoru's question.

Watanabe Maysuki is very confident, even a little proud: "I am not a fool. I have found a lot of talking skills and love tutorials on the Internet. The things I usually talk about with Mr. Miaki are things that only adults can understand."

when saying this.

Watanabe Maysuki seemed quite confident, feeling that children like Kitami Minoru would not understand his superb chatting skills.

It's just that when Beicheng heard the words 'online tutorial', his expression became particularly strange.


Searching the Internet for ways to attract girls? Isn’t this the same concept as searching on the Internet for how to invest in stocks and finance?

Is there really that kind of technology that someone can teach you? I have already made a lot of money on my own.

Kitazumi's expression became subtle.

"Mr. Watanabe, if you don't mind, could you let me take a look at the chat between you and Mr. Miaki?"

Watanabe Mayuki simply took out her phone and opened the chat software.

But as he opened it, he kept emphasizing:

"Well, I've said it before, you are still young, Minoru-chan, and some of the social interactions between adults in it are not suitable for you to watch."

"." Beicheng Shi.

Beicheng Shi was too lazy to care about him and glanced at the chat history above.


Look at the words 'Good morning', 'Good evening', 'Have you eaten? ’, ‘If you haven’t eaten yet, go and eat quickly’ and other chat records.

Kitazumi was silent.

Mainly because of looking at these chat records, he really didn't understand where Watanabe Maysuki, an otaku who could only draw, got the confidence to compare with him.

The key is that Watanabe Maya is not ashamed but proud.

He even said quite proudly:

"This is my strength, Minoru. I still have some experience in pleasing girls."

As he said this, he did not forget to look at Bei Chengmi, trying to see the eyes of 'envy' and 'admiration' on his face.



I felt Kitumi Minoru’s ‘Are you serious? ’ look, Watanabe Mayumi was stunned for a moment.


Kitazumi sighed.


"I think you must not be aware of the problem. Let me put it this way, change your perspective to Teacher Miji and think about it. A thirty-nine-year-old middle-aged man says 'good morning' to himself all day long. How do you feel when you say "Good evening" and "Have you eaten?"

"How would I feel?"

According to Kitazumi Minori's request, Watanabe Maya took over a little bit.


When I think about a middle-aged man sending me messages all day long, and they are all such insignificant greetings.

This moment.

Watanabe Mayumi felt extremely cold.

"With Mr. Watanabe's level of communication, why should he show off to me his ability to talk to girls?"

Kitaki couldn't help but look at him one more time and pointed at the screen of his phone.

He really didn't know who gave Watanabe Mayuki the confidence.

Just this little trick was still showing off proudly in front of him.

"This kind of communication can last for a year, and Mr. Watanabe has not been blacklisted. In fact, Mr. Akebi has a pretty good temper."


Watanabe Mayuki covered her chest.

Kitumi Minoru's sharp comment made him feel like he had been punched in the chest.

Totally out of breath.

never mind.

Kitaki shook his head and had no intention of continuing to be sarcastic.

After all, look at Watanabe Mayuki’s appearance.

His words should have touched the depths of his soul.

And the most important thing is——

"Don't worry, Mr. Watanabe, if you follow my method, you and Mr. Mitsuru will be able to go out for dinner tonight."

".real or fake?"

Watanabe Mayuki finally regained her composure and was stunned for a moment when she heard Kitumi Minoru's words.

Don't talk about eating.

He had been in contact with Mitsuru Otome for a whole year, and he rarely had any communication with her outside of work.

He still recognized Kitaki Minoru's ability as a subordinate.

But he had never heard that Ziyi had the function of a 'dating agency'.

He looked disbelieving.

Kitami Minori ignored him and just walked towards Mitsugatome and asked him to follow her.

Mian Akuotome's mind was filled with confusion at this moment.

It's really confusing.

She has watched "The Resentment" filmed by Kitumi Minoru.

I also understand that the other person performs quite well in front of the movie screen.

It gives people a feeling of 'resentment', 'fear' and 'nervousness'.

But even so.

Kuroda Uchiya on the screen still takes the cold and handsome route.

It feels completely different from Hida’s final villain.

Hida mainly gives people a sense of oppression in the manga.


It's just a sense of oppression.

That kind of extremely cruel and evil oppression that makes you chatting and laughing one second, but may cut you in half the next.

That overwhelming feeling of suffocation, just by being stared at by him, as if being enveloped by the murderous aura of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

These are the most important things that can express the core of Hida's character.

Originally, when I met Akuotome, I was hoping to actually see Kitumi Minori's situation.

As a result, the other person's face was filled with a smile that wished she could be 'cured' and sent to heaven.

She immediately heard the sound of her dream being shattered.

Akuotome shook her head.

Although it is true that she has too high demands on Beicheng Minoru, and is even a little picky.

But it’s different from an author of the level of Watanabe Mayuki.

Promotional activities such as this kind of stage play adaptation are particularly important for "Tokyo Curse Sword Master".

It's normal to be a little picky.


After all, she has never seen Kitumi Minori perform formally.

To define Kitumi Minoru as an actor like this is a bit inappropriate no matter how you think about it.

What if the opponent is really like what Watanabe Maysuki said, and can perfectly express Hida's sense of oppression and murderous intent when he 'slaughtered' the protagonist group?

"Mr. Jian Ke, look at me, look at me."

The voice came from the front.

This made Mitaku Otome, who was thinking, look up subconsciously.

Then she paused.

Because it's right in front of her.

Hida appears in her work.

Thanks for the 100 starting coin reward for those who are determined to be bad guys! Thank you so much!

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