Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 2 A weird life experience game

Just like thousands of stories.

Beicheng Shi is a time traveler.

He had a pretty good life in his previous life. He graduated with honors from a key university in China, and later found a job smoothly. After accumulating sufficient experience in the company, he successfully founded a company in China. Own studio.

After a series of management and recruitment, the studio's originally weak foundation gradually became stronger.

This year, he was only 27 years old.

Everything can be said to be smooth and smooth.

And when he was finally free to free himself from the heavy work and enjoy life——

He traveled through time.

Three months ago, he traveled to Japan in this world and became a subservient named Kitazumi Minoru.

Perhaps it's because of the big heart of the Chinese people and their strong ability to adapt to the surrounding environment.

Although Kitaki was a little shocked and confused at first, it only took him a day or two to accept the fact before him.

Kitazumi is not someone who is content with the status quo.

Combining his own situation and abilities, he adapted to the environment and started to use various methods to improve his living environment.

After obtaining the memory of the original owner, he understood that the reason why he traveled to the original owner's body was largely due to the original owner's long-term bullying and some unreliable family reasons.

Then the next thing is simple.

First there is the issue of bullying.

Beicheng used coercion and inducement, supplemented by homework, snacks, and sticks.

In less than a week, Kitumi Minoru pinned down several naughty children who had bullied the original owner, unable to stand up, and he became the actual mastermind behind the scenes. He is said to be the king of children in the class now. Not an exaggeration.

After solving the most basic bullying problem, Kitumi turned her attention to the road of life.

It is better to seek help from others than from yourself.

The original owner's family had its own problems, so much so that he still lives with his cheap aunt.

Therefore, he really couldn't rely on the original owner's cheap parents to settle down.

The good news is that the original owner is a boy servant himself - this is a profession that even a child can work legally.

The bad news is that the original owner's career as a slave can't be said to be miserable, it can also be said that it is unbearable to look at.

To break it down, they are the so-called Child A and Child B, the kind of extras whose names only appear at the end of a movie or TV series.

This is also natural.

As a son-in-law, the original actor's acting skills can only be said to be average. Coupled with the fact that he has been bullied for a long time, his mental state cannot be generalized from the energetic state of ordinary son-in-laws - a normal person would prefer a cute and energetic little boy. child.

If the previous problems were just things that Kitumi Minoru could easily solve.

So it can be said that Kitazumi spent a lot of time on Ziyue's career.

It can be said that during the three months that Kitumi Minoru traveled through time, at least two-thirds of her time was spent on adapting to her body, honing her acting skills, cultivating her own characteristics, and handling the interpersonal relationships around her.

These efforts were not in vain.

Through various means, a good relationship with the director of "The Resentment" and his own outstanding performance.

Kitami Minori landed one of the main roles in a low-budget horror film called "The Grudge".


Kitaki glanced at the light blue window in his field of vision.

[Congratulations to the user for getting the life experience game].

[This game aims to give users a better life script experience. 】

[You can choose TV, animation, novel, game script character types that are related to your real life to play life experience games. 】

[After the game is over, the system will issue rewards. 】

[Current life experience: None. 】

If he had obtained this golden finger just after time travel, maybe he would have been ecstatic and overwhelmed, right?

But he has been here for three months.

All bizarre thoughts and thoughts have been extinguished.


"It's better to come than not to come."

Kitaki shook his head, raised his finger, and clicked on the personal attributes panel.

[Username: Kitaki Minoru]

[Appearance value 9, learning ability 8, athletic ability 5. 】(This rating adopts a 10-point scale)

[Specialties: Acting LV3, Communication LV5, Cooking LV2. 】(This rating is based on a scale of 1 to 5)

[Talent: None yet. 】

[System evaluation: Your learning ability is very good, which allows you to quickly master anything you do. As a son-in-law, although your acting skills are not as good as those of the genius son-in-law, you are still considered outstanding among the sons-in-law. Your appearance and communication skills can allow you to capture the hearts of women and men of all ages at any time and in any place. 】


Beicheng Minoru was stunned for a moment.

He understands the importance of capturing women's hearts.

The appearance of the original owner is laid out here. He should be cute and cute, handsome and handsome. He should look good no matter how he looks. It can be said that he has an upright face without any flaws.

This is the truth.

Sometimes when Beicheng is walking, some women with ulterior motives will come up to 'chat' him and take pictures together. Some of them are more serious and even dare to kiss him on the face - after all, he is just a child from the outside.

But what does ‘male heart’ mean?

No one really likes to smelt copper, right?

There's something really wrong with this system, isn't it?


"Forget it. I am indeed pretty good-looking. This is true, and the system was right."

Beicheng Shi didn't care at all.

He is indeed very confident in some aspects, even to the point of being narcissistic.

Roughly scan through the personal panel.

Kitazumi raised her hand and clicked on the option "Can experience life now".

[The current script that meets user requirements: "The Resentment" (two stars: a slightly outstanding niche horror script)]

[Current script character that meets user requirements: Kuroda Uchiichi. 】

[Character type: perverted murderer. 】

[Would you like to start experiencing this role type? whether? 】

"Kuroda Uchiichi?"

Kitazumi glanced at this character name in surprise.

Kuroda Uchiichi.

This is exactly the main role in the script of "The Resentful Son" that he received this time.

Since it is a novel adapted into a movie, the plot of "The Resentful Son" is very simple.

The origin of the story is probably a car accident, which caused the pregnant heroine to have an unexpected miscarriage.

The stillborn child casts a haze on the originally bright life of the hero and heroine.

In order to clear this heavy atmosphere, the hero and heroine decided to adopt another child after already having a daughter.

And this child adopted by the hero and heroine is the role that Kitami Minoru needs to play - Kuroda Uchiichi.

In the story, Kuroda Uchiichi is a character who is born with a special congenital pituitary disease.

He seemed to have the handsome appearance and figure of a child.

But in fact, Kuroda Naichi himself is already in his twenties.

The lack of maternal love as a child and the long-term abuse by his stepmother planted the seeds of abuse in his heart since he was a child.

Before being adopted by the hero and heroine, he had already committed several cases of humiliation and murder.

But every time he was subconsciously ignored by the police because of his extremely deceptive appearance and figure.

The entire story of "The Resentful Son" also begins under this background.

As stated above.

Kuroda Uchiichi is definitely a very standard perverted murderer.

It is precisely because this role needs to show an extremely special feeling of "adult" and "childishness" that this role was so smoothly won by Kitami Minori, the "alien" among the sub-actors.


As said before.

The character of Kuroda Naichi is a perverted murderer.



What to experience?

The life of a perverted murderer?

At this moment, the more Kitaki Minoru looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong with this life experience game.


never mind.

Kitaki Minoru was still a little curious about this golden finger, so he didn't hesitate for long.

He raised his finger and pointed at the 'yes' option.

At this moment, consciousness sank into darkness——

[The world is bustling with people coming and going, but the excitement is theirs and you have nothing. 】

[In 1997, you were born. 】

[The sun is shining, children are with you, friends are bustling in the park, and the smell of cooking is coming home—this is a sunny day that belongs exclusively to a carefree childhood. 】

[But not everyone’s childhood is always sunny. Your childhood is always dark. The cold wind of your stepfather’s domestic violence whizzes past your head. Your mother’s cowardice and weakness make you unable to let go. 】

[You begin to become silent, weak, and numb. 】

[The days are torn off as the calendar falls apart. In high school, because of your handsome appearance, the good-looking girls in the class frequently showed favor to you, which also made others unhappy. 】

[Dissatisfaction and jealousy bring out the ugliness and hit you on the head. 】

[The bloody dead rat in the desk, the hidden indoor shoes, the hidden thumbtacks on the seat, and the direct beatings leave you speechless as you are already numb. 】

[There is no sun in your dark world, only the moon. The only thing that gives you some comfort in the world is your neighbor's old lady Tendo who runs a fruit stall outside. 】

[Unlike your stepfather’s violence and your mother’s weakness towards you, your neighbor’s single mother-in-law Tendo gives you infinite tolerance and care. 】

[People who are always accustomed to darkness, even if there is only a beam of light, they will hold on tightly, like a life-saving straw. 】

[The old man's concern for you makes your originally dead heart ripple again. 】

【She is your only comfort in the world. 】

The cold water of winter hit her body, and Kitumi Minoru, who was only sixteen years old, shivered from the cold.

At the same time, under the dim light at home, my stepfather’s teeth were spread out and yellowed by smoking.

"What a waste! You can't even come back to buy a pack of cigarettes? Get out! Get out of here! You're such a weakling, just like your dead dog father!"

The yelling and cursing were accompanied by the big feet hitting the body.

There was nothing but heart-wrenching pain all over my body.

Beicheng Minoru raised his thin body and looked at his stepfather in front of him with numb eyes.

On one side, the mother timidly huddled in the corner holding her feet, not daring to say a word.

Silently picking up the shoulder bag in the corner, Kitumi, who was wearing a thin uniform, tightened her neck, braved the howling cold wind in winter, left home, and limped toward school.

His heart is fragile and sensitive. In order to cover up the scars and abnormalities on his body, he can only walk slowly.

The distance from home to school is short.

It's as short as walking from one hell to another.

The sound of beating and yelling filled the entire bathroom.

After a while, only the young man lying on the cold and wet floor remained.

He stood up by the edge of the wall, staring blankly at the ceiling without saying a word.

After looking for a long time, he went to the wash basin on the side to wash his face.

Just like that, he spent the day in a daze.

After rejecting the female high school student who came to invite him, Kita Chengshi walked towards home.

This is his every day.

When passing a place.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally stopped, looked at the old single-family house in front of him, and walked inside.

"Tendo Granny."

He deliberately cleared the haze in his voice, and his upright face showed the energetic smile of a young male high school student.

This is the home of my neighbor, Tendo Granny.

This is my first time writing a book - if you have the conditions, please recommend it and collect it, thank you very much -

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