Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 207: You didn't plagiarize, did you? (4000 words)

Qiyomizu-san expressed his opinion over there.

Mikawa Takeo and Shiraishi Jun also spoke up.

Mikawa Takeo first teased Kitasumi, saying that he should remember to pay for his lunch for a week if he had the chance in the future.

And Shiraishi Jun did the same as Kiyomizu-san.

He said that if there is a movie shooting that needs a sub-type actor in the future, Kitasumi Jun should remember to come and help with the shooting.

After all, Kitasumi Jun is the most comfortable male actor he has ever used.

Unless there is a male actor who is better than Kitasumi Jun in the future.

Otherwise, Shiraishi Jun will basically not consider anyone else.

These three requirements were made.

Kitasumi Jun has not expressed his opinion yet.

But Kusakabe Hezi behind him was a little breathless.

Because to her, this is not a request at all.

It is clear that Kitasumi Jun has taken a huge advantage.

You know, for sub-actors in the industry, being able to appear in the movies and TV series of Kiyomizu-san and Shiraishi Jun is something they can't even ask for.

But listening to the tone of Kiyomizu-san and Shiraishi Jun,

It seems that they have taken a big advantage by inviting Kita Sumire to film together?

Although Kusakabe Hezi knew that they might admire Kita Sumire very much, otherwise they would not come to help shoot the micro-film.

But she never thought that they would have such a high evaluation of Kita Sumire.

The industry's sub-actors are generally divided into top-tier, first-tier, and second-tier.

It is so favored by two well-known directors in the industry.

Even the top sub-actors can hardly reach this level.

They can actually train such a powerful sub-actor.

Kusakabe Hezi narrowed her eyes and looked at Tamura Koji standing beside her with some vigilance.

There is a saying in the industry that is very good.

If a sub-actor wants to succeed, the agent must account for at least one-third of the credit.

The reason is that the sub-actor himself is immature.

So most of the interpersonal communication, liaison work, and on-site coordination.

are all done by the sub-actor's agent.

I didn't expect Tamura Koji to be able to train Kita Sumire to this in just half a year.

She became a little wary.

After all, the job opportunities for sub-servicemen are basically fixed.

The more job opportunities Kita Sumire gets.

It means that the jobs for agencies that rely on sub-servicemen will be reduced.

Thinking of this, Kusakabe Hezi simply spoke.

"Speaking of which, what kind of magic did Tamura-san use to guide and train Kita Sumire-kun to what he is now?"


Listening to Kusakabe Hezi's words, Tamura Mitsuji was stunned for a moment.

It is common for agents to train sub-servicemen and guide sub-servicemen in any sub-service agency.

In fact, it is really impossible for a sub-serviceman to be trained by an agent without being trained by an agent.


Me? Train Kita Sumire-kun?

Just asking this question made Tamura Mitsuji blush.

He wanted to train Kita Sumire-kun, but Kita Sumire-kun didn't need it at all.

Kita Sumire-kun never asked him about filming, and never worried about interpersonal relationships.

Even now, it has always been Kita Sumire-kun who is feeding him back.

He felt like a big salted radish.

And Kitasumi was a fully automatic fighter. He was led by Kitasumi to kill in the sky and was invincible in the entire sub-service industry.

As a result, Kusakabe Hezi asked him how he trained Kitasumi.

Tamura Koji shook his head.

He really wanted to take all the credit for himself.

But he still had the dignity of a manager. How could he have the nerve to compete with Kitasumi, a sub-service?

So Tamura Koji coughed dryly.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that I didn't really train Kitasumi-kun. I just did some of my own work. The rest was developed by Kitasumi-kun himself."

These words were his inner thoughts, and they could be regarded as his heartfelt words.

However, what he didn't expect was——

"Tamura-san, do you think I'm a fool?"

Kusakabe Hezi frowned his thin eyebrows.

"I understand that you don't want to tell the method of training Kita Chengjun, but you can also find some other more credible reasons, there is no need to insult me ​​like this, right? How can there be a male servant in this world who doesn't need to be trained by an agent?"


She can understand that Tamura Koji is unwilling to tell the method of training Kita Chengshi.

After all, this is a commercial secret for every agent.

But you can't treat me as a fool, right?

It's too disrespectful, isn't it?

How can there be a male servant in this world who doesn't need to be trained by an agent?

You know, male servants are like commodities, and agents are like merchants.

Without merchants to help sell, can we expect the commodities to grow legs and sell themselves?

Her words are well-reasoned.

Even Tamura Koji was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to explain.

Because what he said was true.

Kita Chengshi really grew legs and sold himself.

At most, he helped arrange the schedule and deal with contract issues.

Why is it that in this era, no one believes him when he tells the truth?

You can't really let him have the audacity to admit that he was the one who trained Bei Chengshi, right?

It looked like Tamura Koji wanted to say something, but he couldn't even come up with an explanation.

Kusakabe Hezi was basically certain that the other party was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Even if he pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, he actually treats her like a fool!

She took a deep breath.

"Tamura-san, I can understand your difficulties, let's stop this topic."


She changed the subject and clenched her fists.

"Tamura-san is indeed a very talented agent. Shibaizumi-chan who I trained with my own hands will not lose to Kitazumi-kun so easily."

"." Tamura Koji.

I have a fart talent!

Can you listen to me carefully? !

He couldn't hold himself any longer.

Tamura Koji originally planned to wait until work was over today and invite Kusakabe Heko to have a meal with him.

Because he actually respects and has a good impression of Kusakabe Hezi.

After all, it is not easy for a woman to survive in this cruel industry environment and to reach this level.

But looking at Kusakabe Hezi clenching his fists

Don't say you went out to eat.

Tamura Koji felt like just standing next to him, the other party would give him a slap in the face.

He was helpless, so he simply threw all these miscellaneous thoughts out of his mind and looked towards the other side in the direction of Kitaki Minoru.

I don’t know how the other party’s discussions with Takeo Mikawa and the others went.

Kitazumi was indeed discussing with Takeo Mikawa and the others.

It's just that it's no longer a matter of human relations.

Instead, we are discussing script matters.


That is, in popular terms, a script.

As the saying goes.

Good actors determine the upper limit of a movie, and a good script determines the lower limit of a movie.

From here we can also see how important the script is in film shooting.

Although it is only a short film of a few minutes or ten minutes.

However, the importance of the script still goes without saying and cannot be ignored casually.

People present.

Whether it's Takeo Mikawa, Kiyomizuyama or Jun Shiraishi.

They all have considerable shooting experience in the industry.

For them, the quality of the plot can basically be seen at a glance.

It is absolutely right to discuss the plot of the micro-movie with them.


"Boy Beicheng, why didn't I see the scriptwriter?"

Takeo Mikawa glanced around and found that there were only a few of them, so he asked.

"Yeah. I didn't see the screenwriter either."

Qingshuishan also raised the same question.

After all, the script is very important. Without it, it would be impossible to shoot.

Although Jun Shiraishi remained silent, the meaning of his glance was quite obvious - he also wanted to ask Minoru Kitami about the screenwriter.

However, just when the three people glanced back and forth, trying to figure out when the screenwriter was coming.


"I am the screenwriter. I will come up with the specific story."

Beicheng Minoru stood up naturally and spoke.

But that's it.

But the expressions of several people present were instantly down.

Among them, Qingshuishan was even more incredulous after reacting.

"No.? Precocious? You? Conceive stories?"

"Any questions?"

The problem is huge!

The corners of Qingshuishan's mouth twitched.

This time they are going to make a love-related movie.

Beicheng Shiman is only nine years old.

At this age, don’t talk about love.

Even how to write the word ‘love’ is awkward, right?

Even if he is very precocious.

But so what? Does he have any relationship experience?

Can you understand what love between adults looks like?

Why do you think you can write a touching love story at an age when you don't know anything about it?

"Let me tell you, precocious children, the love experience of adults is not like you little brats, having a good impression is just 'love'."

Qingshuishan began to persuade.

He really didn't believe that Kitumi Minoru could come up with any decent love story.

Rather than letting him act recklessly, it would be better to hire a screenwriter now. Anyway, Kitazumi has a lot of connections.

However, what Qingshuishan didn’t expect was——

"Actually, I already have an idea. It should be a pretty good love story."

"." Qingshui Mountain.

Looking at Beicheng Minoru's confident expression.

He sighed heavily.

I have worked with Minoru Kitaki so many times.

Of course he knew that Beicheng was the kind of person who was quite confident.

But who would have thought?

He can actually be so confident.

It is impossible to be able to do things with such confidence.

"In that case, let's talk about it first."

There is nothing to say on the Qingshui Mountain side.

Here, Shiraishi Jun did not hesitate for a moment and spoke briefly.

Although Kitumi Minori's acting skills did conquer him.

But like Qingshuishan, he didn't quite believe that Kitumi Minoru could come up with an excellent story.

After all, screenwriting and acting are not the same concept.

But Beicheng Shi made such a strong request.

Shiraishi Jun felt that it was not impossible to give the other party a chance.

After all, Kitumi Minoru is just a child.

His courage to try new things is something to be encouraged.

Even if you really don’t do well in the end.

They, the adults, should also give encouragement.

His words were quickly agreed by Mikawa Takeo and Shimizusan.

Since Kitasumi is determined to go to the Yellow River, let him go to the Yellow River and talk about what happens next.

Kitasumi didn't care about their thoughts.

He just thought about it for a while and told the station story related to Arima Mahiru.

Of course, although it was a real experience.

But Kitasumi still added a little adaptation to it.

The hero and heroine in the story are childhood sweethearts.

They met and fell in love, and they were inseparable.

And this Midai Station witnessed their short but beautiful life.

Due to the short length of the micro-film, Kitasumi considered a total of five shots.

The first shot is the hero and heroine as children.

They play and fight on the wooden bench at the station.

The sun shines on their figures chasing and playing with each other.

It sets off an indescribable beauty.

The second shot is the hero and heroine in high school.

At this time, they have already met and fallen in love.

The wooden bench where they used to play became a place for them to cuddle up to each other.

The sea breeze blew gently.

It blew up the skirt of the girl and also moved the heart of the boy.

They held each other's fingers and didn't want to separate.

The third shot was the middle-aged male and female protagonists.

They no longer held hands, but each held one hand, holding their own children and sitting on the wooden bench waiting for the bus.

They were already a couple and smiled and talked in a low voice.

The fourth and fifth shots were shots of the male and female protagonists who had already stepped into the elderly stage.

The white-haired old man and the old woman sat on the wooden bench.

They looked at each other, their eyes were full of love.

But they no longer needed to express it in words.

Behind them was the blue sky and the seagulls were crying.

In front of them was the clanging tram.

Everything was noisy.

Only love was silent.

After the tram passed.

Only the male protagonist was left on the wooden bench.

He turned back and looked at the camera.

There is no regret on the old face.

Only a faint, happy smile.

Five short shots.

Symbolizes love, companionship, and loneliness.

This corresponds to the short life of the male and female protagonists. It also corresponds to their experience of love, birth, aging, sickness and death.

Kita Sumire said all his thoughts.

He originally thought that there would be a fierce debate next.


Kita Sumire obviously noticed that something was wrong in the air.

He found that Shiraishi Jun, Shimizusan and Mikawa Takeo were all looking at him silently.

And that look

To be honest.

Something is not right?

It was silent for a long time.

Shimizusan, who had not spoken, spoke with a strange expression.

"Precocious, this story of yours, could it be that you copied it from somewhere?"


This micro-film story is too touching, right?

There is an indescribable sense of reality.

Just listening to Kita Sumire's narration.

There is a sense of reality close to life.

It's as if this is not a story.

It's like something that really happened.

To be honest,

it doesn't seem like a story that a nine-year-old boy could come up with.


Could Kita Sumimi plagiarize?

Good! Today's 8,000 words! Good night, everyone!

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