Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 208: If it breaks down, it’s because of my money. (4000 words)

When Kita Chengshi was telling this love story at the station.

They felt that it was not like telling a story at all.

It was like something that really happened.


The story told by Kita Chengshi was not like that in most movies or TV series.

The hero and heroine would always try to kill themselves. I love you, and I hope you love me. If you don’t love me, I will cry in the rain, and then I was hit by a car by accident, and I accidentally got cancer. In short, it was a love story that kept reversing, creating tear points, and deceiving the audience’s tears.

What he said was a plain, real, and quite close to the love story of ordinary people.

There was no ups and downs, no reversals, no tears, and no process of trying to kill themselves.

There was only a plain beginning and a plain ending, and they watched each other.

Although there were no small foreshadowings and reversals, it was more real.

The realism close to life made Qingshuishan feel moved.

He now only suspected that Kita Sumi saw other people's works or ideas somewhere, and then came up with this story.

After all, the feeling of sincerity in the story

cannot be experienced without decades of life experience.

It is impossible that Kita Sumi, a nine-year-old child, has experienced all this, right?

Thinking of this.

Qingshuishan's expression became a little solemn.

"Precocious, this story is excellent, but the problem lies in the fact that it is excellent. Did you hear it somewhere or read it in a book?"

"Is it important to have heard or read it?"

Kita Sumi asked.

"It is very important, and it can be said to be quite important."

Qingshuishan emphasized his tone.

Putting aside other situations, Japan protects the intellectual property rights of the original author very strongly.

No matter any director or screenwriter, they don't want to see the work involved in infringement of other works.

Because as long as you are involved in this thing, the minimum is a compensation of tens of millions of yen.

Even your reputation will decline, and in serious cases, you will be attacked by many viewers on the Internet.

After all, plagiarism is the most intolerable thing in the industry.

Qingshuishan must ask this question clearly.

"I see. Uncle Qingshui, don't worry, this story is absolutely original to me, there is no possibility of plagiarism or infringement."

Bei Chengshi said this without any pressure.

After all, the self in the game of life is also himself.

He uses his own life experience, so it won't constitute infringement, right?


Qingshuishan glanced up and down at Bei Chengshi's expression.

After finding that the other party didn't mean to joke at all, he was relieved a little.

He didn't think that Bei Chengshi was the kind of person who would lie after hearing what he just said.

Since there is no possibility of infringement or plagiarism.

Qingshuishan didn't bother to care how Bei Chengshi came up with this story.

After all, the other party is a precocious child.

Even if someone suddenly told him that the other party was not a child, but an old uncle with a soul of twenty or thirty years, Qingshuishan felt that he would believe it.

But no matter how much he thought about it, it was too bizarre, it was impossible.

Qingshuishan shook his head and felt relieved.

And watching him feel relieved.

Kita Sumire didn't hesitate, and turned his eyes to Shiraishi Jun and Mikawa Takeo, wanting to hear their opinions.

"I think it's very good, a very good story."

After a long while.

Shiraishi Jun, who is always not good at speaking, gave his evaluation.

His evaluation was still so concise and clear, and his face didn't fluctuate at all.

Although his face didn't fluctuate.

But the bright light of surprise in his eyes still betrayed his inner fluctuations.

It's really a very good story.

Although it's very plain, it's true.

After all, who in this world doesn't want to grow old with the person they love and spend the rest of their lives together?

Mikawa Takeo, who was sitting on the bench, didn't hesitate and nodded very simply.

"Very good."

It may be because of his older age.

Mikawa Takeo likes the sincere little happiness when Kita Sumire tells the story.

Very good!

Kita Sumire nodded.

He was very satisfied.

"Come to think of it, Zaoshenger, I heard you say just now that you want to get 2 million yen from "Little Director" with this work, right?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Any problem?"

Kitasumi admitted it straightforwardly.

He was indeed quite interested in the 200 yen from the program team, and he would certainly not let it go if he could easily pocket it.

Instead, Shimizusan rolled his eyes.

"I think Zaoshenger, your goal can be higher, maybe you can get some award with this work."

2 million yen is nothing.

He and a few director friends probably spent 2 million yen on a few trips to Ginza.

Kitasumi's micro-film work was directed by him and Shiraishi Jun, and it was starred by heavyweight actors like Mikawa Takeo.

If the operation is better, it should be no problem to win a micro-film award.

Using it to participate in "Little Director", a prank program full of adult evil, is like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill a mosquito.

As for the other members of the group?

Let’s be honest.

The moment when these ‘professional players’ decided to help Kita Sumire.

The other groups' actors are already fish in the pond.

They are the ones who are frying the pond with their eyes closed.

Even if Kitasumi really wrote a terrible script.

They can shoot it perfectly.

Not to mention Kitasumi's extraordinary performance and came up with such an excellent story.

Isn't that more of a fish fry?

The discussion ends here.

Kitasumi and the other four did not hesitate and simply called Hosokawa Shibaizumi to discuss the specific shooting details.

After all, whether it is Shimizusan, Shiraishi Jun or Mikawa Takeo.

Their time is very valuable. They can finish the shooting as soon as possible, and they can't waste time here.

It is different from the previous "Now! Let's Start the Test!", which is a dual live broadcast mode on TV and the Internet.

"Little Director" adopts a pre-recorded mode - that is, the edited program recording is broadcast directly on the day of the program broadcast.

There are many advantages to doing this.

For example, if Akasaka Kazuya, the program director, is not satisfied with some shots, he can also reshoot them to achieve the best lens effect.


"Akasaka-san, is our program budget enough?"

In the pub.

Nohara Daisuke, the producer of "Little Director", looked at Akasaka Kazuya beside him and expressed his concerns.

"Little Director" is a short-term variety show.

The Fuji TV production department did not approve much production funds.

Excluding the 1.5 million yen micro-film shooting budget for the three groups of actors and the appearance fees for the actors.

Then the production funds for various small props are deducted.

The remaining production funds are only about 700,000 yen.

This production fund is indeed too little.

It is barely enough to tighten the belt, and any large props will be broken.

Even Nohara Daisuke couldn't help shaking his head.

It is said that short-term variety shows are not loved by their mothers or fathers.

But who would have thought it would come to this?

You want the horse to run, but you don't want the horse to eat grass?

Nohara Daisuke was complaining, and he couldn't help but want to curse - he was really stingy.

For his complaints.

On the other side, the director of the "Little Director" program group, Akasaka Kazuya, laughed and waved his hands, showing that he didn't care.

"It's okay, Nohara-san, 700,000 yen is enough."

Unlike Nohara Daisuke.

Akasaka Kazuya has quite enough experience in shooting this kind of variety show.

Like sofas, LCD screens and scoring devices.

Fuji TV actually has spare parts in its warehouse.

So -

"As long as there is no big trouble, a budget of about 700,000 is enough."

Akasaka Kazuya also made a guarantee with certainty, so that Nohara Daisuke could rest assured.

But looking at him like this.

Nohara Daisuke frowned, thought about it, and asked another question.

"But Akasaka-san, didn't you give a bonus of 2 million yen?"


A bonus of 2 million yen.

This is a gimmick that Kazuya Akasaka specifically came up with for "Little Director".

But the overall budget of their "Little Director" program team is only 700,000 yen.

What if a group of actors gets the bonus.

But the program team has no money to give out in the end, wouldn't it be embarrassing then?

"Don't worry about this, Nohara-san."

Kazuya Akasaka laughed out loud

It would be fine if the other party didn't mention the 2 million yen bonus.

He wanted to laugh as soon as he mentioned it.

After all, he didn't plan to give out the 2 million yen bonus from the beginning.

To put it bluntly.

It's impossible for a bunch of little actors to shoot such outstanding and excellent works.

He can't fail at all.

Even if he really fails, some actors shoot decent works.

But it's basically impossible to get a high score of 25 points from the three directors he invited to score.

You know, the three directors he invited to score this time are known for being "strict" in the industry.

Not to mention that Kazuya Akasaka also added the name of Jun Shiraishi to the list of judges.

Jun Shiraishi.

This director is quite an outlier even in the entire director circle.

He is unkind, cold to others, and indifferent to everyone. These are how people in the circle describe him.

More importantly, no matter how old the auditioning actor is, as long as he does not meet Jun Shiraishi's requirements.

He will let the other party go without hesitation.

There is such a "heartless" robot to help check.

Kazuya Akasaka can be said to be quite relieved about the 2 million yen of his own program group.

He believes that it is impossible for a child actor to snatch the money from him.

"I see, when I heard that a bonus of 2 million yen was set, I thought we had to pay out of our own pockets to make up for the gap of 2 million yen."

Hearing the familiar name of Jun Shiraishi, Daisuke Nohara finally felt relieved and even teased Kazuya Akasaka.

After all, "Little Director" is just a short-term variety show.

It is impossible for their program team to get more production funds from the production department.

If the child actor really won the 2 million yen bonus.

Maybe the two of them will really have to pay out of their own pockets to make up for the 2 million yen funding gap.

"How is it possible? How could I do such a stupid thing?"

Akasaka Kazuya smiled and waved his hands.

Although 1.3 million yen is not a large amount of money for him.

But it is still a piece of meat after all.

It will definitely hurt to cut the meat off.

He naturally didn't want to.

Kazuya Akasaka wanted to say something else, but before he could finish his words, a quick ring of the phone interrupted his action.


Kazuya Akasaka glanced at the caller.

The name popped up on the screen was Kawai Toshio.

This made Kazuya Akasaka interested.

Kawai Toshio was the cameraman he assigned to Kita Sumi's group.

In addition to assisting Kita Sumi and others in shooting the micro-film.

He also had the task of recording the details of Kita Sumi and others when shooting the micro-film.

Because he liked Kita Sumi more.

So Kazuya Akasaka also specially asked Kawai Toshio to remind him that if Kita Sumi did anything particularly effective, he should remember to report to him.

At this moment, the other party called him.

It must be Kita Sumi who did something again?

It's worth mentioning that Kita Sumire is indeed worthy of it.

This is only the first day.

Other sub-groups are still worried about the script, actors, and filming locations, and they are at a loss.

Only he has received news.

Akasaka Kazuya sighed a little, and also looked forward to whether Kita Sumire will bring him another surprise.

"Nohara-san, I'll take a call. It's about the program."


Nohara Daisuke nodded.

Akasaka Kazuya then answered the phone with great interest.

But it was different from his excited and even quite relaxed attitude.

Akasaka Kazuya just picked up the phone.

Kawai Toshio on the other end of the phone came with a somewhat panicked voice.

"Something bad is going to happen, Director Akasaka!"

"Huh? What's the big deal?"

Akasaka Kazuya frowned, a little unhappy.

Kawai Toshio's work attitude in their program group has always been positive and serious.

He has always admired this young man.

Why are you panicking at this moment?

"Kawai-san, calm down first, don't be anxious, it's just a matter of the show, it's not a big deal."

Akasaka Kazuya picked up the wine glass and comforted Kawai Toshio's emotions.


It's just a matter of the show, it's not a big deal.

Is it necessary to be so anxious?

He thought so and brought the wine glass to his mouth.


"Kitasumi-kun Kitasumi-kun invited Mikawa Takeo to act! Directors Shimizuyama and Shiraishi Jun will help guide!"


The small sake cup slipped from his fingers.

Akasaka Kazuya didn't bother to pick up the cup, opened his mouth in surprise, and was stunned for a moment.

Mikawa Takeo? Shimizuyama? And Shiraishi Jun?

Some names that would never appear in a children's prank variety show appeared.

This is no longer a surprise, but a shock, right?

And the key is——

Akasaka Kazuya slapped his thigh.

A bad look appeared on his face.

It's bad!

Bei Chengshi, this kid, is here to make me 'cut flesh'!

Thank you eldll for the 500 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much! Thank you book friend 20201112101032398 for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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