This is the scene where Kenichi Aoki has just lost his power by the dragon vein, and his friend comes to tell him about the whereabouts of his mortal enemy Ichiro Kitaoka.

This scene is followed by the scene where Kenichi Aoki and Ichiro Kitaoka have their first duel, and then he loses, and his friend Kiyoyoshi Chiyoko dies.

Kenichi Aoki, whose body age has been taken away by the dragon vein, sits cross-legged with his eyes closed in front of the calligraphy work "Calmness".

The afternoon sun shines on him melodiously.

He closes his eyes calmly.

"Mr. Aoki!"

"What's the matter?"

Kenichi Aoki opens his eyes and looks at the young man who ran in from outside in panic.

"I have found the whereabouts of Ichiro Kitaoka that you asked me to find before, but..."

It seems that he noticed the bright colors in Kenichi Aoki's eyes.

The young man lowered his head in fear.

Even though the other party has lost his adult body, the unconcealed, real murderous aura still makes him shrink his head.


Kenichi Aoki stands up.

"But. Miss Yukishiro and Mr. Chisei told me"

He shrank back and dared not speak.

Yukishiro Kaoru and Chisei Kiyoyoshi knew that Kenichi Aoki was unruly and fearless of any strong enemy.

They knew that even if he was deprived of his power by the dragon vein, he would not hesitate to fight to the death with the other party the moment he heard the news of Kitaoka Ichiro.

So the two of them specifically instructed the young man.

Tell him not to reveal Kitaoka Ichiro's whereabouts to Kenichi Aoki.

But the news of Kitaoka Ichiro was already in front of him.

Of course he would not let it go.

Kenichi Aoki stood up and walked in front of the young man.

The sunlight in the quiet room stretched his back very long.

"Where is Kitaoka Ichiro?"

He asked.

"Mr. Aoki, but"

"No but."

Kenichi Aoki waved his hand.

The eyes that had been silent all the time flashed brightly.

He spoke in a calm tone.

"I will kill him."

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

An indescribable atmosphere of killing permeated the room.


Hearing Kenichi Aoki's decisiveness.

The young man who had hesitated before was also shaken.

He knew Kenichi Aoki's ability.

Naturally, he also knew how powerful his attainments in swordsmanship were.

Seeing Kenichi Aoki so confident at this time.

After all, he did not abide by the agreement with Chisei Kiyoyoshi and Yukishiro Kaoru and told them where Kitaoka Ichiro was.

But the young man who told Kenichi Aoki about the matter did not notice it.

Kenichi Aoki, who has always been quite confident in his swordsmanship, unconsciously clenched his hilt with his palm.

The slight friction between the index finger and the thumb.

These small movements fully express that he is actually far from being as calm as he looks on the surface.

And this also laid the groundwork for Kenichi Aoki's defeat in the first duel.

This whole shot is quite simple, it is nothing more than the young man coming to the door and passing the information about Kitaoka Ichiro to Kenichi Aoki.

However, it is such a simple shot.

When it was performed by Kitasumi, it was completely different.

The aura of the whole body completely suppressed the young supporting actor.

When the young actor mentioned Kitaoka Ichiro.

Kitasumi Minoru's eyes, which had been calm all the time, suddenly widened, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.

Until he said the line "Kill him".

Kitasumi Minoru paused for a moment, took a breath, and then spoke again. His palm unconsciously clenched the handle of the knife, and his facial expression also showed a very tense expression.

This feeling made Tanaka Kenzo, who had been staring at the monitor, nod his head with satisfaction.

The most important thing is Kitasumi Minoru's micro-expressions and micro-movements.

The calmness in his eyes and the incoordination of his body movements fully show the hesitant heart of Aoki Kenichi under his unruly appearance.

The body function was taken away by the dragon vein.

Even Aoki Kenichi, who has always been proud of his swordsmanship, didn't know how much chance he had of winning this time.

"Okay! Pass! Next one! Minoru, you continue!"

Tanaka Kenzo picked up the megaphone, clapped his hands and spoke.

The filming continued.

When it was almost five o'clock--

"Okay! The last shot of "Kengouden" is over! Thank you for your hard work!"

Holding the megaphone, without even wiping off the sweat, Kenzo Tanaka spoke with a smile.

As soon as this sentence came out.

All the staff present were stunned, and it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their shoulders. After looking at each other, they all bowed to Kenzo Tanaka.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Kita Chengshi watched them bow in unison, and it seemed that they didn't need to rehearse at all, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

Although he had been here for almost a year.

But he still found it difficult to adapt to the workplace culture in Japan.

Sometimes, he was eating here.

A head of the stage management team, or a screenwriter or something like that, came over.

The actor next to him stood up suddenly and gave a standard 90-degree bow to greet him.

Kita Chengshi estimated that a 90-degree bow was probably the limit of the bow.

Otherwise, Kita Sumire thought they might do a 130-degree bow or something like that.

And don’t look at the expressions of these staff members who were much more relaxed after the filming of “Kengouden” was completed.

In fact, Kenzo Tanaka, who was surrounded by them, was probably the most relaxed one.

This can be seen from his unconcealed smile.

The cumulative shooting time of "Kengouden" is five months. It started last year and was not officially announced to be completed until April this year.

The pressure that Kenzo Tanaka had to withstand can be imagined.

After all, the shooting speed of most Japanese movies is actually quite fast. Some movies may only take one or two weeks from proposing plans, establishing projects to shooting.

Five months, although it is one month shorter than the original shooting process.

But in the Japanese industry, this speed is still relatively slow.

Let's not talk about anything else.

During the shooting of "Kengouden", Kita Sumire has completed the shooting of TV series such as "Love and Passion", "Night Walk" and "Little Diner".

And let's put aside the shooting speed.

The 2 billion yen investment of "Kengouden" and the organization of the shooting crew to travel between Tokyo and Kyoto, these accumulated things can be heard to know how tiring it is.

Kita Sumire finally understood why Kenzo Tanaka shaved his head at such a young age.

It turns out that this was all forced out.

He sighed.

At this time, the staff on the other side seemed to have finished congratulating Tanaka Kenzo.

Most of the staff began to disperse under the organization of the field management team leader and pack up the filming equipment.

Seeing this, Kita Sumire did not hesitate and walked up to Tanaka Kenzo.

"Uncle Tanaka, congratulations on the end of the filming, thank you for your care for me during this filming."

There may be social etiquette in this thank you.

But most of it comes from Kita Sumire's sincerity.

During the filming of "Kengouden" this time, Tanaka Kenzo really took good care of him.

The bald director's words "I feel that Kita Sumire is a bit like my son" are indeed not just lip service.

It goes without saying that all transportation expenses are reimbursed.

When shooting the snow scene, he was afraid that Kita Sumire would freeze, so he asked the staff below to always prepare hot towels.

When Kita Sumire finished filming, he handed over the hot towel.

Even when eating, Kita Sumire had an extra meat pie in the children's meal compared to other actors.

In addition, Kita Sumire asked for a reshoot, and although Tanaka Kenzo thought it was okay, he still nodded and agreed to the reshoot.

To be honest.

The look of holding Kita Sumire in the palm of his hand was afraid that Kita Sumire would "melt".

Anyone who saw it would think that Kita Sumire and Tanaka Kenzo were close.

If paparazzi entered the filming crew.

They might even write articles like "Shocking! That actor turned out to be the director's illegitimate child".

And this naked favoritism naturally caused dissatisfaction among several actors, who began to consciously isolate Kita Sumire.

However, Kita Sumire said that he didn't care at all, and gave them a few soft nails, plus physical (wooden sword) persuasion.

This led to them being much more restrained in the filming field afterwards.

The look of avoiding them as if they were afraid that Kita Sumire would notice them also made Kita Sumire shake his head in amusement.

It seems that it is not just adults who have the phenomenon of huddling together for warmth.

The same is true among the sub-actors.

Put aside these random thoughts.

Tanaka Kenzo over there waved at Kita Sumi after hearing Kita Sumi's call.

"Thank you for your hard work in the filming of "Kengouden" this time."

He smiled and spoke.

This was not a polite remark, but the truth.

Because he really worked hard for Kita Sumi.

Most of the staff felt that he was too doting on Kita Sumi, the sub-actor.

But from his point of view.

Not only did he not dote on Kita Sumi, but he did not treat her as a sub-actor.

What kind of heavy snow weather made Kita Sumi, a nine-year-old child, shoot snow scenes.

For example, a particularly difficult action was designed - Kita Sumi slid down from the edge of the second-floor eaves of the imitation Edo building.

In order to pursue the perfection of the lens, Kita Sumi was also asked to "slide" repeatedly several times.

Even if there was a wire to help cover the bottom.

But this kind of work intensity and danger is not something that ordinary servants can bear.

But Kita Sumire just completed his requirements silently.

This execution and the perfect presentation of the shooting effect in front of the camera.

He was quite satisfied with Kita Sumire.

Sometimes, it was Kenzo Tanaka who felt that Kita Sumire's work intensity was too high and wanted to let him take a break, but he was rejected in turn - this servant was too dedicated, which made him, a professional director, admire him.

He could even say that this time "Kengouden" could shorten the shooting cycle by one month.

At least two-thirds of the credit goes to Kita Sumire.

It was because of his outstanding performance that so much time was saved.

Thinking of this.

Kenzo Tanaka also continued to speak with some sighs.

"Shi-chan, you may not know that when I took over the filming of "Kengouden", I didn't think that I could film this work so well. This is all thanks to Shi-chan."

As I said before, in addition to the "Kengouden: The Curious Case of Youth" filmed this time.

"Kengouden" actually has three other film adaptations.

The movie "Swordsman: Rejuvenation" was not the business of Tanaka Kenzo from the beginning, but the business of the director named Nagahama Takashi who was responsible for the adaptation of the first three movies of "Swordsman".

It was just after "Rejuvenation" was announced as a movie.

Nagahama Takashi suddenly announced that he was in a car accident and his arm was slightly injured. Although he is fine, it may be difficult to take over the adaptation of "Rejuvenation".

As soon as the news came out.

The company's upper management really had no choice but to change the situation.

But who wants to take over this mess?

If only the first three parts of "Swordsman Den" were okay.

The filming of this fourth film "Rejuvenation" was extremely difficult.

Not only must he have a foundation in swordsmanship, but he must also be good-looking and photogenic, and he must also conform to the image of the original Aoki Kenichi who rejuvenates his youth.

All these requirements are extremely troublesome.

In addition, Ziyi shoots a swordsman-themed action movie, which is not photogenic no matter how you look at it - who would want to see a child wielding a sword and a gun in front of the camera?

Miscellaneous requests.

Extremely difficult shooting conditions.

Or a temporary change.

We are all veteran directors in the industry, and we are not the grievances. Naturally, we don’t want to take this thankless job of being scolded by fans of the original work and scolded by investors if the filming is not good.

In fact, Tanaka Kenzo thought so at first.

Whoever likes to take over will take over.

I can't take any pictures of this thing.

But what he didn't expect was.

The upper management of the company simply started randomly selecting unlucky individuals.

And this one.

He was the unlucky guy.

At that time, Tanaka Kenzo was almost so angry that he vomited blood.

He is a director who makes river dramas and historical movies. You want me to make action movies adapted from comic books?

Are you serious? What is going on in the leadership’s head?

And strangely enough.

Nagahama Takashi, who had previously announced that he had injured his arm and was unable to shoot, heard that Tanaka Kenzo took over.

About a week later, I returned to work at Kadokawa Pictures.

Although the hand is bandaged.

But it looks like his activities are not affected at all.

Tanaka Kenzo has every reason to suspect that this guy is not confident in adapting "Rejuvenation" well.

So I used the excuse of injury to throw this hot potato into my own hands.

Fortunately, I met Kitami Minoru later.

The other party's performance made him experience the word "amazing" for the first time in Ziyi, who only knew how to act cute and pretend to be cute.


Even now, there are still many people who are not optimistic about this adaptation of "Swordsman Den: Rejuvenation", and feel that it is impossible for Ziya to fully bring out the charm of Kenichi Aoki's character.

There are also many negative voices from fans of the original work on the Internet - it is simply unreasonable to use a child to play Kenichi Aoki. How inconsistent will it be when the movie comes out?

But this is just my experience of shooting in these five months.

Kenzo Tanaka can quite literally slap his chest.

"Swordsman Den: Rejuvenation" is definitely an excellent work.

As for Nagahama Takashi, who used his injury as an excuse to give up adapting this work?

When I think about the other party getting an advantage and being nice, he will come over and scold me from time to time, as if he is afraid that he will come up with a work that is even better than the first three "Swordsman Den" he adapted.

Tanaka Kenzo couldn't help but let out a breath.


This time, with Minoru Kitami helping to figure it out, let the box office do the talking!

You, the guy, will regret it then!

I caught a cold the day before yesterday. The air conditioner and electric fan were blowing on my head, which gave me a cold. Then today it got worse.

I'll take some medicine and go to bed later. Dizzy.

I'm so sorry.

Thanks for the 500 starting point coin reward from the potential jumper! Thanks to the drifting Sea Spider for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to Xiao Yujun for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to book friend 20221216125422572 for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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