Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 214 So many friends have emptied their pockets for you (4400 words)

Although Kenzo Tanaka said it was simple.

But Kita Sumire knew in his heart that this matter was definitely not that simple.

Because "Kengoden" is different from the movies Kita Sumire had shot before.

He had shot "The Grudge" and "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

Two movies.

One is a horror movie that tends to be niche.

The other "The Kidnapped Natsuko" is much better than "The Grudge", but it is also a niche literary and artistic healing movie.

But "Kengoden" is different.

It is a truly mass-market action commercial movie.

Whether children, young people or middle-aged people are willing to accept the type of movie.

And what is a commercial movie?

In other words, it is a movie that sacrifices everything just to pursue box office and create IP.

There are many movies of this type.

Similar to the popcorn superhero commercial movies in Kita Sumire's previous life.

The main focus is on visual effects and fighting.

Although the plot is not very nutritious, the special effects and fighting scenes alone are enough to make people sigh.

And "Kengouden" is similar to them.

It also pursues box office and creates IP.

Plus a huge investment of 2 billion yen.

If the box office performance is low in the end, it can't even make back the investment, and the reputation is also bad.

Then Kenzo Tanaka will really become a laughing stock.

After all, it is unlikely that commercial movies will win awards. If the box office can't even make back the investment, then 2 billion yen can really be considered a waste of money.

But look at it the other way around.

If "Kengouden" is a big hit.

Then it won't just be Kenzo Tanaka, Kita Sumire can also "one person's success, the whole family will rise to heaven".

After all, "Kengouden" has a high level of attention.

Similar to the superhero movies of Marvel and DC in the previous life.

Although many of their series of movies are criticized by a lot of people when they are filmed, saying that they are not very good, and the reasons for the fighting are inexplicable and disappointing.

But even so, every time they release a promotional PV for each movie, there are still UP hosts and some film and television bloggers who will watch, pay attention to, and analyze it.

"Kengouden" is similar to this type of movie, and it is a movie that many Japanese people pay attention to.

As the main character, if Kita Sumire's performance can attract them.

There is no doubt that there will be another round of surge in attention.

Who knows if he can catch up with Akiyama Shion, who is known as King Frieza, with the impact of this wave of attention?

Therefore, Kita Sumire sincerely looks forward to the box office of "Kengouden" this time.

Of course.

In addition, the salary for "Kengouden" has also been paid.

Excluding the tax and the commission for AR sub-service training.

The actual amount received is about 2.17 million yen-this salary is obviously different from the price agreed before.

But it is actually normal.

During the filming of "Kengouden".

Kita Sumire evolved from a second-rate sub-service to a first-rate sub-service now.

If Kita Sumire is still treated with the same salary as a second-rate actor, it will be a laughing stock.

If it is dug up by some unscrupulous news media.

It is estimated that it will be a big issue again - criticizing the darkness of this industry, and actually deducting the salary of such a young child.

Considering this.

Tanaka Kenzo certainly did not hesitate, and simply communicated with the AR actor training center and re-signed a contract.

The main thing is to increase Kita Sumire's salary to 5 million yen.

This price is not too exaggerated.

Unlike TV dramas that are filmed episode by episode.

This time, the filming period of "Kengouden" lasted for 5 months.

5 million yen is completely in line with Kita Sumire's positioning as a first-rate actor.

Another 2.17 million yen came into the account, and Kita Sumire was naturally much more comfortable.

2.17 million yen plus his original assets of more than 7 million yen.

The total is just a little bit away from breaking the 10 million yen mark.

Just when Kita Sumire was still calculating how much money he had earned.

On the other side, Koji Tamura was a little impatient.

He had opened his computer at his usual pace today.

Check the mailbox to see if there are any work emails that meet Kita Sumire's requirements.

If there are, leave them.

If not, move on to the next stage.

After all, the filming of "Kengoden" has been completed, and Kita Sumire's schedule is completely free.

It's just that all the movies that were supposed to be released during this period have also been released.

The spring TV series was also broadcast when Kita Sumire was filming "Kengoden", which is an absolute off-season.

Except for some second-rate TV variety shows, there are basically no serious filming projects.

Koji Tamura just glanced at it and put it down.

Move on to the next work stage.

This work stage is also very simple.

Check and plan Kita Sumire's schedule to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted.


"There's nothing to adjust."

Leaning back into the office chair, Koji Tamura stretched.

This was the first time he felt so free.

After all, he had been working non-stop since he took over Kitasumi.

He had been busy from the middle of last year to April this year.

And now he suddenly had nothing to do.

Of course, Tamura Koji was a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, he had nothing to do.

Tamura Koji thought about it for a while, and simply opened the backend of Kitazumi's personal homepage, hoping to clean up the private messages on Kitazumi's personal homepage.

The number of followers of Minoru Kitazumi has exceeded 300,000 this year.

There is also a lot of harassment in private messages caused by this number of followers.

Tamura Koji just glanced at the private message and showed a speechless expression.

The last time I looked through Kitumi Minoru’s private messages was in February this year.

At that time, Kitazumi's followers were already quite perverted. Many people wanted Kitazumi to step on them, slap their butts with a cane, and squeeze out all the money in their wallets.

If no one could see Kitumi Minoru's identity as a slave.

You will probably feel like this is a living alphabet circle scene.

And now it seems.

The perversion of Kitazumi Minori's followers has only increased!

Looking at the sentence in the private message box, "Beicheng God, please give me Shijiang." ’ With comments such as ‘The God of Beicheng loves the world, that’s why he sent the little angel Minoru down to save the world’, Tamura Koji felt cold sweat break out on his forehead.

Has it finally begun?

This is the day to worship your own servants as gods.


He is just a child.

Not a religious leader!

Do you believe in a disciple directly?

Is it really no problem?

Also the ‘Beicheng God’?

Tamura Koji almost fell off his office chair without being able to sit firmly.

Although for actors, the more crystal powder, the better.

But Kitami Minoru’s fans are too ‘crystalline’, right?

The key is that Kitami Minoru didn't perform any "purification" operations at all, right?

What he does on his personal channel is as random as he wants.

Maybe a second ago I was posting updates about where I went to shoot today.

The next second he sent a message asking for friend fees.

"Wait. Friend fee?"

Tamura Koji seemed to have thought of something.

He picked up the mouse and clicked to enter the backend of Beizumi's personal page.

As Minoru Kitacumi's agent, Koji Tamura clearly remembers that Minoru Kitacumi created a total of two private channels.

The first private chat channel 'Mi-chan's Good Friend', and the second private chat channel 'Mi-chan's Psychological Counseling' later founded by Minoru Kitazumi.

If it is the private channel of another servant.

In fact, the agent doesn't need to care at all.

After all, private channels are nothing more than being cute, pretending to be cute, begging followers to join, begging them to take out a little membership fee from their pockets, and reward them for themselves.

But my own Kitaki Minoru.

Stop saying ‘please’.

That is simply ‘stealing money’ from followers.

The conditions for membership of ‘Mi-chan’s Best Friend’ are to pay 500 yen to join.

The membership requirement of ‘Min-chan’s Psychological Counseling’ is to pay 1,500 yen to join.

Even Kitazumi Minoru’s latest update is - [It’s a new month again, are Minoru’s friends ready for the best friend fee? 】

This terrifying eating look made me want to bury my head in my wallet.

It’s enough to make anyone in the industry look blank when they see it.

When they take money from the audience, they always do it with half pleading, half hope, and a bit of begging. This is a bit similar to online beggars.

And Kitazumi, let alone a 'beggar', is simply a 'cyber bandit'.

If you stop someone, just ask for money.

Originally, Koji Tamura was more concerned about the number of members joining Minoru Kitazumi's two channels.

After all, the monthly online membership fee is also a good income for artists in the industry.

Some artists in the industry even share some relatively large-scale photos in their private channels in order to retain followers.

However, due to the real-name authentication and the sharp increase in the number of followers of Kitami Minoru from time to time, the need for certification from the AR sub-service training center, the filming of "Swordsman Den" and other matters.

Kitazumi's real-name authentication and membership fee settlement have been stuck there.

Tamura Koji paid attention to it for two months, and then called the Internet club responsible for the personal homepage. After finding that there was no news at all, he put the matter aside for the time being.

I just have nothing to do now, so why not see if the registration fees for the two private channels over there have been settled.

"It should be a lot of money."

Tamura Koji clicked into Kitami Minoru's backstage, thinking while waiting for the page to load.

He knew that Kitami Minoru's followers were not normal.

It's just that although they are not normal, their love for Kitami Minoru is real.

The activity level is also very high.

The popularity of every post of Minoru Kitazumi is enough to prove this point.

Tamura Koji estimated that the membership fee has accumulated in the past few months, except for taxes and the share of the network club.

Kitazumi Minoru can probably earn 8 to 9 million yen from joining the Internet.

This is pretty good.

You must know that it is difficult for even a top-notch soldier to achieve this kind of profit.

The income from online membership is 8 to 9 million yen.

My mouth is watering just thinking about Tamura Koji.

Although his status in the AR Ziyong Training Center has increased.

But the monthly salary is only 500,000 yen.

In contrast, Kitami Minoru did nothing but opened two private channels on the Internet, and was able to earn eight to nine million yen in 'friend fees'.

He would definitely be envious.

Of course, envy is envy.

He would definitely not do anything with Kitami Minori's money.

As an adult, Tamura Koji has the confidence to resist temptation.

Think so.

The loaded web page has been read.

Tamura Koji cheered up and looked at Kitazumi's accumulated and cashable membership fee income.


He couldn't help but rub his eyes.

After discovering that the numbers above have not changed.

He rubbed his eyes again.

Repeat this process two or three times.

After making sure you are not blinded.

He just stood up from the desk with a 'clatter'.

"What's wrong? Tamura-san?"

The agent in the same office looked over curiously.

Now Tamura Koji's status in the AR sub-service training center is not low.

He trained a signature sub-boy like Kitazumi Minoru.

Even their AR training center is now famous.

When talking about their AR Ziyuan training center in the past, people in the industry were all indifferent, "AR Ziyong training center?" Ah, sorry, I haven’t heard of it yet’.

Now when mentioning the AR Ziyuan Training Center, most people in the industry have expressions of sudden realization, "AR Ziyuan Training Center?" Is it that Beicheng Shi training center? ’

This change in attitude is obvious, even their ordinary agents can feel it.

Therefore, they are quite concerned about every move of the manager Koji Tamura.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's my question. I want to ask, Ms. Hoshino, you are in charge of it. How much is the monthly Internet income of Rika Haneda, the A-level employee of our company?"

Tamura Koji asked.

A-level Haneda Rika is considered to be the same level as Kitazumi in the AR sub-service training center.

"Huh? Ah Rika."

A female agent named Hoshino dug out Rika Haneda's Internet earnings.

"Because our company promoted her online distribution (live broadcast). So Rika's online income last month was 7.9 million yen. Normally, her online income would be between 1.5 million yen and 2 million yen."

"Two million yen?"

After hearing these words, Tamura Koji nodded with a confused face and turned to look at his computer screen.


Sensing that Tamura Koji was a little distracted, Hoshino's manager was a little strange: "Did something happen? Tamura-san."

"Nothing happened at all, Hoshino-san. Have you ever seen a situation where the revenue of a sub-service without promotion on the Internet or online distribution activities can reach more than 37 million yen?"

Tamura Koji stared at the screen with a blank expression.

"No online promotion and no online distribution activities? More than 37 million yen?"

Manager Hoshino had a weird expression after hearing this.

Mainly because she didn't understand why Tamura Koji would ask this question.

After all, just thinking about it makes you realize that this is impossible.

Because according to Tamura Koji.

That's equivalent to not doing any online promotion or live streaming, just sitting around doing nothing and picking up more than 37 million yen for no reason.

This is too pie-in-the-sky.

It's impossible even to think about.


"I think it may be that I stayed up too late recently because I was investigating the announcement of "Swordsman Den", and my eyesight is a little blurry. Otherwise, Hoshino-san came to see if I was wrong, or if it was me. Hallucination."

Tamura Koji gave up his seat.


Agent Hoshino glanced at Koji Tamura strangely.

Then he walked to his seat and looked down.


She was also stunned and rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Except for the following numbers including thousands, hundreds and decimal points.

I saw that the amount that can be withdrawn was clearly displayed on the background of Kitaki Minoru's personal homepage——

37.65 million yen.


Manager Hoshino couldn't help but glance at the screen again, and then turned to look at Tamura Koji, whose face was full of confusion and surprise.

"Tamura-san, how do you operate this?"

37.65 million yen.

It is still an amount that is supported purely by the membership fee without going through the company’s publicity and network distribution.

This is impossible no matter how you look at it.

How does Tamura Koji usually operate the Ziyu channel?

How could such a terrifying profit be achieved?

And Tamura Koji also looked confused after hearing this.

How did he do that?

You should ask how Kitumi did it, right?

More than 37 million yen!

Although I know that Kitumi Minoru has been sending out "friend fees" on the Internet.

But who knew he could receive so much ‘friend money’.

Is this emptying the fans’ pockets?

Thanks to Chen Laojiang for the 3,000 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

I haven’t recovered from my cold, but I started writing very early today. I started writing at one o’clock. The second chapter is totally fine!

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