Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 226 Are you a Zenithian or a superpowered person (4400 words)

Examinations in Japanese schools are generally divided into two categories.

The first category is the Japanese National Unified Academic Aptitude Examination held in January every year.

The university entrance examination center is based on the "High School Syllabus" formulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

The exams are mainly about basic subjects.

After the examination results are announced, candidates decide to apply for target universities and majors based on their scores.

The second type is from mid-February to the end of March, when each college organizes its own second special examination - which is also called the entrance examination.

There are mainly various forms such as written examinations, interviews, essay writing, and practical operations.

Subsequently, each school will select the best based on the results of the two examinations.

Since Beicheng was applying to transfer to another school after skipping a grade in high school, the specific process was not as cumbersome as getting into college.

In addition, there are a lot of miscellaneous certification certificates that seem to be moved to the school.

So he only needs to get passing scores in the entrance test of Jingwen High School, that is, the three test papers of English, Mandarin and Mathematics, and then he can officially become a student of Jingwen High School.

But is it really that simple? !

Takumi Takemoto has been teaching for six years since joining the company and has considerable teaching experience.

She reviewed and set the Chinese part of this year’s Jingwen High School Entrance Examination!

As long as she gets serious and increases the difficulty of the test papers.

It was simply impossible for Kitaki Minoru to get a passing grade.

This is not because she looks down on Kitami Minoru.

It's her confidence in her abilities.

to be honest.

It may be a little difficult to send out score questions - because you don't know how low the student's lower limit is.

But isn’t it easy to solve problems?

Moreover, even if there is an academic certificate from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, it proves that Kitazumi has the academic ability to attend high school.

But that's just the academic ability to attend high school.

Kitazumi changed schools midway and skipped a grade from elementary school.

This is a very special case.

Even if the test paper is a little bit difficult, it’s no problem.

Even if you ask about it afterwards, it can be said that it is a comprehensive academic assessment of students who skipped a grade. If you can't complete the content of the test paper just by raising the difficulty a little, it only means that you don't have the ability to skip a grade.

And it wasn’t just her colleagues in charge of math and English on the Chinese side who also made a special trip to explain the stakes.

If Beicheng did something bad happen to them, then they, the teachers on duty, would have an unshirkable responsibility.

No one is willing to take over such a hot potato.

So the three of them decided to raise the level of difficulty in mathematics and English.

Two more days passed like this, and it was time to rest -

"Hello teachers, my name is Kitazumi Minoru. This time I received news about your school's entrance test. I would like to thank all the teachers for giving me this opportunity."

"Hello, Beicheng-kun, I am the homeroom teacher of Class B of the second year of Jingwen High School, Takemoto Temi."

Takemoto Temi stood up from the office chair and nodded to Kitumi Minoru with a smile.

She looked at the other person's face and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Is this Minoru Kitazumi, who is known as the succubus on the Internet?

She actually looks better in person than in the photos online.

It's really beautiful.

Healthy and fair cheeks with a hint of pink, large and bright pure eyes that seem unaware of the dangers of society, and handsome and lovely facial features.

Her short black hair falls leisurely from her forehead, and the roots of her hair are slightly curled, giving her an indescribable and gentle feeling of sunshine.

No wonder some female students in her class would discuss Kitazumi Minoru.

This looks really good.

That is, not old enough.

Otherwise, Hokusumi Minoru’s appearance is not enough

The feminine and beautiful male protagonists of those morning dramas or noon dramas, not to mention the enemies of one another, would probably lose miserably in a single encounter.

And very polite.

After entering the staff office, greet each teacher politely.

There were several teachers who wanted to sign autographs and take photos with him.

Beicheng Minoru also agreed to their request with a smile.

It seems that there is no so-called artist airs at all.

But if you have to say it.

Sure enough, it was still Kitazumi's innocent smile.

Even Tengmi Takemoto had an inexplicable desire to let him pass after seeing him.

Even the two teachers, Masaki Banaga and Shoko Sekine, who were standing next to her, couldn't sit still.

One of them is an English teacher, and the other is a mathematics teacher. They are Takemoto Takimi's 'accomplices' this time.

At this moment, I saw Beicheng being so well-behaved and sensible.

The two of them couldn't help but came to Takemoto Temi and spoke in a lowered voice.

"Mr. Takemoto, are we going a little too far? Think about it carefully, Beicheng-kun is only a 9-year-old child, and we have increased the difficulty of the questions so much."

Their voices hesitated.

To embarrass a 9-year-old child is enough to disturb one's conscience.

Not to mention that the 9-year-old child in front of me is so sensible.

This is even more distressing.

Because the difficulty of this test paper is indeed too high, completely exceeding the difficulty of Jingwen High School Entrance Test, and it is a serious high school difficulty.

Even for Jingwen High School students who have studied systematically, it is not easy to pass.

Not to mention Kitami Minoru, who came from a wild background and has never received a high school education.

This is indeed a bit embarrassing.

The two of them said this.

Takemoto Tengmei was a little shaken.

But it was just a little shaken.

After all, if Kita Sumi really succeeded in enrolling, then she, the class teacher, would take over the other party.

If anything went wrong at that time, the responsibility would be on her head.

No one wanted to take the blame for no reason, and she was no exception.

In addition, Kita Sumi had already come.

They couldn't just discard the original test papers.

Design a new set of entrance test papers for Kita Sumi, right?

Just thinking about it, you know it's not realistic. First of all, there is not enough time.

Under the influence of various off-site and on-site factors.

Their plan was not changed in the end.

It was when looking at Kita Sumi's well-behaved and cute face that the three of them felt regretful.

Alas. Poor child, if he knew this, he should have lowered the difficulty of the test papers.

Given the difficulty of these three test papers, it is basically a fantasy for Kita Sumi to get a passing score.

Many of them are high school knowledge, which is much more difficult than the entrance test of Jingwen High School.

A 9-year-old like Kita Chengshi wants to pass?

That's unless Kita Chengshi is a Zenithian - at the age of 9, not only must he be proficient in learning junior high school knowledge, but also must take into account all the knowledge from the first year to the second year of high school.

They sighed in their hearts.

But on the surface, they still exchanged a few words with Tamura Mitsuji who brought Kita Chengshi here, and then sat down and poured a cup of tea for Kita Chengshi.

The entrance examination got to the point.

"Kita Chengjun, Chinese, English, and mathematics, these three subjects are not ranked first or last. As long as you can complete them within 180 minutes and reach the passing line for the three subjects, your application for skipping grades and transferring to another school will be approved."

Tenmi Takemoto took out Kita Chengshi's test paper and explained to him.

Kita Chengshi's entrance test procedure is not complicated.

In three hours, Kita Chengshi finished it directly in the staff office.

After finishing, they corrected it on the spot.

As long as all three subjects are passed, Kita Sumi can officially enter Jingwen High School.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Takemoto, for explaining."

Kita Sumi still looks so innocent and kind.

The pure smile on his lips.

The "dirty" Takemoto Tengmei felt her heart twitch suddenly.

With a little regret, she put down the test paper.

"I really hope Kita Sumi can enter our school."

She really felt sorry.

Because it is basically impossible for Kita Sumi to enter.

After all, no matter how prodigy a 9-year-old child is, there is a limit.

The knowledge of high school is set for entrance exams, which is several times more difficult than the knowledge of junior high school.

Many students with excellent grades obviously feel hard after entering Jingwen High School.

Therefore, Takemoto Tengmei sincerely felt sorry for Kita Sumi.

It was in this regret.

Kita Sumi raised his face.

"I'll try my best, but before that, I have one more thing to ask."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"If I pass the entrance exam, can I announce on my personal homepage that I have successfully transferred to another school?"

Kita Sumire will not miss any opportunity to make himself appear in the public eye.

A 9-year-old prodigy skipped a grade and entered Jingwen High School, which is one of the top three in Tokyo in terms of admission rate - just thinking about it, you can tell that this is a very explosive news.

Not to mention that he had previously laid the groundwork in the two variety shows "Human Investigation" and "Now! Start the Test!".

If this can be successfully detonated.

His popularity will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

However, it is safer to obtain the approval of the school before announcing this matter.

After all, he is more or less a public figure.

If the fact that he transferred to Jingwen High School and skipped a grade is casually revealed.

It may cause trouble in the lives of Jingwen High School students, teachers, especially his homeroom teacher Takemoto Tengmei.

He was serious when he expressed his thoughts.

But this expression made Takemoto Tengmei laugh and cry.

This little guy. Why does he feel like he can do it easily?


If Kita Sumi announces that he has skipped a grade and transferred to another school, it will have some impact on her private life.

But forget it.

Maybe she feels a little sorry for Kita Sumi.

Takemoto Tengmei did not reject Kita Sumi and smiled.

"If Kita Sumi-kun can officially enroll, it doesn't matter if you tell others about my story, but I can't represent the school. I can only agree to your request on my behalf."

"Okay, I understand."

"Then do your best, Kita Sumi-kun."

Looking at Kita Sumi's serious expression without any perfunctory expression, Takemoto Tengmei really found it a little funny.

She does feel troubled.

After all, no one wants to be walking on the street in the future and a microphone suddenly pokes at her mouth, asking if she is Kita Sumi's homeroom teacher.

But this is all based on the premise that Kita Sumi can enroll in Jingwen High School.

The questions they set are so difficult that Kita Sumi can't enroll at all.

Takemoto Tengmei shook her head and pressed the timer.

She sat next to her two colleagues at the same time, intending to watch Kita Sumi's "death struggle".


Tengmei's originally loose sitting posture tightened, and the whole person appeared in a half-sitting state.

There was also an incredible look on his face.

Because Kitumi Minoru's movements are too exaggerated!

swish swish swish swish

The pen tip dropped.

Turning pages.

It's like a printing press with no thought process at all.

Beicheng Shi just glanced at the question, then raised his hand to 'print' the answer.


Watching Beicheng practicing Yunliushui, there was no sign of pause at all.

Takemoto Temi's lips parted due to excessive shock.

She quickly reacted and looked at Masaki Sakayaga, who was in charge of the math test paper, in surprise.

The meaning in her stunned expression was quite simple and clear.

That is - you are playing me?


Isn't this just Masaki Sakayaga playing her?

Didn't we agree to increase the difficulty?

Why do you just look at it like this? Kitami can solve problems faster than 1+1=? Is the speed still fast?

Don't talk about her at this time.

Masaki Banaga on the other side was also surprised.

He increased the difficulty according to Takemoto Temi's request.

And the subject of mathematics is completely different from other subjects.

It has the reputation of "I can do anything if I'm in a hurry, but I can't do math".

But Kitumi Minoru’s actions?

It was like taking out the answers that had been in my head for a long time and writing them on the test paper.

Looking at Beicheng Minoru's quick movements.

I felt Takemoto Temi's overly piercing gaze again.

Masaki Banaga could only bite the bullet and speak.

"Maybe it's because Beicheng-kun is better at mathematics."

This explanation is quite reasonable.

After all, mathematics is different from subjects such as Mandarin and English.

It's a subject where as long as you have talent, you can do whatever you want.

Takemoto Temi reluctantly accepted this explanation.

People naturally have strong subjects and weak subjects.

Kitazumi may just be interested in mathematics.

But what happens next is different.

The moment I watched Kitumi solve the math test paper in only about half an hour and take out the Chinese test paper.

Takemoto Temi clenched her fists.

very good!


You must know that Chinese language and mathematics are different! What matters is daily accumulation!

In order to increase the difficulty for Kitaki Minoru.

She actually took out Mishima Yukio's "Sea of ​​Plenty" - this is a real masterpiece.

It is full of religious and nihilistic explorations.

These are not the same as cold numbers.

Students are required to empathize with and interpret the author’s words!

Kitumi Minoru is only a 9-year-old child. She probably doesn't even bother to read literary novels. How can she possibly understand these things?


The pen tip cannot stop!

Kitazumi's palms didn't pause at all.

The speed of solving the problem made Takemoto Temi's eyes widen.


Will you wait a moment? !

I just said, 'I really hope Beicheng-kun can enroll in our school.'

But that was just out of politeness.

I didn’t intend to come for real!

And what kind of monster are you? !

The three of us took questions that were difficult for high school students to score!

How come you can do them all just by looking at them? A person with super powers?

Do the Zentraedi really exist?

Takemoto Temi panicked, really started to panic.

She gradually realized what kind of super-normal existence Kitumi Minori was.

Of course, if you think about it carefully! Which child would find so many appraisal agencies to prove that he has the ability to attend high school? !

And the most important thing is——

She thought about how she, as Kitazumi Minoru's class teacher, would be affected by his fame in the future - maybe her name would also appear directly in a title like "The 9-year-old prodigy enters high school" In newspapers and news content.

Japanese people still attach great importance to personal privacy.

Just the thought of this possibility happening.

Takemoto Temi really wanted to rush up and hold Kitumi Minoru's hand that was writing so fast.

Stop it! It's my fault! Stop doing the test papers!

All the feelings of 'pity' towards Beicheng Minori that I had in my heart before disappeared at this moment.

Her eyes were glassy.

All I had in my mind was, ‘It’s over, I may really be stopped by unscrupulous media when I walk on the street and have a microphone poked in my mouth’.

good night everybody! It’s hell time again. Hey, I hope to be a human being in the human world in the future.

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