Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 227: Skipping a grade! Transferring to another school! Social opinion! (4000 words)

Takemoto Temi actually had some hope at the end, praying that Kitazumi would not do the questions and just blindly guess.

But wait until the actual results come out.

The heart that had been hanging around was finally ‘dead’.

The other party received full marks in three subjects: mathematics, English, and Chinese.

When I saw this result.

The three teachers held the test papers and looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Full marks in three subjects, not a single flaw.

The rolled noodles are clean and perfect.

There is a crisp beauty of one shot.

The most exaggerated thing is Kitami Minori’s font.

He's obviously just a 9-year-old kid.

The written font has a printing aesthetic.

The most important thing is that he is 9 years old!

When they were 9 years old, they were probably still making sand piles and playing in the mud with their elementary school friends.

Don't talk about enrolling in high school.

At that time, they may not even be able to recognize Japanese and Chinese characters, they were still memorizing the alphabet in English, and they were still in the stage of figuring out how to set ‘X’ in mathematics.

Is the 9-year gap between people so big?

They have some doubts about life.

How can Beicheng Minoru be a subservient?

Really, you can only see monsters in TV series, movies or cartoons.


After checking the test paper repeatedly, as if she was determined to find a flaw in the flawless test paper, Takemoto Temi sighed and finally gave up.

no way.

Although there are few standard answers in Chinese, that is, in Chinese, in most cases they are reasonable.

But Kitumi Minori's test paper was infinitely consistent with the standard answers to the test questions in her mind, both in terms of the paper and the answers.

If you have to be picky

Then we are not reviewing the test paper, but playing "let's find fault together".

As a teacher, she would never do this.

And to be honest.

Their mentality has actually changed when they saw perfect scores in these three subjects.

The beginning was full of rhetoric, the middle was nonsense, the end was silence, and now——

"I'm convinced."

Masaki Sakayaga, who is in charge of the mathematics department, sighed and looked at

They put a lot of thought into these three test papers, and the difficulty can be said to be quite high.

To put it bluntly, if you want to get full marks on the test paper given by the three of them, you must at least have academic ability beyond the level of a sophomore in high school.

Even Jingwen High School's students probably don't have many students who can get perfect scores.

But Kitaki Minoru did it.

And although they both have full marks.

The gap between the perfect score of a 9-year-old in high school and the perfect score of a high school sophomore who has studied hard for two years is simply huge.

That is to say, they have not reviewed Beicheng Shi's level in liberal arts or science.

Otherwise, he really thought that Beicheng could skip three grades in a row and directly enter the senior year of high school to prepare for college.

Isn't it a little impolite to be unconvinced by Kitumi Minoru, a child prodigy who is close to an 'alien'?

Takemoto Temi was speechless.

She glanced at Minoru Kitazumi who was laughing and communicating with Tamura Koji next to her, and she really had the urge to ask him if he was an alien.

What kind of material is this brain made of?

Is this factory-new brain really that useful?

Her eyes were quite 'resentful'.

Beicheng Shi felt strange.

what's the situation?

Why do you feel like you're being 'glad' by your homeroom teacher, Tatsumi Takemoto, for no apparent reason?

He didn't seem to have done anything, right?

Just at this moment, Masaki Banaga, who was in charge of the mathematics department, walked over with a smile.

"Beicheng-kun, how did you feel during the exam just now?"

"Ah, it's quite easy."

Kitami showed a bright smile and said half-jokingly: "To be honest, Mr. Banaga, are you taking care of me? Is it really okay to be so careless?"

He said this from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Kitami Minori was preparing to skip a grade in an island country for the first time, so she didn't quite understand the academic ability of high school students in the island country.

Even though he had been preparing for more than half a year, Beicheng was actually a little worried about whether the test questions would be too difficult.

After all, the actual exam and the preparation stage are two different things, and so are 'skipping' and 'enrolling'.

You need to demonstrate that you have the ability to study at this grade level.

What Kitachi Minoru didn't expect was that the overall questions in the test paper were ridiculously simple.

At a rough glance, he is probably only at the level of a sophomore in high school.

Kitami Minori was surprised while doing this, wondering if it was Takemoto Temi and others who let themselves go, or is it generally the case that high school sophomores in island countries are at this level?

Otherwise it wouldn't be so simple.

He smiled and joked a few words, but soon it became a little strange.

Because Masaki Banaga in front of him looked obviously uncomfortable after listening to what he said.

Takemoto Temi was even more exaggerated and her face turned red.

Beicheng Minoru raised his eyebrows and took two steps forward.

"What's wrong? Takemoto-sensei? Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay."

Takemoto Temi forced a smile.

Needless to say.

Of course she was lying.

She's not 'all right' at all.

Instead, he was so depressed that a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.

Because Kitumi Minoru's words, 'Is it really okay to let things go like this?' were so irritating that her heart rate jumped several dozen times.

Who let it go? !

We are serious! The difficulty of the questions has increased by several orders of magnitude!

Is it so easy for you? !

She really wanted to ask Kita Chengshi this question.

But when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say it at all.

Because Kita Chengshi looked really relaxed.

There is no need to talk about the full score.

The key is the total time of 180 minutes.

This nine-year-old kid took about two hours to finish all three test papers, and checked them several times.

This speed is simply terrifying.

If it is an ordinary school test, one subject takes about 45 minutes.

Kita Chengshi's speed may only take 15 or 20 minutes to finish.

It's fast, forget it.

The accuracy rate is also terrifying.


I can't think about it anymore.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Kita Chengshi is so abnormal and scary.

Takemoto Tengmei drank the tea in the thermos cup, sorted out her emotions a little, and then spoke.

"Kitazami, you got full marks in three subjects on the test, so there is no problem with admission. I will formally submit your application for skipping grades to Principal Yumoto."

She is just an ordinary teacher.

The specific documents still need to be signed and stamped by Principal Yumoto to take effect.


"Before that, I still have something to talk to you about Kitazami."

Takemoto Tengmei's face straightened a little.


As a teacher at Jingwen High School, she still has some things to explain to Kitazami in advance.

Seeing her so serious.

Kitazami did not neglect and nodded.

In fact.

What Takemoto Tengmei told him was not complicated.

It was mainly about his specific transfer time and the need to purchase various tools.

For example, uniforms, gymnastics suits and other things.

Jingwen High School does not have uniform sizes for 9-year-old children like Kitazami.

So these things have to be customized by Kitazami himself by contacting clothing manufacturers.

After explaining all these miscellaneous things.

The topic moved to the next stage.

This is also what Jingwen High School cares about most - the possible impact of Kita Chengshi skipping a grade and transferring to Jingwen High School.

After all, Kita Chengshi is just a 9-year-old child.

Such a child skipping a grade and transferring to Jingwen High School will definitely cause a stir in society.

There will definitely be good and bad reactions.

Takemoto Tengmei, on behalf of the school, told Kita Chengshi that they would try their best to deal with this aspect.

But they also hope that Kita Chengshi, the person involved, can try their best to assist the school in eliminating some negative public opinions about Jingwen High School.

These words were said quite implicitly.

If it were an ordinary 9-year-old child, he would definitely not understand.

But considering Kita Chengshi's performance just now that was completely unlike that of a 9-year-old child.

Tengmei Takemoto still took a slightly roundabout approach.

After all, 'a 9-year-old prodigy entering high school' is indeed a hot topic.

But there will definitely be doubts and disbelief.

This is natural.

A 9-year-old child enters the second grade of Jingwen High School and will prepare for the college entrance examination next year.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is a bit shocking, and naturally some people will have doubts.

Let me give you a very simple example.

A student finally got into high school and is preparing to take the college entrance exam.

At this time, someone suddenly tells you that a 9-year-old child star has enrolled in a prestigious high school with a top three university admission rate in Tokyo.

Most ordinary people at this time either think that this matter has nothing to do with them and don't pay attention to it.

Or they think it's very interesting and watch the fun from the side.

But it is undeniable that a small number of people will feel dissatisfied - they finally got into high school, but a child can get into Jingwen High School, which they can't get into. There must be something fishy!

As for temporarily concealing the fact that Kita Chengshi was enrolled in Jingwen High School?

This is basically impossible.

Since the advent of the smartphone era, the density of information intersection is quite large.

To put it bluntly.

As long as Kita Chengshi appeared in Jingwen High School this morning.

Then in the afternoon, there will be students on the Internet who will spread a short video of Kita Chengshi appearing in Jingwen High School.

This way of communication cannot be prevented at all.

Her explanation ends here.

Kita Chengshi also suddenly realized it.

To put it bluntly, Jingwen High School is worried about being attacked by bad social opinions, and hopes that he can handle these things safely.

It should be said or not.

Takemoto Tengmei is indeed a qualified Chinese teacher.

This art of speaking is indeed just right.

But if you think about it carefully, these trivial matters caused by his influence should indeed be handled by him as the person involved.

Looking at the slightly nervous expression on Takemoto Tengmei's face.

He smiled and nodded.

"Please rest assured, Teacher Takemoto, I will definitely handle these things."

His tone was full of confidence and calmness, without any panic.

And this also surprised Takemoto Tengmei in his heart.

This child is so mature.

It is completely different from the superficial feeling of ordinary precocious children.

Kita Chengshi's maturity gives her a more stable and reliable feeling.

For a moment, she thought that she was not communicating with a 9-year-old child, but communicating with a successful man of the same age as her.

The contrast in the middle made her a little stunned.

She subconsciously looked at Tamura Koji standing next to her.

After all, the other party was Kitasumi's agent.

She still wanted to know what the other party's attitude was.

"Kitasumi's ideas are my ideas. If there are any work-related issues in the future, please be more tolerant, Mr. Takemoto."

Tamura Koji smiled and bowed.

".I know."

Takemoto Tengmei opened her mouth.

At first glance, Tamura Koji's words seemed to be fine.

But after thinking about it carefully, she realized something was wrong.

How come Tamura Koji, an adult, has a feeling of Kitasumi's follower in his words?

She didn't quite understand.

But the conversation was basically over here.

Both sides stood up and exchanged greetings again.

Kitasumi's transfer to another school was officially confirmed.

On the way out of Jingwen High School.

Tamura Koji, who was driving in front, looked at Kitasumi who was satisfied in the back seat, and asked curiously.

"Kitazami-kun, your skipping of grades has been confirmed here, but what are you going to do specifically?"

Here he was curious about what Kitazami-san could do to erase the negative comments about the 9-year-old prodigy entering high school.

After all, once doubts and disbeliefs are fermented, it is quite difficult to completely erase them.

"In fact, a program is contacting me to record recently."

Sitting in the back row, Kitazami-san blinked his big eyes: "After all, after "Kengouden", my fame has also increased a lot."

In the past month and a half, "Kengouden: The Return of Youth" has stopped at 6.7 billion yen.

This result not only broke the box office record of the first three "Kengouden" movies, but also broke the highest box office record of Japanese manga-adapted movies.


As the actor of Kenichi Aoki in "Kengouden".

Kitazami-san can also be said to have reaped the benefits.

In the past month and a half, invitations to various talk shows have come in like snowflakes - most of them want to interview the filming of "Kengouden: The Curse of Youth".

Kita Sumire agreed to the interviews one by one, and his popularity has also risen at a terrifying rate.

The number of followers has increased from the original 320,000 to the current 470,000.

The number of followers has increased by 150,000.

It has greatly narrowed the gap between him and Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

From this, we can also see the popularity of "Kengouden: The Curse of Youth".

Even the original single volume of "Kengouden" by Mayu Watanabe has increased sales by 130,000 copies.

As for the doubts about the 9-year-old prodigy's admission to school,

he has quietly prepared a back-up plan.

His back-up plan is not complicated.

Since some people will question whether he really has the academic ability to enter high school, he only needs to prove himself.

After all, real gold is not afraid of fire.

People with ability are not afraid of any rumors.

He didn't know how many exercise books he had to go through to get to this point.

Now he just needs to wait until the public opinion shows signs of fermentation.

He can just take measures to counter it.

Although Bei Chengshi thinks that these negative public opinions should not ferment so quickly.

After all, there should be more people who like to have fun in this world.

Good! Write the next chapter right away! Come on!

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