Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 248 Jade Dragon Flag Held in Western Japan (3400 words)

Kaneda Nobuo was quite confident in Kitasumi, and thought that he would definitely satisfy Otake Natsuko.

After all, the child actor who brought his own props was so obedient and sensible.

If he still couldn't satisfy Otake Natsuko.

Then he really thought Otake Natsuko was too picky.

So he had been waiting by the phone since the next day.

Waiting for the news that Otake Electric was willing to cooperate with him for a long time.


"It's very strange."

Putting down the information in his hand, he looked at the phone in front of him, which was completely silent.

Kaneda Nobuo made a puzzled sound - he was really puzzled.

You know, it's already three or four in the afternoon.

Calculating the time, it's almost been a day and a night.

Even if Otake Natsuko tossed Kitasumi quite hard, he should have adjusted by now.

Why hasn't the other party sent any news yet?

Kaneda Nobuo was a little confused, and his heart couldn't hold back.

If it were usual, he would definitely keep his patience.

But this time was different.

This time, it was about him competing for the position of managing director of Hanada TV Station.

If Otake Electric was willing to cooperate with him for a long time.

Then he would be almost certain to take the position of managing director of Hanada TV Station.

But if Otake Electric was unwilling to cooperate with him

When he thought of this.

Nobuo Kaneda picked up his mobile phone and called Otake Electric Company directly, wanting to ask whether Natsuko Otake was satisfied with Kita Sumire.

The call was connected very quickly.

It was answered by the operator under Otake Electric.

After briefly explaining the purpose of the call.

The other party immediately stated that the call would be transferred to Natsuko Otake's rest room.

However, the other party also explained the specific situation, hoping that he would not have too much expectations.

After all, Natsuko Otake had specifically instructed that, except for particularly important matters, she should not be disturbed by other matters.

This is really

Hearing this, Nobuo Kaneda felt that there should be no big problem.

This was specifically instructed to 'not disturb her for other matters'.

Doesn't this mean that Natsuko Otake was quite satisfied with Kita Sumire's company this night?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come out of the room at three or four in the afternoon, right?

Nobuo Kaneda was completely relieved and waited for good news from Natsuko Otake on the other side.

The call was quickly connected.

At the same time, it was Natsuko Otake's voice.

"Hello? Hello, I'm Natsuko Otake, who is this?"

Natsuko Otake's voice was obviously out of breath, and her tone was particularly tired, and she sounded listless.

Listening to her voice.

Nobuo Kaneda felt as if he had taken a reassurance pill, and his heart was even more relaxed.

It seems that Natsuko Otake is really satisfied with Kita Sumire.

After all, Natsuko Otake's lack of breath, like not getting enough sleep, simply confirmed his judgment.

It is said that you should strike while the iron is hot, and so is Nobuo Kaneda.

"Hello, Miss Otake, I'm Nobuo Kaneda."

He briefly introduced himself.

At the same time, he was worried that the other party had no impression of him, so he added with a smile.

"It's Nobuo Kaneda who introduced Kitasumi-kun to you."

Nobuo Kaneda's words obviously played a corresponding role.

After hearing his self-introduction.

Nobuo Kaneda could clearly feel that Natsuko Otake's breathing seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Very good, very good.

Nobuo Kaneda was satisfied and praised the ability of Kitasumi as a child actor.

I really don't know what this little guy did to Natsuko Otake.

Caused Natsuko Otake to react so strongly.

Looking at the other party's appearance.

The position of the TV station executive that he wanted to fight for should be no problem at all, right?

After all, if Natsuko Otake wanted to see Kitasumi again and spend another night with him, it was still Nobuo Kaneda who would make the connection.

The more he thought about it, the happier he felt.


"Oh?! You are Nobuo Kaneda?"

Nobuo Kaneda could clearly feel that Natsuko Otake's originally weak voice on the other end of the phone became slightly more focused.

It's just a little strange.

He didn't understand.

He was obviously the introducer to Kitasumi.

Shouldn't Otake Natsuko be more affectionate?

Why did her tone become colder?

He felt something was wrong with this unusual change.

But since the other party asked.

He didn't hesitate.

"Yes, Miss Otake, I'm Kaneda Nobuo from Hanada TV, and I'm also the introducer of Kitasumi-kun this time. I wonder if Kitasumi-kun satisfies you? If you still need it, I can communicate with Kitasumi-kun again."

Kaneda Nobuo meant that he could get in touch with Kitasumi at any time and let the other party come over to have another 'sweet night' with Otake Natsuko.

But it would be better if he didn't mention Kitasumi.

As soon as Kitasumi was mentioned, Otake Natsuko was almost laughed out of anger by Kaneda Nobuo.

What does 'satisfy you? '

Apart from being handcuffed, caught on video, and beaten for nothing, she never did anything else to have close contact with Kitasumi-kun that night.

Can this be called satisfaction?

When she thought of this.

Otake Natsuko couldn't help but touch her butt with her hand and let out a "hiss".

It must be said that Kita Sumire was really ruthless.

A day and a night have passed.

The left side of her buttocks that was beaten still hurts - the left side is red and swollen, and both sides are asymmetrical.

She can't even sit down now, and can only lie on the bed.

As a result, she is still recovering from her injuries.

This guy, Nobuo Kaneda, said, "I can still communicate with Kitasumi-kun again"?

Do you want my right buttocks to be the same as the left buttocks?

Although Nobuo Kaneda may not know what happened between her and Kitasumi.

But Otake Natsuko was still very angry about his "minefield disco" behavior.

Kitasumi still has the video in her hand, so she can't act rashly.

But if she can't cure Kitasumi, can't she cure Nobuo Kaneda?

Without any hesitation, she told Nobuo Kaneda what Kitasumi had told her in a cold tone in a semi-venting way.

"Producer Kaneda, from today on, our Otake Electric Society will terminate our cooperation with you."


Even if it was Kaneda Nobuo, when he heard what Otake Natsuko said, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

The main reason was that the contrast was too great.

You know, he had great confidence just now and felt that there would be no big problem in this negotiation.

What the hell happened?

"Miss Otake, are you kidding me?"

He opened his mouth reluctantly, a little bit unacceptable, and wanted to ask again.

But obviously, Otake Natsuko had lost interest in communicating with him.

She just said "It's the same as the literal meaning" and simply hung up the phone.

Now Kaneda Nobuo was really a little flustered.

You know, he called this time.

The main reason was to test Otake Natsuko's attitude and use it in future negotiations to extend the cooperation.

But he hadn't finished his words yet.

Is Otake Natsuko going to terminate her cooperation with him?

If he really loses the cooperation of the big company Dazhu Electric.

Not to mention competing for the TV station executive.

It will be difficult for him to maintain his current position in the TV station.

You have to know that in order to get to his current position, he can be said to have used all means and stepped on other people's heads to climb up, and for this, he also offended many people in the TV industry.

Without the support of money and capital.

It is extremely difficult for him to maintain his current position.

Of course, Nobuo Kaneda could not accept this inexplicable result.

He was just about to call to continue to ask about the situation.

But before he could make the call.

The phone screen of other sponsors lit up.

And what happened next was even more nightmare-like for him.

Because it was not just Dazhu Electric.

Even other sponsors who had close ties with him, such as Arita Clothing, Yamazaki Desserts, and Xiaoyu Foods, sent notices to terminate cooperation.

It's over.

Nobuo Kaneda collapsed all over.

If it was one or two sponsors, there would be a way.

After all, he has been working in the industry for so many years.

A lot of negative information about these sponsors has also been accumulated, such as the communication and recording evidence of the hidden rules with which actors.

Based on these negative information.

They established a cooperative relationship with each other - Nobuo Kaneda used his identity as a producer to give these sponsors a green light in terms of advertising time on TV stations.

And they provided financial support to Nobuo Kaneda.

But if so many sponsors terminated their cooperative relationship at the same time

Then he really had no way out.

After all, Nobuo Kaneda was not a god who could maintain a relationship with so many sponsors at the same time.

And what happened next was natural.

Nobuo Kaneda's inexplicable downfall even set off a wave of discussion in the TV industry.

The main reason was that this person was really capable.

Even though his reputation in the industry was quite problematic, he was quite outstanding in both work and business level.

But who would have thought?

As a strong competitor for the executive position of Hanada TV Station, the other party inexplicably collapsed right before this final step.

This is indeed a bit strange.

Even the fact that Nobuo Kaneda fell was once regarded as an "urban legend" in the industry and was discussed by a lot of actors and producers.

At the same time, on the other side, AR sub-service training center.

Looking through the news inside the industry, Kita Sumimi also sighed.

It seems that Natsuko Otake has fulfilled his requirements very well.

But think about it carefully, this is actually natural.

The biggest sponsor Otake Electric terminated the cooperation.

It may be difficult for Nobuo Kaneda to maintain his position in the TV station.

Seeing this situation, other sponsors will naturally not continue to invest in Nobuo Kaneda.

To put it bluntly, capital is something that only takes profit as the highest benchmark.

Hidden rules and pillow business are just additional products in the industry, provided to the rich to try something new.

What these sponsors really want is the economic value that Nobuo Kaneda can create for them in terms of TV commercials and programs.

Nobuo Kaneda, who has lost this value, naturally loses their investment value.

Instead of being entangled with Nobuo Kaneda.

They might as well look for other TV producers - after all, there are more people who want to climb up in the industry by stepping on others than just Kaneda Nobuo.

But these things have nothing to do with Kita Sumire.

The sticky candy that entangled him and Tamura Koji was finally removed, and Kita Sumire felt refreshed.

He had nothing to feel guilty about.

After all, such things as forcing other actors to follow the unspoken rules and domineering business.

Just thinking about it, you know that Kaneda Nobuo must have done a lot.

This can be regarded as clearing a big cesspool for the industry.

Of course.

What made Kita Sumire happy was not only Kaneda Nobuo's complete collapse.

He looked at the bamboo sword placed beside him, and some expectations emerged in his heart.

The collapse of Kaneda Nobuo has been delayed for more than half a month.

At this moment, he finally saw the result of this matter.

He can finally put aside his worries and prepare for another thing with all his heart - the Jade Dragon Flag Kendo Tournament held in West Japan.

Good night everyone! See you tomorrow!

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