Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 249 Is there any grudge here? (4000 words)

West Japan Yulongqi Kendo Tournament - Yulongqi High School Kendo Tournament.

As the name suggests, this is a national high school kendo competition jointly organized by West Japan, namely Kansai Kyushu Kendo.

Because of its unique competition system and the fact that there are not too few kendo enthusiasts in Japan, the entire Yulongqi competition is considered a rare event in the Japanese kendo circle.

Every year, more than 700 schools apply for registration.

And this year, that is, Reiwa 6, is even more amazing.

It seems that there are nearly 800 schools registered.

So this year's competition system is also longer than in previous years, and there will be six rounds of regional battles alone.

It is divided into three days for men and two days for women - many schools only have men's kendo clubs, and there are relatively few mixed male and female kendo clubs like Jingwen High School.

And this can also show the intensity of the competition.

In five days, all 800 schools must be eliminated, and only one team of men and women will win.

In a sense, the competition is not only about kendo skills, but also about whether one has the physical strength to compete in high-intensity competition.

"I see."

In the Shinkansen carriage.

Kitasumi Minoru turned his eyes away from the promotional website of "Yulongqi Competition Instructions" on his mobile phone, which was also an eye-opener.

This is divided into groups and zones, and there are five or six rounds a day, which is really strange.

After all, in life experience, Kitasumi Sword Saint does not have so many twists and turns and details. Basically, he just cuts anyone he sees, which really feels like an executioner swordsman.

Kitasumi Minoru was about to curiously flip through the mobile phone in his hand to see the consultation and specific rules.

But before he could take a glance.

He was rushed over and hugged by someone.

"Shi-chan, Shi-chan! I heard that the kabayaki eel rice in Fukuoka is delicious. How about we go to eat it together later?"

Kitagawa Ruiko said this while shouting excitedly.

It is now July 24th.

The Metropolitan Nerima Elementary School had already had its summer vacation last week.

After hearing that Kitasumi Mi was also going to Fukuoka with Kitagawa Hanako to participate in the Jade Dragon Flag Competition.

She did not hesitate and half-begged Kitagawa Hanako to bring her here.

It can only be said that Kitagawa Hanako really felt sorry for her.

She actually agreed to her request directly.

And this is why Kitagawa Ruiko is here.

However. Listening to Kitagawa Ruiko's "Fukuoka Kabayaki Eel Rice".

Kitasumi Mi's expression was a little subtle.

You know, Japan's eel industry is actually quite dependent on imports from China.

The so-called Fukuoka Kabayaki Eel Rice.

He estimated that apart from the name of Fukuoka, it probably has nothing to do with the eels produced in Fukuoka.

However, looking at Kitagawa Ruiko's expectant expression, Kitasumi Mi did not hesitate and nodded his head very simply.

"Yes, yes."

It's just an eel meal. Even if Kitagawa Hanako disagrees, he can still afford it.

But before that,

Kitasumi picked up Kitagawa Ruiko and put her on the seat next to him.

There was no way, the weather in July was quite hot, plus the humidity in the air, even if there was air conditioning on the Shinkansen.

Kitasumi still felt a little hot.

Not to mention Kitagawa Ruiko was holding him.

This made it even hotter.

He simply let Kitagawa Ruiko sit in the same row with him, so it would be much more comfortable.

And that was when Kitasumi handled it like this.

The boys of the Jingwen High School Kendo Club opposite also sighed.

This. It is indeed worthy of being General Kitasumi.

It is indeed extraordinary.

You know, when they were 9 years old, let alone hugging girls directly.

Even playing with girls would be laughed at by other boys as "sissy" and "shameless".

Now think about it.

They almost wanted to strangle their 9-year-old selves to death - bastard, it's because you don't want to contact girls since childhood, but you still don't have a girlfriend in high school!

Look at Kitasumi!

She started to seize the opportunity at the age of 9!

Damn! I'm so envious

Let alone anything else, just looking at the cute appearance of Kitagawa Ruiko, she will definitely be a beautiful girl in the future.

Thinking of this.

Goto Heihachi, who belongs to the Kendo Club of Jingwen High School, also gave Kita Sumire a thumbs up.

Kita Sumire was speechless when he saw his face full of "admiration".

He naturally understood the meaning of the other party's thumbs up.

It must be said that this group of adolescent boys are indeed very imaginative.

He and Kitagawa Ruiko are only 9 years old, and these guys can actually think wrongly.

But forget it.

Kita Sumire has no intention of arguing.

After all, he has been a non-staff member of the Kendo Club of Jingwen High School for some time.

Kita Sumire knows the nature of this group of people, especially the men's group of the Kendo Club of Jingwen High School.

Except for Ishikawa Masaaki who is more enthusiastic about the competition and feels nervous.

The other players are basically in the mentality of traveling to Fukuoka, laughing and joking all the way, and they look like heartless live treasures.

Several people even started discussing where to go after getting off the bus.

But this is also good.

Compared to being so nervous that they can't say anything, this relaxed mentality is also good.

Compared to the men's group who were laughing and chatting, and had a good atmosphere

Kita Chengshi looked sideways in the direction of the Jingwen High School girls' group.

They are at another extreme.

Three of the five female students who participated in the competition had pale faces, and one of them even had her fingers trembling. It was unknown whether she was nervous or fainted from the Shinkansen.

Although they communicated throughout the whole process.

But they were basically discussing the lineup of Yulongqi this year and the problems of the major strong schools.

The atmosphere was tense.

Kitagawa Hanako also tried to comfort them several times.

But it didn't work.

There was nothing that could be done.

After all, the lineup of Yulongqi this year was obviously much stronger than last year.

And their level was there.

Although the overall level was much stronger than the men's group.

But if they faced some strong schools, such as Nakamura Women's or Yashiro Shirayuri Women's.

Even if Kitagawa Hanako was there, it would probably be difficult - after all, women's physical strength is relatively poor. Even if Kitagawa Hanako has a kendo level that can knock down everyone, if the physical strength can't keep up, it is easy to be worn out.

They frowned and were not optimistic.

After all, it is different from the men's team's travel mentality of "no loss if you survive the first round, and win if you advance to the top 32".

They really want to come here to win the prize.

If they drag down Kitagawa Hanako because of them, it will be too

Their expressions are tense, and their muscles don't feel relaxed at all.

This made Bei Chengshi frowned, and he was a little pessimistic.

After all, in addition to the level of swordsmanship, the most important thing about swordsmanship is psychological quality.

The stronger the psychological quality, the stronger the strength that can be exerted.

When he was in the period of Bei Cheng Sword Saint.

There were several times when the opponent showed cowardice, and he could seize the opportunity to cut down the opponent.

And the way they are restrained like this is indeed worrying for the future.

Thinking of this, Bei Chengshi shook his head.

In this tense situation of the competition, he didn't have any good way. At most, he could only relieve their temporary tension, which didn't play a key role.

I just hope that the Jingwen High School girls' team can adjust.

Otherwise, it would be hard for Hanako Kitagawa to make it to the top four by herself - mainly due to physical problems.

They chatted with Hanako Kitagawa all the way, and took another city bus, and finally they arrived at the hotel.

The Yulongqi competition has official accommodation arrangements - there is no other way, 800 schools participated, and there were reporters and spectators from major newspapers, plus volunteers, referees from the Kyushu Kendo Federation, etc.

It is estimated that the number of mobilized people will exceed 10,000.

This also makes the accommodation in the Fukuoka General Gymnasium, that is, the Hakata area, quite tight. If the official does not arrange for evacuation, I am afraid that the players will have nowhere to stay.

For example, the hotel where Kita Chengshi and others are located is in cooperation with the Yulongqi official.

Each room can be accommodated for one night for 13,500 yen, and two meals are provided.

The environment is also pretty good, not so bad.

It is worth mentioning.

The luggage of General Kitasumi and Kitagawa Ruiko was taken care of by the men's kendo club. Each of the men's kendo members carried one bag each.

In their words, -

"How can you let General Kitasumi and his girlfriend carry the luggage?"

As soon as this was said, Kitasumi looked at them as if they were crazy.

Kitagawa Ruiko next to him blushed.

The little girl grabbed Kitasumi's clothes and secretly glanced at him from time to time, her face red, as if she was wondering what the "girlfriend" was going to do.

I have to say.

The men's kendo members of Jingwen High School are really funny.

Anyway, after simply putting down the luggage and checking in.

Kitagawa Hanako soon came to the door and said she wanted to discuss the deployment of troops.

To be honest.

Kitasumi is actually very interested in the courageous reward of the team competition pioneer who defeated five or ten.

But considering the winning rate, he should be the main general. The main general of Yulong Banner is still very important. If the scores of both sides are the same after the end, the other side can be directly judged as the loser, and he can also recover his physical strength with the help of the four lively male kendo club members in front.

He is an extra-staff member, so he can't interfere with the other side's deployment, right?

As for Kitagawa Hanako?

Her idea is much simpler and rougher.

In her eyes, the position of the general should be held by Kita Sumire - if he loses, his own men's team will basically have no chance to play, and the remaining four scumbags will definitely be kicked out, no surprises.

Just like the original plan.

She first fixed the lineup of the men's team, and arranged for Ishikawa Masaaki, the deputy general, to cover Kita Sumire.

Then she turned her head to discuss the lineup of the women's team.

Unlike the men's team, their women's team will compete tomorrow, and of course they have to decide the specific situation in advance.

This decision has determined that there is no result after more than half an hour of discussion.

Except that Kitagawa Hanako's position as the general remains unchanged.

The other four girls all had their own reasons and kept discussing.

They all wanted to win.

After all, most of the female contestants present were already in their second year of high school like Kitagawa Hanako.

They would be preparing for the college entrance examination next year.

The time spent on kendo would be directly reduced.

To put it bluntly.

This Yulongqi competition was their last chance to leave memories in high school.

Of course, they were unwilling to give up.

Seeing the endless discussion of the women's group, the stalemate was unresolved.

At this point.

The men's group had basically finished arranging the arrangements.

The men's group on Kitasumi's side did not stay any longer, and found an excuse to go out directly.

God knows how long they will discuss the four positions.

But what Kitasumi did not expect was that before he took two steps, Goto Heihachi, the biggest "lively treasure" in the men's kendo group, caught up with him.

"General Kitasumi, are you going to go sightseeing and have fun next?"

"It's not sightseeing, just to see the surrounding environment."

After all, Kitasumi promised Kitagawa Ruiko to take her to eat eel rice, and Kitasumi was not the kind of person who would just find a random restaurant to deal with it.

So he simply looked around the surrounding environment and asked the locals if there were any good eel restaurants.

"If that's the case, General Kitasumi can definitely find me."

After listening to Kitasumi's reasons, Goto Heihachi patted his chest confidently.

Although he is not very serious on weekdays, calling "General Kitasumi" all the time, and seems to be shameless, he is not a bad person in general.

He certainly understands that it is not easy for a 9-year-old kid like Kitasumi to cover for them and even go all the way to Fukuoka.

In this case.

Then he will try his best to take care of him in daily life.

In this way, he thanks him for his willingness to cover for his group of "scumbags".

"My hometown is in Fukuoka, and later I moved to Tokyo. I know a lot about good eel restaurants there."

". Goto-san."

Kitasumi couldn't help but look at him more. Although he didn't say much, he was still a little touched in his heart.

After all, Goto Heihachi was the one who wanted to go sightseeing in Fukuoka the most in the car.

As a result, the other party was willing to take out the rare sightseeing time to accompany him. How to say it, this is really taking care of himself.

Since the other party is kind.

In addition, he is really unfamiliar with the place.

Kitasumi didn't hesitate and nodded straightforwardly.

"Then I'll trouble Goto-san."

"Just leave it to me, General Kitasumi!"

Seeing Kitasumi nod, Goto Heihachi over there also winked and patted his chest in an exaggerated manner.

Kitasumi was also speechless.

Why does Goto Heihachi always like to be serious halfway and not serious halfway?

But never mind.

Kitasumi shook his head and walked downstairs to the hotel while chatting with Goto Heihachi.

But before they took two steps.

They heard a surprised voice from behind -

"Oh? Isn't this Goto Heihachi from Jingwen Boys' High School?"

As soon as this voice came out.

Kitasumi was keenly aware that Goto Heihachi beside him stiffened for a moment.


What's going on?

Kitasumi stopped and looked in the direction of the sound strangely.

Is there any grudge?

There is still one chapter! Work hard on typing!

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