Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 273 I have to be sarcastic with you! (4200 words)

Watching Reiko Ninomiya leave, Honma Hiko, who was standing by the surveillance screen, yawned.

An actress who was a little luckier and prettier, still wanted to make a scene here?

Did she really think she was a legendary actor like Takeo Mikawa?

"How is it going? Uncle Honma."

Beside him, Kitasumi asked.

"Ah, it's Kitasumi."

Honma Hiko didn't look back, but just took a sip of the mineral water next to him: "It's just a slightly famous actress, I just pushed back."

When he said this, he laughed and teased.

"This little girl, there's a threat in her words. Don't you really think that this commercial can't be shot well without her?"

Admittedly, Reiko Ninomiya is really beautiful.

Her absence will indeed have some impact on the shooting of this commercial.

Even Honma Hiko has to admit this.

But this does not mean that without Reiko Ninomiya, the whole world will not be able to function.

"Is that so? I think she's pretty average."

Kitasumi looked at Ninomiya Reiko who had returned to her seat, and looked away without a care.

This was not directed at Ninomiya Reiko, but Kitasumi really thought so.

After all, in this industry, he has seen too many good-looking girls.

For example, Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

As long as the two of them are relatively young.

If they are a little older and grow up, they will definitely not be inferior to Ninomiya Reiko.

And leaving Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi aside.

There is a person who is overwhelmingly ahead in terms of appearance around Kitasumi - Kitasumi Ariha.

At least from the people Kitasumi knows.

There are not many people who can surpass Kitasumi Ariha in terms of appearance.

There are so many women around him who are more beautiful than Ninomiya Reiko.

Looking at Ninomiya Reiko now, Kitasumi Shi only thought that she was okay, first-rate, but not particularly stunning.

However, Honma Fuhiko obviously didn't know that Kitasumi had a wave.

He just listened to Kitasumi Shi's words behind him, "I think she looks pretty average," and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Honma Fuhiko simply turned around.

"Kitasumi boy, I really don't like Ninomiya Reiko, but she is really impeccable in terms of appearance."

He said while looking at Kitasumi Shi with a squint, looking a little helpless.

"You know, the reason why she became popular through the filming of the drama "Aguo" is because she is very beautiful. The reason why she was chosen this time is also because her appearance is really suitable for playing the role of "daughter". Kitasumi boy, you..."

Honma Fuhiko's voice paused halfway.

His eyes widened, looking at Kitasumi Shi in front of him in disbelief.

"Kitazami. Boy? Is that you?"

The voice trembled at this moment.

"Huh? What's wrong? It's me. I just came back from putting on makeup. What's wrong?"

Kitazami looked at Honma Fuhiko strangely.

"." Honma Fuhiko.

When he heard that Kitazami was going to play a female role, he was still skeptical.

After all, Kitazami has always been handsome since his debut.

Even the two roles of Kuroda Uchiichi and Aoki Kenichi are handsome.

And this time, he has to change from a familiar male role to a female role.

Isn't it too sudden?

At least Honma Fuhiko has never seen Kitazami playing a female role.

But now

Honma Fuhiko is silent.

Really silent.

Because the only feeling Kitazami gives him is-beauty.


There are no other modifiers.

No other modifiers are needed.

It is just a cliff-like lead in appearance.

Even someone like Honma Fuhiko who has no interest in the appearance of the actress felt a ‘heartbeat’ the moment he saw Kita Sumire.

He felt that he couldn’t even look away.

Facing Kita Sumire’s confused gaze.

Honma Fuhiko took a deep breath and finally suppressed the ‘impulse’ in his heart, and looked at Kita Sumire again.

He now finally understood why Kita Sumire said that ‘Ninomiya Reiko’s appearance is just average’.

Let alone anything else.

Just based on Kita Sumire’s own appearance, there is absolutely no problem in saying this!

Originally, he thought that the lack of Ninomiya Reiko might affect the filming of the advertisement.

But now it seems.?


There is no possibility of any impact at all!

Honma Fuhiko at this moment.

Full of confidence!

The process of filming an advertisement is not complicated.

It’s nothing more than filming according to the advertisement script.

Honma Hitoshi is not one of those novice directors. He is quite skilled in the dispatch of personnel, cameramen and other staff.

This also made the overall filming of the advertisement quite smooth.

It only took an afternoon.

The filming of the advertisement was over.

Most of the actors secretly breathed a sigh of relief - fortunately, there was no trouble in the afternoon filming, and it was passed in just a few takes, so they didn't have to work overtime.

But here, "most of them" should also be added with "except Ninomiya Reiko".

Since the leading role was replaced with an ordinary position, Ninomiya Reiko was very angry with Kitasumi Minoru, who wrote the script for the advertisement, and director Honma Fuhiko.

She hoped that something unexpected would happen on the set, and even hoped that an accident would happen - for example, a camera light would fall and kill a few people. Honma Fuhiko and Kitasumi Minoru would be too busy!

But unfortunately, what she expected did not happen in the end.

The filming process was very smooth.

Even though she deliberately made some small movements during the filming, trying to make things difficult for Honma Fuhiko.

But these small movements were directly captured by Honma Fuhiko's rich filming experience, and he immediately criticized her.

Instead of making things difficult, she was scolded.

This made Ninomiya Reiko very angry.

What made her even more angry was Kitasumi Minoru, who played the daughter on the other side.

It seemed that the other party performed quite well, attracting many actors to watch.

This made Ninomiya Reiko's anger even more uncontrollable.

Damn it!

According to her plan, she should be the one being watched by many actors.

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be Kita Sumire's turn!

She didn't know what kind of commotion Kita Sumire had caused, and she was too lazy to join in the fun.

After all, that was Kita Sumire, the actor she wanted to tear apart - how could she possibly support Kita Sumire?

That was until the end of the filming, when her agent came to pick her up and leave.

She basically spent it alone.

After returning to her own agency.

Ninomiya Reiko had almost no intention of delaying, and directly reported to her agent about Honma Hiko's replacement and Kita Sumire's slapping her twice.

She didn't forget to take revenge afterwards.

She had to make Honma Hiko and Kita Sumire regret going against her.

However -

Ninomiya Reiko, who had such expectations, was finally disappointed.

According to her agent's explanation.

The matter of replacing the actor at the last minute was actually clearly written in the contract.

As long as Sagami Railway Company was willing to pay for her advertising shooting.

Her own agency will not pursue the matter.

These words are exactly the same as what Honma Feiyan said.

This made Ninomiya Reiko feel so depressed that she couldn't vent it at all.

But she also didn't forget to ask another question.

That is, how should she deal with the fact that Kita Sumire hit her twice and slapped her twice?

In this regard, the agent was helpless and explained for her.

It is true that Kita Sumire suddenly hit her, which is indeed a fact.

But the first person to hit her was Ninomiya Reiko - she slapped Oishi Chika in the face.

The slap was very loud, attracting a group of actors around. Almost everyone present saw it.

And Kita Sumire stood up to stop her from continuing to hit her.

After adding this prerequisite.

Ninomiya Reiko lacked "legitimacy".

It would be difficult for their agency to make a big fuss about this matter.

After all, compared to the two slaps she received.

Ninomiya Reiko's reputation as an actor is more important.

If this matter is really to be pursued to the end without thinking.

In the end, AR Koyaku Training Center where Kita Sumimi works may indeed suffer.

But Ninomiya Reiko, as a popular actress, actually fought with a young actor in the same industry.

No matter from which angle you consider it.

It will make the industry and the audience's evaluation of her decline.

In other words.

This is a deal that hurts both sides.

The top executives of their agency are not fools, and they will never do such a thankless and laborious thing.

In the end, the solution given by Ninomiya Reiko's agency is to claim compensation from AR Koyaku Training Center.

What they didn't expect was that AR Koyaku Training Center is obviously just a small and medium-sized Koyaku Training Center.

When talking about Kita Sumimi's problem, their president Okano Yoshiko became particularly strong and didn't show any weakness.

Under this circumstance.

They could only ask for 500,000 yen in compensation and settle the matter hastily.

Ninomiya Reiko, who knew this, almost went crazy.

500,000 yen.

This sounds like a lot.

But for artists. Especially for first-class Koyaku like Kita Sumimi.

500,000 yen is just a drop in the bucket, not to mention that it was handled by AR Sub-service Training.

There is no way to hurt Kitasumi in the slightest!

In other words.

Kitasumi's beating was completely in vain!

And this development also made Ninomiya Reiko angry and she could only turn her attention to the advertising broadcast of Sagami Railway Company.

You know, this time Sagami Railway Company invested a lot of money, manpower and time to shoot this advertisement.

If the publicity effect does not meet expectations.

Both Kitasumi, the scriptwriter of the advertisement, and Honma Fuhiko, the director of the advertisement, will not be able to escape the blame!

She wants to see.

Without her as the C position, who else can make this advertisement shine with its due charm!

Kitasumi and Honma Fuhiko will definitely regret it!

For this reason, in the next few days, Ninomiya Reiko refreshed the official website of Sagami Railway Company almost every day.

Want to see the final product of the advertisement.

But things did not go as she wished.

This time, the Sagami Railway Company's "Landscapes in the Eyes of Father and Daughter" advertisement adopted the green screen CG synthesis shooting method.

The background of the train needs to be edited and synthesized in the later stage.

So it takes much longer than the general advertising.

There is really no way.

Ninomiya Reiko can only focus her energy on her work again.

But what she didn't expect was.

She didn't know what happened.

These days, the number of her job invitations has begun to plummet.

Some TV producers and original authors who had worked with her quite well before have actually chosen other actresses.

For office workers and office workers, the reduction in workload is naturally a good thing.

But for people like her who rely on their acting career to make a living, it is not a good sign.

After all, as an actor, the most important thing is the exposure and attention in front of the public.

And the lack of job opportunities.

It means that her popularity and exposure will gradually decrease, and in the end she will be lost in the crowd.

Bang! ! !

The script in her hand fell heavily.

"Damn it! What's wrong with that producer?! He clearly said that I would be on this variety show! But he actually went back on his word! What on earth is going on?!"

Ninomiya Reiko's beautiful face, which was carefully made up, was now gritting her teeth, and the anger in her eyes could be seen by anyone.

This is the fourth time today.

The work requirements that had been agreed upon before were changed by the other party at the last minute and replaced by someone else.

The key is that Ninomiya Reiko has no way to refute it.

After all, as long as there is no formally signed contract with legal effect, all verbal promises are equivalent to non-existence in this industry.

This made Ninomiya Reiko feel sick and confused.

If it was a coincidence once or twice.

Then now it is not a coincidence that it has happened three or four times.

There must be someone behind this!

Could it be Kita Sumire?

Ninomiya Reiko immediately thought of this "prodigy" who had made her particularly sick before.

But she shook her head soon.

This... shouldn't be Kitasumi Minoru.

After all, Kitasumi Minoru is just a first-rate actress.

Although he is very popular, he is just an actress from the AR actress training school.

An actress like Kitasumi Minoru cannot have any decent interpersonal relationships in the industry.

Although I heard that he knows legendary actors like Mikawa Takeo.

But he can't really ask Mikawa Takeo to do things for him, right?

That's too sci-fi.

Don't you really think there is an organization like the 'Kitasumi Group' in the industry?

And what kind of connections can a small training school like the AR actress training school have to prevent her from taking the job?


"Is it Honma Fuhiko?"

Ninomiya Reiko gritted her teeth.

That's right!

The only one who can do this is Honma Fuhiko, who has been in the industry for a long time as a director.

If it was him, he would spread rumors about the previous things.

Maybe he would really disgust her like he is now!

Damn it!!! That greasy middle-aged director!

After figuring out who was making things difficult for her, Ninomiya Reiko bit her lower lip.

At the same time, she took out her mobile phone.

She heard from her agent.

It seems that today is the day when the advertisement of "The Scenery in the Eyes of Father and Daughter" is released.

During this period, she was troubled by various chores and work matters, so she didn't pay attention.

But now it's different!

Since she was disgusted by Honma Feiyan.

Then she had to find a way to disgust Honma Feiyan!

After watching this advertisement.

She had to be sarcastic about this guy on her personal account-this is the result of not choosing me as the female lead! It really didn't work well!

I caught a cold and had a fever yesterday, and the fever reached 38 or 39 degrees. I was cold all over, and I really vomited. I took amoxicillin and ibuprofen, plus Lianhua Qingwen, and I lay down all day.

So I didn't update, I'm really sorry.

The situation is better today. I got up and wrote as soon as I woke up. I should be able to write the next chapter! Don't worry!

Similarly, it's just a cold, not a terminal illness! That's it! Love you guys!

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