Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 36 Eh? Challenge? Really?

"The Resentful Son" is scheduled to be released in mid-July.

As a low-budget horror film.

In fact, only a little over two and a half months have passed since the filming of "The Resentment" started and ended now (not counting the time for project establishment and investment).

This is a relatively average speed for Japanese low-budget films today - some low-budget films are shot in a month.

This speed is pretty good.

After all, most of the scenes of Yuanzi were shot in a rented apartment, and there were very few outings to shoot scenes or large-scale sets. Moreover, there was an original novel to endorse the screenwriter, so it naturally didn't take much time.

Plus the Qingshui Mountain team is here.

As he specializes in horror films, he can be said to be familiar with many things.

Under his guidance, the entire film progressed in an orderly manner.

This is also the main reason why "The Resentment" was able to be completed so stably and quickly.

If Qingshuishan hadn't felt dissatisfied and took a few more shots later, maybe the whole process wouldn't have to be delayed at all.

But no matter what.

Things on the "Resentful Son" side have finally come to fruition smoothly and without any danger.

However, it was different from Qingshuishan who landed smoothly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Feiyan Honma has a headache here.

It’s not the things the actors picked.

After all, the power-on ceremony was just around the corner, and he had basically already prepared everything that needed to be prepared.

The key issue lies with the screenwriter Masayoshi Yotsuya.

Yotsuya Masayoshi, as the name suggests, you know what kind of person he is.

In this industry that focuses on interpersonal relationships and human resources.

He gives people the impression of being an "axis", and he is really a particularly "axis" kind of person.

People who get along well with each other are particularly good at chatting with each other, while people with whom they don't get along well may not want to talk when they meet.

This kind of character is very rare among Japanese people.

Because even directors like Homma Hihiko and Qingshuishan are still very 'humane and sophisticated' when they should be humane and sophisticated.

Only talent is useless, and sometimes you can survive in this industry by being submissive appropriately.

But Masayoshi Yotsuya is different.

This man really refused to admit defeat.

When he was still a student at the university, Masayoshi Yotsuya dared to refute his instructor face to face - this was simply impossible in Japanese society where elders respect the younger.

But it happened.

All I can say is that no matter where they are, they are all alien like this.

And an outlier like Yotsuya Masayoshi is naturally very talented.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to survive in the industry just because of his stubborn character.

Also as a straight to the point person.

Honma Hihiko admires Yotsuya Masayoshi's outspoken character - the two of them almost hit it off.

So they also collaborated a lot with each other.

The same goes for "Kidnapped Natsuko" this time.

As the lead screenwriter, Masayoshi Yotsuya is responsible for important matters such as scripts and storyboards. Everything should proceed smoothly according to the usual rhythm.

But this time——

"Homma, why don't you choose Akiyama Shion as the lead actor as we agreed before?"

Yotsuya Masayoshi's eyes were hidden behind thick glasses, his eyebrows furrowed, and he made a dissatisfied questioning sound.

As the most critical golden triangle of directors and screenwriters in the film and television industry, he and Toshihiko Honma had already discussed who would play the lead role this time.

The two of them almost unanimously chose Akiyama Shion.

After all, Akiyama Shion is obedient and sensible, she is easy to use, and her acting skills are online. At most, she is a bit tall - but her flaws are not hidden, she is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Why did the lead candidate suddenly change?

"Things are sudden, Zhengyi, you have to understand sometimes."

Honma Feiyan smiled and comforted.

"Hey, you know me. I'm a screenwriter, so I can't understand your behavior. But Honma, even if you want to change your sub-servant, you have to at least change it to one who is somewhat famous, right?"

Yotsuya Masayoshi sighed.

He is not as stubborn and unkind as those outside say.

But this time Honma Feiyan did go a little too far.

You must know that 'Natsuko' was a girl character when it was first finalized.

Changing roles on the spot is not something you can do with just a snap of your hands.

Much of his original script needed to be revised.

This is simply too much!

If it were another shooting team, the director and screenwriter would at least have to fight each other and fight to the death - do you really think the screenwriter was inspired by toothpaste? As long as you squeeze in, there will always be something?

And he has never met this servant named Kitazumi Minoru at all.

The previous Natsuko was basically created based on the impression of Akiyama Shion.

Now that there was a sudden change of characters, he couldn't imagine in his mind what kind of performance the other person would play as 'Natsuko', and what kind of expression he would show.


If he hadn't been an old friend with Honma Feiyan.

He had to write several "anti-thieves" articles behind his back to stab him hard in the spine.

Besides, Yotsuya Masayoshi can accept even the above things.

"But does this kind of unknown boy actor really have the acting skills we need? The role of 'Natsuko' is the main actor. Without enough acting skills to support it, the whole movie will collapse."

Yotsuya Masayoshi expressed his true thoughts - he didn't believe that Kitumi Minoru had that kind of acting skills.

However, compared to his distrust, Honma Feiyan was confident.

"Don't worry, Zhengyi, I have seen his ability, and he will definitely satisfy you."

"." Yotsuya Zhengyi.

Really? Can a random boy challenge Akiyama Shion?

To be honest, he was skeptical.

But even if he was skeptical, it was useless.

The role has been decided.

It would be futile to say more.

Thinking of this, Yotsuya Zhengyi spoke.

"But you have to let me meet him. If I don't even have the most basic impression, I won't change the direction of the script at all."

".That's true."

Honma Fuhiko has also worked as a screenwriter, so of course he understands what Yotsuya Zhengyi means.

Just like writing a novel, there must be at least a direction for modifying the script.

You can't let Yotsuya Zhengyi run around like a headless fly.

He thought about it and said simply: "In this case, let's just let Kitasumi come to our place. It happens to be a weekend today, so you can see his acting skills."

"It would be best if it could be like this."

Yotani Masayoshi breathed a sigh of relief.

His friend was quite reliable in this regard, at least he didn't make things difficult for him.

He calmed down and watched Honma Fuhiko make the call.

The call didn't last long.

The main purpose was to contact the AR child training company.

Asked them to transfer the child over, and wanted to discuss work matters in detail.

The phone was hung up.

Yotani Masayoshi then asked Honma Fuhiko several questions about Kitasumi.

This would help him build a brand new "Natsuko" character in his mind.

After asking and answering questions for about half an hour.

There was a knock on the door.

"Hello, I'm an employee of AR child training company. Is it convenient for me to come in?"

"Please come in."

"Hello, I'm an employee of AR child training company, and also the agent of Kita Sumire. My name is Tamura Mitsuji. Thank you for taking care of our child this time."

"Hello, Mr. Tamura."

The two sides met each other.

It was at this time.

Yotani Masayoshi saw the child called Kita Sumire standing next to the male agent.

Different from the first impression of other child agents who were all well-behaved and sensible.

When facing him, this child named Kita Sumire did not deliberately maintain the image of "well-behaved and sensible".

On the contrary, he looked around curiously.

A pair of clear big eyes were full of curiosity about the new environment around him, without any stage fright.

He was also very generous when introducing himself.

In addition to his handsome and childlike face.

Yotani Masayoshi's initial doubtful mood was also eased a lot.

"That's all for the self-introduction. Are we ready to start?"

Yotani Masayoshi got to the point: "Kitazami-kun, we want to see how you handle the role of 'Natsuko', can you do it?"

"Sure. Please give me more advice, screenwriter Yotani."

"Very good."

Yotani Masayoshi nodded with satisfaction and took the script out from under the table.

He wanted to see.

How good is the acting of this handsome unknown actor in front of him.

How can he beat Akiyama Shion.

Thanks to Bie An-kun and the stars who love to watch summer nights for the tips! Thank you very much!

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