Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 6 I was just acting

Chapter 6 I was just acting.

"Ms. Hosokawa! It's your turn!"

The stagehand shouted with a loud speaker to notify everyone to take their positions.

The whole theater was noisy, but everything was going on in an orderly manner.


When her name was called, Chiori Hosokawa looked up and responded, put down the script in her hand, and put on plain glasses without prescription.

She took a deep breath, and turned to look to the other side after putting on her makeup.

Over there, Kita Sumire, who had also put on her makeup, looked at her and smiled politely at her.

Looking at this handsome little boy, Chiori Hosokawa also smiled and nodded to him.

As the actress of Ishigami Aiko, the heroine of "The Grudge", Chiori Hosokawa and Kita Sumire had rehearsed their lines more than once.

But to be honest.

She was not satisfied with her performance.

To be more precise, she was dissatisfied with her performance of the emotion of "fear".

In her opinion, she failed to naturally perform the fear that Aiko Ishigami felt when facing Kuroda Uchiichi in the plot.

She tried many times to perform the fear expression that came naturally when being stared at by a murderer, but she still couldn't perform it to her satisfaction.

This can be regarded as her flaw in acting.

When she acted in a movie before, she was criticized by some independent film critics and magazines.

They said she was a "brainless love actress (female actor) who couldn't naturally express fear."

This was a mockery that she could only act in some sweet art films and love dramas, and was not suitable for other types of movies and TV dramas.

Chiori Hosokawa has a gentle personality, but her competitive spirit is no weaker than others.

This is why she, a well-known art film actress, took on the role of Aiko Ishigami.

It was to slap those film critics and magazines in the face.


Chiori Hosokawa sighed in her heart.

I don't know if it's really the same as what those people said.

She really couldn't express that kind of real and natural fear.

Fortunately, she has a solid line foundation.

Although her expression and body movements are mediocre.

But her excellent line foundation allows her to play the role of Ishigami Aiko.

As for the other side,

the other side is that Chiori Hosokawa is not satisfied with Kita Sumire.

It’s not that she is dissatisfied with Kita Sumire’s acting skills.

But the other party is just an eight-year-old child.

She is still so cute.

The character she is acting against is so cute and good-looking.

How can she hide her emotions and show the "fear" emotion of the character of Ishigami Aiko?

Chiori Hosokawa is an actor who can easily bring herself into the world of the character.

But Kita Sumire looks so cute and lovely. How can she put herself into the "panicked" Ishigami Aiko?

But what can she do if she is not satisfied?

It is impossible to change people at the last minute, right?

Chiori Hosokawa does not have this power.

Shaking her head, retracting her divergent thoughts, Chiori Hosokawa looked at Kita Sumire and began to get into the play.

This scene is relatively simple.

It mainly happened in the second half of "The Grudge".

Ishigami Aiko, who gradually discovered that there were various things wrong with Kuroda Uchiichi, wanted to seek help from her husband.

Her husband thought that she was too sensitive and even a little extreme because of the trauma of losing her child in the car accident some time ago.

Ishigami Aiko felt more and more that something was wrong.

So one night, she took the initiative to find Kuroda Uchiichi and told him everything she had investigated recently, and confronted him formally.

This scene is mainly to show Kuroda Uchiichi's "heterogeneity" that is different from that of a child and Ishigami Aiko's "fear" that she could not be trusted by her husband and was gradually driven to a dead end.

After roughly going over the plot in her mind, Chiori Hosokawa stepped forward.

"Please give me more advice, don't scare me too much, Minoru."

She smiled brightly and teased.

This was purely a polite remark.

She didn't think that Kitasumi Minoru could scare her with an overly outstanding performance.

But what she didn't expect was that

After hearing her say this, Kita Sumire's expression obviously became strange.

After a while, he nodded and greeted.

".Ah, OK, please teach me more, Sister Hosokawa."

What a strange child

Chiori Hosokawa muttered in her heart, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

After greeting each other, waiting for the lighting technicians and directors to take their positions, and then playing the board, this pre-rehearsal began - in fact, most movies will go through such a rehearsal process before shooting.

Rehearsal does not count as formal shooting, but actors, photographers, and lighting technicians still need to take it seriously to avoid problems with props, lighting, and camera positions during formal shooting.

Therefore, even though she was a little concerned about Kita Sumire's expression just now.

Chiori Hosokawa still cheered up and officially entered the play.

The long dining table.

The knives placed next to the stove, shining with bright colors.

The lights in the living room were not turned on.

Only the chandelier above the dining table was emitting bright colors alone.

The scene was depressing, and the whole space was quiet, without any other movement.

Chiori Hosokawa is in the shot.

The scene arranged by the props team firmly locks Chiori Hosokawa in. From a distance, the scene is larger than the character.

This kind of prop scene arrangement will give people a feeling of depression, as if the surrounding scenery is squeezing the characters in the picture.

It must be said that although "The Grudge" is a low-budget film.

But the level of director Shimizu-san is still here, and the overall level of the filming team is online.

Chiori Hosokawa was very satisfied and raised her head at the same time.

Looking at the other end, Kita Sumire, who entered the living room at the same time as the photographer's call. No, it should be Kuroda Uchiichi now.

Kuroda Uchiichi has half-long bangs, like black curtains, half covering his eyes, so that people can't see his current expression without looking carefully.

In addition, Kuroda Uchiichi didn't speak, standing quietly in the semi-darkness, which made Chiori Hosokawa feel a creepy discomfort.


Under the weak light, Chiori Hosokawa, who has been trying hard to get into the role, was a little excited.

"I have already investigated the previous Ishikawa Welfare House!"

"There is no information about you before the age of ten!"

Not bad.

Shimizu-san nodded secretly outside the venue.

Chiori Hosokawa is in good shape today.

He was satisfied, and then looked at Kita Sumire on the other side.

He hoped that this precocious child could bring him extra surprises.

And it was with this one look.

He found out.

He couldn't move his eyes away...

In the original plot, after hearing Ishigami Aiko reveal the results of the investigation, Kuroda Uchiichi showed a resentful and murderous look to Ishigami Aiko.

His childhood has always been his scar, and he will never let go of anyone who dares to touch this scar.

This scene requires a high level of expression management, body language and line skills of the actors.

This is especially true for the cute healing style of the child role.

But when Kita Sumire slowly walked out of the semi-shadow, Shimizuyama was a little stunned.

He felt as if he really saw Kuroda Uchiichi walking out of the flat script.

The half-long bangs hung down, like dark clouds covering his expression, and the resentful eyes hidden in the gap of the bangs made Shimizuyama feel creepy.

"Move a camera to focus on the precocious one, and don't stop until I tell you to stop." Qing Shuishan said with his head tilted, becoming interested.

Precocious one refers to Kita Sumire.

The field staff, who were also somewhat uncomfortable with Kita Sumire's creepy aura, understood what he meant and followed Qing Shuishan's instructions.

On the other side, inside the field.

Chiori Hosokawa was in good shape today, and she could feel it herself.

She paused for a moment, as if she was trying to muster up her courage again.

Her whole body half leaned forward, with her left hand on her chest, revealing a posture of unwillingness to retreat and surrender.

Very good!

Good! Just do it in one go! Let go of your acting skills completely!

"What is your purpose? Who are you? Why are you--uh?"

Chiori Hosokawa completely substituted into the role of Aiko Ishigami, spoke the lines fluently and solidly, and then got stuck--


Her lines got stuck, and she even made a surprised ending sound.

For a professional actor, this is a low-level mistake that absolutely cannot be made.

But she was stuck.

She had been immersed in her acting and noticed it.

Something was wrong.

The atmosphere in the shooting field was a little heavy.

She looked up in a slightly startled manner.

Through the light of the living room.

She vaguely saw it.

In the gap between the bangs of Kuroda's hair, the eyes were pointed at her face, wide and glaring with resentment.

What kind of eyes were those?

Chiori Hosokawa had seen the eyes of many sub-servicemen.

Those sub-servicemen gave people the feeling of warmth, cuteness, and healing like small animals.


She looked at Kita Sumi in front of her.

Under the half-long bangs, the black pupils and the white of the eyes were mixed together.

There was no so-called vitality of a child.

There was only lifeless despair and the thick resentment that seemed to be revealed.

It was like being bitten by a poisonous snake, and it was like turning on a switch through this look.

Once the fear seeps out, it cannot be stopped.

Chiori Hosokawa shuddered and subconsciously took a step back.

The light from the living room fell on her body, but she could not feel any warmth.

At this moment, she seemed to have really become Aiko Ishigami in "The Grudge".

The child in front of her was no longer Kita Sumire, but indeed the Kuroda Uchiichi who had killed someone on his hands.




The sound of walking over step by step.

It was like a giant hammer hitting the psychological defense line.

Calm down! Calm down!

Chiori Hosokawa noticed something was wrong and her heart was beating violently.

This is just acting!

It's just acting!

There is no Kuroda Uchiichi!

It's just a role played by the opponent!

How could I be scared by the acting of an eight-year-old child? !

It's just a joke!

The director hasn't called for a stop yet! So we can only continue!


Chiori Hosokawa's lips barely moved, struggling to say her lines.

But the next second——

"What did you say just now?"

The thin figure took a step forward.

A twisted and cruel smile climbed onto the child's innocent face.

The child's innocent smile and the cruel aura blended together without any sense of disobedience.

Although Kuroda Naiichi had a smile on his face, there was no smile in his voice.

Kuroda Uchiichi was clearly looking at her, but it was as if he was looking at a corpse.

It was as if he was talking to a dead person.

Trembling. Trembling.

Hosokawa Chiori could no longer stop her body from shaking.


You should be acting, right?

But why don't you look like you're acting at all?

Why do you really feel like you've killed a few people and are now on the run?

Hosokawa Chiori really felt it.

She felt a murderer-like quality in Kita Sumire in front of her.


Footsteps sounded again.

At the same time, it was Kuroda Uchiichi's questioning voice.

"What did you say just now?"

The quiet atmosphere was broken.

Kuroda Uchiichi's palm was groping behind him, and he didn't know if he was holding something like a knife, which was shining under the light.

Hosokawa Chiori could no longer hold it in, and she finally couldn't help but lower her voice and spoke.

"My dear, we are acting, right?"

Since it was just a rehearsal, there was no hanging pole or microphone, and we just spoke in a low voice, so there would be no noise.

Her eyes were filled with hope, hoping to get the other party's answer.



Especially quiet

Dead silence!

Then, Kuroda Uchiichi took out something shining behind him, and asked with a smile that was completely invisible:

"What do you think?"

As the words fell.

Footsteps sounded with cruelty and madness!

Kuroda Uchiichi, holding something shining in his hand and with a hideous smile on his face, approached.

No——Wait a minute? !

Hosokawa Chiori took several steps back in fear.

"No! Don't!"

She even knocked over several bowls on the kitchen table used for the scenery in a panic.

She was terrified.

All her facial features were squeezed together in fear.

The cold sweat oozing from the forehead and ears made the hair stick together tightly.

Air was squeezed out of the lungs in big gulps.

"Don't come over!!! Don't come over again!"

A panicked tone.

The palm kept groping back and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife.

It was like grabbing a life-saving straw.

Hosokawa Chiori leaned on the edge of the stove with a painful face, holding the sharp knife with both hands and pointing it at the approaching Kuroda Uchiichi.

At this moment.

She is Ishigami Aiko.

The person in front of her is Kuroda Uchiichi.

The child-like murderer who can kill women in the original work!

The atmosphere was extremely tense.


"Aiko! What are you doing?!"

The angry voice of the male protagonist Ishigami Yujin sounded.

At the same time, the originally dark space became bright with the sound of turning on the lights.

The coldness and fear were driven away.

At the same time, the director Shimizuyama said with satisfaction, "Ka, everyone has worked hard!"


She opened her mouth wide.

She looked blankly at Qing Shuishan who came over to say hello.

She looked at Bei Chengshi who pulled up his bangs and smiled apologetically at her.


The kitchen knife slipped from her hand unconsciously.

Her body slid to the ground limply.


She stared blankly at the ceiling.

It turns out that I was just acting. I wasn't confronting a murderer.

Thanks to the self-entertaining readers for the reward! Thank you very much!

Uh——I won the resurrection match. That's all I can say.

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