Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 5 Qingshuishan thinks so

What is the most important thing in a horror film?

Is it the jump scares?

Or the eerie background music that makes people sweat?

Or the bloody scenes with blood and broken hands and feet?

All these elements may be present, or all of them may be needed.

But the most important thing is the design of the plot, and -

"The pressure and tension that the actors who play horror roles can bring to the audience."

The director of "The Grudge", Shimizu-san, looked up and watched his crew preparing for the filming in an orderly manner. He couldn't help but groan and turned to look at the handsome boy who had already started to put on makeup in the dressing room on the other side.

Kita Sumimi.

The first time I met him was in a literary film shooting crew.

It was a children's literary film with a healing style that you could see the ending at a glance.

Because he was visiting another director on the way, Shimizu-san no longer remembered the specific plot of the movie.

He only remembered one scene.

The performance of the child A Kita Sumimi, who was the friend of the protagonist.

That was a scene of persuading the protagonist to get out of the family haze.

Kita Sumire's acting skills made him remember it vividly.

"Don't be afraid, Hanako, don't be afraid."

"I and Yuu-chan will always be by your side."

Hug, then comfort.

This is undoubtedly a very simple scene.

So simple that Kita Sumire only has two lines.

And it is precisely this scene that any other famous actor would not care much about, with only two lines of face.

Kita Sumire performed it with a meticulous and serious expression that Qingshuishan had never seen on the face of an actor of the same age.

"Don't be afraid, Hanako, don't be afraid."

With a soft tone, the eyebrows on the face were slightly squeezed together and pressed down, outlining an expression with a little uneasiness, and the fingers were placed on the protagonist's shoulders.

"I and Yuu-chan will always be by your side."

Hug each other with a gentle and neither heavy action.

Although there are still some flaws in the acting.

But the calm and serious performance like an adult, which was completely different from the innocent performance of ordinary actors, attracted Qingshuishan.

He became interested in a child. After the filming, he specially called Kita Sumire out and chatted with him for a while.

"Wow? Uncle is also a director. He is a director at this age. It's great."

The eight-year-old boy sat on the bench next to him, and drank a non-alcoholic drink with a "ha" sound without any childish image, and his face showed a different teasing and playfulness from that of a young child.

"It's a young man, a young man."

"Isn't that an uncle?"

Qingshuishan, who was wearing glasses, was so angry that his face turned red: "You stinky boy, I'm only 27 years old this year."

It was after this conversation.

Qingshuishan and the other party's fate began.

It's really a fate!

This precocious boy doesn't look like an eight-year-old boy at all!

It's okay to call him whenever he has something to do to ask for advice on acting.

This kid would come to his crew for a stroll, under the pretext of coming to see him, a "friend of different ages", but in fact he was making friends with other adult actors, screenwriters and stagehands.

With that harmless, cute face that is lethal to people of all ages, as well as a coaxing, sweet voice, and overly superb conversation skills. Please forgive him for using conversation skills to describe a little boy.

But Kita Sumire is really an "abnormal" among the child actors.

This whole process really allowed him to meet many actors.

Among them, there are many female famous actors who particularly like this cute and handsome little boy.

Qingshuishan even heard that Kita Sumire and several young female makeup artists in his group were having a hot relationship.

He is only eight years old!

Can other child actors do it?

You know, some child actors will be nervous just standing in a group of adults.

Not to mention like Kita Sumire, who can easily grasp the psychology of adults and talk and laugh with them.

Qingshuishan took a breath of cold air.

You know, in his 27 years of life, he has never had any relationship with women other than work.

But Kitasumi did it easily.

This also made Shimizu-san completely convinced.

Kitasumi this guy.

Even if he doesn't eat the bowl of actor's rice in the future, he can eat the soft rice of actresses at will-and it doesn't cost anything.


Although Kitasumi is far beyond the average actor in terms of communication.

But in terms of acting.

Thinking of this, Shimizu-san lowered his head and took a look at the script of "The Grudge" in his hand.

"The Grudge".

This is a niche, low-cost movie adapted from the horror novel of the same name.

Among them, Kuroda Uchiichi showed a high IQ as a perverted murderer and the handsomeness described in the novel.

As a result, even though he is a perverted murderer, he has many fans in the original work.

Originally, Shimizu-san planned to let some special actors (such as short actors) play this role.

After all, the two characteristics of "maturity" and "immaturity" are added together, and ordinary actors can't handle this kind of role at all.

But after a round of screening, the director found that there were no special actors who fit the description of "handsome" in the original novel.

Also, "The Grudge" itself was a low-budget film production.

As a studio director, Qing Shuishan naturally couldn't spend a lot of money to hire talented servants with sky-high prices.

Back and forth.

Qingshuishan approached Kitaki Minoru.

On the one hand, it's because Kitumi Minoru's acting skills are relatively solid compared to ordinary sub-heroes.

On the other hand, Qingshuishan was actually looking forward to Kitami Minori's coexistence of 'mature' and 'immature' qualities that were completely different from ordinary children.

If only this could be demonstrated perfectly.

So Kitami Minoru is undoubtedly the child actor most suitable for the role of 'Kuroda Uchiichi'.

Of course, the most important thing is that Beicheng, who is not famous, is cheap!

Really cheap.

For a production crew with a tight budget like "The Resentment", using Kitami Minoru will undoubtedly be able to breathe a big sigh of relief in terms of budget.


"Is it really that easy?"

Looking away from the script of "The Resentful Son", Qing Shuishan thought this.

It is perfectly natural to ask a thirsty person to fetch water.

But asking a person who is not thirsty to pretend to be thirsty to drink water must test his skills.

In this scene, Beicheng just needs to 'perform' the coexistence of 'maturity' and 'childishness' in his usual way of dealing with people.

But it is this 'performance' that is enough to stump countless disciples - after all, fake crying is always harder than real crying.

Only a few extremely talented Ziyu can skillfully control various roles.

Even though Beicheng Minoru had tried acting before, Qingshuishan was still unsure.

The other party's performance can only be described as unsatisfactory.

Nothing particularly outstanding, but overall it's passable.


Qing Shuishan is also a person who takes his work very seriously.

Unlike those directors who produce bad movies.

He naturally wants to produce better quality works.

"I can only hope that precocious child doesn't disappoint me."

Qingshuishan shook his head.

As a director, he has no control over actors' acting skills.

Just like this movie investment.

If possible, who wouldn't want to spend a lot of money to find a talented actor to act?

But there is no way.

Not much money.

Thinking of this, Qingshuishan turned to look at the center of the shooting scene.


Kitumi, who has already put on makeup, is about to start rehearsing the scene with the heroine.

Thanks to Shangui Bulisten for the reward, thank you very much!

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