Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 62: Special Issue on Subordinates?

In the Japanese industry, there are several aspects that are particularly important.

It’s not things like acting, talent, and talent that sound relatively imaginary and cannot be touched or seen.

But something more practical and closer to life.

For example, capital.

As an emerging actor, Makoto Shimada was able to successfully obtain the leading position mainly because of the support of his father's abundant capital.


Kitami Minoru does not have that kind of backing to rely on.

So when he first started traveling, he had already started from another aspect.

That's connections.

Just like now——

"Reality TV show?"

Listening to the tough-tongued elder sister's voice on the other end of the phone, Hosokawa Chiori, Kitaki Minoru was a little surprised.

Although during the filming of "The Resentment", he had a friendly exchange with the other party and agreed that she would introduce him to him when there were suitable job opportunities.

But he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

I originally thought it would take at least two or three months.

While he was thinking, Hosokawa Chiori on the other side continued to speak without hesitation:

"Well, they said they need you, Beicheng-kun, to spare a day to coordinate with the program recording. It should be okay, right?"


Kitaki Minoru did not answer immediately.

Hosokawa Chiori over there seemed to have noticed Kitachi Minoru's hesitation, and said in surprise: "What's wrong? Kitachi-kun, don't you want to go?"

Through the filming of "The Resentful Son", she clearly knew that the young boy in front of her was very hungry for job opportunities.

That is definitely not the desire that a child with a 'playful' habit can have.

And now the opportunity is in front of Kitaki Minoru.

Is he planning to give up?

"That's not the problem."

Kitaki Minoru is a bit funny. How can he have the right to choose?

Although he is a little famous now because of "The Resentful Son".

But this little bit of fame, compared to being a top performer in the industry, cannot make waves at all.

Kitami Minori smiled and said: "Sister Chiori, as you know, I still have filming work for "The Kidnapped Natsuko". I need to ask Director Honma about the specific situation."

"I see. I didn't think it through. Then contact me after Beicheng-kun asks for more information."

Another round of pleasantries.

Hosokawa Chiori hung up the phone.

Without much hesitation.

Kitumi Minori called Honma Feiyan and told him the whole story.


Honma Feihiko on the other end of the phone seemed to be drinking. After listening to his words, he made a nonchalant voice:

"Is that all? It doesn't matter, as long as you don't affect my filming progress, Precocious."

For my actors.

Honma Feiyan is relatively relaxed.

Not to mention that Kitami Minoru helped him teach Shimada Makoto this cheater.

This is considered a favor owed to this boy.

It wouldn't be a big problem to take a day off and let him record a reality show.

The main reason is that the subordinate, Kitazumi Minoru, is very capable.

Really strong.

As long as it is his lens, it will rarely get stuck.

Of course, this does not mean that Kitumi Minoru did not make mistakes.

He also makes mistakes.

For example, sometimes the expression of emotions is a little too much.

But even if he occasionally makes some mistakes, he can adjust quickly.

This terrifying self-regulation ability made even Honma Feiyan secretly frightened.

You know, most actors feel nervous on the spot or get stuck on a shot.

Parents or agents usually need to come over to comfort them.

But Beicheng Sanji didn't need it at all.

He just needs to rest and think for a while, and then he can perform this scene well when he comes on stage again.

This ability to adjust.

For an eight-year-old son, it is indeed too rare.

It is precisely because of Kitazumi's outstanding performance.

A large part of the scenes for the protagonist Natsuko have been completed - some scenes cannot be shot in Tokyo, so we have to find time to shoot on location.

Calculating the time, it's almost time for Kitumi Minoru's summer vacation, and I'll be able to take him to a place far away from Tokyo to shoot location shots.


"Precocious, this kind of job opportunity that allows you to be on TV is quite rare for you, right?"

Honma Feiyan put down his wine glass.

Even if a child with a low reputation like Kitumi Minoru appears on a reality show, he will only earn more than 100,000 yuan a day.

This amount of money is not much, but the influence brought by being on TV cannot be easily estimated with such a sum of money.

"To be honest, before I met you, I always thought that the most suitable candidate for Natsuko must be Akiyama Shion, she must be her."

Honma Feiyan's voice paused.

"I also think that with Akiyama Shion's reputation, this movie will definitely be a hit."

The conversation changed.

"But now. I have completely changed my mind."

He turned his face and looked out the window at the night sky.

The night sky today is very clear, as translucent as water.

There are no dark clouds, just stars dotting it.

Honma Feiyan lit a cigarette and watched the white smoke rise into the air.

"I think you will definitely become popular and sell well."


He hopes that an outstanding sub-boy like Kitami Minoru will become popular and sell well!

At least we can’t let our pearls fall into dust in this dirty industry that relies on favors and financial connections!

This can be regarded as an emotion of appreciation.

Think of this.

Honma Feiyan blushed a little again.

Although he has been secretly scolding Masayoshi Yotsuya as "Northern Cheng Kong" behind his back.

But I don’t know when.

He actually quietly changed into a "shape" of caring about Kitaki Minoru.

Damn it.

Could this kid really be a succubus in slave skin?

He scratched his hair and realized that the person on the other end of the phone had not spoken for a long time, so he took the initiative to open the conversation:

"What's wrong? Precocious? You can't say anything?"

"Uh, no, I'm just a little shocked. I originally thought that Uncle Honma and Uncle Shimizu were similar people. I didn't expect you to say such serious things."

Cough cough cough!

Severe cough.

What followed was the angry voice of Honma Feiyan:

"Precocious child! You are such an annoying child! Go away, go away! Just remember to report to the film crew on the day of recording the show."

Originally, this should be enough.

But Kitaki Minoru over there quickly spoke again:

"By the way, when I go to record the show, Uncle Honma, you have to pay attention to Shimada-kun. How will he behave if I'm not around?"

But this time, before he could finish speaking, Feiyan Honma interrupted him.

"Okay, okay. Precocious, who are you to me? Mom?"

Honma Feiyan was a little speechless, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "My filming team has not reached the point where it cannot operate without you."

This kid really wants to go to heaven after just one or two compliments.

Do you really think that my filming team can't live without him?

Just kidding?

He was too lazy to continue listening and simply hung up the phone.


He seemed to have thought of something interesting and couldn't help laughing.


Just work hard, precocious child.

Although you should have the fire-making qualities.

But don't get complacent!

There are still a lot of bad things in the industry waiting for you!

One week later, it was the day of the recording of the "Human Investigation" program.

The filming scene of "Natsuko Kidnapped".

"Click!!! Failed this one! Try again!"

Under the loud voice of the recorder holding a loudspeaker, it was Toshihiko Honma with a dark face.

Especially watching Shimada Makoto’s acting gradually deviate from the normal track

Honma Feiyan felt a burst of myocardial angina.


This is wrong!

The corners of Honma Feiyan's mouth twitched.

Shimada Makoto's acting skills start to get off the mark when it comes to Kitumi Minoru.

It looked like his head was already big.

And it wasn't until this moment that he really understood——

His filming team, especially Shimada Makoto, is really inseparable from Kitami Minoru!


You really have to come back soon, right?

If you don't come back, I'm afraid I'll be pissed off by you, the traitor.

Accompanied by another ‘click’

Honma Feiyan covered his heart.

He was so angry that he couldn't speak at this moment.

At the same time, on the other side, the recording team of the "Human Survey·Zi Yong Special" program.

"The camera position is set up."

"There is a problem with the lighting. Please provide more light for indoor scenes, otherwise the camera will feel a bit overwhelming."


The instructions were conveyed from Meicong Kobayashi's mouth to the ears of the leaders of each group through the radio.

The entire show recording site continues to operate.

At the same time, she did not forget to stare at Kitaki Minoru in the center of the screen.

The shooting location of "The Great Investigation of the World·Zi Yong Special Edition" was not chosen at Zi Yong's home.

This is a means to protect the privacy of guests.

The specific process is that the program team rents a house and lets the agent act as a guardian to live with the child for one night.

Wait until the next day, and then their program recording team will follow the filming crew for a day's life.

She had also told Minoru Kitumi about the specific filming matters for the subsequent program in advance - in fact, she was asking him not to pay attention to the camera and try to restore his usual life style.

The time now is about six minutes past six.

Kobayashi Meicong estimated that it would still be some time before Kitumi woke up.

For the audience, the most adorable person is the one who sleeps in a daze and wakes up in a daze.

She had already thought about what kind of cute filter she would add to Minoru Kitazumi.


Let me see how you perform next.

I will show all the cute things about you to the audience.

Thinking like this, Kobayashi Meicong saw some movement from Bei Cheng Minoru on the bed.

The other person lying on the bed opened his eyes without any warning.

Then, without stopping for a moment, he put away the slightly creased bedding.


The most important thing is that this is the time.

What is he going to do?

Kobayashi Meicong couldn't help but look at the time.

It was only around six o'clock, and Beicheng Minoru woke up.

This is completely different from other servants.

After all, children usually stay in bed most of the time and barely get up until seven or eight o'clock.

Kitaki Minoru is the sub-guest of the second issue.

The servant in the first period slept until eight o'clock, drooling, and stretched out his hands to ask for a hug from his guardian before he got up.

That's called cuteness!

But what about Kitaki Minoru?

Kobayashi Meicong opened her mouth and stared at Kitumi Minoru on the screen in disbelief.

After getting up, the other person washed her face and brushed her teeth without anyone urging her or shouting at her, and then turned on the morning news on her mobile phone.

She brushed her teeth while watching the news.

The process was too smooth, and it could be said that it had nothing to do with the "cute" theme she had planned in advance.

She was so self-disciplined that Kobayashi Misato rubbed her eyes.

She suddenly had an illusion.

It was as if she was not shooting a koyaku.

In the camera, she was a young and successful person who lived a very self-disciplined life.


"I should be shooting the "koyaku special", right?"

Kobayashi Misato opened her mouth and couldn't help muttering to herself.

You are a koyaku!

How can you not be cute?

You have to be cute, right?

If a koyaku is not cute, can you still charm the audience with your charm?

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