Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 63 Why should the servants worry about us adults?

Although I didn’t get the ‘cute’ shot I wanted.

Kobayashi Meicong felt a little pity.

But thinking about self-discipline Ziyi is actually quite good.

The contrast between a child's immature body and mature behavior.

It can also bring multiple levels of freshness and topicality to the program.

This first shot starts from this aspect, there is no big problem.


if you can.

Kobayashi Minato still hopes that Kitami Minori can be more "healing" and "cute" - so that the audience will be wider.

But until then.

Kobayashi Meicong glanced at the time.

Even excluding the time for brushing teeth and washing face, it was still only half past six, and it wasn't even time to eat.

What is Beicheng doing up so early?

She couldn't understand, so she turned back curiously: "Mr. Tamura, what does Beicheng-kun usually do when you get up early?"

Due to Kitasumi Minato's identity, Tamura Koji was also invited to the show this time.

"Well, Beicheng-kun seems to have the habit of running in the morning, right?" Tamura Koji replied.

"Morning jog.?"

Kobayashi Meicong was a little dumbfounded.

This is another word that is completely out of tune with the word "ziyi".

This Kitaki Minoru seems a bit unusual.


"It might be nice to go for a morning run."

Kobayashi Micong glanced at Kitumi Minoru who reappeared on the screen.

The other party had already put on sportswear at this time.

Morning jogging is a really good habit.

The usual "Investigation of the Human World" usually starts from the professional perspective of the people being observed.

In this way, the lens feels somewhat monotonous.

Like this, occasionally start with the living habits of the people being observed.

Generally speaking, you can record good footage.

And even if there are no highlights, this section can be cut or simplified later.

She became interested and was about to ask the camera crew to prepare.


"Director Xiaolin, Beicheng-kun seems to have something to say to you."


Kobayashi Meicong did not hesitate and turned on the other intercom in front of her.

Then, she heard Kitumi Minoru's voice.

"Director Xiaolin, I'm going for a morning jog next."

"Ah, I already know about this. Beicheng-kun, just run away with peace of mind. Don't worry too much about the camera. Just act natural and leave the rest to us."

Kobayashi Meicong smiled and comforted the other party's emotions.

She felt that the other party was probably nervous.

After all, no matter whether you are an actor, comic book author or novelist, you will feel a little uncomfortable when facing a long camera that follows you all the time. This is of course true.

"No, I'm not talking about this, Director Kobayashi, it's just..."

The other party seemed to have something to hide, and his voice paused.

"What's wrong?"

Kobayashi Meicong is a little strange.

"Would you like to ask a few cameramen to wait at the points where I am running in the morning?" On the other end of the radio, Kitumi Minoru's voice continued: "I'm worried that the cameramen can't keep up with me."


"Are you worried that our camera crew can't keep up with you?"

Kobayashi Meicong was stunned for a moment, and then a feeling of laughter and tears came to her heart.

She really wanted to ask Kitumi Minoru where this confidence came from.

this little guy

Did you know you are only eight years old?

Do you think the physical strength of an eight-year-old child can match the physical strength of us adults?

Or are you looking down on our camera crew?

Admittedly, it was a bit difficult to keep up with the runners while carrying a dead-weight camera.

But there are 'portable cameras' in this world.

The weight is much lighter than a professional camera.

Paired with something like a tripod stabilizer, the image quality won’t be much worse.

Kobayashi Meicong shook his head speechlessly, and answered close to the radio: "Thank you Beicheng-kun for worrying about us, but just feel free to run away, it will be no problem."

After saying that, she put down the radio.

Look at Kitami Minoru on the screen again.

To be honest, she wasn't worried at all.

After all, how far can an eight-year-old child run in the morning?

Eight hundred meters?

one kilometer?

It's only 1.5 kilometers until death.

Anyway, the opponent is just a servant, he can't run very far, for long, let alone very fast.

It shouldn't be much of a problem for her and a few male cameramen to carry equipment and slaves.

When Kitaki Minoru couldn't run at all, started to pant, and slowed down.

Then let them, a group of adults who didn't expend much energy at all, just turn on the camera, set up a tripod, and record slowly.

As the director of the entire program, Kobayashi Mi Satoshi has even imagined it.

The bright colors of the morning sun just broke through the clouds and sprinkled down.

The sweat beads on the panting boy's cute side face were reflected clearly under the bright orange color.

What a lens! Simply perfect!

After all, Kitumi Minoru's appearance is really good.

There are quite a few female viewers who watch the late-night reality show. The cute and breathless appearance of such a handsome son-in-law will definitely make them pay for it.

So to sum up -

"As long as Beicheng-kun gets tired and slows down, we can start recording."

Kobayashi Micong informed the staff in front of him of various matters, and at the same time glanced at Kitumi Minoru who had already done some warm-up exercises and went out.

She winked.

Then everyone followed Beicheng Minoru.

to be honest.

Kitami Minoru's speed is actually not that fast.

Just a normal jogging speed.

Even Mi Satoshi Kobayashi, who was carrying a stabilizer, could easily keep up.

This reassured her.

After all, Kitumi Minoru was still seriously worried about whether they could keep up on the radio.

She had imagined how fast the eight-year-old could run.

That's the result.

"At this rate, it won't be long before Beicheng-kun becomes tired, right?"

Kobayashi Meicong looked at the figure of Kitazumi in front of her comfortably and thought optimistically.


ten minutes later

Twenty minutes later.

Forty minutes later.

Sweat was already forming on his forehead.

My throat also started to feel dry.

The hair is even more wet.

Looking ahead, Kitumi Minoru, who was still running at a constant speed, could not see any signs of fatigue.

Kobayashi Meicong, who had a dry mouth and tongue, was already sweating a little now.


Will you wait a moment?

Are you not tired at all?

This is completely different from what I thought!

Originally, Meicong Kobayashi thought.

At most, she can only run with Kitumi Minoru for twenty minutes. By then, the other person will be completely limp and can be manipulated by her - she can record whatever scenes she wants.

But more than forty minutes passed in a flash.

Kitaki Minoru's face showed no signs of fatigue at all.

Feeling flaccid all over?

She didn't know if Beicheng San would become soft if he kept running like this. She was already a little overwhelmed.

She really couldn't understand it.

Why can eight-year-old Ziyi look like a normal person after jogging for more than 40 minutes?

Shouldn't Ziyi be the kind of cute creature who stays in bed until seven or eight in the morning and sleeps until after one o'clock after lunch?

What's your situation?

As a director, Kobayashi Micong sometimes has to go on location with the program team.

In terms of physical strength alone, even for a woman, she is definitely not too weak.

But now?

She was so tired that she was out of breath.

Several staff members nearby were also sweating profusely from exhaustion.

On the other hand, look at Kitaki Minoru in front.

He is obviously just an eight-year-old kid, but his breathing is not disturbed at all. At most, the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling has obviously increased.

Even if they were carrying camera equipment, it was considered jogging with heavy weights.

But the opponent's physical strength is still too terrifying!

These adults couldn't outrun Kitami Minoru.

And judging from the other party's appearance, he still seems to have some energy left.

This makes Kobayashi Meicong a little bit intolerable.

Is it possible that the current Ziyi is taking the muscle route?

Thanks to book friend 20201006234501170 for the reward! Thank you so much!

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