Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 64: Feelings don’t exist at all

Kitaki Minoru in front had no intention of stopping yet.

Xiaolin Meicong in the back was a little unable to hold on.

But if you can't hold it tight, you have to hold it tight.

They have been running for more than forty minutes.

You can't just miss something and run away in vain, right?

That's such a loss.

Kobayashi Meicong plans to continue to persevere.

If it still doesn't work in the end, just think of a plot and ask Minoru Kitami to cooperate and find a better lens - after all, reality shows don't need to be so 'real'. This is considered common sense in the industry.

She did a good job of psychological construction.


It's just a short period of time when my mind wanders.

Already a little weak, my knees that couldn't be lifted accidentally hit the stabilizer I was carrying.


She lost her balance and stumbled forward.

The whole person then fell to the ground.

"it hurts!"

I guess the skin was scratched on my knee.

There is a burning pain.

Kobayashi Meicong didn't know what to say.


I couldn't find any good footage.

On the contrary, it was her side that fell hard.

Just when she was looking for something to use to stand up.

Rapid footsteps came from in front of him.

At the same time, a small, white palm stretched out.

"Director Xiaolin, don't move."


Kobayashi Meicong subconsciously raised his head.

Then she saw Kitumi Minoru's small, handsome and cute face.

The boy who was squatting down held her knees with his small white hands and looked at the situation carefully.

At the same time, he took out a small spray alcohol and a band-aid from the side pocket.

The sun shines just right through the early morning fog.

Under bright orange color.

His lovely and handsome face was plated with a layer of gold.

Beads of sweat slipped from his forehead after exercise and dotted the tip of his fair and beautiful nose.

Reveals crystal clear brilliance under the brilliance

The surrounding environment is very quiet.

Due to the angle of the sunlight.

Kitaki Minoru's small shadow was lengthened.

And Kobayashi Meicong's shadow was shortened.

One big and one small.

One small and one big.

Mature children and childish adults. Two contrasting scenes.

In the eyes of Kobayashi Meicong.

At this time, they actually fit together perfectly.

Especially Kitumi Minoru's childish but serious face. actually kind of pretty.

You know, the average child servant gives Kobayashi Meicong the feeling of love and affection similar to that of a kitten or puppy.

And this was completely different from the feeling Beicheng Minoru gave her.

The other party looked serious and cute as he treated his wounds neatly.

It really made Kobayashi Meicong, who was twenty-eight and almost thirty, and had almost never experienced male care except family members, feel like her heartbeat was racing.

But, wait?

Xiaolin Meicong seemed to have thought of something and turned around suddenly.

"What are you all doing standing there?! Hurry up and set up a camera!"

"Beicheng, Minoru-chan, just stay like this and don't move! Everyone else, move!"

The scene fit the scene in her mind perfectly.

Although I suffered a little physical pain and ran for more than 40 minutes with Kitami Minoru, a physical monster, as long as I can save this scene, I don’t need PS for the cover of "Ziyue Special" this time, I can just put it on use.

very good! This is really good!

But even better is Kitami Minoru's performance!

That unpretentious, indescribable combination of adult maturity and childishness...

Really good!

Can be popular! This shot is sure to be a hit!

Thinking of this, she looked at Kitaki Minoru on the other side.

Originally, she only chose him because of Chiori Hosokawa's introduction, Minu Kitami's asking price was relatively cheap, and his appearance was particularly photogenic.

As a result, I didn’t expect that the other party could perform so well!

The contrast between adults and children.

If this topic can be used well, the ratings of this "Ziying Special" will definitely not be bad!

Think of this.

Kobayashi Meicong is even more looking forward to the next filming.

It was indeed the first time for him to see such a servant like Kitazumi Minoru.

After the opponent finished his morning run, Kobayashi Meicong realized this firsthand again.

Kitaki Minoru is a guest in the second issue of "The Great Survey of the Human World·Zi Yong Special Edition".

And before him.

The character who appeared in the first episode is a very cute and well-behaved girl.

After the other party got up, he first went to wash up, then sat at the table, eating the breakfast prepared by the staff in a cute way, and took various cute shots.

Originally, this is how Ziyi should be.

When you have clothes to wear, you can stretch out your hands, and when you have food to eat, you can open your mouth and wait for them to take care of you. Just being a cute little actor in front of the camera is enough.

However, Kitazumi-


The kitchen knife held in the white and tender palm is precise and elegant, cutting tofu, carrots and other ingredients neatly.

The pan is lifted up, and the food in it rises and falls in the air. From time to time, there will be a "boom" sound and the wonderful sight of the cooking wine catching fire.

The sizzling fish was covered in sauce and gave off a burnt aroma that made all the staff present, including Kobayashi Mi Satoshi, swallow their saliva.

Something is wrong.

Something is really wrong.

Logically speaking, shouldn't Kitumi Minoru be waiting to be taken care of by us like other servants?

Why is it that he gets up early for a morning run and buys groceries and cooks?

In this case, why do we need the logistics staff of our program group and your agent?

Can't you just take care of all our work?

Can't you be a little more honest and behave like a shoujo?

Kobayashi Misato looked at Kita Sumire's skilled movements with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

Kita Sumire really didn't act like a shoujo, a little too reliable.

As a result, his own logistics team has not played any role so far.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and asked Tamura Mitsuji beside her:

"Um, Tamura-san, is your shoujo so capable?"

"Of course, Kita Sumire-kun is usually very reliable, and the same is true at work."

Tamura Mitsuji said with a smile.

After all, he is running his own shoujo, and the post-editing of "Human Investigation" may include his words in the program, so of course he has to praise Kita Sumire in a good way.

"Oh? Is he also capable at work? Where is it specifically reflected?"

Kobayashi Misato looked over with some curiosity.

"Of course it is——"

Tamura Mitsuji opened his mouth.


he got stuck.

Because it was really too difficult to say.

You can't say that Kita Sumire can find a job outside and build connections by himself.

Even his current job as an agent is almost taken over by Kita Sumire, right?

This. It's really hard to say.

The main reason is that no one will believe these words, and it will be suspected of exaggerating too much.

Fortunately, at this time, Kobayashi Misato's eyes were attracted by Kita Sumire again, and he didn't pay much attention to him.

This made him feel a little relieved.

At the same time. Kobayashi Misato saw that Kita Sumire had already brought the rice bowl and was ready to eat.

So he raised another question appropriately:

"Does Yumi-chan usually prepare the dishes at home? It's amazing, is it your mother who taught you the cooking skills?"

This was originally a very common household question.

However, as soon as this sentence was spoken.

Kobayashi Misato keenly felt that Kita Sumire was a little different.

An indescribable, heart-breaking look appeared on the boy's fair face.

He seemed to be about to cry in the next second.

But he quickly turned his face and gently wiped something on the edge of his eye socket with his sleeve.

This.? What's going on?

Didn't I just ask a very common question?

What happened?

Kobayashi Micong was stunned for a moment and was about to speak.

Then he heard Kita Sumire's voice:

"My father died in a car accident, and my mother didn't want me anymore. She ran away with a man she didn't know. My relatives all said that I was a child that no one wanted."

The atmosphere was a little relaxed just now, but at this moment, it suddenly became a little heavy.

Kobayashi Micong could feel it.

Kita Sumire's voice was choking.

His body was also shaking slightly.

Everything was filled with a kind of loving breath.

A shadow fell on this little child.

Kobayashi Micong suddenly felt a blockage in his throat.

The other person's mother left with someone else, living under someone else's roof, and was kicked around like a ball.

It is hard to imagine how an eight-year-old child spent those dark days.

Kobayashi Misato sighed, never expecting that there was such a "tragic child" hidden in his own crew.

There was no way, his father passed away, his mother ran away, and he was left to work hard in this industry.

This experience is definitely sad and tearful.

Not to mention that the other party is just an eight-year-old child.

This adds to its strong tragic color!

There are even several female staff members next to her, who are secretly wiping tears at this moment.

Kobayashi Misato has also seen guests who deliberately make their experiences miserable to win the audience's favor.

But the key is-

Kita Chengshi doesn't look like he is acting at all!

That kind of lonely and lost look that makes people pity.

Wiping his right hand from time to time.

Gently trembling body.

You say this is acting?

To be honest, Kobayashi Misato was the first to stand up and didn't believe it.

After all, she is the director, and she is a very confident director!

After so many years in the industry, she can basically tell at a glance whether the other party is acting deliberately.

No one can escape her sharp eyes.

Thinking of this.

She looked at Bei Chengshi with a touch of sympathy.


It is indeed a poor child.

Thinking of this.

She reached out, sighed, and gently stroked Bei Chengshi's head.


"Did you record the footage just now, Director Kobayashi?"


Kobayashi Micong looked at Bei Chengshi in front of him in astonishment.

It was just a time to look down and look up.

The lonely expression disappeared from his face.

It was as if the lonely "tragic child actor" two minutes ago was not him at all.

"Hiss... Wait a minute, Bei Chengjun, are you not sad?"

The speed of changing his face was too fast, and Kobayashi Micong's face was full of astonishment.

"Those are just acting, acting to hype up the show, how is the effect?"

Kitami Sumimi blinked, and the "tears of tears" just now seemed fake, and answered very straightforwardly.

How is the effect?

You fooled me! And you still ask me how I feel?

Kobayashi Micong's face flushed red.

She had just analyzed and thought that what Bei Chengshi said was true, but it turned out that it was all acted out by this guy!

Her face flushed and she felt a burning pain on her face: "So, what you just said was all fake?"

She was a little speechless.

Since the previous ones were all acting, then the family situation must be fake, right?

This kid! He actually did this!

He was only eight years old and he really fooled her!

As a director, Kobayashi Micong was a little embarrassed and started to preach unhappily.

"Bei Chengjun. I want to tell you that lying is not okay, especially in reality shows. Lies about family situations are the easiest to expose. If they are exposed, the consequences will be very serious..."

This is the fact.

If you make up lies in reality shows to sell misery, it won't take long for people to pick it out, and then it will be terrible.

In serious cases, the ratings of the entire show will explode in the opposite direction.

She drank a sip of water and wanted to continue.


"Don't worry about the family situation, everything I said is true."


Kobayashi Misato almost spit out a mouthful of water.

She was stunned for a long time before confirming:

"You mean your father really died in a car accident and your mother disappeared? This joke is not funny."



You are still trying to do this, right...? Still want to fool me as if I were stupid?

Am I stupid?

Kobayashi Misato stopped talking and just stared at Kita Sumi's expression.

Look, I see right through you! You dare to look down on our director!

After two minutes...

Kobayashi Misato hissed and looked away with a tingling scalp.

Because she found out.

She really couldn't tell the difference between the reality and acting of Kita Sumi, the eight-year-old actor.

The little thing's acting is a bit too good...

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