Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 65: Childish Bei Chengshi

Since parents and family matters are relatively sensitive, they are also relatively private.

So Kobayashi Micong found Tamura Koji and confirmed the situation with him again and again, after confirming that Kitazumi was not joking.

Kobayashi Meicong was a little silent.

Hiss. Are these all true?

An eight-year-old child.

Was he really abandoned by his biological mother?

She couldn't help but ask Kitumi Minoru, didn't he care about or hate his mother?

As a result, the little boy's answer silenced her again:

"What is there to care about? From my perspective, my mother is just an irresponsible person. Paying attention to this matter will not make my life better."

The voice paused.

"As for resentment, it's even more unnecessary. I don't have to resent people I don't care about."

The more you care, the easier it is for the other person to affect your emotions.

And when you are truly disappointed with a person, it happens to be the time when you don't care about anything about that person.

When saying this.

Kitaki Minoru's handsome and lovely face was cheerful.

The childish voice contained a maturity that moved even Kobayashi Meicong.

She was indeed moved.

Because these words don't sound like something that could come out of the mouth of an eight-year-old child.

But these words were spoken by an eight-year-old child in such an understatement and calm manner.

Because of this, she felt a bit stuck in her throat - after all, Beicheng Minoru was only eight years old!

Damn it's really pitiful

Kobayashi Micong wanted to comfort Kitami Minoru, but the other party waved his hand.

"Although my mother has left, I still have my aunt."



When he talked about his aunt, the other person's face showed an expression of longing and admiration: "I respect my aunt very much."


The sudden mention of aunt made Kobayashi Meicong energetic.

"My aunt is great, really great."

Kitaki Minoru continued.

"My aunt is very gentle at home. While taking care of me, she doesn't let me do any housework. She is very promising at work. She is also a kind, upright, outgoing and sunny person. She is also very beautiful. I heard from her that she pursued her in college. There are hundreds of people there, and I’m really grateful to my aunt.”

He said so.

Gentle and kind? Sunny and outgoing? Still pretty? There are more than a hundred people chasing her?

This image is a bit too perfect.

If it were anyone else, Meicong Kobayashi would probably question the authenticity.

But... I guess that's really the case.

Kobayashi Meicong looked at Kitaki Minoru.

The yearning and longing on the other person's face are not fake.

And she also feels that only upright and kind-hearted parents can educate outstanding and capable children like Kitazumi.

Meicong Kobayashi was finally relieved.

It seems that there are more than just shadows and dark clouds in the eight-year-old life of Kitaki Minoru.

There are also white moonlight beings like his aunt.

Think of this.

Xiaolin Meicong felt a little restless in her heart again.

As the director of "Human Investigation", she was really curious about what kind of person Kitami Minori's aunt was.

To be able to deserve such a perfect evaluation from Kitazumi Minoru.

Is she the Yamato Nadeshiko type of woman who is beautiful and gentle?

Or is she that kind-hearted woman who is upright and absolutely unwilling to give in to others?

What is the occupation?

police? Judge? lawyer? Or the priesthood of a teacher?

Anyway, no matter what kind of person he is, the other person must be very good, right?

This is the first time for Meicong Kobayashi.

I feel like I want to meet someone.

And seeing her like this.

Beicheng Minoru here also breathed a small sigh of relief.

He's still the same.

It's all technique, no emotion.

And it seems that his acting skills are still good, and he deceived Meicong Kobayashi again.

The reason for doing this is because Kitazumi felt that the two characters of the irresponsible mother and the perfect aunt must be grasped first.

If something happens in the future.

Looking at this episode again, he and Beicheng Yuha can also stand on the moral high ground.

As for whether Kitachi Ariha is really that kind of person... well, it can be explained later with the excuse of "children see adults through the filter".

In short, this TV show is an opportunity for Kitami Minoru!

He must make good use of it!

And from the current point of view.

Everything is within his calculations.

at the same time--

"Ah sneeze!!!"

Kitachi Ariha, who was sitting in front of the computer, couldn't help but sneeze.

"what happened?"

She scratched her hair and looked around with some confusion.

Could it be that someone was talking about her?

No, no, no. Probably not, right?

Who would talk about a dark and damp paramecium like me?

And more importantly -

Shrinking his neck.

He looked back at the computer screen.

After confirming the above order message.

Her face, as beautiful as the bright moon, showed a silly smile:

"Hehe. Shimi-chan's life-size pillow should be delivered today. It just so happens that Shimi-chan isn't at home today."

This means——

"Today I! I am free!"

Stretching out comfortably, he secretly took out the pillow with the side profile picture of Beizumi printed on it from the closet.

Then he took out two packs of potato chips and a bottle of Coke from the snack storage cabinet.

Take the handle out at the same time! The shooting game is on!

She cheered.

Today, she will be lazy all day long!

But before that—

"Please eat first, Minoru!"

With a chuckle, Kitazumi Aruba placed the potato chips respectfully in front of Kitazumi Minoru's photo.

Then he clapped his hands and bowed.

"Thank you, the God of Beicheng, for sending Minoru to me, thank you! Thank you very much!"

She bowed reverently three times and then raised her head.

At this point, the morning's worship ceremony for Kitaki Minoru is over.

She has been doing this secretly for a week without telling Kitumi Minoru.

Because she knew that Kitumi would be particularly angry if she knew that she was secretly taking his photos to do this kind of thing.

Although the angry Minoru is also great but let’s forget it.


"Why does it still feel a little wrong?"

Looking at the photo of Kitazumi on the altar table.

Beicheng Yuhao's beautiful face was crooked, showing a puzzled look.

She guessed that there was only an offering table and no incense burner, so the taste was just wrong.

As for the photos, uh... it’s better to take them in full color, black and white is not suitable.

With this thought in mind, Beicheng Yuha took out a small notebook and wrote down what was currently missing.

Prepare to buy online next time.

Kitazumi eats breakfast very quickly.

After accepting the inquiry from Meicong Kobayashi.

He carried his backpack and boarded the vehicle prepared for him by the program crew.

After all, the "Human Investigation" program team will be filming all day today.

Beicheng Shi will not miss school activities - mainly because during the first recording, Ziyi's daily training courses have already been recorded.

Recording those things would be a bit repetitive, so Kobayashi chose to record school life. She had already said hello to Kitami Minori's school.

But consider privacy issues.

Later, the name of the school and the faces of some children will be blurred and coded.

But these things have little to do with Kitumi Minoru.

After he got in the car, he took out a book from his schoolbag, turned back the pages and read without saying anything else.

This action naturally attracted the attention of Kobayashi Micong, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

I like reading books. This hobby is really good.

It's just that she can't see clearly from her angle, and can only see some colorful illustrations.

It should be a children's book like a fairy tale or a picture book.

Kobayashi Meicong's expression softened.

Although in the performance of previous program recordings, Kitumi Minoru appeared to be too precocious.

In the end, he still has such a childish side.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said:

"It's great, reading a book. Is Beicheng-kun reading a fairy tale book like Grimm's Fairy Tales?"


Beicheng Shi shook his head.

"Is that a picture book? I like it too. Those illustration books are really cute."

Kobayashi Meicong smiled and continued to speak.

"No." Kitaki shook his head again.


Miss Kobayashi was a little surprised when she guessed wrong twice in a row.

So she smiled and said, "What interesting children's books does Beicheng-kun read? Can you tell me?"

"It's a not-so-good book, and it's not very good-looking either. It's the fourth volume of "The Sea of ​​Plenty" by Yukio Mishima, "The Five Declines of Heaven and Man."



Kobayashi Meicong was stunned for a moment.

What alien language is this kid talking about?

Yukio Mishima's "Sea of ​​Plenty"?

Isn’t there a description and explanation of ‘sex’ in it?

An eight-year-old watching this?

The point is - I can't even understand this book. Can you understand it?

Thanks to 2022072618314547iverso for the reward! Thank you so much!

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