Mr. Feng held the sword in both hands and gently placed it on the table covered with the white velvet tablecloth, took out the magnifying glass, began to observe from the hilt, and carefully studied the sword bit by bit.

It took more than ten minutes to observe from the beginning to the end, and the light in the eyes became brighter and brighter.

The hearts of everyone in the audience became more and more itchy.

After observing all the hilt, gauntlet and scabbard, Mr. Feng finally decided to let the sword out of the scabbard and take a look at the blade.

Chapter 1005

Feng Zhiming put his right hand on the hilt slowly, and very slowly pulled the long sword out of the scabbard.

At the moment when the long sword was unsheathed, everyone seemed to feel a bone-chilling coldness, which was a kind of psychological effect.

Following Mr. Feng's twitching, the long sword body finally appeared in front of everyone.

Both the body and the tip of the long sword are radiant, and even after such a long period of time, it still gives people an incomparably sharp attitude.

Feng Zhiming just looked at it carefully before he sheathed his long sword, but the excitement on his face made everyone in the venue know the answer.

Mr. Feng looked at it carefully again, and finally handed the long sword to another treasure appraiser, Mr. Du, slowly and reluctantly according to the procedure of the treasure appraising meeting.

Mr. Du was impatient for a long time, and even ignored some basic etiquette, with his hands that had already changed into new gloves, he knotted the long sword with great respect.

Of course, this... Mr. Du's respect is purely aimed at this sword.

Mr. Du will be much simpler, he just carefully observed the hilt and scabbard, then reluctantly handed the long sword back to Mr. Feng, and nodded lightly to Mr. Feng.

Mr. Feng didn't give the host a chance to speak this time, and said directly: "This sword is indeed the authentic Nine Dragons Sword. I didn't expect that I would be able to personally identify such a fetish in my life. I think everyone is in the heart. They all have their own ideas.”

Then he turned his head to look at the person who came to appraise this... Nine Dragons Sword, that is, He Zhengyuan, said: "I don't know what you want to do with this sword."

He Zhengyuan is not stupid. Judging from the reactions of everyone, he can tell that the value of this sword is absolutely terrible. He still understands the truth of the innocent and the guilty. If this sword is still in his hands, it may not be used. How long will the long sword change hands in various forms, and he may not get anything, and since he has come for appraisal, he has no plans to bring this sword back.

At that time, with the money after the auction and the direct account, He Zhengyuan may have a smooth life and worry about food and clothing.

After I figured it out............, looking at the long sword in Sheng Sheng's hand, he directly said, "I choose to auction."

Everyone present finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. Although they were quite sure about it, if they just...don't want to sell it, things would be too troublesome in the future.

Immediately, everyone in the audience was eager to try it out. Most of the people present were people from strong families. If they fought recklessly, it is estimated that the transaction volume of this sword would definitely reach a sky-high price.

Now that He Zhengyuan has decided on the auction, the next thing is much simpler.

The host finally found a chance to speak, and said with a smile: "Mr. He Zhengyuan, you have decided to auction the Nine Dragons Sword. The next home court will be everyone in the audience. First of all, I wish everyone success in advance."

After hearing this, everyone in the audience looked at the host on stage speechlessly. If everyone succeeded, they would play a hammer.

The host is notoriously thick-skinned. He doesn't care about the eyes of the audience at all. Instead, he turned around and asked He Zhengyuan: "Since the auction has been decided, how about you give us a low price?"

He Zhengyuan was stunned when he heard the words. He really didn't know much about this thing. After thinking about it, he asked tentatively, "How about a million."

Looking at his cautious appearance, he seems to be worried that his bid is too high and others will not buy it.

Everyone in the audience was speechless when they saw this, and looked at He Zhengyuan with complicated eyes.

He Zhengyuan is really shopping now, thinking that he is indeed bidding too high, and everyone is reluctant to buy it.

In the end, Mr. Feng came forward and said, "Okay, I think everyone knows the value of this sword. Since that's the case, let me set the starting price. This is also a matter of walking through the procedure. The starting price is set at [-]. [-], and each increase shall not exceed [-] million, what do you think?”

In fact, the low price of [-] million is still low, but everyone really has no opinion. No matter how low the starting price is, the final transaction price should be how much or how much..., it will not affect it at all.

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Chapter 1006

It's just that He Zhengyuan was stunned on the spot when he heard the words, and looked at Mr. Feng blankly.

Mr. Feng comforted: Don't worry, nothing will happen, I can guarantee that the final transaction price is definitely more than [-] million, you just watch it and think about how to spend this money."

He Zhengyuan was incoherent when he heard Mr. Feng's words, his head seemed to be full of mucus, he walked to the edge of the stairs and stood with the host, not knowing what he was thinking.

Everyone in the audience who knew each other began to whisper.

Jiang Shan looked at Gao Xiang's rather interested eyes and asked, "The turnover of this sword will definitely not be low, you are sure to take it down."

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "It's rare to come across something so exciting, so of course I have to buy it, I don't want to regret it when I go back this time."

Jiang Shan nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "Well, in that case, I won't make money with you, have such a good relationship with Yuqing and Yuxue, when will I go to your side to see Just don't refuse."

Gao Xiang heard the words and said gratefully: Uncle Jiang is joking. If you like it, you can put it on your side for a few days after it is taken. Anyway... We will go out to play for a while in a few days. Xi's house."

Since Jiangshan withdrew from this auction because of himself, of course he had to make his own gesture, otherwise, with Jiangshan's financial resources, if he made up his mind to buy this sword, he would probably bleed a lot. Then it's settled."

As soon as Jiang Shan finished speaking, someone in the field suddenly stood up and said: "Since Mr. Feng has already said, the transaction price of this sword will definitely not be less than [-] million, so I will not waste everyone's time. I'll just add [-] million."

He Zhengyuan on the stage was dizzy and whirring when suddenly he heard the sound and almost fell to the ground, the beating frequency of his heart was almost close to the limit of the human body's ability to bear, his body wobbled and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the host quickly supported He Zhengyuan and said softly, "Are you alright?"

He Zhengyuan stabilized for a while before opening his mouth tremblingly, "I'm fine."

The host smiled and said: "I have to give you a good shot, this price is just the beginning, you still have to be mentally prepared, if you get out of your body because you are too excited.

, that would be really tragic."

He Zhengyuan nodded numbly when he heard the words, and didn't know if there was any... go.

As we all know, people are very likely to have problems with their bodies when they are extremely excited. Everything has a limit, and this kind of thing has not happened before.

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