The auction is still going on, and soon another... stood up and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, I really like this sword very much, I will pay 1 million [-]."

The first person to bid heard the words and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the higher bidder wins, this is an auction."

Gradually, the entire venue became completely popular, more than half of the people in the venue participated in the bidding, and the price of the Nine Dragons Sword was also rising rapidly.

He Zhengyuan didn't know whether he had adjusted or was completely numb. He stood there motionless, but his hands and feet were shaking at a particularly fast frequency.

"I will give two hundred million."

"2 million [-]."

..."I'll pay 25 million [-]."

... "I will pay three hundred million."

For this group of people, money may really be just a number, the price of the Nine Dragons Sword is rising rapidly, and it seems that the auction did not start immediately. go.

Seeing this, Jiang Shan smiled and said, "You have also discovered that these people are the real opponents of this auction. These people are among the best veterans in the antique collection industry, and their wealth is naturally terrifying. What is the specific turnover? It depends on how they think about this... Nine Dragons Sword, if you want to successfully take this sword, the auction amount must be above the upper limit that several of them think."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded slowly and did not panic at all, as if he was just an outsider.

The auction is still going on, and the auction amount of the Nine Dragons Sword has reached [-] million. At this time, more than half of the people have withdrawn from the competition.

Everyone has an upper limit on the value of this sword that they think can be purchased. If they exceed this upper limit, they will feel that it is not worth earning.

So this auction is not about financial resources, but about the positioning of this sword in my heart.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1007

If it is purely financial resources, these people are worth billions or even tens of billions, and it may be exaggerated to fight for an antique famous sword.

One must know that the quadrangle that Gao Xiang purchased was only a few billions, so the value of this sword was not at that level.

As the amount of the auction is getting higher and higher, the number of people participating in the auction is getting smaller and smaller, and the person who gave up the auction is not discouraged, but sits and watches, wanting to see where the bottom line of this sword is.

Finally, a middle-aged man who was noticed by Gao Xiang but never participated in the auction slowly stood up and quoted a price that was like a watershed: "One billion."

More than half of the people heard that they gave up this auction, and still: There were no more than [-] people participating in the auction, and many of them began to hesitate, and finally gave up this auction.

At this time, another person who had never participated in the auction also stood up and said with a smile: "One hundred and one billion, Lao Zhou, I'm really sorry, the main reason is that this sword is too much for me, so I can only compete with you. fight."

The one called Lao Zhou is naturally a middle-aged man who just quoted one billion yuan.

At this time, another person also stood up and said with a smile: "Since you two want to fight, then I will join in the fun, [-] billion."

The three of them obviously knew each other, and at first glance, they knew that they usually showed off their collections to each other, but now is a good opportunity to attack each other, and naturally they should not be missed.

This blow is naturally not a blow between enemies, but more like a joke between good friends.

As soon as the three of them came out, they were still there before: the bidders all died down. These three people are formidable figures in the collection world, and they are like Taishan and Beidou.

Seeing Gao Xiang's curious eyes, Jiang Shan explained, "These three people are Zhou Feiyun, chairman of Yanyu Group, Hu Zerui, chairman of Zhongshou Zhicheng Group, and Liu Kai, chairman of Vantone Group."

"The three of them are very famous in the collection world, and there are naturally countless collections. These three often show off each other together. This kind of occasion is normal."

"Since all three of them have already shot.

Guess other people should have no intention of bidding, why do you want to take action now?"

After explaining to Gao Xiang, Jiang Shan asked casually.

Gao Xiang heard the words and smiled and said: Since then, let's get involved."

At this time, the three of them had raised the bidding price to [-] billion, Gao Xiang stood up and said with a smile: "The three seniors in the collection world, I also like this sword very much, if you put your hand in it, the three of you won't mind, right? , I will pay [-] billion."

The three of them were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and then they all turned to look at Gao Xiang, one of them saw Gao Xiang's eyes lit up, it was Liu Kai, the chairman of Vantone Group: "I know you, Gao Xiang, right? There is a lot of noise on the Internet, I didn't expect to meet you here, I always thought it was because the photos on the Internet were beautified, I didn't expect you to be so young, you really are young and promising."

Gao Xiang responded with a smile and said, "Mr. Zhou is wrong. Now I'm just playing a small game and having better luck."

Although Hu Zerui and Liu Kai couldn't recognize Gao Xiang's appearance, they were still familiar with the name Gao Xiang, and they greeted Gao Xiang one after another, and Gao Xiang also responded one by one.

Zhou Feiyun said with a smile: "You don't even like to collect this kind of things when you are young, but I can't let you just because you are young, I am adding [-] million, [-] billion."

Hu Zerui and Liu Kai also added after seeing this.

"Eighteen billion."

"I will give out [-] billion."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang directly quoted without any hesitation: "Twenty billion."

The voice is flat but powerful.

Nowadays, such a scene has completely treated the others present. I really did not expect such a sky-high price for an antique sword.

Even Old Mr. Feng was a little incredulous.... I couldn't believe it, and stared blankly at the four of Gao Xiang 4.

He Zhengyuan's hands and feet were no longer trembling at this time, and for a while... his entire face turned purple, like a ripe eggplant.

After Gao Xiang reported the price of 3 billion, the three of Zhou Feiyun looked at each other and understood each other's meaning, Zhou Feilong suddenly laughed and said, "Gao Xiang, it's... .. appeared in time, otherwise the three of us still don't know when we will earn it."

Liu Kai also laughed and said: Who said no, since Gao Xiang also participated in the auction, the three of us don't have to fight, it's a bit contrary to the province to lift the sword too high for this face. The original intention."

"You two old guys, if that's the case, then the three of us can give up. As long as this sword doesn't fall into the hands of you two old guys, I don't care."

Hu Zerui snorted and laughed.

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