When everyone present heard the words, most of them disagreed, and the collection was naturally aimed at meaning.

For them, things that have no meaning and history are no different from today's glass products.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei was also quite helpless. The reason why he said this was because of the Ma family's face, and what he said was the truth, but imitations are... imitations, this is impossible, no one will Willing to spend money to buy imitations back to collect.

Now that the results have been announced, Ma Zhongwen did not wait: the host opened his mouth, and directly after Zhang Wei finished speaking, he said, "Since it is an imitation, then we will not take it back, [-] million, if anyone wants it, take it, no one I will give it to Elder Feng."

The price of [-] million is really nothing to everyone, but no one wants to be taken advantage of by buying a fake for [-] million. Although the value of things in the Yuan Dynasty is indeed reasonable, but There are two characters and one prefix for imitation products, how much... it will be a bit ugly.

Mr. Feng shook his head when he heard the words: "Mr. Ma is very polite, this thing doesn't belong to me in the first place, and I can't take it away if it's passed down. It's better to return it to the original owner."

Ma Zhongwen didn't speak when he heard the words, but looked at the unusually quiet venue, the scene was a little embarrassing.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang looked at the imitation jade seal on the table, and after thinking about it, he stood up and said, "Since everyone is not willing to accept it, then I will accept it. It's not bad to buy it back as an ornament, why? It is said that it is also something from the Yuan Dynasty, but the difference in value is not much, the key is that the word imitation is too ugly."

Gao Xiang was able to say what most people thought, and the awkward atmosphere in the venue was also dissipated because of Gao Xiang's initiative.

At the same time, it also solved Mr. Feng's entanglement whether to accept the "gift" here.

's problem.

In the end, Gao Xiang transferred [-] million to the account provided by the young man from the Ma family, and put the imitation jade seal in a box and brought it back.

Chapter 1014

Returning to her seat, Lu Wanxi asked curiously, "Gao Xiang, what are you buying this for?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Huan just bought it, it's not bad to take it back as a small ornament."

Lu Wanxi didn't ask any more questions after hearing the words, because what Gao Xiang said was indeed the truth. Gao Xiang had such a personality. He liked things regardless of the price, regardless of the price. He would buy it if he wanted to, and would never restrain himself due to some external factors.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Jiang Shan smiled and said, "Gao Xiang's personality is very good. He is not bound by external things, and he can live very easily."

Gao Xiang responded with a smile and said: It is a personal habit.

I don't like being bound by things that don't really matter."

When the two were talking, Ma Zhongwen had already left the venue with the help of some young man.

The host asked the audience again: "Are there any guests who need to appraise treasures?"

Gao Xiang waited for a while, and seeing that no one was standing up, he gestured to Jiang Shan, Lu Wanxi and the others, and finally stood up holding the two boxes on the table.

Everyone's eyes were different when they saw this. Gao Xiang was no stranger to everyone. First, he auctioned off the most precious Nine Dragons sword that had appeared before. Just now, he took the imitation jade seal into his pocket at a price of [-] million. It can be said that Gao Xiang is the most impressive to most people in the current position.

Because of the existence of the blue and white dragon and phoenix, Gao Xiang naturally held two bottles. Since they were matched, they naturally had to be identified together.

At this time, seeing Gao Xiang stand up and want to appraise the treasure, and holding two boxes in his hand, everyone's eyes are naturally a little curious, wondering what kind of treasure Gao Xiang holds in his hands.

Gao Xiang walked to the stairs with a calm expression.

The old gentleman also looked curiously at the two boxes in Gao Xiang's hands.

There is nothing unusual about these two boxes, and neither of the two boxes is related in any way, just... two ordinary boxes for storing valuables, which makes Mr. Feng a little disappointed.

Gao Xiang didn't have a chance to catch everyone's attention, and now said calmly on the platform: "The value of this thing of mine can't be compared with the Nine Dragons Sword, and one of them is very likely to be fake, precisely because of uncertainty, I will also It's not very clear, but it came from a stall in Antique Street, so I wanted to take this opportunity to appraise it."

After everyone heard Gao Xiang's remarks, they suddenly lost their character. Ninety-nine percent of the countless nines that were randomly picked up from the antique street stalls might be fakes, but Gao Xiang had just auctioned off the Nine Dragons Sword. No one in the audience looked down on it, they just lost interest in this thing.

Gao Xiang ignored everyone's reaction and said, "This is a pair of blue-and-white porcelain from the Tang Dynasty. This pair of blue-and-white porcelain is called blue-and-white dragon and phoenix by later generations."

Blue and white porcelain is a relatively common place in antiques, so everyone present has a detailed understanding of it as collectors, and blue and white dragons and phoenixes are the most peak existences in blue and white porcelain. The reason why there is no such thing is because they are They appear in pairs, and people who love blue and white porcelain have never stopped looking for a pair of blue and white porcelain.

And until now, the news that everyone has received is that the blue and white dragon bottle came out, and the blue and white phoenix bottle has no news.

Now that I heard Gao Xiang's words, the calm atmosphere of the whole venue was finally broken. Although Gao Xiang said just now that one of them might be fake, isn't there another one that might be true? Precious collectibles.

They all know that... what Gao Xiang said is most likely a fake blue and white porcelain, and it is very likely... a blue and white phoenix bottle, since there are fakes out, it means that the genuine product is very likely to exist, which is what they are extremely concerned about. a little.

Gao Xiang showed a slight smile, walked slowly to the place where Mr. Feng was, first handed the box containing the blue and white dragon bottle to Mr. Feng and said, "Mr. Feng, this is the blue and white dragon bottle, we will Identify this first."

At this time, Feng Zhiming's heart was numb, because this treasure appraising meeting was really beyond his expectations. Seeing Gao Xiang lower one of the boxes, Mr. Feng took it with a smile.

: ask for a reward,

Chapter 1015

Everyone knew that since Gao Xiang said so, this blue and white dragon bottle was definitely the real one, and they were expecting another one.

Mr. Feng put the box on the table and put on a new pair of gloves, which is enough to show the value of this pair of blue and white porcelain.

In the same identification process, it took Mr. Feng nearly ten minutes to complete the identification of the blue and white dragon bottle, and he handed it to another antique appraisal expert, Mr. Du, with a blank expression.

Mr. Du also carefully identified it.

The appraisal result did not exceed everyone's expectations. When the old gentleman re-examined the blue and white dragon bottle handed over by Mr. Du, he opened his mouth and said, "This flower dragon bottle is truly unquestionable."

After getting the news that it was genuine, the atmosphere in the venue did not change much, and they were all waiting for the next blue-and-white porcelain identification.

Gao Xiang handed over another box without hesitation. He didn't put away the blue and white dragon bottle and still put it on the table. This time, Mr. Feng focused a lot, slowly opened the box, and took out the blue and white porcelain.

Everyone's eyes lit up when he took it out. With the exact same shape, the same size, and similar patterns, it was basically certain that this bottle was not the real one or it must be an imitation of the blue-and-white phoenix bottle.

At this time, Mr. Feng had already started the second identification, and carefully observed the whole bottle with the magnifying glass in his hand, and there was nothing abnormal at first.

Everyone in the field was also nervous at this time. If it is an imitation, it is easy to see the flaws in the imitation of blue and white porcelain.

It's been three minutes, and Feng Zhiming is still there: Observation, which is a bit intriguing.

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