Even Gao Xiang became nervous, after all, this is his own thing, if it is really genuine, then the luck of himself and Lu Wanxi really has nothing to say.

Time passed slowly, and the atmosphere in the venue became more and more solemn. Suddenly, Mr. Feng's brows suddenly wrinkled, as if he had suddenly discovered something.

The hearts of everyone in the entire venue jumped.

I saw that Mr. Feng suddenly turned blue in front of him, for a while... looking at the blue and white dragon bottle, for a while... looking at the blue and white phoenix bottle that was not sure whether it was true or false, the expression on his face became more and more shocked.

Mr. Feng's mind seemed to be completely in the two bottles, and he knew how much pressure his reaction had brought to the venue.

The hearts of everyone in the venue were beating, and their hearts became more and more nervous. They didn't know what Mr. Feng found.

Suddenly, Mr. Feng blurted out: "It's amazing, how could such a thing happen, Xiao Du, come and see."

Mr. Du, who was in a position across from him, was already itchy because of Mr. Feng's reaction. At this time, he didn't care about anything else when he heard the words, and quickly stood up and walked to Feng Zhiming's side.

Mr. Feng said directly: "Look for yourself, the patterns on these two bottles, carefully observe and compare them."

When Mr. Du heard the words, he observed according to Mr. Feng's instructions, and the expression on his face became more and more shocked, and exclaimed: "How can this happen?"

The singing and reconciliation of the two of them can be described as tormenting the others. Everyone stretched their necks and watched over. According to what Mr. Feng said, they began to observe the patterns on the two bottles, but they found nothing.

Lu Wanxi was also very nervous by the atmosphere at the scene, and just grabbed Jiang Yuqing's hand.

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue knew the origin of this bottle, and they were inevitably nervous when they saw it.

Jiang Yuxue said in a low voice, "What's wrong with the two bottles that shocked Mr. Feng and Mr. Du so much."

At this time, Jiang Shan saw the performance of the three girls and said: "This bottle must be real, otherwise this situation would not have happened at all, the two of them may have discovered something that was not recorded in the book, it seems that There may be a qualitative change in the value of these two bottles."

Jiang Yuqing nodded when she heard the words: "It seems to be the case, but what is the thing that can shock these two experts so much?"

Jiang Shan naturally couldn't answer this question, but asked, "How did you get these two bottles? It doesn't mean anything else, I'm just curious."

Jiang Shan is mainly because after listening to Gao Xiang's words, it is obvious that the two bottles came separately, so some want to know more.

Lu Wanxi told the whole thing directly, and said, "All in all, it's... all kinds of coincidences made these two bottles fall into our hands."

Jiang Shan glanced at Lu Wanxi and Gao Xiang on the stage speechlessly and said, "You two really have nothing to say about your luck."

In the exchange of several people, Mr. Feng and Mr. Du finally returned to reality from the bottle. The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Mr. Feng asked Mr. Du with trembling lips, "Did you see clearly?"

Mr. Du nodded excitedly when he heard the words and said, "See clearly, you can't be wrong, this is simply a magical skill."

Chapter 1016

Everyone in the venue heard the conversation between the two, and finally the host asked something that made everyone grateful: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Du, what did you two find out, can you tell us about it? We are really itching."

Mr. Feng and Mr. Du looked at each other, and Mr. Feng turned to look at the people present and said, "I will announce first that this pair of bottles are real, they are indeed blue and white dragons and phoenixes, and I am sure that they will never be. There are identical imitations."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked. Imitations have always been a scandal in the antique industry. The more valuable things are, the more likely imitations will appear. This is inevitable. Just like the previous jade seal, basically no matter the material or shape They are all the same, you can only tell the real from the fake from the sense of age.

And what Mr. Feng said is definitely not the same imitation, how can this make everyone not surprised.

Mr. Feng continued: The value of this pair of bottles is completely comparable to that of the Nine Dragons Sword, at least on one level, it was not possible before, but it is absolutely possible now."

As soon as these words came out, the venue exploded, most people's eyes widened, and the rest were completely stunned.

Even Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi were stunned on the spot, no matter how they dreamed, they would never think that these two bottles could be compared to the Nine Dragons Sword.

If Mr. Feng hadn't been a leading figure in the appraisal of antiques, and Mr. Du had testified next to him, everyone would not have believed it if they were beaten to death.

Gao Xiang was a little bit incredulous.... asked incredulously: "This, Mr. Feng..."

Before Gao Xiang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Feng: "Don't speak in a hurry, listen to me first and you will understand."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded and stopped talking.

Mr. Feng continued: The value of this pair of vases is not the bottle itself, but the pattern."

Speaking of which, Mr. Feng's mood was obviously excited.

Just listen to him continue: "If you don't observe the pattern carefully, you won't find the mystery at all, only one of them is even more impossible to understand, even the ancient books have records, if I don't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it. There is such a magical work."

The emotions of everyone present were mobilized by Feng's old words, and they were all listening carefully to Mr. Feng's remarks, and many people's bodies trembled with excitement.

Mr. Feng continued to introduce.

Looking at it like this, these two blue-and-white porcelains are just ordinary blue-and-white porcelain vases with the same shape and size and similar lines.

It is enough to make people sigh at the superb skills of the person who fired this pair of blue and white porcelain."

"But what's even more surprising is that just when I carefully observed its texture, I found an even more amazing discovery. When you devote yourself to it, the two bottles seem to have feelings, and let them kindly let you go. You want to blend the two bottles into one."

"I don't know how this feeling came from, maybe it's the inner hint given by the similarity of the patterns, but when I observed the two bottles together, the patterns on the two bottles turned out to be closely related. , is not as simple as similarity.”

Hearing that many people here are looking at the two blue and white porcelains, even Gao Xiang is no exception.

Mr. Feng continued: When I combined the patterns on the two bottles together, a new pattern appeared, which was auspicious dragon and phoenix, such a delicate pattern, so natural, like a soaring line. The nine-day real dragon, and a real phoenix that roared up to the sky and hissed were sealed into the pattern, making people seem to see the real picture and hear the real roar."

When everyone heard this, they could no longer restrain their inner shock, and they all focused on the two bottles.

The same goes for Gao Xiang, he really could not have imagined that the two bottles that he accidentally obtained were so miraculous.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Feng sighed: "This is definitely the most magical treasure I have ever seen in my life. In order to prove what I said, I have a request I hope Mr. Gao can agree to."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang came back to his senses and said with a smile, "Just say it, if I can do it, naturally I won't refuse."

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