Mr. Feng said: "This wonderful picture needs to be observed at a close distance. I think it is possible to let everyone present carefully observe it and prove my remarks. You can rest assured that I will watch it at my convenience, and I will never let this happen. A pair of vases are damaged in the slightest, this is the treasure of the country."

Gao Xiang nodded without hesitation and agreed.

Everyone in the venue became excited when they heard the conversation between the two, and looked at the two gratefully.

Now that Gao Xiang agreed, the most wonderful scene in the history of the treasure appraising club appeared.

Chapter 1017

Everyone lined up and waited under the terrace, and then lay down in front of the two blue and white porcelains to watch one by one, and the shocked expressions on the faces of everyone watching were undisguised.

People with poor sense of picture and texture can also find the magic of following Mr. Feng's introduction.

Everyone who has seen this pair of bottles has a frenzy in their eyes, but everyone knows that Gao Xiang will definitely not choose to auction, such a treasure, Gao Xiang is not a person who is short of money, there is no reason to auction it.

All the people present observed it, and each time a circle of people observed it together, and it took a full half an hour.

Gao Xiang and the rest of Jiangshan didn't rush to see it when they got there, and when they got home, they could take a good look at it, so why rush it for a while...

After everyone returned to their seats, even though they knew that Gao Xiang would not choose to auction, they still looked at Gao Xiang eagerly until there was a definite answer.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang showed a smile, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "I'm really sorry, I'm not going to auction this pair of blue and white porcelain."

Mr. Feng was relieved when he heard the words. In his eyes, this kind of national treasure cannot be measured by money. He was really afraid that Gao Xiang would choose the auction because of excitement.

When the others in the venue heard the words, their disappointment turned into disappointment. Although they had expected such an answer for a long time, they had to think about it from another point of view. If such a treasure fell into their own hands, they would not auction it.

The blue-and-white dragon and phoenix are different from the Nine-Dragon Sword. The value of the Nine-Dragon Sword lies in its story and history, while the value of the blue-and-white dragon and phoenix is ​​completely reflected in its supernatural skills and magical patterns, which are real works of art.

Gao Xiang finally put the blue and white dragon and phoenix into the box in the eyes of everyone, and returned to his seat in the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Shan's eyes looked over with some frenzy, and there is no one who doesn't like good things.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang smiled helplessly and said, "Uncle Jiang, don't worry about it. We'll call Uncle Lu and the others in the evening, and you can watch it at that time."

Jiang Shan nodded excitedly when he heard the words: "That's what I'm waiting for."

In fact, Jiangshan's character is not like this. It is because the performance of everyone is too intense, which has aroused Jiangshan's curiosity, and urgently - the magic of the blue and white dragon and phoenix, it is not easy to hold back and observe it without immediately taking the stage.

Then the host slowly came back to his senses. The impact on him today was also quite large. He glanced at the people present and asked tentatively: "Do you still need treasure appraising?"

This time, no one came up at last, and the host was relieved. He was really looking forward to something more... People came to the stage to show some great treasures, but when no one came up, he was deeply relieved.

No one came on stage for a long time, and the host continued: "Since no one needs to appraise the treasure, then the next step is the appraisal stage of jade. Does anyone need to appraise the value of jade."

The identification of jade is much simpler, and many experts can see the variety and value of jade at a glance.

There are not many people who come to the stage to appraise, and most of the people who come here to participate in the treasure appraisal meeting are for antiques.

However, there was one person who sparked a heated debate.

This person was the second person to come to power, and the first person to come to power identified a piece of Hetian jade.

Hetian jade refers to the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains centered on Hetian in Tashkurgan, Shache, Hotan, Khotan, and Qiemo County. It is located in the rocks with an altitude of 350 meters to 500 meters. There are nine categories of Hetian jade. Generally, the output of Hetian jade is divided into two kinds: mountain products and aquatic products.

Aquatic products are called seed jade, while mountain products are called mountain jade.

The first person to come to the stage held a piece of ordinary white jade green and white jade mountain material in his hand.

Although it looks very big, but the grade belongs to the third-level category, the color is bluish white or white, the texture is very delicate and moist, but there are veins, no impurities, the value is about [-], and it is not precious. Jade seeds.

These were all told by Jiang Shan, a jade tycoon, to Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang nodded slowly when he heard the words, and had a general understanding of Hetian jade.

As the saying goes, it makes sense that it is difficult for a fairy to break an inch of jade. There are many kinds of jade, and there are different grades according to different accuracy. If you are not immersed in the industry for ten or eight years, it is absolutely impossible to easily determine a certain piece of jade. the real price.

Jiang Shan introduced to Gao Xiang: "Actually, the classification of jade is mainly...nephrite jade and jadeite. The most high-quality nephrite jade is Hetian mutton fat jade. The Hetian jade in this person's hand is too far behind. , and the most high-quality jadeite is the brilliant green jadeite of the glass species.”

Gao Xiang is humble enough to be taught.

Chapter 1018

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, this sentence is appropriate to use here.

Just as Jiangshan had just introduced Gao Xiang to the most high-quality jadeite, the jade in the hands of the second person who came to the stage was a glass type of brilliant green jadeite, and it was the size of a palm. , the value of this jadeite will definitely go up several times.

It is a pity that this person did not choose to auction, and Jiang Shan was just excited. As a jade tycoon, his storage and allocation of high-quality jade can be described as astonishing.

Only four people participated in the jade identification, except... the jade in the hands of the second person is of relatively high value, and the jade in the hands of the other three people is relatively common.

The jade appraisal ended here, and the atmosphere in the venue calmed down because of the boredom of the jade appraisal, although there were still people looking at Gao Xiang's location secretly, it was precisely the two boxes containing the blue and white dragon and phoenix.

Gao Xiang sighed: "The home of the treasure appraiser is still a firm antique. I always feel that the atmosphere of the venue is too deserted when the jade is appraised."

Jiang Shan shook his head helplessly and said, "Actually, it's not always the case. It seems that in the past, the total value of jade identification was above the total value of antique identification, so the jade identification was arranged later, but there are only so many jades. However, the value of antiques is difficult to determine at all. No one expected that there would be three handed down treasures in this treasure appraisal. Moreover, the Nine Dragons Sword and the Blue and White Dragon and Phoenix are rare things that can be encountered but cannot be sought. in your hands."

Gao Xiang saw a touch of envy in Jiang Shan's eyes, and said with a smile: "What kind of words is Uncle Jiang talking about. In the future, if you want to see my environment at any time, you can send it to you in person. It should be said that it fell into our hands."

At this time, Yang Yuelin finally said something, "This kid Gao Xiang... can talk, so you don't have to. Maybe it's because of business, our family just... likes some rare items. "

Gao Xiang naturally also saw that because Yang was a housewife, she was a little restrained and naturally had no other thoughts. When she heard Yang Yuelin speak, she smiled very naturally: "What Aunt Yang said is , In fact, I also like these things very much, and good things always come."

Everyone knows that the climax of the treasure appraisal meeting has passed, and the rest of the content is... It is more of an entertainment and party nature. The host still maintains a professional smile and said: "Since no one is appraising jade, then we will Let’s start the next content. Some time ago, the partners of the Treasure Appraisal Association just got some high-quality rough jadeite from the origin of the rough jadeite. The next step is to gamble on the stone. Everyone can have a good harvest."

After the host finished speaking, everyone in the venue also relaxed. For them, gambling on stones is entertainment. The price of a rough stone is only a few million. It is also good to buy it as a pastime. It is also common that the jadeite from the original stone has a higher value.

Jiang Shan explained to Gao Xiang: "Actually, the stone gambling industry is a hugely profitable industry. Although there are some people who can sell sky-high jadeite in it, they are not at a loss at all. You are the one who makes the money, and it has nothing to do with them if you lose. .

People only provide rough stones, and what they earn is... rough stones.

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