After thinking about it for a while, Lu Wanxi said, "Wanxi, you can call your father and the others. We will not see each other in a hurry. Let's go to the Diaoyutai State Guest House to gather together."

Lu Wanxi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call them now."

Then he took out his cell phone and called Xia Lan.

After a short time, the phone was connected, and Xia Lan's voice came from the phone: "Wanxi, what's the matter?"

Lu Wanxi replied, "The Ma Jianbao meeting will end soon. Uncle Jiang wants to see you and my dad come out for a get-together. Are you busy?"

Xia Lan said with a smile: "No, your dad and I just came back from the company. Since your Uncle Jiang wants to treat us, the two of us will definitely be there."

"The location is the Diaoyutai State Guest House. You and my dad can go there directly."

Lu Wanxi heard Xia Lan's words and responded.

Then the two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

Seeing Jiang Shan look over, Lu Wanxi nodded to Jiang Shan and said, "They will go straight over later."

Jiang Shan smiled and nodded, just as he was about to speak, the phone in his pocket rang, and it was his secretary who opened it.

After making a decisive call, he said to everyone: "Let's go, the car is in the parking lot."

Then everyone took the "loot" of the trip

Go to the elevator at the small platform at the back of the venue.

Take the elevator directly to the underground parking lot, and the two cars driven by Jiangshan's secretary and housekeeper are parked not far away.

Putting the things in their hands in the trunk, everyone got in the car and walked in the direction of the Diaoyutai State Guest House.

Along the way, Lu Wanxi and the Jiang family sisters 3 have been together: discussing the harvest at the treasure appraising meeting, and from time to time, Gao Xiang's fingernails are mentioned, and Gao Xiang is quite speechless about this.

The bright green jadeite of the glass species did not raise the interest of Lu Wanxi and the three of them at all.

Chapter 1023

The location of the venue for the treasure appraising meeting was not far from the Diaoyutai State Guest House, and within ten minutes, everyone arrived at the destination of the trip.

Diaoyutai State Guest House is an ancient royal garden and a modern state guesthouse complex located in the capital.

The Diaoyutai State Guest House has a quiet and elegant environment, with flowers and greenery among the courtyards and pavilions, as well as forests and stone bridges.

When everyone arrived here, the sky had already darkened, and the receptionist at the door hurried forward to greet them and help open the car door.

Jiang Shan said thank you to his secretary and housekeeper and waved to them to park the car.

Then he followed the receptionist and walked inside.

Entering the door means a hall, and the receptionist directly leads everyone to the front desk.

The front desk was a little girl who looked to be in her twenties. She smiled and asked everyone, "Hello, do you have an appointment?"

Jiang Shan nodded and said, "Yes."

Then he showed his reservation information.

After confirming it at the front desk, he said to the receptionist who was still at the side: "Building No. [-], the private room of Lan Ya Yuan, you can bring the guests there first."

Then the receptionist led the crowd to the back of the hall.

Passing through the hall, you can see the old royal garden.

The entire Diaoyutai State Guest House has more than a dozen buildings, each with its own unique function, and all of them are single-family villas. The surrounding scenery is even more beautiful and refreshing.

Admiring the surrounding scenery, everyone felt a lot more comfortable in their tired hearts. The two days of running around really made Gao Xiang 4 people a little tired.

Building No. [-] is not far from the main entrance, and everyone followed the receptionist to arrive quickly. From the outside, the whole building looks like a pure Chinese palace structure, giving people a sense of seeing through.

The private rooms of Lan Ya Yuan represent this whole building. When everyone walks into this building, they feel as if they have traveled through the building, and the interior space is very modern.

The first thing that catches the eye is a living room, in which there are sofas, coffee tables, TVs and other furniture.

Afterwards, the receptionist brought everyone to the meal. The interior space was huge, with a huge round table in the center and tableware on the table.

The receptionist introduced everyone into the box and said, "Do you want to order now?"

Jiang Shan heard the words and replied: "Not yet, just wait a while."

The receptionist nodded and said, "Okay, sir, please wait for a while... There will be special state banquet-level chefs and waiters coming to serve you."

Jiang Shan nodded when he heard the words.

Upon seeing this, the receptionist gently closed the door and left.

After the receptionist left, the group returned to the living room and settled down on the sofa.

Jiang Shan asked the crowd, "How do you feel?"

Lu Wanxi replied, "I feel that both the outside environment and the environment inside the villa are quite good. I have heard of the name of Diaoyutai State Guest House for a long time, but I have never had the chance to come."

Jiang Yuxue also nodded and said, "Indeed, the environment just outside is so beautiful, it makes people feel like they are in the picture scroll, it is indeed a royal garden."

Jiang Shan smiled and said: "The name of the National Pavilion is not... for nothing, you have not seen even half of the entire Royal Garden, and this building is not that simple, the second floor is a simple gym, the third floor is It's a guest room, and I didn't plan to let you go back tonight because I came here."

Then Jiang Shan said to Lu Wanxi, "It's hard to get together with your parents. You can have a good drink later, and then you can drink and play chess after eating. You must seize this opportunity."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "If my parents knew what Uncle Jiang was thinking, they would definitely rush over here."

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