Then everyone sat in the living room chatting.

The Lu family's courtyard is not too close to here, and it is roughly estimated that it will take more than half an hour by car.

Everyone was not in a hurry, and when everyone was chatting, Gao Xiang's cell phone suddenly rang.

Gao Xiang gestured to everyone, then stood up and walked outside the villa, at the same time taking out the cell phone in his pocket.

The three words Zhao Zihan were beating on the screen of the mobile phone.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang answered the phone.

Zhao Zihan asked directly, "Gao Xiang, are you busy now?"

Gao Xiang walked out of the villa and replied, "I'm not busy, what's wrong, something happened at the pharmaceutical factory"

Zhao Zihan denied: "I don't have any confidence in me? It's not about the pharmaceutical factory, it's about President Yu Hua."

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, and then said: "Oh, let's hear it."

:, ask for a reward, ask for all support, thank you all.

Chapter 1024

Zhao Zihan replied: "This afternoon I just decided on the specific matters of cooperation with President Yu. He asked me to ask if you have time tomorrow, and said that he wanted you to meet his father."

Gao Xiang suddenly remembered a conversation he had with Yu Hua before, and Yu Hua did say this at that time.

Gao Xiang pondered for a moment and said, "There's really nothing going on tomorrow.

Are you busy tomorrow morning?"

"It's nothing, now the pharmaceutical factory is being replaced, the equipment and simple decoration can be handed over to the people below."

Zhao Zihan responded on the phone.

Gao Xiang heard the words and said, "That's good, then you can pick me up at the Diaoyutai State Dining Hall tomorrow morning. Don't be too late, around 10 o'clock: just come here."

Zhao Zihan on the other end of the phone was slightly taken aback and blurted out: "Why?"

After hearing it, I felt like I said something wrong.

Gao Xiang didn't care, he smiled and said, "Because I've been too tired these two days, I want to sleep in."

...hanging up the phone, Gao Xiang glanced at the surrounding scenery, took a deep breath, then turned and walked into the villa.

As soon as Gao Xiang walked to the door, he heard someone calling his name behind him. Looking back, he found that Lu Yuan and Xia Lan had arrived. Gao Xiang hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Uncle and aunt."

Lu Yuan nodded.

Xia Lan asked: "Why are you outside, what about them?"

Gao Xiang explained: "He's all inside, I just came out to answer a call."

Then he said to the reception staff who were following Xia Lan and Lu Yuan: "Go ahead and get busy. By the way, let the chef and waiter come over sooner."

The receptionist responded and backed away.

Gao Xiang took Lu Yuan and Xia Lan to the villa, Xia Lan looked at the villa and smiled: "It seems that this time Jiangshan is going to cost money."

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "Second uncle and aunt come here, but you can't do without a bar."

Xia Lan said with a smile: "It's true that I haven't had a good drink, but your Uncle Jiang's drinking isn't that great."

The three of them chatted and laughed and walked into the villa.

Because the Jiang family is a family friend, they are said to be very close. Xia Lan and Lu Yuan are a little older than Jiang Shan, so Jiang Shan has always called Lu Yuan a brother, Xia Lan is naturally a sister-in-law, and Xia Lan and Lu Yuan are also called directly. Jiangshan's real name.

Hearing the sound of the villa, Lu Wei was Gao Xiang coming back, and he turned his head to look, only to see Lu Yuan and Xia Lan, and said with some surprise: "Mom and Dad, here we come.

Since Jiang Shan and Yang Yuelin had their backs to the gate of the villa and did not see the scene of the gate, the two of them quickly turned around when they heard the words.

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Long time no see Jiangshan."

Seeing this, Jiang Shan quickly got up and greeted him: "Brother, sister-in-law, you can be expected to come, isn't it... It's been a long time since I haven't seen you. Although we're all in the capital, the last time we met was three years ago."

Yang Yuelin also stood up and called out.

Xia Lan walked up to Yang Yuelin very naturally, and joked: "It's not easy to meet once, I have to take a good look at it, does my sister Lin have ... to endure hardship with you."

The four of them sat down one after another, Lu Yuan and Jiang Shan sat next to each other, and Xia Lan sat next to Yang Yuelin.

Jiang Shan sighed: "Last time we met, Wanxi seemed to be still young, and now she has brought her boyfriend home, but Gao Xiang is a really good kid, and it suits my appetite."

Xia Lan smiled and said, "Gao Xiang is my son-in-law, don't mess around."

Jiang Shan laughed and said: "Sister-in-law, just focus on our relationship, do you think I can mess up, even if I mess up, you can't say anything wrong."

Gao Xiang felt a little helpless when he saw that everyone started to make fun of him.

Lu Yuan also showed a smile and said: "Your sister-in-law can't say anything, but there is still me as a brother."

Yang Yuelin said with a smile: "Okay, don't make fun of the children. To be honest, if the four 44 children were not on good terms, we wouldn't know it would be the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon if we wanted to sit at the same table."

Xia Lan smiled and said: "Or else, this is fate, by the way, didn't you participate in a treasure appraisal meeting today? How is the situation?"

"The biggest winner is sitting there."

After speaking, he glanced in Gao Xiang's direction.

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