Lu Wanxi's face flushed red, and they kept talking about changing the subject.

...After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere at the table became more and more lively, Xia Lan and others had already opened the second bottle of red wine.

The three of Gao Xiang have already started to start with the third bottle of red wine.

I have to say that Gao Xiang, Jiang Shan, and Lu Yuan have a lot of alcohol. They have already drank two bottles. Except for the three... their faces are a little red, they can't see anything wrong. .

It was not until 10 o'clock in the evening that everyone ended the dinner, and then ordered the waiter to take out the dessert in the kitchen.

The dessert was brought out, and everyone really lost their appetite, and sat at the table for a while... Jiang Shan suggested: "Since everyone has almost eaten, let's go to the third floor and rest, and let the waiter put the table on the table. Cleaned up too."

Lu Yuan replied: "It's okay to go, let's go to the third floor, by the way, ask the waiter if he has... chess, let's kill two games."

Jiang Shan suddenly showed a bitter look: "No, you want to abuse me again, every time I play chess with you, I have to be killed horribly."

Lu Yuan smiled and said: "Yes, we had an agreement at the beginning, you know the consequences of admitting defeat."

Then Jiang Shan called the waiter, explained it in a single way, and everyone walked towards the elevator entrance.

Just after walking out of the restaurant, Lu Wanxi secretly pulled Gao Xiang's arm, and then said to Xia Lan: "Mom, we want to go outside for a walk, you go up first, we'll be back later."

Xia Lan heard the words, turned her head and glanced at the four of them, "Go, pay attention to safety, just come back early."

Lu Wanxi smiled and nodded, and then Lu Wanxi pulled Gao Xiang and the Jiang sisters out of the team together.

At this time, I heard Xia Lan smile at Yang Yuelin: "Young people just... can't sit still."

Yang Yuelin patted Xia Lan's hand and replied with a smile: "It's fine to let them go out for a walk, they can't let go if they're with us, right?"

Then four 44 elders walked into the elevator.

Gao Xiang was pulled by Lu Wanxi and walked outside, Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue were also beside them.

In fact, the wind outside was a little cold, and as soon as they came out, the four of them shivered.

Lu Wanxi turned to look at Gao Xiang's face and asked with a smile, "You didn't drink too much, did you?"

Gao Xiang shrugged and said, "What do you think?"

Lu Wanxi stretched out her hand and pinched Gao Xiang's face, and even probed Gao Xiang's breath, and said solemnly, "Well, it's too much drinking."

Gao Xiang said helplessly: "You can tell if you drink too much with this method."

Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue both covered their mouths and chuckled.

Lu Wanxi patted Gao Xiang's head with a smile and said, "Let's go, let's go for a walk with the three of us, remember to watch the road, don't drink too much and fall into the river."

Although Lu Wanxi and the three of them brought Gao Xiang together, they enjoyed it in this former royal garden.

Although it was night, the lights in the garden were exceptionally bright. Although it was not as exaggerated as the daytime, there was no problem in seeing the road.

Jiang Yuxue walked in front with Jiang Yuqing's arm, Lu Wanxi walked behind with Gao Xiang's arm.

None of the four said a word. The four of them were walking on the bluestone road for one day. There were some plants and flowers on both sides, which made the path full of quiet feeling.

The scenery at night is completely different from the scenery in the daytime. If you walk on this small road during the day, you will only feel the beautiful scenery around you, which will make you feel comfortable.

But walking on this quiet road at night, feeling the quiet atmosphere around, and the reflection of dim lights are always easy to think of something.

The four of them walked quietly like this, enjoying this tranquility, and no one was willing to break it.

Suddenly, an arch bridge appeared not far ahead, the four of them walked in and heard the gurgling sound of water under the bridge.

Four people 4 slowly climbed to the highest point of the bridge, and stopped at the same time.

Looking into the distance along the river, looking at the high-rise buildings and colorful neon lights outside the garden, it feels like being in two worlds.

Jiang Yuxue took a deep breath and sighed, "It's so comfortable."

Chapter 1028

Lu Wanxi chuckled and said, "I don't think anyone will turn a blind eye to the scenery here."

Everyone stood on the bridge for a while... Gao Xiang's head, which was drowsy because of drinking alcohol, was swept up by the cold wind. He glanced around casually and saw a pavilion not far from the other end of the bridge. He suggested: "There is a gazebo over there, let's go there and rest for a while."

Lu Wanxi and the three of them turned their heads to look, and sure enough, they saw an antique pavilion not far away, and they all nodded in agreement.

Gao Xiang went to the front of the pavilion together, four 4 stools were placed next to the table placed in the pavilion, and the four of them made it one after another.

I don't know what material the stool is made of, although it is night, I can't feel the slightest coolness on the stool.

Gao Xiang suddenly remembered the phone call from Zhao Zihan before dinner, and said to Lu Wanxi, "Wanxi, tomorrow, Sister Zhao will come back to pick me up and go see someone with me."

Lu Wanxi wondered, "Whom are you going to see?"

"Do you remember the previous... Yu Hua? Didn't he say he wanted me to meet his father?"

Gao Xiang explained.

Lu Wanxi suddenly remembered, nodded and said, "Anyway... there's nothing to do tomorrow, just go."

Jiang Yuxue interjected at this time: "So, we are going to separate tomorrow, my sister and I have to go home tomorrow, my grandfather will arrive tomorrow, we have to go back and have a look."

Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Relax, when we're ready, we'll call you and go out for a walk. I forgot to tell Uncle Jiang and the others about this plan just now. Remember to let them know in advance."

Jiang Yuqing replied: "Let's put it, it is estimated that the finished product of our jade jewelry will be almost the same, and we will bring it to you directly."

The four of them chatted outside for a while... and they all felt tired.

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