Lu Wanxi also felt that Gao Xiang seemed to be drinking a little more, and suggested, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back to rest early."

Jiang Yuqing nodded and replied: Don't say it.

It's been really tiring these two days, let's go."

After finishing speaking, the four of them walked towards the direction of the villa, supporting Gao Xiang all the time. Although Gao Xiang was clear about everything in his mind now, he was a little swaying when he walked.

The four of them returned to the villa and went directly to the third floor, when Lu Yuan and Jiang Shan were still playing chess, while Xia Lan and Yang Yuelin were sitting on the side, watching and talking.

The four of them stepped forward, and Lu Wanxi said, "Mom, if there is nothing else, we will go back to sleep first. I feel that Gao Xiang may have drunk too much."

Xia Lan waved her hand and said: Go, you have been running for two days, go back and rest early."

Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing also said very much to Yang Yuelin, and the four of them found two rooms to rest at random.

The layout of the bedroom here is also extremely luxurious, but Lu Wanxi has no time to appreciate it. Pulling the electric curtains, Lu Wanxi said to Gao Xiang, who was sitting on the sofa beside the bed as soon as he came back, "Go and take a shower, after washing. Take a shower and sleep."

Gao Xiang really drank too much at this time, and he was a little tired, and he felt sleepy.

But after hearing Lu Wanxi's words, she insisted on standing up and walking towards the bathroom.

Lu Wanxi was a little worried and said, "You are all right."

Gao Xiang waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's just... I feel a little sleepy, don't worry."

After saying that, he walked into the bathroom.

Soon there was the sound of running water in the bathroom.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi shook her head, made the bed, took out the pajamas prepared by the hotel from the closet and put them on the bed, then sat down on the sofa. To be honest, I was really tired from running around for the past two days. .

After Gao Xiang walked out of the bathroom wearing his underwear after taking a shower, Lu Wanxi gave Gao Xiang a white look and gestured to the pajamas on the bed, "Put on your sleep, and I'll take a shower."

After speaking, he ran into the bathroom with another set of women's pajamas.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head, put on his pajamas, and then lay down on the bed.

No waiting: Lu Wanxi came out and fell into a deep sleep.

When Lu Wanxi came out wearing pajamas after taking a shower, she looked at Gao Xiang who was already asleep, and shook her head helplessly.

He walked to the bed and gently kissed Gao Xiang's forehead, a hint of satisfaction appeared at the corner of his mouth, afraid that Gao Xiang would wake up in the middle of the night and become thirsty, he brought a water glass from the table beside him, helped Gao Xiang get a glass of water, and put it in on the table beside the bed.

Then he glanced around again, making sure that he had not forgotten anything, and then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

I was speechless all night, and when Gao Xiang woke up the next morning, he didn't even feel the after-effects that he should have after being drunk, but he felt a little empty in his stomach.

After calming down, Gao Xiang stretched out his hand and patted the side, but nothing was photographed, and when he turned to look, he realized that Lu Wanxi was no longer beside him.

Chapter 1029

Gao Xiang got up and found that Lu Wanxi was not in the room, got up and checked the time, it was almost 9 o'clock, Gao Xiang shouted, "Wanxi, where have you been?"

Maybe it was because the sound insulation of the room was so good that Gao Xiang couldn't hear any movement outside.

There was no other way, Gao Xiang could only get up from the bed, washed briefly, put on the clothes that smelled of alcohol yesterday, Gao Xiang frowned.

Walking out of the room, walking through the corridor to the living room, only to find Lu Wanxi sitting in the living room watching TV.

Lu Wanxi smiled when she heard the movement behind her and said, "You're awake, you can really sleep. My parents and Uncle Jiang have already left, so I didn't call you even if you were asleep."

Gao Xiang heard the words and replied, "Okay, is there any milk? I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi pointed to a glass of milk on the table, and said with a smile: "It has been prepared for you a long time ago, it's still warm, come and drink it."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he sat down. Lu Wanxi was also wearing the clothes he wore for dinner yesterday, but it smelled much lighter than Gao Xiang's clothes.

Gao Xiang drank a glass of milk, smelled the alcohol on his body, and said helplessly: "I have to go to see someone later, this dress must not be able to wear, you call the lady and ask him to make an appointment earlier. Come on, let's go get some clothes first."

Hearing this, Lu Wanxi revealed her clothes and said with a smile that she had known for a long time: "I have already called, do you think everyone is like you, rushing things in such a hurry.

I've already told her the size of our clothes, just let her buy two clothes at will, I guess she's on her way now."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang fondly stroked Lu Wanxi's hair and said softly, "It's nice to have you."

Lu Wanxi smiled slightly, took Gao Xiang's hand off her head, held it in her hand, and said, "Is your stomach feeling better, do you want to eat more?"

Gao Xiang backhanded Lu Wanxi's hand and shook his head: "Forget it, some can't eat it, and it's almost noon, let's talk about it later."

Lu Wanxi nodded when she heard the words, then rested her head on Gao Xiang's shoulder, and the two sat in the living room watching TV, enjoying the warm world of two.

In twenty minutes, Lu Wanxi's phone number was taken by Zhao Zi.

Lu Wanxi looked at the caller ID, turned the TV down a bit, and connected the call.

Zhao Zihan's voice came from the phone: "Wanxi, I've already gone downstairs."

Lu Wanxi still leaned on Gao Xiang's shoulder and replied, "Well, just come to the third floor directly, we are in the living room."

The phone hung up, and soon came the sound of the elevator running.

Lu Wanxi reluctantly straightened her body and moved her head away from Gao Xiang's shoulder.

Gao Xiang lightly pinched Lu Wanxi's little nose with a smile on his face, but did not speak.

Lu Wanxi gave Gao Xiang a light glance.

With a ding dong sound, the elevators were opened, and Zhao Zihan, who was wearing a professional attire and led a lot of things, walked out of the elevator slowly, and saw the two people in the living room with a smile: "The clothes have been bought, Judging by the way you two look, I'm not here at the right time."

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