Lu Wanxi blushed when she heard this.

Gao Xiang said, "Are you laughing at your immediate boss?"

Zhao Zihan pouted and said, "So what?"

Then he changed the subject and said, "You guys should pack up and change your clothes. Yu Hua has called me just now, saying that he is coming to pick you up. It is estimated that it will be... in half an hour."

Gao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words, and said doubtfully, "Come and pick us up"

Zhao Zihan smiled and said: "Tell him that he happened to pass by from his house to where his father is, so he said to drop by to pick us up, and then let us follow his car, save the use of navigation, and he Father's Chinese medicine clinic is not easy to find."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded, then sat up from the sofa, took the things in Zhao Zihan's hand and said, "You should rest here for a while."

Zhao Zihan nodded and followed his words, while Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi walked to the bedroom together.

Zhao Zihan was really thoughtful. He bought two sets of men's and women's clothes. The men's style was a more formal suit and a casual one. The women's style was also a more formal dress. Casual wear.

Gao Xiang pondered for a while, and decided to wear casual clothes, after all, it is not a formal business occasion, and if the other party is a senior old Chinese medicine doctor, wearing a suit will not be beautiful.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi took turns taking a shower and put on the clothes that Zhao Zihan brought.

I have to admire Zhao Zihan's vision. These two sets of casual clothes are really eye-catching when they are worn by two people. They are simple and elegant, but they are luxurious. Although they are casual clothes, they will still give people a chance to meet people when they wear them. A feeling of being respected.

Chapter 1030

After the two finished packing, they walked out of the bedroom together. As soon as they opened the bedroom door, they heard Zhao Zihan and another male's voice talking.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi looked at each other.

Sure enough, I met Gao Xiang at this time. Yu Hua was sitting opposite Zhao Zihan, talking to Zhao Zihan about something.

Gao Xiang stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon, I'm really sorry, I drank some wine yesterday and got up a little late."

When Yu Hua saw Gao Xiang come out, he had already stood up. Hearing Gao Xiang's words, he hurriedly said, "Look at what you said, just don't bother me to disturb you."

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled: "Why?"

Lu Wanxi also smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, we meet again."

Yu Hua nodded and said, "Hello."

Gao Xiang glanced at the time, it was over 99:[-] forty, and said, "It's getting late, don't let the old man wait, let's go now."

"Actually, don't worry too much. My old man is in his TCM clinic almost every day, and he can go whenever he wants."

Yu Hua replied with a smile.

Gao Xiang waved his hand and said, "There's nothing to do here, let's go, let's go and have a look, you lead the way."

Yu Hua naturally wanted to hurry up, but the old man called him three times today to urge him. While he told him to take Gao Xiang quickly, he also told him not to rush Gao Xiang. What he said before was purely true. Just... kind words.

Yu Hua listened to Gao Xiang's words and nodded, "Let's go then."

Then everyone went out of the villa together, Gao Xiang suddenly remembered the treasures he brought yesterday, and asked Lu Wanxi, "What about the three things we brought yesterday."

Lu Wanxi was stunned when she heard the words, she understood what Gao Xiang was asking, and suppressed a smile: "Your three things have been divided, but Uncle Jiang did not forget what you said at the meeting, and directly took the Nine Dragons Sword. When I took it away, my parents took away the blue and white dragon and phoenix and the imitation jade seal to my grandfather.


Gao Xiang was speechless and said helplessly, "That's fine too."

What Lu Wanxi said was so vivid that Gao Xiang could never have imagined such a result.

Lu Wanxi smiled and said: "Why not, Uncle Jiang, but you promised yourself, my parents know that you have something to do today.

If I want my grandfather and the others to see the blue-and-white dragon and phoenix in advance, they will naturally deliver it on their behalf."

Gao Xiang nodded and said: "Okay, I originally planned to send it over in person, so I don't have to think about it."

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang and asked, "What's wrong, my heart is unbalanced"

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled: "Do you think I'll be unbalanced because of this kind of thing? I just didn't expect it."

Now that it is hot and bright, walking in this royal garden again, I suddenly have a different feeling from last night. Last night was quiet and dark, and now the feeling is also beautiful and luxurious.

Everyone walked directly to the parking lot, Jiang Shan had already paid all the fees, so Gao Xiang and the others drove the car and left.

Yu Hua's car was in front, and Zhao Zihan followed closely behind.

When the car drove out, Gao Xiang asked Zhao Zihan, "How does it feel to work in a pharmaceutical factory?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zihan shook his head and smiled and said, "It's not very good, I used to work under President Xia, and the major matters were directly ordered by President Xia. Stall, you don't care...

, I have to make up my own mind about everything, what do you think?"

Gao Xiang naturally knew that Zhao Zihan was joking, but he was just complaining about him being a hands-off shopkeeper. He tidied up his somewhat messy cuffs and smiled and said, "It's just the beginning. You still have a lot of work to do in the future. Enjoy it."

Zhao Zihan rolled his eyes and said to Lu Wanxi, "Did you see that the boyfriend you're looking for is an unscrupulous boss."

Lu Wanxi glanced at Gao Xiang when she heard the words and smiled, "I know, there is no way, I also got on the pirate ship, and I can't get off, so I brought you here to accompany me."

Hearing this, Zhao Zihan put on a painful expression and said, "I was co-authored by the two of you."

Gao Xiang waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's get down to business, what stage has the pharmaceutical factory reached now, and when will production begin?"

Speaking of business, Zhao Zihan replied with a serious expression, like two people, and said, "Now the pharmaceutical factory is changing, the equipment, I told you on the phone, and the office building has resumed operation, the personnel department The staff is now sufficient and is fully recruiting staff from other departments."

"The staff dormitory was very good before, and it has not been changed. You can move in with a bag. It just needs to change the corporate culture in the dormitory."

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