Gao Xiang calmed down and Yu Hua had already stepped forward to question Wang Guijun.

Uncle, where is my father?"

It's been a few minutes since everyone came in. If Yu Hua's father would have heard the conversation of the lustful woman in the inner room, it was obvious that Yu Hua's father was not at home.

Hearing this, Wang Guijun shook his head and said, "Oh, I'm old, and I forget the business as soon as I start talking. When I first came here, your father was going to go out for a doctor's visit. Auntie, when you get old, your body is always easy to get sick."

Yu Hua cast an apologetic look at Gao Xiang.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang nodded without caring.

Wang Guijun suddenly stood up at this time, his body shook slightly, Yu Hua hurriedly stepped forward to help him and said, "Uncle Wang, just sit here and rest for a while."

Wang Guijun hurriedly shook his head and said, "Don't rest, it's noon soon, since you are eating at home, I will go back and prepare well."

Gao Xiang stepped forward and said politely, "Uncle Wang, don't be so troublesome."

Wang Guijun insisted: "What's so troublesome, I usually make some food for myself when I'm fine, mainly because now that I'm old, my hands and feet are not so quick, I have to prepare in advance, you young people can rest here. When Lao Yu comes back and forget about your affairs, just go directly to me."

Seeing Wang Guijun's insistence, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Well, we're not in a hurry, why don't we go grocery shopping with you?"

Wang Guijun refused: "No way, the vegetable market here is very messy, and the people are very messy, you two big's okay, in case the two girls are allowed to go home It's not good to be injured."

Finally, after talking for a long time, Wang Guijun agreed to let Yu Hua go shopping with him, while Gao Xiang and the others stayed in the shop to watch the shop.

Although it was the first time we met, Wang Guihua seemed to have a lot of trust in the three of Gao Xiang.

After Yu Hua helped Wang Guihua to leave, Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "This old man is so enthusiastic."

Gao Xiang jokingly said: "You just returned the name of Uncle Wang, and you changed your name just after they left."

Lu Wanxi glared at Gao Xiang and said, "That's not what I called you, they are older than my grandfather."

Zhao Zihan stood aside and smiled and watched the two bicker.

Taking advantage of this time, Gao Xiang also told Lu Wanxi and Zhao Zihan about Wang Guijun that Yu Hua had just introduced to him.

Chapter 1033

When Lu Wanxi and Zhao Zihan heard it, they immediately understood why they were overly enthusiastic.

The three of them sat on the bench in the house and chatted for about ten minutes: An old man in a gray and white robe walked in with a wooden box in his hand. Although he was covered in silver hair, he looked healthy. He is very sturdy, and he walks with wind.

The appearance of this old man looks a bit similar to Yu Hua, and you don't need to guess to know that this person is Yu Hua's father.

When Gao Xiang saw his master coming back, he stood up and said, "Hello, you should be Dr. Yu."

This person is Yu Hua's father Yu Zhengguo. Seeing that Gao Xiang and the others did not respond for a while, they blurted out: "You are"

Gao Xiang introduced himself: I'm Gao Xiang, and I came here with President Yu."

As soon as the name Gao Xiang came out, the puzzled expression on Yu Zhengguo's face suddenly turned into excitement: "You are really Gao Xiang, that's... the... Gao Xiang who invented the Chinese medicine pill to cure leukemia."

Gao Xiang nodded and confirmed, "Yes, it's me."

Yu Zhengguo got a positive answer from Gao Xiang, and said excitedly, "I didn't expect you to be so young."

Then he said to Gao Xiang, "I'm really sorry, just now an old acquaintance was not feeling well and went out to show her, making you wait for a long time."

Gao Xiang waved his hands and said with a smile, "It's not long since we arrived. Is it the duty of a doctor to treat and save people? Other things don't matter."

When Yu Zhengguo heard Gao Xiang's words, he felt relieved and said, "That's good."

Then, seeing Yu Hua's figure, he asked, "What about Yu Hua, how could he leave the guest behind and run away by himself?"

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he quickly explained: "Mr. Yu has just sent Uncle Wang back, and when Uncle Wang asked us to go to his house for dinner at noon, we agreed, and President Yu went with Uncle Wang to buy some materials and prepare a bit."

When Yu Zhengguo saw Gao Xiang mentioning Wang Guijun, there was a hint of helplessness in the corner of his eyes, and when he saw Gao Xiang's clothes, he knew that the three of them were not ordinary people, and he said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, Old Wang, he always likes to drag some young people into his house. , don't mind too much, if you have other things to do at noon, I'll go over and tell him."

Yu Zhengguo thought that Gao Xiang and the others must be the children of a big family. He was afraid that he didn't like the environment of the house very much. It was only because he could not save face that he agreed to Wang Guijun's request, so he simply gave Gao Xiang and others a step up.

Gao Xiang naturally knew what Yu Zhengguo meant, because it was indeed Yu Zhengguo who thought too much, and immediately said: "Uncle Yu, it's okay, just in time for us to go there together, I heard that Uncle Wang used to be the head chef of a big hotel, and we also thought about it. Taste his craft."

Hearing this, Yu Zhengguo took a deep look at Gao Xiang, since Gao Xiang had already said that Wang Guijun used to be a chef, he probably already knew about Wang Guijun's past, sighed and said, "A person's life can never be a smooth ride. smooth."

Then Yu Zhengguo saw that Gao Xiang and the others were still standing, so he quickly said, "Come on, let's sit down and talk."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang and the others also sat back on the bench, while Yu Zhengguo sat on a wooden chair under the portrait of Hua Tuo.

After Yu Zhengguo sat down, he watched Lu Wanxi and Zhao Zihan ask Gao Xiang, "Who are these two girls?"

Hearing that, Gao Xiang introduced falsely, "This is my girlfriend Lu Wanxi, and my friend Zhao Zihan, who knew Mr. Yu and came here together."

Yu Zhengguo nodded slowly when he heard the words, and then said to Gao Xiang, "Gao Xiang, in fact, I did not expect you to come. You also know that as a person who has been engaged in traditional Chinese medicine all his life, he can see such a magical pill born. I was also excited for several days, and wanted to meet you and see the master who created this pill."

Gao Xiang understood: I can fully understand this feeling. I also listened to Mr. Yu’s words. Your Yu family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. Perhaps traditional Chinese medicine has become your belief. 2 is not just a profession, this is also my decision. The reason for coming here."

When Yu Zhengguo heard this, there was a hint of helplessness on his face: "It's a pity that I believe, my son has not liked these things since he was a child. Although he has a thorough understanding of the pharmacology of various drugs, he is completely clueless about the diagnosis. Life and death means you can't learn."

Gao Xiang comforted: "Uncle Yu, in fact, what Mr. Yu is doing now is to work hard for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. After all, do we need medicinal materials to treat diseases? Everyone has a field that everyone is good at, and you can't force it."

Yu Zhengguo nodded and agreed: "You're right, so I didn't ask him anything after that, but watching Chinese medicine decline step by step, I really feel uncomfortable."

Chapter 1034

Gao Xiang replied: "The reason why Chinese medicine has become what it is now is because Chinese medicine is indeed much more complicated than Western medicine. Western medicine pursues technology and foreign instruments to detect human diseases."

"But Chinese medicine is not the case. The test is entirely about the accumulation of knowledge. From the perspective of seeing, hearing, asking, and asking, it is not understandable by ordinary people. If you want to truly understand Chinese medicine, you will not be able to do it without a few years of hard work. ."

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