Hearing Gao Xiang's analysis, Yu Zhengguo nodded in approval and sighed, "The things left by our ancestors can't just be lost."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said: No, there are not a few young people who like TCM now, and there is already a major in TCM in the university. I believe that with the slow development and innovation, TCM will be recognized by our people again. and sought after."

The two talked more and more on the topic of traditional Chinese medicine, and finally Yu Zhengguo asked the question he was most interested in: "Gao Xiang, what, can I ask you a more private question, you can answer it if you want, of course. It's okay not to answer, I'm just too curious."

Seeing what Yu Zhengguo said, Gao Xiang had already roughly guessed what question he was going to ask, and smiled, "Actually, there is nothing to say. Actually, about the pharmacology of the pill and why it has such an effect, it is mainly because Several special herbs.

These herbs are very helpful, but together they can play a huge role.”

"for example......"

Gao Xiang said a lot about the pharmacology of some medicinal materials in the pills, but they would not let the prescriptions leak. There are some medicines that have little effect but are indispensable. Gao Xiang did not mention them.

What Yu Zhengguo listened to was ecstatic, and he took out a notebook and remembered it like no one else was there.

Gao Xiang said, Yu Zhengguo remembered, it took more than [-] minutes before Gao Xiang finished his introduction.

Yu Zhengguo murmured: "It's like this, I didn't expect that the combination of these drugs can have such an effect. It's really endless. I thought I knew enough about traditional Chinese medicine, but I just found out that it's not the case."

Then Yu Zhengguo looked at Gao Xiang, as if seeing a rare treasure, and sighed: "From you, I have seen the rise of Chinese medicine."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang quickly waved his hand and said, "Uncle Yu is absurd.

The rise of medicine requires the efforts of all of us in China, and I can play a very small role."

At this time, the sound of footsteps could be heard from far away, and everyone looked up at the door, and Yu Hua's figure appeared in front of everyone after a while.

Yu Hua was a little out of breath at this time.

Xian was a little anxious when he came back. At this time, he saw Yu Zhengguo sitting on the chair and said, "Dad, you are already back."

When Yu Zhengguo saw Yu Hua's figure, his expression that was still sighing immediately became serious, and he hated that iron was not steel: "How old are you, and it's frizzy."

Yu Hua heard the words and explained: I'm not in a hurry to come back."

After speaking, he looked at Gao Xiang and gave an apologetic look.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head slightly.

When Yu Zhengguo heard Yu Hua's explanation, he didn't put away his serious expression and said, "Okay, come in and sit down: take a rest,"

Then he ignored Yu Hua's question to Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, your accent should not be a local."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, my girlfriend is a local, and I came back with her this time."

Yu Zhengguo said, "So, how many brothers do you have?"

As soon as Yu Hua came back, Yu Zhengguo pulled up and went home. Gao Xiang naturally knew what Yu Zhengguo thought. Every father wanted to leave a majestic impression in front of his son. In front of Yu Hua, he asked Gao Xiang academic questions. Some are indescribable.

It is mainly the question that Yu Zhengguo wants to know the most. Gao Xiang has already told Yu Zhengguo, so Yu Zhengguo is not entangled in academic issues.

Seeing it without saying it is the most basic, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "I have a sister at home."

Afterwards, a few people pulled up and started chatting, and Lu Wanxi and Zhao Zihan were able to talk at this time.

Only Yu Hua, who didn't know why, sat on the stool, looked at his father, and then looked at Gao Xiang and others, a little confused.

After doing it on the stool for a while... Yu Hua suddenly couldn't sit down. Seeing that Gao Xiang and others were very familiar with Yu Zhengguo, he opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Wang is busy now, or if you talk first, I will Go and fight Uncle Wang."

Yu Zhengguo nodded when he heard the words: "Then you can go first."

Hearing that, Yu Hua nodded to Gao Xiang, then turned and left.

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Chapter 1035

Seeing that Yu Hua was gone, Yu Zhengguo said to Gao Xiang, "Fathers can't keep their face in front of children."

Gao Xiang shook his head and said he didn't care.

Not long after the original words left, someone came to the door again, this time it was two people, a man who looked to be in his fifties and a girl who looked like he was in his twenties wearing a mask.

At this time, the girl's eyes were red with tears in her eyes, and the face under the mask was abnormal.

As soon as the middle-aged man entered the door, he said anxiously to Yu Zhengguo, "Uncle Yu, fortunately you didn't visit the doctor."

Then saw Gao Xiang and the others for a moment, and said to Yu Zhengguo, "You are busy."

Hearing this, Yu Zhengguo shook his head and said, "Not busy, Xiao Cui, what's the matter with you?"

The middle-aged man called Xiao Cui said, "I'm fine, it's my daughter, her chin suddenly..."

Halfway through speaking, the girl beside him suddenly pulled the corner of his shirt.

The parents are nearby residents, father Cui Wenchong and his daughter Cui Yizhan.

Cui Wenchong was suddenly pulled at the corner of his clothes by his daughter, turned his head and said with some doubts: "What's wrong, Yizhan."

Yu Zhengguo also looked over with some curiosity.

Cui Yizhan also glanced at the direction where Gao Xiang and others were, and shook his head at Cui Wenchong.

Cui Wenchong understood in an instant that his daughter was a little embarrassed to see that outsiders were present, Cui Wenchong said anxiously: "Oh, it's alright, it's important."

Seeing this, Gao Xiang was also quite helpless, so he could only open his mouth and say, "I'm also a doctor, and I came here to visit Uncle Yu on purpose, it doesn't matter."

Cui Yizhan was obviously still somewhat resistant when he heard the words, but thinking of his own situation, he resolutely nodded to Cui Wenchong.

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