Seeing this, Cui Wenchong continued: "My daughter's chin suddenly fell off for some reason."

Yu Zhengguo was stunned when he heard the words: "The jaw dropped."

Lu Wanxi and Zhao Zihan looked over in surprise when they heard the words.

Gao Xiang............ asked without showing any incredible expression, "Is it a dislocated jaw?"

Cui Wenchong nodded quickly and said, "Yes, it is... dislocated."

Yu Zhengguo got up and walked over and said, "So, take off the mask and let me see."

When Cui Wenchong heard this, he said to Cui Yizhan who was beside him, take it off and show it to your grandfather Yu."

Hearing Cui Wenchong's words, Gao Xiang was suddenly speechless. He was just Yu Zhengguo as Uncle Yu, and now Cui Wenchong actually told Cui Yizhan that it was Grandpa Yu.

But these...... are not the point, Gao Xiang did not step forward, still sitting and watching from a distance.

Cui Yizhan slowly took off the mask, revealing his cheeks, a little girl with a very ordinary appearance, but now it looks a little unnatural, and it seems that it doesn't fit.

It seemed that the muscles in his face were affected, and tears welled up in Cui Yizhan's eyes again.

Seeing this, Yu Zhengguo asked, "Can the mouth move?"

Cui Yizhan nodded slowly, and his mouth slowly opened and closed.

Seeing this, Yu Zhengguo felt relieved and said, "No problem, it's just a simple dislocation. You can move around on your own and try to see if you can correct the dislocated joint yourself."

Cui Yizhan shook his head with tears in his eyes, and slurred his words: "It hurts."

Seeing this, Yu Zhengguo was about to step forward to restore the joint where his chin was biting, when he suddenly saw that Cui Yizhan actually pushed back a step.

Seeing this, Yu Zhengguo looked at his wrinkled hands and at the smooth skin on Cui Yizhan's face, feeling helpless.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang finally stood up and said, "I'll come."

Yu Zhengguo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but he...forgot that Gao Xiang's medical skills seemed to be no worse than him.

When Cui Yizhan saw Gao Xiang approaching, his face became a little more rosy.

Gao Xiang walked up to him and smiled and said, "Relax, I'll help you take a look."

Cui Yizhan nodded slowly when he heard the words, but this time.... he didn't step back.

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Very good."

Gao Xiang observed and asked, "You should have dislocated the bone on your left cheek."

Cui Yizhan nodded again after hearing the words, affirming.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang stretched out one hand and gently placed it on top of Cui Yizhan's head, and placed the other hand on his left cheek to feel the direction of the internal bones.

Gao Xiang's hands were as smooth as jade, and his fingers were slender. Now the little girls are a little bit clean in their hearts, and there is nothing to say if they don't want Yu Zhengguo to help him.

Gao Xiang asked softly, "How old is this year?"

Hearing this, Cui Yizhan endured the pain and said, "I'm nineteen years old."

Gao Xiang felt the vibration of the bones in his cheeks when he spoke, and continued: "I'm nineteen, I should be studying at university now.

Where are you going to college now?"

Cui Yizhan replied: "Beijing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gao Xiang's hand suddenly slammed hard, making sure that he bit his tongue in a hurry, and the other hand blocked his mouth joint at the same time.

Only a slight thud was heard, followed by Cui Yizhan's pained cry.

Seeing this, Gao Xiang gently rubbed the joint he had just recovered with his left hand and said, "It's already healed."

Seeing that Cui Yizhan had changed from the pain at that moment, Gao Xiang took his hand back.

: Ask for a reward.

Chapter 1036

After Gao Xiang took his hand back, he asked Cui Yizhan, "How do you feel when you move around a bit?"

Cui Yizhan opened and closed his mouth gently according to the words, and said in surprise, "Okay, it's just... there's still a little pain."

At this time, Cui Yizhan's speech was not as vague as before.

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "This is all normal. Now tell me how your jaw is dislocated."

Cui Wenchong also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. In fact, this situation is not serious, but the key is that it has never been encountered before, and worry is inevitable.

Cui Yizhan nodded when he heard the words and recounted: "I didn't feel anything abnormal before, just... When I yawned tonight, I felt that the bones here were a little loose, I thought it was because I was sleeping last night. So I didn't care, who knows that I yawned again and suddenly dislocated."

Gao Xiang pondered: "This situation is not serious, it may be caused by long-term pressure or excessive force, and there is no specific treatment method, usually pay more attention, open your mouth, especially when yawning. , as long as it doesn't dislocate, it will be fine for a while."

Cui Yizhan nodded when he heard the words.

Cui Wenchong asked at this time, "Don't you need to take medicine?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "No need, the medicine won't work."

Cui Wenchong looked at Yu Zhengguo and then at Gao Xiang and asked, "How much does it cost?"

Yu Zhengguo didn't reply but looked at Gao Xiang, because Gao Xiang helped others to see it, so naturally Gao Xiang had to make up his mind.

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