Seeing this, Gao Xiang shook his head and said, "Forget about such a trivial matter, just pay more attention in the future."

Cui Wenchong was a little embarrassed to hear the words and said, "This is not good."

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "It's not bad, in fact, even if this happens in the future, you don't have to worry, you can move slowly, then cover it with a hot towel to relieve the pain, and use your facial muscles appropriately. , in fact, it can recover on its own.”

After hearing this, Cui Wenchong felt relieved and said, "Thank you so much."

Afterwards, Gao Xiang asked two more words, and Cui Yizhan and his father and daughter said goodbye.

After the father and daughter left, Gao Xiang hugged Yu Zhengguo, "Uncle Yu, I'm really sorry for taking your business."

Yu Zhengguo waved his hand and said, "Look at what you said, even if you weren't there, I wouldn't charge my neighbors for their money, it's all the same."

Afterwards, a few people chatted for a while... and Yu Guo's cell phone rang.

Usually, Yu Zhengguo rarely uses his mobile phone, and most of his outings are to call the clinic's landline.

Yu Zhengguo answered the phone and directly asked "what's the matter?"

Yu Hua's voice came from the huge old machine in Yu Zhengguo's hands: "Dad, the ingredients for Uncle Wang's side are ready. If you are all right, come over first, and let the dishes cool when they are ready."

Yu Zhengguo replied: "Okay, let's go."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Zhengguo said to Gao Xiang, "Xiaohua is calling, let's go over."

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Gao Xiang asked Yu Zhengguo, "What about the clinic here?"

Yu Zhengguo patted the big box beside him and said, "Just take it with you. On weekdays, when someone asks me to see a doctor and sees that the clinic is not open, they go directly to Lao Wang's house to find me. I usually go to his house for food when I have nothing to do. Xiaohua's mother left early, and Pharaoh is the only one left, and my family often rests together when I have nothing to do, so it can be regarded as a company, and the neighbors all know this situation."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang smiled and said, "That's good, just don't delay seeing a doctor, then let's go there now."

Afterwards, everyone waited for Yu Zhengguo to lock the door of the clinic, and walked to Wang Guijun's house without driving.

Although the distance is not far, when turning left and right in the alley, Gao Xiang is a little confused.

In just a few minutes' walk, everyone arrived at Wang Guihua's house.

Yu Zhengguo pointed to a courtyard door not far from the crowd and said, "This is Lao Wang's house."

The courtyard door is very small, only about two meters high and a little more than one meter wide. It is a wooden door from a long time ago. Two iron rings are fixed on the wooden door for knocking on the door.

At this time, the courtyard door just needs to be hidden.

Yu Zhengguo brought Gao Xiang and the three of them through the door. Behind the door was a very small door: a doorway, which was equivalent to a small shed. Inside was a small electric tricycle, which was considered a scooter and a bicycle. Everything else is useless stuff.

The right side of the doorway is sealed, and the left side is connected to a small courtyard.

The yard is extremely tidy, and it looks like it's cleaned regularly. The whole yard is covered with stone slabs. There is a water tap and a stone table next to the yard. stool.

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Chapter 1037

Walking into the yard, there are only three houses, one next to the door, and the other two are facing south: , The houses are not old-fashioned adobe houses, and the red brick houses do not look shabby.

Yu Zhengguo explained: "The yard was built when Lao Wang got married. He originally earned some money and wanted to go out and buy a house in the community, but after that accident, Lao Wang became depressed. , and have always lived here.”

Perhaps hearing the movement in the yard, Yu Hua, who was wearing an apron, walked out of the room next to the doorway, and when he saw the crowd, he waved his hands and said, "You go to the room over there to rest for a while.

Food will be ready in a while."

Then he pointed to the two houses in the north and said, "The one on the left is the living room, and the one on the right is Uncle Wang's bedroom. Just go to the living room and rest for a while."

Yu Zhengguo smiled and said, "Come on, you can help Uncle Wang, don't be lazy."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "I know, Dad."

Then he turned around and went back inside.

Yu Zhengguo explained: "This house is now used by Lao Wang as a kitchen."

Then he continued: "Let's go, I'll take you to rest for a while..."

Then everyone walked into the living room together. The living room was also clean and tidy, and it seemed that air freshener was sprayed on purpose.

There was only a wooden coffee table, a wooden sofa, an old-fashioned TV in the corner of the room, and a few small stools beside the coffee table.

Gao Xiang and others sat on the sofa at the invitation of Yu Zhengguo, while Yu Zhengguo sat on a small stool.

Yu Zhengguo said politely: "It's a bit crude, but it's much better than me, don't mind."

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "What is this, it still feels very warm."

Lu Wanxi also agreed: "Yes, I really like this feeling."

Hearing this, Yu Zhengguo admired it very much: "I have seen quite a few young people over the years, and at first glance I know that your family background must be very good, but there is none of the arrogance and complacency of those young people. I want to come to your parents. Your education is also attentive."

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled: "Uncle, you're done."

Yu Zhengguo suddenly raised his face and said, "Why, it's impossible to tell the truth.

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi were also quite helpless when they saw this.

A few people chatted for a while... , long, one dish followed by another was sent over by Yu Hua.

Just as Gao Xiang was about to get up to help, Yu Zhengguo hurriedly stopped him and said, "There is no reason for a guest to help serve dishes."

In desperation, Gao Xiang had to sit back again.

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