There were only six dishes in total. Although they were all home-cooked dishes, they all looked very good. Wang Guijun was afraid that Gao Xiang and others would not be used to the steamed buns at home, so he deliberately earned some white rice.

After all the preparations seemed to be complete, Wang Guijun and Yu Hua finally made it.

Wang Guijun also mysteriously held two wooden boxes.

Seeing this, Yu Zhengguo smiled and said: Old Wang, you are willing to take out your treasured treasure this time. I don't know how many times I have begged you, but I just don't want to take it out."

Wang Guijun glared at Yu Zhengguo and said, "You're too embarrassed to say that if you drink this thing, it's just... a waste."

Hearing that, Yu Zhengguo pointed at Wang Guijun without saying a word.

Gao Xiang and others were a little curious as to what the treasure Yu Zhengguo was talking about was.

At this time, Wang Guijun looked at Gao Xiang and the others and introduced: "This thing has been with me for more than [-] years, and it's really unnecessary to drink it by yourself... Fortunately, you guys are here this time."

"When I was still working as a chef outside, the boss wanted to keep the Feitian Maotai I gave, but unfortunately he still couldn't continue to work there."

Gao Xiang looked at the past in surprise, at least 30 years of flying Maotai, this is a good thing.

Wang Guijun continued: "It's just the lonely old man, and now he has no children and no daughters, I have finally invited you here, you must not refuse, if this thing continues to be here with me, I will never withdraw him again. value."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang felt a little uncomfortable, and the words of rejection were dragged into his stomach. He smiled and said, "Uncle Wang, I can't refuse such a good thing. Let's have a good drink today."

When Wang Guijun heard the words, especially when he stopped at the words of Gao Xiang's father, he was obviously a little excited, and his eyes were a little rosy: "Okay, let's have a good drink."

After speaking, he opened one of the boxes without any hesitation, took out the wine bottle, then opened the packaging on the surface of the wine bottle, and said, "When I got the wine back, I learned from the outside world, and I went back to the bottle. I added a layer of packaging myself.”

After opening the package, Wang Guijun directly opened the bottle cap, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out immediately, just the taste was enough to intoxicate.

Chapter 1038

Yu Zhengguo took a deep breath and sighed, "Good wine."

Wang Guijun seemed very happy to slap Yu Zhengguo, and said, "Good wine is good wine, but you didn't say that you should drink it, why are you excited."

Yu Zhengguo gave up after hearing the words, glared and said, "I see that you are in a good mood today, and I don't want to scold you. Why, we are fighting in front of outsiders."

Wang Guijun turned his head away from Yu Zhengguo and muttered, "I'm too lazy to care about you."

After speaking, he looked at Gao Xiang with a smile and said, "Come on, Gao Xiang, give me the quilt, I'll let you taste it first."

Gao Xiang smiled and said that he was very tired, and then handed over the glass in front of him.

Wang Guijun poured Gao Xiang a slow cup, which was more than two or two by visual inspection.

Then came Lu Wanxi, and Lu Wanxi didn't refuse, saying that she wanted to try it. Lu Wanxi seldom drinks white wine, so Wang Guihua poured a half glass for Lu Wanxi when she saw that she was a girl.

Zhao Zihan didn't refuse because he wanted to drive, "I'm really sorry, Uncle Wang, I have to drive when I go back later, and I still have some work in the afternoon, otherwise I have to drink such a good wine.. drink it."

Wang Guijun smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, when we leave later, I will bring three bottles for you, one bottle per person, and go back and keep it for a drink."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang hurriedly refused and said, "This can't be done, Uncle Wang, there are not many such good things in the first place, and we really have no way to collect them."

Wang Guijun suddenly raised his face and said, "You child, if there is anything you can take or can't take, you can take it if you give it to you, or you will look down on me."

No way, Gao Xiang could only agree first.

Then there was Yu Zhengguo. Although he said that Yu Zhengguo would not drink it, he poured him a slow glass of wine.

After that is Yu Hua, which is also a cup.

I finally poured it myself, and only half a cup was left.

Originally, according to the rules, it should have been Yu Hua.

But the old man refused, so he was willing to pour it himself: he had no choice but to go with him.

Wang Guijun looked at his half, "Hey, I'm still smart, if you ask me to pour:, I'll have to pour a full glass again, I'm afraid I'll be scolded again."

"When I was young, Xiaojuan didn't let me drink more, I could only drink half a glass at most, but every time I had a drink with Lao Yu at home, he had to fill it up for me, and then when Lao Yu left, I had to suffer After a scolding, I can't drink more now, half a glass of wine is enough, enough."

Needless to say, everyone present knew who Wang Guijun was referring to as Xiaojuan.

When everyone heard the words, their hearts suddenly became extremely heavy.

Yu Zhengguo said angrily with red eyes: "Pharaoh, what are you talking about, have a good meal, you must make the atmosphere so heavy."

Hearing this, Wang Guijun quickly recovered from his memory and smiled: "Don't talk, don't talk, Gao Xiang, come and eat, eat more, although it's some simple home-cooked meals, but we'll definitely take care of it."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang nodded, took a sip of the dish into his mouth with a smile, and then raised the cup in his hand and said, "Come on, it's fate that we can get together. Let's have a drink together."

Hearing Gao Xiang's words, everyone raised the wine glass in their hands and touched it. Everyone only took a sip, but Wang Guijun drank half of the wine in the glass. Although there was a smile on his face, he let him see Everyone with this smile felt that their hearts were being stabbed fiercely.

Involuntarily, Gao Xiang took another box from the table, opened the wine bottle, filled the glass in front of Wang Guijun under Wang Guijun's watch, and said, "Uncle Wang, you drink so fast, I can't keep up. I'm here once, my grandfather must have a good drink, let's come full."

Wang Guijun smiled and nodded, "Okay, take your time."

However, the smile at this time no longer contains sadness, but a smile from the bottom of my heart.

Afterwards, the atmosphere eased a lot. The two old men exchanged opinions. Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi toasted Wang Guijun with a glass of wine from time to time. Zhao Zihan also toasted the old man with tea instead of wine.

In this dinner, there is no highland of identity, only the surprise of age, everyone eats very comfortably.

In the end, everyone drank the second bottle of Feitian Moutai that Gao Xiang had opened earlier.

Although the two old men looked a little dizzy, their words were still clear. Gao Xiang knew that they were not drunk, but only in their hearts.

Chapter 1039

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