After eating, Gao Xiang did not leave immediately, but helped to clean up. This time, neither of the two old men stopped him, and the scene looked really warm.

After cleaning up the dishes and bowls, everyone rested in the living room for a while...

Because Yu Zhengguo had to go to the clinic in the afternoon, he just didn't drink more after having a drink.

Yu Hua...drank a lot, in his words...: "I finally came back once, I won't leave today, I'll be here with my father."

Wang Guijun had indeed drank a lot, and he was already drunk. Gao Xiang saw that it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and he finally said his goodbye.

Wang Guijun's performance was unexpected, he didn't hold back, he just said to Gao Xiang: "Gao Xiang, I am really passionate about young people, but it's only limited to the young people I like. Man, I know you must be very busy at ordinary times, and I won't leave you anymore, but if you are bored and have nothing to do, come over and accompany the old man with me."

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Let's go, old man, I'll come over often to see if it's all right."

Wang Guijun had already cashed out the three bottles of Feitian Moutai that Gao Xiang had given him, and then handed it to Gao Xiang with a smile: "The two of us hit it off, so don't refuse those three bottles of wine."

Gao Xiang reached out and took it, smiled and said, "I can't bear to refuse, Uncle Wang, you've also been drinking a lot. After we leave and have a good sleep, you can call me anytime if you have anything."

Wang Guijun shook his head and said: "Don't call, you young people are busy, I know, I won't disturb you by calling, old man, I'm idle all day, if I really call you, I guess you will be bored in two days. ."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang shook his head, this old man lived a very thorough life, and he lived very clearly.

The car was still at the door of the clinic, and Wang Guihua came directly here.

The old man had a problem with nagging, and in the end, Gao Xiang left at Wang Guijun's reluctant order.

Under Wang Guijun's watch, the car slowly disappeared at the corner of the alley.

After living here for so many years, this may be the first time that the corner of the alley is so unsightly.

With the help of Yu Hua, the old man stood there for a long time, maybe it was She Xiang, or maybe he was thinking about the past.

The car slowly drove out of this bungalow area that seemed to be forgotten by the modernization of the capital. Driving on the wide road, Zhao Zihan asked Gao Xiang, who was sitting in the back seat in deep thought, "Where are we going?"

Hearing this, Gao Xiang looked at Lu Wanxi beside him, Lu Wanxi shook his head slowly, Gao Xiang opened his mouth and said, "Let's go and have a look at the courtyard house I bought earlier."

Zhao Zihan heard the words and complied, and drove the car to the destination.

Gao Xiang was silent for a long time before asking Lu Wanxi, "Tell me, how about letting Uncle Wang cook in our yard?"

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "Not so good. I know that when something like this happens, everyone will have some thoughts in their hearts, but some things can't be considered."

"Uncle Wang has lived there for so many years, and now he is a lot of age, and suddenly he will not be able to adapt to a strange environment, and he will not agree at all with his character.

Perhaps his life only belongs to the "Xanadu" that is not affected by the prosperity of the city

, Where are his friends, where he belongs, and where his story is recorded."

"Actually, your encounter is just a coincidence in the final analysis. Just keep this relationship in your heart. Go see him when you have time. There is no need to disturb each other's predetermined lives. This is the best way to belong to this relationship."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang took a deep breath and said with a smile, "I'm too persistent."

It’s good to figure out some things. The world has not changed, only people’s hearts have changed. Gao Xiang looked at the scenery passing by the window, and regained his previous appearance. Suddenly, he asked Zhao Zihan, “Sister Zhao, you are a military leader. Have you mentioned it to him?"

Wei Jun was the security guard of the former pharmaceutical factory. Gao Xiang felt that this person had some abilities, and he was alone, so he wanted to make him the housekeeper of his courtyard.

Hearing that, Zhao Zihan replied: Well, I mentioned it before. After you told me about your wish, I went back to investigate the past of Weijun. His past was very clean, just... an ordinary person. He is a local and has a wife, but he passed away from cancer a few years ago. His son and daughter are ordinary office workers. A security job."

"Weijun means, you can try it out, if you have a place to live, you can just feed yourself."

Zhao Zihan added: "This is what he said."

Gao Xiang jokingly said: Even if you said it, I can't blame you for not being."

Then he continued, "Since I've arranged it here, let him come directly."

The car quickly stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. In fact, the door of the courtyard was open, and many people came in and out with various decoration materials.

Chapter 1040

Many workers here have seen Lu Wanxi, and when they saw a few people getting off the bus, many people also greeted each other and said, "Boss Lu, why do you have time to come here today?"

Lu Wanxi nodded and smiled and said, "Just come and take a look."

The three of Gao Xiang walked to the courtyard together, and many decoration workers were busy in the courtyard.

The three of them went directly to the person in charge of the decoration this time. It was a middle-aged man in his 3s. He looked like he was wearing a suit....

Lu Wanxi introduced to Gao Xiang, " person who was sent by the decoration company to oversee the work, called Zhang Sheng, just call him Manager Zhang."

Zhang Sheng smiled at Gao Xiang at this time: "Compared to you, you are... Gao Xiang, I heard Mr. Lu mentioned it, and I have seen your name on the Internet. You have such achievements at such a young age, but let us. ........... 30 years old... and still: people who work hard are ashamed."

Gao Xiang waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, the main thing is the opportunity. As long as you are willing to work hard and seize the opportunity, I believe you will also succeed."

Zhang Sheng laughed and said, "That's the case, but opportunity is something you want to have. By the way, you are here this time."

"We came here this time mainly because we felt that we had nothing to do, and we came to see how we had to decorate."

Lu Wanxi smiled.

Zhang Sheng nodded and replied, "I thought there was a change."

Then I briefly talked about the current renovation progress: "The main work is the decoration of the main room and the ear room, which is also for the convenience of you to move in as soon as possible, and the rest have not yet started. a few days."

Gao Xiang replied: "No, mainly because I wonder if it is possible to decorate a room that is down to the ground first. Some people may need to come and live there in the near future."

Zhang Sheng said with a smile: "It's a small matter. I'll throw a few people out later, but the decoration plan for the main room should be simpler, and you can move in with your bags at most in two days."

Downside: The main house is a row of houses facing south and north by the door of the house, basically where some nanny or housekeeper live.

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