Gao Xiang smiled and said: "Okay"

Then he introduced Zhao Zihan to Zhang Sheng: "This is my friend. When the decoration is finished, you can contact her directly and she will come to arrange it."

After Gao Xiang's introduction, Zhang Sheng and Zhao Zihan also changed their phone numbers, and then Gao Xiang and the three of them visited the current situation of the courtyard under the leadership of Zhang Sheng.

After strolling around the courtyard, it seems that some people have come up. Although I said that I didn't drink much this time, I drank a lot last night, and the two games were connected.

Feeling a little sleepy, Gao Xiang and Zhang Sheng left the courtyard under the watch.

As soon as he got in the car, Gao Xiang instructed Zhao Zihan: "Take us back to Wanxi's house, I'm a little tired, you can arrange things about Weijun yourself, after he comes over, during the renovation... There is nothing for him to do, and if you are free, let him take care of the flowers and plants in the yard."

Zhao Zihan nodded in response, started the car, and headed for the Lu family's courtyard.

Along the way, Gao Xiang kept on: closing his eyes and resting, he was almost asleep when he got home.

After arriving at the destination, Gao Xiang thought about it and there is really no need to arrange Zhao Zihan, then he said, "It's not too early today, you shouldn't go to the pharmaceutical factory, go home and have a good rest."

Zhao Zihan heard the words and replied: I know, you should go back and rest."

Hearing this, Gao Xiang got out of the car, then opened the trunk and took two of the three bottles of wine sent by Wang Guijun.

At this time, Zhao Zihan also came down, stuffed the remaining bottle of wine into Lu Wanxi's arms and said, "Don't keep this for me, do you think that a girl like me would be interested in baijiu on weekdays?"

Gao Xiang jokingly said: "You also know that you are a girl."

Zhao Zihan glared at Gao Xiang and said angrily, "I'm too lazy to care about you."

After closing the trunk, he sat back in the cab and walked away.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi pinched Gao Xiang's arm and said, "Can't you say something nice?"

Gao Xiang shook his head and smiled and said, "It seems impossible."

When the two returned home, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Lu Yuan and Xia Lan were not at home. Gao Xiang really felt a little tired, so he didn't come to pack up and went to Lu Wanxi's room to fall asleep.

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang who was lying on the bed without even taking off her shoes and shook her head helplessly, "You...take off your shoes before going to sleep, you will wake up like this. It will be tiring."

Gao Xiang didn't move and said, "It's fine, I'll just rest for a while."

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi stepped forward and took off Gao Xiang's shoes, and took off his socks by the way.

Pulling out the quilt and covering it with Gao Xiang, Gao Xiang turned over and lay on the bed with a soft smile and said to Lu Wanxi, "Would you like to rest for a while."

Lu Wanxi shook her head and said, "Go to sleep, I don't drink alcohol, so I can check some information online now."

When Gao Xiang heard the words, he nodded and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Lu Wanxi sat at the computer desk next to her and turned on the computer.

Chapter 1041

Gao Xiang slept very deeply, and when he woke up, the sky had already dimmed, and the lights in the room had been turned on.

After squinting and waiting to get used to the brightness in the room, he struggled to sit up, feeling a little sore on his body, stretched his waist, and sat back on the bed.

The slippers have been placed beside the bed, and the shoes I wore today have disappeared.

Putting on the slippers next to the bed, Gao Xiang moved his leg joints, which were a bit sore and numb, and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

At this time, the yard was already brightly lit, Gao Xiang turned off the wait in the room, and went out directly to the living room.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Lu Wanxi's voice, which seemed to be the experience of the two of them today.

Gao Xiang pushed open the door and entered, and when he saw Lu Wanxi and Lu Yuan and his wife, he said hello, "Uncle, aunt."

All three of them turned to look at Gao Xiang, and Xia Lan asked with concern, "How is it, are you better?"

Gao Xiang nodded and replied, "Much better."

Xia Lan smiled and said, "Okay, then, I'll let the kitchen prepare some porridge for you to nourish your stomach, drink some later.

Come and sit down."

Gao Xiang said gratefully, "Aunt Xie."

After speaking, he stepped forward and sat beside Lu Wanxi.

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang with messy hair and said with a smile, "You don't know how to tidy up a little when you wake up."

As he said that, he helped Gao Xiang's messy hair straighten out with his hands.

Gao Xiang smiled at Lu Wanxi and said, "What were you talking about just now? It sounds very lively."

Lu Wanxi replied, "Just talk about what happened when we went out today."

Lu Yuan said at this time: I heard that you brought back two bottles of good wine."

Then he joked: "I've never seen you drink too much before, but you got drunk when you came across such a good drink."

"It's mainly because I lost my energy last night, and I drank a lot today."

Gao Xiang quickly shook his head when he heard Lu Yuan's words.

The four of them chatted for a while..., the nanny told everyone that dinner was ready.

The dinner was specially made very light, three 3 vegetarian dishes were stir-fried, 4 servings of grape lotus seed porridge, and the main food was steamed bread.

I had no appetite at first, and these three 3 vegetarian dishes suddenly had some appetite, I ate a little, and then drank a bowl of porridge, even if I was full for dinner.

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